E Health; Building Bridges - Bringing clinicians and patients closer through social media (90m ver)

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Transcript of E Health; Building Bridges - Bringing clinicians and patients closer through social media (90m ver)

Building Bridges

Bringing clinicians and patients closer through social media

By JC Duarte | The Strategy Guy @ www.thestrategyguysite.com


we have

3 objectives

Spark awareness, understanding and comfort around social

media & it’s role in Healthcare

Challenge you to adopt social

media into your practices

Share key learning’s and give

you practical approaches you can immediately

put to work

What do we mean by social media?

<< REWIND <<


Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/belljar/18171527/sizes/m/

Trusted relationships

Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/11164709@N06/4387457002/sizes/o/


Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jesuscm/3944482796/sizes/l/


Why is social media interesting to practioners?

6 Reasons Why

Decrease in search. Increase in community.

Source: Awareness

The Community Numbers

2,000+ social networks

160 million communities

1.6 billion people online

950 million social network members

350 million community members

Source: Awareness

Who are your stakeholders?

Average age across social networks

How have you served them up until now?

Case Study

Accelerating Diabetes Education & Empowering The Diabetes Community Through Social Media Technologies

The Story

The Founders Story

A Burning Passion

Filling a Need

Trial & Error


Non-viable Business Model

Accidental innovation

Content is King

No Strategic Plan = Chaos


What does success look like?

• HCP’s; “the webinar provided valuable information that will help me treat my patients with diabetes” (53% agreed, 47% strongly agreed)

• Patients; 95% of webinar attendees indicated that the experience met or exceeded their expectations

• Patients; 93% of webinar attendees requested more information regarding our client's products

• Patients; Over 80% of our engaged audience reduced their A1c and their BMI levels

Practioners be aware

What’s wrong with this picture?


Beginner, Intermediate, or Expert

Beginner, Intermediate or Expert

Beginner– Twitter / Hootsuite– Facebook Fan Page

Intermediate– Blog

Expert– Guest Contributor– Branded Community

The Social Media Relationship Cycle

Your Offering

Results/Pulse Check





Phase 1

Phase #1

Your Offering

Results/Pulse Check




Acquisition/ Uptake

What are you thinking of offering?

Is there really a need?

Who are your key stakeholders?

How do they currently behave?

Before you start…




What does success look like?

Over what period of time?

How are they tied to your business goals?

How and when will you measure success?

Paint a picture…

You can’t manage what you don’t measure

Phase #2

Phase #3

What is your budget?

What internal + external people will you need?

Build or white label?

Where will you gather content?

Can you source sponsors?

The social media plan

If you don’t have your own plan you become a part of somebody elses

Phase #4

How are they segmented?

Where do they hang out?

How will you reach out to them?

What’s are the different carrots you’ll offer?

Go get them!

Focused, Targeted and Authentic

Phase #5

When do you know you’ve achieved success?

How does your community fit into your stakeholders life?

Formalized referral?

Integrating your CRM?

Return on investment

The proof is in the numbers

Phase #6

Keeping your relationships engaged

Deepening relationships

Loyalty initiatives?


Don’t give up to early!

Aim to distribute the workload by engaging your community





10 things your grandmother can teach you about social media

By Eric Fulwiler from Social Media Today

Mind your manners

Social media is still social. Even though we are interacting in a virtual space, the same traditional social rules, laws, and faux pas still apply. If you act like a jerk, don’t expect many friends.

Tuck in your shirt

How you present yourself is just as important in the virtual world as it is in the real world. Make sure you are always aware of how you appear to others.

Send a thank you card

People still appreciate being appreciated. It really doesn’t take much to convert an acquaintance to a friend, which will offer exponentially more value.

A simple thank you, or any genuinely human interaction of gratitude goes a long way towards this goal.

Keep your elbows off the table

Acting respectfully in front of others proves that you value them, which will usually make them value you more. And in social media, it’s all about value.

Turn your music down

Don’t contribute to the noise.

Listen to whatever you want in your own personal space, but when your personal preferences start to become a distraction to others, people will tune you out.

Finish what you started

Any way you look at it, engagement is a commitment. When you make an effort to become part of a community, it’s not only up to you when or how often you interact with other members.

If you put yourself out there as a friend, be prepared to be there when people reach out to you.

Finish your vegetables

There are some aspects of social media that aren’t sexy. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t important to your growth and health.

Make sure you are keeping up with the essentials, and not just chasing that buzz you get from a social sugar high.

Whatever happened to a good old fashioned…?

Sometimes all these new gadgets and thingamabobs aren’t as important or effective as we make them out to be. Sometimes a good old fashioned email, phone call, or even in person “get-together” can accomplish things that social media can’t.

A man is only as good as his word.

The currency of social media is trust (or social capital). And if people can’t trust you, you have no value to them.

Think twice before you speak.

You can always say something, but you can never take it back. Especially in social media where everything you say can be heard by anyone, forever, there are just too many “finites” to not reconsider everything you say before you say it.

Collaborative Effort

Twitter; @strategyguyE-mail; jc@jcduarte.comBlog; http://thestrategyguysite.com/LinkedIn; http://www.linkedin.com/in/jcduarte