E- Reference Manual (For Professor)pgsiari.icar.gov.in/RefrenceManuals/RM3professor_Head.pdf · 2....

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Transcript of E- Reference Manual (For Professor)pgsiari.icar.gov.in/RefrenceManuals/RM3professor_Head.pdf · 2....


E- Reference Manual (For Professor)

(2012) Division of Computer Applications

Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute (ICAR) Library Avenue , Pusa New Delhi-110012

lax.kd vuqiz;ksx izHkkx Hkkjrh; d`f"k lkaf[;dh vuqla/kku laLFkku ¼Hkk-+d`-v-i-½

ykbcszjh ,osU;w] iwlk] ubZ fnYyh 110012


Management System: PG School, IARI

PG School, IARI is a deemed University. It has 25 disciplines in which masters and doctorate degrees are awarded. These include Genetics, Horticulture, Seed Science Technology, Plant Genetics Resources, Post Harvest Technology, Molecular biology & Biotechnology, Plant Physiology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Agronomy, Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Agricultural Physics, Environmental Sciences, Water Science and Technology, Agricultural Engineering, Plant Pathology, Entomology, Nematology, Agricultural Chemicals, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Extension, Agricultural Statistics and Computer Application. These disciplines are physically situated in different buildings that are spread across the Pusa Campus covering different institutes under ICAR such as IARI, IASRI, and NBPGR. With the advances in the Internet technologies and the available network infrastructure, the working of PG School can be automated and an online system can be developed. The PG School, IARI Software Development Committee has also identified the problem. The online capability of the system will allow the students, faculty members and administrators to publish and retrieve the information from their respective disciplines. This would definitely help the users of the system save their time and efforts. The time so saved may be utilized for other development activities of the PG School, scientific research and better education. PG School, IARI Management System is being developed under the IASRI institute funded project "Intranet Solutions for PG School, IARI" by Division of Computer Applications, IASRI. The system helps in achieving the PG School objectives by giving online access to various resources. The system is available at http://www.iasri.res.in to students, faculty members, scientists and administrative staff of PG School, IARI.

1. User Login Account Creation

1.1 Accessing the Login Page 1. Click Start Button on left hand corner of your Monitor Screen. 2. Drag the mouse and place the mouse-pointer over Programs. 3. Look at the pop-up menu on right of the screen and search Internet Explorer. 4. Drag gently mouse-pointer over Internet Explorer. 5. Double-click Internet Explorer to start it. 6. Find address-bar at top of the Internet Explorer Window. 7. Type http://pgs.iasri.res.in/ in the address-bar and press Enter key. 8. You will see the Log-in Page of Management System: P G School, IARI (Fig. 1.1).


Fig. 1.1 : Login page of PG School, IARI.

1.2 Creation of Login Account for New Users

1.2.1 Open User Registration Form 1. Look at Login dialogue-box at top right corner of the Login page in Fig. 1.1. 2. Click on New User button. 3. You will see User Registration page (Fig. 1.2).

1.2.2 Fill User Registration Form The form in Fig. 1.2., contains various items. They are shown in blue color. Each item has some box or list-boxes or radio-buttons next to the item. You need to click inside a box and type in the desired information for *User ID, *First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, *Title, *Father's Name, *Password, *Confirm Password, E-mail, Web Page, Phone, Mobile, *Gender, *Category, *User Type , *D.O.B. *Address Correspondence, *Address Permanent. The items marked with * are mandatory. Password must be 8 characters long and should contain at least one numeric character.


Fig. 1.2 : User registration

1. Fill in the text boxes next to the items name as indicated in above paragraph. 2. As the case may be, click on either Male or Female button next to *Gender item. 3. Click on list-box next to *Category item, drag the mouse pointer to GEN, SC, ST or OBC

and click it as per your category. 4. Click on list-box next to *User Type item, drag the mouse pointer to PG School Official,

Faculty, Student or Teacher as per your status in PG School, IARI. Dean, Professor, Head, Head and Professor, Guide user type is Faculty. Administrator will upgrade the status as per his records.

5. To enter your date of birth in the system, a. Click on first list box next to *D.O.B.item and click on day of your birth. b. Click on second list box next to *D.O.B.item and click on month of your birth. c. Click on third list box next to *D.O.B.item and click on year of your birth.

6. Finally, click on Create My Account button. A sample Registration Form is shown in Fig. 1.3. 7. On clicking the Create My Account button in Fig. 3., you will see the user verification screen

Fig. 1.4. Click ‘Verified’ button, if particulars shown are correct otherwise you may click ‘Edit’ button to edit the information.


Fig. 1.3 : Sample filled in user registration form

1.2.3 Receive Confirmation from the System 1. Click on Edit button, if you see some wrong information in Fig. 1.4. And wants to correct it. 2. Click on Home button in Fig. 1.4, if you do not wish a login account on the system. 3. Click on Reset button in Fig. 1.4, if you want to reset all form values. 4. Click on Verified button, if you believe the information is right and want to proceed with

creation of user account of Management System: PG School IARI. 5. You will get an acknowledgement from the system as in Web-page in Fig. 1.5.


Fig. 1.4 : User verification screen.

Fig. 1.5 : User receiving thanks after registration


1.3 Login after Submission of your Application for Registration

Once you have received thanks from the system Fig. 1.5, the System Administrator will receive your application for Registration. The System Administrator will confirm your identity as a faculty/ Student/ Teacher/PG School Official and authorize you as authenticated user of the system. Once you become an authorized user you can login into the system.

1. Access the website of the system (Section 1.1). 2. Look at Login dialogue-box at top right corner of the Login page in Fig. 1.1. 3. Fill in User Name and Password textboxes 4. Click on Sign In button. 5. You will see a similar page as shown in Fig. 1.6. This is your Home page.

Fig. 1.6 : Home page of a user


2. Personal Settings

2.1 Changing User Id and Password

The authorized user of the system such as students, faculty, guides, professors and heads can change their user Id and password.

1. Choose ‘Change UserId and Pssword’ item from ‘Personal’ menu in Menu bar. 2. Enter new user Id in ‘New User Id’ text box (Fig. 2.1). 3. Enter new password and confirm password in ‘New Password’ and ‘Confirm

Password’ text-boxes respectively. 4. Click on ‘Submit’ button. 5. The user Id and password will be changed in the system.

Fig. 2.1 : Changing user Id and password

2.2 Qualifications

All the authorized users of the system need to fill their prior qualification for the record of the PG School, IARI.

1. Choose ‘Qualifications’ item from ‘Personal’ menu in Menu bar. 2. Select degree from ‘Degree’ combo-box (Fig 2.2). 3. Fill ‘Specialization’, ‘Marks Obtained (% or OGPA)’, ‘Total Marks (100% or Max.

OGPA)’, ‘Year of Passing’ and ‘Subject’ text-boxes. 4. Click ‘Submit’ button. 5. A row of qualification will be generated in Qualification Table. 6. More qualifications may be added to the table by repeating steps 2 through 5 (Fig

2.2). 7. A user may enter as many degrees as he likes. The qualification table will show all the

entered qualifications. 8. Click on ‘Remove’ to delete any qualification.


Fig. 2.2 : Updating qualifications of the users

2.3 Edit Profile

All the authorized users of the system can update their profile.

1. Choose ‘Edit Basic Profile’ item from ‘Personal’ menu in Menu bar. 2. Fill the profile items as per the form (Fig2.3). 3. Click on ‘Submit’ button to update the changed fields. 4. User can update their profile fields as and when required.


Fig. 2.3 : Changing user profile fields


3. Professor’s Rights and Responsibilities: Board of Studies

Professor of each discipline is the chairman of Board of Studies and has rights to add approved courses, offer courses in each trimester, allocate faculty to these courses, and allocate guide to every student. All these tasks are carried out through BoS Menu.

3. 1 Adding New Courses:

1. Choose ‘Add Courses’ from BoS item of the menu bar (Fig. 3.1). 2. Write Course Number and Course Name in the textboxes (Fig. 3.1). 3. Click on ‘Add Course’ button (Fig. 3.1). 4. A new row will be generated in the End of the table (Fig. 3.1). 5. Click on ‘Modify’ for adding new or updating existing course information (Fig. 3.1). 6. Modify/add the existing/new course information in the form (Fig. 3.2). 7. Click on ‘Save’ button (Fig. 3.2).

Fig. 3.1 : Add new courses page for the professor


Fig. 3.2 Adding syllabus and other particulars of a new course

3. 2 Offering Course in a Trimester:

1. Choose ‘Offer Courses’ from BoS item of the menu bar. 2. Select ‘Academic Year’ and ‘Trimester’ e.g. 2009-10 and I Trimester as shown in

Fig. 3.3. 3. Click ‘Add Courses Offered in Trimester’ button. 4. The Offer Courses form opens up as shown in Fig. 3.4. 5. Select desired courses from ‘COURSES’ box and move them to ‘SELECTED

COURSES’ using move right button (>>). 6. You can remove desired courses from ‘SELECTED COURSES’ box by selecting

them and using move left button (<<). 7. Click on ‘Save Changes’ button.


Fig. 3.3 : Offering courses for a trimester in an academic year

Fig. 3.4 : Selecting offered courses for a trimester in an academic year

3. 3 Allocating Faculty to Courses:

1. Choose ‘Allocate Faculty’ from ‘BoS’ item of the menu bar.


Fig. 3.5 : Allocating faculty to courses 2. The screen displays all the offered courses in the academic year (2009-10) along with the

trimester in which it is offered (Fig. 3.5). 3. Click on ‘Allocate’ for allocating faculty to a course. 4. The Allocate faculty form will appear (Fig. 3.6). 5. Select ‘Course Leader’, ‘Course Associate 1’ and ‘Course Associate 2’ from combo-

boxes from your discipline. 6. Click on ‘Allocate’ button. 7. Click on Reset button to reset your values.


Fig. 3.6 : Allocating faculty to a course from parent discipline

8. If you want to allocate faculty from other discipline, click on ‘Choose from Other Discipline’.

9. Select ‘Discipline’ and click on ‘Submit’ button on the next screen (Fig.3.7).

Fig. 3.7 : Selecting discipline for allocating faculty to a course from other discipline

10. Select ‘Course Instructor’ from ‘Choose Course Instructor from Other Discipline’ combo-box (Fig.3.8).

11. Click on ‘Allocate’ button. The faculty from other discipline will be allocated to the course.


Fig. 3.8 : Choosing faculty member from other discipline for allocating to the course 3. 4 Allocating Guide to Student: 1. Choose ‘Allocate Guide’ from BoS item of the menu bar. 2. Select ‘Enrolment Year’ and ‘Degree’ from combo-boxes e.g. 2010 and M.Sc. in the next

screen (Fig. 3.9). 3. Click on ‘Submit’ button.

Fig. 3.9 Choosing enrollment year and degree of students for allocating guide

4. The Allocate Guide page shows all the admitted students for the selected enrolment year and degree (Fig. 3.10 ).

5. Click on ‘Allocate’ to allocate the Guide for a particular student (Fig. 3.10). 6. Select Guide name from ‘Course Guide’ Combo-box and click on ‘Allocate’ button (Fig.

3.11). 7. Click on ‘Reset’ button to remove former Guide name.


Fig. 3.10 : Allocating guide for an enrollment year and a degree

Fig. 3.11 : Choosing name of the guide for a student


4.1 Professor approval of PPW

All Professors need to approve the PPW of his/her students before sending it to Head. They should do this after the approval of PPW by the guide of the student. 1. Choose ‘Professor Approval of PPW’ from PPW item of menu bar. 2. The next page will show all the students of Professor’s discipline. The page also shows

the status of the PPW i.e. whether or not it is approved/pending by the guide/head/professor (Fig. 4.1).

3. ‘Guide Approval Pending’ means guide has not yet approved the student’s PPW though student have submitted PPW. ‘Professor Approval Pending’ means guide has approved the student’s PPW and it is ready to be approved by Professor’. ‘Head Approval Pending’ means Guide and Professor have approved the student’s PPW and it is ready to be approved by Head’.

4. Click on a student name containing ‘Professor’s Approval Pending’ in the next column (Fig. 4.1).

5. On the next page student PPW is shown. If the guide has approved it, the buttons ‘Approve PPW’ and ‘DisApprove PPW’ will also appear on the page. If the guide has not approved it, then the message: Guide has not approved the student PPW appears at the bottom of the page (Fig. 4.2).

6. Click on ‘Approve PPW’ button to approve the PPW after ensuring that student has entered necessary information such as minor disciplines, advisory committee members with their approval, courses to be undertaken, thesis title as mentioned in section 3.1.5 (Fig. 4.2).

7. Click on ‘Disapprove PPW’ button to disapprove the PPW and also give the reason for disapproval in the textbox, if any shortcoming is found in PPW form (Fig. 3.10).


Fig. 4.1 : Professor’s view of the students for PPW approval


Fig. 4.2 : Buttons for Approval/Disapproval of student PPW by professor

5.1 Professor approval of ORW

All Professors need to approve the ORW of his/her students before sending it to Head. They should do this after the approval of ORW by the guide of the student. 1 . Choose ‘Professor Approval of ORW’ from ORW item of menu bar. 2. The next page will show all the students of Professor’s discipline. The page also shows the status of the ORW i.e. whether or not it is approved/pending by the guide/head/professor (Fig. 5.1 ). 3. ‘Guide Approval Pending’ means guide has not yet approved the student’s ORW though student have submitted ORW. ‘Professor Approval Pending’ means guide has approved the student’s ORW and it is ready to be approved by Professor’. ‘Head Approval Pending’ means Guide and Professor have approved the student’s ORW and it is ready to be approved by Head’. 4. Click on a student name containing ‘Professor’s Approval Pending’ in the next column (Fig. 5.1.).


Fig 5.1 : Showing status at the professor level of all the students. 5. On the next page student PPW is shown. If the guide has approved it, the buttons ‘Approve ORW’ and ‘Disapprove ORW’ will also appear on the page. If the guide has not approved it, then the message: Guide has not approved the student ORW appears at the bottom of the page (Fig. 5.2). 6. Click on ‘Approve PPW’ button to approve the ORW. Click on ‘Disapprove ORW’ button to disapprove the ORW and also give the reason for disapproval in the textbox, if any shortcoming is found in ORW form (Fig 5.2.). 7. After clicking on ORW button , a screen is shown with signature of Proffesor. (Fig.5.3)


Fig. 5.2 :Showing approve ORW or disapprove ORW buttons


Fig 5.3 : Showing approval of ORW by proffesor


6.1 Professor Approval of Students for Registering in Courses

1. Click ‘Professor Approval of Students’ from item Courses from Menu bar. 2. Select Academic Year and Trimester from the list.(Fig 6.1) 3. Click on submit button. 4. The next page will show the list of students of the discipline (Fig. 6.2) along with the

status. 5. Click on student name to see all his registered courses (Fig. 6.3). 6. Click on Approve button to register the student. The register button appears only if all

courses are approved by faculty as well as by guide.

Fig. 6.1 Professor approval of students (select Academic Year & Trimester)

Fig. 6.2 : Professor’s approval of student registration for courses


Fig. 6.3 : Professor approval of student registration for courses


7.1 Professor approval of Progress Report

1. Professor has approve or disapprove progress report of student. (Fig 7.1)

2. After that Professor will receive message “Information has been updated. Professor has signed with date” . ( Fig 7.2) or disapproval message.

3. This ensures that Professor has successfully approved or disapproved progress report.


Fig. 7.1


Fig. 7.2


Reference Manual (For Head)


Division of Computer Applications

Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute (ICAR) Library Avenue , Pusa New Delhi-110012

lax.kd vuqiz;ksx izHkkx Hkkjrh; d`f"k lkaf[;dh vuqla/kku laLFkku ¼Hkk-+d`-v-i-½

ykbcszjh ,osU;w] iwlk] ubZ fnYyh 110012


Management System: PG School, IARI

PG School, IARI is a deemed University. It has 25 disciplines in which masters and doctorate degrees are awarded. These include Genetics, Horticulture, Seed Science Technology, Plant Genetics Resources, Post Harvest Technology, Molecular biology & Biotechnology, Plant Physiology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Agronomy, Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Agricultural Physics, Environmental Sciences, Water Science and Technology, Agricultural Engineering, Plant Pathology, Entomology, Nematology, Agricultural Chemicals, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Extension, Agricultural Statistics and Computer Application. These disciplines are physically situated in different buildings that are spread across the Pusa Campus covering different institutes under ICAR such as IARI, IASRI, and NBPGR. With the advances in the Internet technologies and the available network infrastructure, the working of PG School can be automated and an online system can be developed. The PG School, IARI Software Development Committee has also identified the problem. The online capability of the system will allow the students, faculty members and administrators to publish and retrieve the information from their respective disciplines. This would definitely help the users of the system save their time and efforts. The time so saved may be utilized for other development activities of the PG School, scientific research and better education. PG School, IARI Management System is being developed under the IASRI institute funded project "Intranet Solutions for PG School, IARI" by Division of Computer Applications, IASRI. The system helps in achieving the PG School objectives by giving online access to various resources. The system is available at http://www.iasri.res.in to students, faculty members, scientists and administrative staff of PG School, IARI.

1. User Login Account Creation

1.1 Accessing the Login Page 9. Click Start Button on left hand corner of your Monitor Screen. 10. Drag the mouse and place the mouse-pointer over Programs. 11. Look at the pop-up menu on right of the screen and search Internet Explorer. 12. Drag gently mouse-pointer over Internet Explorer. 13. Double-click Internet Explorer to start it. 14. Find address-bar at top of the Internet Explorer Window. 15. Type http://pgs.iasri.res.in/ in the address-bar and press Enter key. 16. You will see the Log-in Page of Management System: P G School, IARI (Fig. 1.1).


Fig. 1.1 : Login page of PG School, IARI.

1.2 Creation of Login Account for New Users

1.2.1 Open User Registration Form 4. Look at Login dialogue-box at top right corner of the Login page in Fig. 1.1. 5. Click on New User button. 6. You will see User Registration page (Fig. 1.2).

1.2.4 Fill User Registration Form The form in Fig. 1.2., contains various items. They are shown in blue color. Each item has some box or list-boxes or radio-buttons next to the item. You need to click inside a box and type in the desired information for *User ID, *First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, *Title, *Father's Name, *Password, *Confirm Password, E-mail, Web Page, Phone, Mobile, *Gender, *Category, *User Type , *D.O.B. *Address Correspondence, *Address Permanent. The items marked with * are mandatory. Password must be 8 characters long and should contain at least one numeric character.


Fig. 1.2 : User registration

8. Fill in the text boxes next to the items name as indicated in above paragraph. 9. As the case may be, click on either Male or Female button next to *Gender item. 10. Click on list-box next to *Category item, drag the mouse pointer to GEN, SC, ST or OBC

and click it as per your category. 11. Click on list-box next to *User Type item, drag the mouse pointer to PG School Official,

Faculty, Student or Teacher as per your status in PG School, IARI. Dean, Professor, Head, Head and Professor, Guide user type is Faculty. Administrator will upgrade the status as per his records.

12. To enter your date of birth in the system, a. Click on first list box next to *D.O.B.item and click on day of your birth. b. Click on second list box next to *D.O.B.item and click on month of your birth. c. Click on third list box next to *D.O.B.item and click on year of your birth.

13. Finally, click on Create My Account button. A sample Registration Form is shown in Fig. 1.3. 14. On clicking the Create My Account button in Fig. 3., you will see the user verification screen

Fig. 1.4. Click ‘Verified’ button, if particulars shown are correct otherwise you may click ‘Edit’ button to edit the information.


Fig. 1.3 : Sample filled in user registration form

1.2.5 Receive Confirmation from the System 6. Click on Edit button, if you see some wrong information in Fig. 1.4. And wants to correct it. 7. Click on Home button in Fig. 1.4, if you do not wish a login account on the system. 8. Click on Reset button in Fig. 1.4, if you want to reset all form values. 9. Click on Verified button, if you believe the information is right and want to proceed with

creation of user account of Management System: PG School IARI. 10. You will get an acknowledgement from the system as in Web-page in Fig. 1.5.


Fig. 1.4 : User verification screen.

Fig. 1.5 : User receiving thanks after registration


1.3 Login after Submission of your Application for Registration

Once you have received thanks from the system Fig. 1.5, the System Administrator will receive your application for Registration. The System Administrator will confirm your identity as a faculty/ Student/ Teacher/PG School Official and authorize you as authenticated user of the system. Once you become an authorized user you can login into the system.

6. Access the website of the system (Section 1.1). 7. Look at Login dialogue-box at top right corner of the Login page in Fig. 1.1. 8. Fill in User Name and Password textboxes 9. Click on Sign In button. 10. You will see a similar page as shown in Fig. 1.6. This is your Home page.

Fig. 1.6 : Home page of a user


2. Personal Settings

2.1 Changing User Id and Password

The authorized user of the system such as students, faculty, guides, professors and heads can change their user Id and password.

6. Choose ‘Change UserId and Pssword’ item from ‘Personal’ menu in Menu bar. 7. Enter new user Id in ‘New User Id’ text box (Fig. 2.1). 8. Enter new password and confirm password in ‘New Password’ and ‘Confirm

Password’ text-boxes respectively. 9. Click on ‘Submit’ button. 10. The user Id and password will be changed in the system.

Fig. 2.1 : Changing user Id and password

2.2 Qualifications

All the authorized users of the system need to fill their prior qualification for the record of the PG School, IARI.

9. Choose ‘Qualifications’ item from ‘Personal’ menu in Menu bar. 10. Select degree from ‘Degree’ combo-box (Fig 2.2). 11. Fill ‘Specialization’, ‘Marks Obtained (% or OGPA)’, ‘Total Marks (100% or Max.

OGPA)’, ‘Year of Passing’ and ‘Subject’ text-boxes. 12. Click ‘Submit’ button. 13. A row of qualification will be generated in Qualification Table. 14. More qualifications may be added to the table by repeating steps 2 through 5 (Fig

2.2). 15. A user may enter as many degrees as he likes. The qualification table will show all the

entered qualifications. 16. Click on ‘Remove’ to delete any qualification.


Fig. 2.2 : Updating qualifications of the users

2.3 Edit Profile

All the authorized users of the system can update their profile.

5. Choose ‘Edit Basic Profile’ item from ‘Personal’ menu in Menu bar. 6. Fill the profile items as per the form (Fig2.3). 7. Click on ‘Submit’ button to update the changed fields. 8. User can update their profile fields as and when required.


Fig. 2.3 : Changing user profile fields


3.1 Head approval of PPW

All Heads need to approve the PPW of his/her students before sending it to Head. They should do this after the approval of PPW by the Professor of the student. 1. Choose ‘Head Approval of PPW’ from PPW item of menu bar. 2. The next page will show all the students of Head’s discipline. The page also shows the

status of the PPW i.e. whether or not it is approved/pending by the guide/head/professor (Fig. 3.1).

3. ‘Guide Approval Pending’ means guide has not yet approved the student’s PPW though student have submitted PPW. ‘Professor Approval Pending’ means guide has approved the student’s PPW and it is ready to be approved by Professor’. ‘Head Approval Pending’ means Guide and Professor have approved the student’s PPW and it is ready to be approved by Head’.

4. Click on a student name containing ‘Head Approval Pending’ in the next column (Fig. 3.1).

5. On the next page student PPW is shown. If the guide has not approved it, then the message: Guide has not approved the student PPW appears at the bottom of the page. If the professor has not approved it, then the message: Professor has not approved the student PPW appears at the bottom of the page. If the guide and professor has approved it, the buttons ‘Approve PPW’ and ‘Disapprove PPW’ appears on the page(Fig. 3.2)

6. Click on ‘Approve PPW’ button to approve the PPW after ensuring that student has entered necessary information such as minor disciplines, advisory committee members with their approval, courses to be undertaken, thesis title as mentioned in section (Fig. 3.2).

7. Click on ‘Disapprove PPW’ button to disapprove the PPW and also give the reason for disapproval in the textbox, if any shortcoming is found in PPW form (Fig. 3.2).

Fig. 3.1 : Head’s view of the students for PPW approval


Fig. 3.2 Buttons for Approval/Disapproval of student PPW by Head


4.1 Head approval of ORW

All Heads need to approve the ORW of his/her students before sending it to Dean. They should do this after the approval of ORW by the Professor of the student. 1.Choose ‘Head Approval of ORW’ from ORW item of menu bar.

1. The next page will show all the students of Head’s discipline. The page also shows the status of the ORW i.e. whether or not it is approved/pending by the guide/head/professor (Fig.4.1).

2. ‘Guide Approval Pending’ means guide has not yet approved the student’s ORW though student have submitted ORW . ‘Professor Approval Pending’ means guide has approved the student’s ORW and it is ready to be approved by Professor’. ‘Head Approval Pending’ means Guide and Professor have approved the student’s ORW and it is ready to be approved by Head’.

3. Click on a student name containing ‘Head Approval Pending’ in the next column (Fig.4.1).

Fig 4.1 : Showing status of student at head level

4. On the next page student ORW is shown. If the guide has not approved it, then the message: Guide has not approved the student ORW appears at the bottom of the page. If the professor has not approved it, then the message: Professor has not approved the student ORW appears at the bottom of the page. If the guide and professor has approved it, the buttons ‘Approve ORW’ and ‘Disapprove ORW’ appears on the page(Fig.4.2)

5. Click on ‘Approve ORW’ button to approve the ORW (Fig.4.2). 6. Click on ‘Disapprove ORW’ button to disapprove the ORW and also give the reason

for disapproval in the textbox, if any shortcoming is found in ORW form (Fig.4.2).


Fig 4.2 : Showing approve and disApprove ORW button at head level