e. dyandNA GA ON Oufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/AA/00/06/29/47/00070/00007.pdf · THE DALILY...

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Transcript of e. dyandNA GA ON Oufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/AA/00/06/29/47/00070/00007.pdf · THE DALILY...


CHANGES IN HE MARKETSforrussets. The receipts are about ten cara to- narys91-1.baNet receipts, 1,605, bles; gos Ire-;TABA N SEHHPLN

CHANGES IN THE MIA RKETS day. Iceps1, 10 bales epor oswie 8 bales- sava nah, H rida W esern S, i] SEAMSE[UIP INES. ..

NEW YORK, December 27.-Scobel & Day re- sales, 80 bales, stock, 47,621 bales. port as follows: 5,500 cases of Valencia oranges CHARLESTON, December 28.-Cotton, steady. .

UPSANDDOWNS OF GRAIN, PROVISIONS were auctioned at from $4 to $3.75, and 11,300 Middlings, 915-18. Net and gross receipts, ANDTHESTUFFS. boxes Palermo oranges, at from $2 to $1. 50 per 2,963 bales; exports to Great Britain, 1,103 Toe :,roo c er t here twisora:c oWaycross Short Line. f6500 boxes, and to-morrow we will auction bales. From FERNA1NDINA,

Correct Reports of -the Local, Wholesale tose consigned to us. It is rather surprising SAVANNAH, December 28.-Cotton steady. Time Card In Effeet Nov. 18, 1887. every Wednesday and Saturday. and Rtail Markets-What theNeceshat a small proportion of choice fruit is con- Middlings, 95-8; low middlings, oY4o bl f db From NEW YORK, Pier 21, E. R., every Tuesday and Fride7. t ng from Florida qatapresent the great bulk nary, 8%. Net and gross receipts, 6,079 bales; All trains of this road are run by Central

sites of Life are Bringing in the Cities. being of ordinary quaty, an russets. exports to Great Britain, 8,886 bales: exports Standard Time. Passenger Trains will leave BOSTON, Mass.,December 24.-yessrs. Blake coastwise, 5,728 bales; sales, 1,250 bales; Stock, and arrive daily as follows: Freight rates always the Lowest., P singer Rates always the Lowest. Leave8 bales ..... ..... ....... FAS 30 am Sea sips: STATE OF TEXAS, CITYOF SANANTONIO, CARONDELET, RIO GQR A DL

JACKSONVILLE MARKET. aibleny ortal toth unureobdetade 1 bALVESTON, December 28. - Cotton, steady. Leave Ja nIllN FAST..L.. 730 am S

ly of the w it he receipts being fully 18, Middlings, 9 15-16: low middlings, 9 9-16; good ive 7Wa-rss ................. ............. a19 48g aTtmh Wholesale.o and ordinary, 91-16. Net and gross receipts. 1,766 Savannah ............................. 122 p trains from Jacksonville, Orlando, and other points in JACKSONvsLE December 28.n 5, b the avan bales; ex rts coastwise, 4,060 bales; sales, 2,710 " Charleston ..... ... p............m .. . pm Florida.

We ~ B ir sok,1 ,4bae." Richmond ............................. 6 54 am .lrarkets almost entirely bare of grain in psaer, wries loo foro s bete priceso We........................s..... Ciyo1a1A tno................4ee br2 conse uence'of blockades W L N, Decem ber ?8.-Cottn steady. B, o n....aacy City of San Antonio ................. ..... Decem ber

nsuf~~~~~~~~~~s "~~~1 ,9ke~ i owup rt t o a mcaie ati gs 92 % ; good0 orador .. ............... . . . . . . 2 1 p

t est. Two cargoes, however, are on the Middlings, 9;low middhugs,9%; good ordi- 310 , A State of Texas. ......... ........ .. December 28 -Messrs. Barnette lph]ia ......................... ... 3 10 in, .0.. ... .D cm 3 fwa rom Baltimore, and almost due, and they CHICAGO, December 26. Messrs. Barnett nary, 87-16 Net and gross receipts, 160: bales; "New Yor ....... ....................... 5 50 pm < Caroad let .... ... December I

wes to fill back orders. Bros. quote fancy oranges from $2.75 to $3.50; stock, 22,413 bales. City. of San Antonio ................. January & are tirm at the advance. block of hay am le choice, $3 to $3.25; russets, $2 to $2.50. Receipts NORFOLK,PDecember 28.--Cotton, steady. Jacksonville. [.e Ctas.fa.... ...... .. .. January frd m n ,b tprices ae sif nnar lih ;tew t erico.Middlings, 10 6, et and gross receipts, NEW ORLEANS, EXPRESS. City of San Antonio'. . ... .. ..... an ryt

rdth Wesna dibe rtis aPHILADEPHIA Decembe St.-E. Roberts &5iITtONtnd olrc Leave Januao vi .. 1RS4 0a t Axtli advancing quotations in teW s.F riizer P IA EPID c m e -E. oers& 5,314 bales; exports coastwise, 757 bales;,sales, eaeJacksonville ............................. 7 30 a m Wq State of Texas ..... !. ........ . . .. ....... January Ut :

trade is unusally active, and supply hardly Co. say that the orange market is quiet. 1,867 bales; stock, 51,611 bales. ArriveWaycross ............................ , 9 48 am up to the demand for standard goods. Auew Brights, $2.00 to $3.00; russets, $75 to $2.00. AUUSA. December 28. -- Cotton teay. Banbrdge.. .. "" 3 35 p in Attention of shippers of oranges eto tIs called to the superior facilities offered by ttom. and unknown brand is almost impossible to BALTIMORE, December 26.-Messrs. Dix & Middlings, ; low mbdlings, 9 7-16. Receipts, op ......... mn A o seRAIN-White corn, Backed car lots, 74c per Wilkins report the market well stocked and 1,144 bales; sales, 704 balls. P Pensacola, via L. & N. R. it. 10 10 pm Mi. Lowest Rates, No Transfer :3a andin30 with dispatch.

RIN- ess t n r s 75 e r bushes thedeman light, with quotations about the Mobile, via L.&N. R. .............. 215 am - Trains leave sonville at 80 u. m. and 4: p. . via Florida Railway and Na tki buh(1'ls tancr os, 5 erb she..m~ e a las t o td qutamerois about wthe -idins Coton firm miiins 9 V rd

bixed lessathan car ots, per bushel. reported. A steamer is here with MEidors, December 28ag 9Y2; Cotton.ir " New Orleans, via L. & N. R.R ........ 7 10 am Companys "New Belt Road," landing passengers on Steamships' wharf foot of Centre trees 10,000boxes f Messna an Palero ora~es Bufet Cas to adnfromJacksovilleFernanina. Frtherrnformtionate roomstattroomsttickescetcffro

Mess than car lots, 75c per bushels White oats 10,000 boxes of essina and Palermo oranges Mdry, 8 :. Net receids, 3,053 b es;r Pullman Bullet Cars to and from Jacksonville eFurth r c ars d a y . T h i s b u s es l ies s th a m akr l o w reri esp s a, , 0 b l ; s hp m e t s 5 , 5 1 0 b le s : a n d N e w O r l e a n s , v i a P e n s a c o l a a n d M o b i l e .

ossacked, carlots d44c per bh leR l t 1 om 2ake l Tores rece 3 0 bs - s e ATLANTIC COAST LINE EXPRESS. mJ. I. CUTLER Passenger Agent, los 5 er bushel., Mixed oats, akd a sales, 3,4@] bales; stok, 186,654 ales. lots, 4o per bushel: less than car lots. 41me around. Russets, $2 to $2.50; brights, $3,to Leave Jacksonville......; ...................... 2 00y pim p e e b h e . $ 3 .2 5 ; f a n c y , $ 8 .5 0 . S T . L o u i s , D e c e m b e r 2 8 .- -C o t t o n , fi r m . L e a v e C a lla h a n . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ... . . .. . . . . . 2 4 2 p in W O T W C g n ; F r a d n , F a . 5 W a t a k o v l ¢ i ;

S eiddlings, 9 13-16; low middlings, 97-16; good Arriveaycross .......... lg 3. i i t W. SOUTHWICK, Agent Fernaniina, Fla. 75 W. Bay St., Jksonville Fla. o;esht ha a t, rl. er on. MONETARY MATTERS. ordinary, 815-16. Net receipts, 8,069 bales Savannah. 7H. .RAY OND,Gen. avelingAg er~o~ ; le s th n 'car lots, .3 1.00 ergtross ecee p si 8152, ales; ship entse7,;9 Cha lestn:.,, 7,'* .........a.......o1 5.am...H.RAYM N D,.en..raveling5gent

prairie $15.00 per ton, pecal to the N WS-H . b s se ,000bales; s tk , 813 ales. W ilmington ............. ... .......... 825 am . H. MALLORY &:CO., Gen. Agents, Pier 20, E. R., New York City. B R t -$2.00perto . N w Y R Deembr 8.- one cose a Weldon .......... •........................ 2 40 p i

GRMN - Per ton, $.00. NEW YORK, December 28.-Money closed at ClNCINNATI, December 28.- Cotton, firm. " Richmond .......................... e. t 600 pm

COTTON SEED OIL, 52p. per gallon. 4 per cent., the lowest rate. The highest Middlings, 9; low middling, 9 5-8; ood ordi- Wash 1 .. m C (O T T O N S E E D 'M E A r - B e st q u a lity . $ 21-00 I-a te w a s 7 p er ce n t. E x ch a n g e c l se d ' 'n a r y , 8% . ec e p ts, 3 ,695 b a les; s hp m e n t s , N ew or . .. . . . .. :. . . . . . . . 6 50 a m iLnE

a22.00 per to MI a Sead Island a l e 1,683bales; sto 8,985bales. Pullman Buffet Sleeping Care from Jacksonvilleto tnsteady; posted rates, 84.83%a&7 acua rays EAS M .RD EPES

tOPEAs-Whippoorwlls,$1.35perbushel:black $4.80 %4,83 for 60,days and 4.8634a4.860( frmiddlis, 10D 8low rmdlig(sot0n; LeaveJackson11.0.I.E...415pm eyes, $1.30 per hushel: clays, $1.35 perbushel: for demand. Governments closed steady: cur- good ordinary, 9-: net receipts, 232 bales; "W ........ 7 20 pm mixed, $1.25 per bushel gross receipts, 978 bales, stook, 25,066 bales. 'Gainesville. . ... ... .. 4

FeRTILIZERS'German ainit, $13.00 per ton t ren y 6s, 119 bid; 4s, c fun)ons, 127 0d; ips, LobalesM bi tl .......................... 3 pi ulchate of potash, -- 00 per ton; palmetto do, O 108Y bid. Pacif railroad bonds closed BOSTON, December 28. - Cotton, quiet. LNew Ora ... via. .. ........ 6 2,pm *

EMENT--Prtland, er arl 8 o sen werti114 1Midelnoswe to; low middlis is, e t Bgood ordi- s tThcaasviale ....................... 10 55 pm r r ahos ha ne, per barrel, Sco. as follows : Uniun, firsts, e t k re y Net receipts, bales; gross re- orrmve A>eany ...... ...................... n. a"1 22 aEm land plaster, $1 per ton; i11 grade pure lno eup ou. EAST T

0atl~ ents anda neta R. R d I altesok eefo o e et o e r e yrs.......... ......... 72 am

fl~ gou db ne 4.pe r on grants, 103 to 106: do sinking fund 113 to 116: eps 9,370 bales. "Moblva . . .nmeryva enr RR.......:..152 mm /

fi0 cen boe, td 1 0 etn. -ttr iner thnte lsdls ihadrmie otnSe i. rcp~via ETV. & G. R. R.:....... 3155 am invr hrdya olw TACCO Sor e o 1 a c pe r wa C enrl 11abou t at tha lev el upenn to lo'cltock ixty pr N a Debember 28.--Cotton seoil e arln'os, vi v & N. R. R . pSteamer SEIOE2......... .. p.m. ... TusaDcebr 48t

ToA, $18.00; baled per ton, $14.00 bu, p markcent of this morning hwas irregular, some of BuffetMiddlingslings, 10; good Nashville, vs L. & N. R. R coache..... ..... o a7 n Sm05 pemrHRKE .. ... ............... T Dcme 1

cents; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ rdnr fury 8n15 cents;ts goat skins; 10os cent ingsile and Laka.na whc bot shwe ex .. from.. Jaks1v2 adCtano.eam e SNOe a..m.s...p ............... Thrdy ebr148 m

wi ME-Easter , ck barrel lots a tath$of Emperr"Williaml n , via B .& W .R.R 20 am b a r r e l l o t s a t $ 1 . 4 0 ; l e s s t h sn 1 0 0 a t $ s50 . t h e l i s t b e i n g f r a c t i o n a l l y h i g he s ahle h efsf 6Ra i.O ORba l e s : e x p o re r GT rrete a t "a 2 , 7 O *L 0r aa8 V i

Bae, per barrel, $2.00. Pullman Buffett Cars toand from JacksonvilleeO ; - k s m u t d nv :60ai t. s l 5:sTR-Caciin, erbare, 2.5. .only moderately active. Thie coal stocks as a WEST, POINT, VA., December 28.-Cotton. and St. Louis, via Thomasville, Montgomery and The Elegant Steamers of this Line are aponted to sail

1, cK-Nortdern, per.1,000 $11; Arlington s group seemed a little heavier than other stocks receipts EFFEC Ua Y ot. 23, 8 arle. $10. " and together with Louisville and Nashvil bls EAST TENNESSEE EXPRESS.

r e , -14pr ond, a nd withoutfeatureofinterest TheB s LOUISVILLE A December 28.-Cotton firm. i Leave Jacksonville ......................... a v 7 00 pm .. . Foaes lnet coptntr sed, 10 ctmade was the first to decline. By 11 o'clock nearly Middlings, 9N1 . Callahan ............................. Sm 7 40 p.

o ha ly e$500 51 . Sunday aRv DEPART. Sta e YEMAsSEE .. k ... ...

pe r...


l . we r Arrive.Waycross..... ........... 9D0cpme

butheroa rysted a0 d p er o nd. wicaywARD. fli25, am ......... v n Expesso.k...er0 fm in l s s ET h b con.......................stce.. 1on0 t7 P ro S20 centsAsalned 1a cents. Furs-Otter, winter, than they closed last night, and, remained Cotton Need Oil. o . Macon, via E. T., V. & G. R. R.: ...... 3b55 am rne r a Tior oa g s veet

pound "50c a$dd rac oun d oun5 ; id retachaoe.Tedciefr h a udynati Aantrug oahe Jacksonville toR :. Cat Thm n asne comdtosb hsLn r nupse.EaAtn

a g- r 1 0a l5 c entsr B wil . at about at that level up to 1 O'clock. Sixty per ND yw YOoK. December 2n-Cotton seed oil ve b 6Rfte LO 7 2e Dt Hoc n Vcents; n l. VI dnB s1vhatt in a rs oanda f.,V.&G.R.R. akpn Yteam 'r M O LE ................... ... ....... ....... Thursday December 1, 4ap0p to

p u Id, 18 Ace n Ro DUCE .ree Cars D ela a r ac n nn an h w s n Read- crtia tsnv9lle.. aches to and Steamer CHEROKEE ............ ............................. Thursday, December 8, 10 00 a. it ceWhour 81e; gol, resl er ing and n rsy central th shows fo ex- S onrtiinctandgage cc e erandIN, .. Jcsvl.l. 8 .B. ayt, ckson , am.

52 h thefoloin rane1 ad rn dil. hrogh aso lepig cr erhs ndsetions r T HEROEE Tra.i Mage. WH........... . . OL Dee r & 2CO, e 0an.A

1 e , After declining h a vte edtein aOf Ire 12 o'clock, bid: , Decem.ni 2 3d n Ban oa er. ave a aned. aJ sanc. . and up to 1 o'clock had made but little rece-haa hoocheeson De B B .... 700 p mSteam

sibe . 1 lopota e t rei s vr y in c e r ex . N rh et n ... 6 ArrveWaycross ............................HA R D wit h vhe small stocks on the market, Coffee ery. The reported death of Emperor William "Albany, via B. & Wn Rt R .. . 4 2 am FlaO ib F E TA NDIWA

adaced. su ar firm at quotations. Macon, via Central R. R .............. 9 00 . LARDFirm a prices given. Tierces, 7 . ent al ue. Atlanta, via CentraR.R ............ 11 p

rapi yfrte hre prices for round lots. up toreidday amounted to 113,f0e rares. The Chattanooga, viaW. & A. R. R.. 7 5 m Every Sunday Afternoon after arrival of F.R.f&eN.rCr's train rabueries which , ar e er ar ca nv r er Cincinnati via Co.pe dR..R.. 4..anFa... 6n40.am Oos-Redtble, $3.50 per arrel; yellow, $3.75rMetpoltan e y dol prfterrid. Savannah .................. Dy f s... 6 10 aom eJacksonville at2:45 PD M,, as flowS :

p b, 24c per pound. aa Charleston ........... ...... ............. 1140 am B ESE-Half skin, c per pound; best transactions dragged along In a listless Way IN EFFECT SUNDAY, OCT. 23,T1887.

Ce oper pound. . and with out feature of interest. The Bears EASTWARD. Trains will leave and arrive t Jacksonville Steamer YEMASSEE ...... Sunday, December 4

EGN.6 per dozen Caad Pas. Ste.e 60C Bur..... &.... Quiny...1y9 SCHEULEMAYer9 1887

FuTR-Best roller patents, $5.o$5.25; bes made an attemptto break Reading by lle- A0am . In .10 4 a. m ol Steamer CY--............................................. Sunday, DecemberI GRITS A d A& r,-Perbarrel, $4.25. rating report 4 &theeffect that the employes Daily. only 12 00 noon ...... West India Fast Mail ...... 70 am Steamer CITY .OF OLUMBIA, ..................................... ....... Sunday, Decembr 2 CHE Liverpool, per sa k, $15 . . of the road .at Port Richmond had struck again, 7.m.. .. 505 p ....... New Orleans Express. . ... 7 30 av m3c .

thAL Es hakonil ...ea... 10 an0 , .n n r0 barel D 46Lack. &. W.ani .129t &rnay Exrs ... 21 St. Auutn . m Jackmonvlle apoite ao man aso folows 29 m. as ae Yo ..eave 1UE:30 and

PoF NE- H. .ro, Vi9a a, e w cropd;6Ric but -the report was quickly denied and they r Pablo Beach ............ .. 05 a 25 p m . a .. .. ast lor ida Express ... 4 1A pm DAILAY a p oinTesdy sips fmr.m .er d , t . Jackson ille rosed s-T5a bl pe 5 pound. 50r pound bosmiectfon. The 725 am ...... East Tennessee Express ...... 7p00 S TI " 12:m'dn't... ... eore " 9:10 n ATES -Fitynd box e , c per 5box per . lowest prices of 1the day . however, were 8ur- JcTWkRD.s l 7l2am ......... Savannah Express ......... 70 4 P :in 3 a m... ......... .c.e....sAstr.ed 7:1 t e m

LO DOG A YEdrd' raSnu -I oted, .5-8 .. lma S0p mte..o15~ y .... ... .81 am er "o 4:45 a m....... tr.......eandato Lfoang.s a d 6*00 p~em

Lun do"C" sugar, 6 c per pouna,. rent at the rjose. The decline for the day No 2. N o. -. Buffet Cars Jacksonville to Cincin- " amd . . . .. e. . . .. er a . o action by g. . .. . .. e. a 4: 16pe EA A RSmall caddies 30a lht $ per pound. -suF nati, and through coaches Jacksonville to Chat- The Freight a m...n...anfod o . Fl a. R.R .passed. Every atte .

range Ofdo pou 1o bet1 rer ocedt. bre iatter i Dall ray 4anooga tion will be given business entrusted to the Line. Direct all Hawthorn, Gnvl Oa, 9:30 a.. H12.0n. Oi ext n30a ..a0. 8outh flurcoe L Sbuw r, ak eland Taomp ar- CONECTIONR-At Tocl ith St. Jos Rirodfthr at ioithpl So peroboxkextra .3a5..he at tocks were vPabloBeach ... t r............... 1T0rbp a Pnm Girle and Sai Rs.

P I T EsSwet 10 OI . gallon ke A. $TE.75 peAary1ciewhlrce1eeireua1adpSrnswth B.S. . IROGRairod at. Gtrpis wit . C.. J. &. LI., Irato

eDelaware, Lackawanna and Western, Read- Ar Jacksonk$e .. ........ ... . .... s a 0 Pma lThrough tickets sold t Tall points by Rail and of te OR . Forad fat, ap wt, A D W t 4.5 fo half-b arrelslsd Steamship connections, and baggage checked Fernandina, F la. Jacksonville, F . n o a Bay a na ie r

Mott'sh$40 ol-e tse rd ae at 5 nrae sae ath Trains3and; rundaily. through; also lepin car berths and sections THEO. G. EGER, Trafmi Manager. W. P. CLYDE f O., en a& L.

barrels,86'VIE $7.00per barrel damungdeted t7 89a92 sadeN. 2ed folwingTrain DAL vaeer Moda and TSursday ariigotKyWetTedalnyFia.ndHvn

C OutnP eroucned, $. er to. a 3o.ted te D er4 S secured at Companyds office in AstorBuilding, 35 Broadway, N.,Y. e2 So. Wharves, Phila., Pve 35 Broadway, Newr saud, $40.00. uNo.ke redlwintare ther,Josin urbids: b Nlods *L eane a 82bBay street, and at passenger station, and on NlTed, pries remainingthe same except in L tot- e a Deeb r .i lae ri at J. . m. Gen

A ~ ~S 'd cprtd50pudbxs12tedy'fiue.SoloscoetimadJkl1vilDeofoofoan street PeoeespineeD'ays

donlayer raisinswhich have ucdvaaend. per- seesterno u nion.. 77rd ou.& Nash. 630a a- ows:12:0 aP.feP ES S Lne Steam-Pt

PREERESAsoredsio5oud ucktsJauayd62YDbde oBarmxed-Fbrarya% orLaenit, LveOaeaadson Mnt- 'UNAY

cho ts should place their o uders a soon as po b- Neam s Express.. d57 M orris r& Essex o... le r Lea %Jacksonville . &NK . W . sible In potatoes, thitees e aywc er. S se No.whitern ...... 1067:0p.m R .. .HA.D. 3 pm

iAsof a r considerable advance in price. United States ex. 68 do.referred .... 139 M General Passenger aATt.IN

$hat the stocks now being sold cannot beure- a, C., C. & 1. ,Ohio & Miss . 23 Supe4ri0tedet. F-selatthe saen b prices. Choice va- N.Y. Ce4traa . eQui Pa . Mail... : ...... 5 Jae si 6:50 p, m. ieties p otapples are pad Selling N.J. Central . 7 u Quicksilver .. t HO

rapil for the holiday trade and higher prices Ill. Central .... f.... 1 5do. r preferred .... bf t e ~ a b r is ~ ~ ~ are look ed for . T ra d e o r , foreig n fru its h as.u p ieh ei h a rttaar a er i hr s n.Sr ete e x e inpc saS n eaef e n rlioMich ig 'n Cen tra l.. 88Nr hrd o r f rrdaiica R.. . . .. . . .... . 53bo" dsaR c ia dnoa ad.F ap r f r e .. sai. .. . . . . . . . .... . ..... ........1... .. J S 0 V L IHL F X R I E ' UU TNRA L 0AD

pGAlO-hirteenkh ets cetio. per on trifuali,. 5. rie firm. cut loafer d crsh 9 oinerv onvflle 2 Ol a , crerre. tdc are cftn sAa"ce, coffeedo. preferred"A" 2:4 p . M A O LI .... dit.e stwn oson e

JACSOVILE.FLA.Dcemer28 es aht ,ol .. Ch- tNtaddy Sthat .. l7akRN a t'ec ol da erhaily.R5otuToeous.eHIIDELHI

btI'r e mHar debl I ete rn. 1 11 i. gSQuiet. Se, Jacksonville 12A 6:2 ag EXRS D Y X T OO for-$ad1pplied hndr per heemad. Cis tarae sote... do. preferred .. ob foal pnt in et Florid Pen a887. good withapar5su.ppl. ord0p.ers tree mt rada ck... ........ .5. low. es Unaey 6 erp ud et Ci lon fi .. F lrl -aoia Decatur.. Reve I Crrive -F J C SL H . B

N ore CbbaRetail at.am pr lat ofoffin. Po kregulrd .. 15.0 ot.. Arr ivsiacsonville.15a.m.

barr el.~ cy utc e m 15 ; f n y ul e s. Oha o ..... . . St EP a nl .. . .... 2 ".....4 n0p m.n" K ey W est. On nCfeA Pcm e l th r i sNv u O T . , . AA DI GS SIF W CA PORT- JEF L "

a~s FRd abag.5 1e arl ylo,$.5.64 fam 14 1 o peerd.. Il.I.iDily $1525l550 LardsoKettle 4:30p p.tm.-FERNANDINA fAIL ANDor EXPRESSHan

IrshpotatoesuReaicr d 8n tcar .... dail" cnet Tueda and Frida wt v PASSAGE..ROM JACKSONVILLE TO EW Y O Rhe, A R Re and S4-5hce 5 r rre . Wa ,2 barre.l fnsh. g....ood S aa s1nh teme,Th urs ..day . wit TM Ci. 9:NT . m ............................ eera ge..... .. .....

Floridasringpnionsr5ent do. pr ferried .... WCalSlo; rits , 2xa p in1xcusio . m...... ....... .............. 8 .50 . . 1perh- red, 1 od poy Th e s, an. ad s.hm . ents - do. preferred$...0 SuTh lorida HaS laGe everyT Of PeorPHIAr (V.a Ne Yrk. )

E:2 .... : *... ..... :.4 Bur... olu0 ............................... "" S G ( sr 6 . p r d o z n ,a k 6hr . . . 5 4 M t a n o L e a v e . , A r r iv e ,e v e J k s n i e v a J . T . & K .

NrenBes-t heoyk in tea poundFoloam e bcd tho & point .nasady. . . 8 4:4 a ". ..... . .... *..... 130* D.*

ket~~~~~~~~~and~~~~~ supl-ispeniulatl.cns e quart COTO MAKEn folers mats, ratesmand anyh other.W infor. Th Lagnileen StasisoNhsCmayaeapitd oRll sf and s F $3.25per a re m, ; fa qu liy forl matio deWrd call at... Cit4 Ticketb Ofie lows:...1750~ .. Jcko vle.... riv :0s

Cel-qurter 5cnteaunch poJadc ksovi Jacksonville... CHTaT.A BO O , C30a .p...... ...... .... ........ ................ Friday,.December 0, 30 m radisheEasiy brifn cents per on W DecembeOr 2. PTH STEAMERS 5 NgustACO :00E.,m ...................... ...... Sod .......... ....... day Jaua. 1.. 700 a.. wiha good s -U l u ii h e. m laet. or -d.a ual . W 1 5g5ai 2 4,9:C0 A. a ................. ........ . leS ................. ......... u 8 0 a."m. wet, Ptrhts-I n l, 5a50 paund boes, fair 4beas weekad' 6,20 bl: lastyea ....... JOH N.O.N.......... Ia*ToreTAtLA S Sh..... e r.............. 140 a. M. li0c per p ound. Lff Sthis non n anufctrrDer LoF & W. 2:5 , in . CATHOI.p. D .0 p m,

uE /Y O R K ,a ......

e ...- rl

u .. . .. . .. . ... ..


bue sieab g from th .rces int eceer, 1e8t e- NACOOCHEiUCg.t Kmt6..usyJa ry 0 0 p. m. London ulanastos, Sutern consumpti ino e cacuation, F S uitand e CratesA . C. COaa,C ITY Oa C.r... ..Sunday, Ju er15 0i. M MAL~kG qRAPS-FU~lerate, $6.75 Maer barr(: 4 1 .pe uat, o ec, but50 per arnrde- of6500,) b0as. F oute deriesflon thel o rdrsAlLedw promptnes andokv.l.e. aksovlln age, Wharf FRONEM..NS. .....S 5o p

mndull at unhange prices; common to choice way ; at Rolleston with St. Jons and Halifax iver Railroad; at Astor with St. Johns &u er ishe-Getde mdbox at $3.b5x extra, $0a5.00. Wheat-Options were only ow; arrive Trabe and Punta Gorda s:30 Laze Eustis Railway; at DeLand Lanlng iwith neeand and St. John Railroad at Bt

PICKlEs-Sweet, 10 gallon k a6.5 per fairly active prices were irregular and m en O Y !m. Br . . BOL N I t C C O w.. ... ..... . . .. . D r o r hngoes, 1 8 gallo n s k egs, $7. an lie , about steady at na low er. q Spot lo6s closed a r e ko no v1t retmor -pa ; at T am pa w ithPLP H

T urke~~~f

etre se br n 18 toan 20 cents per 10t



earmopa0ba e o sp n e s g r e f

uD;R--veern, ll f o0r half-barrece steady and unchanged, Spot sa les of No. tr dl ra ac g sn oaeitretAO W G Tthe e Steam rs aone cor y i sson er -a

e. _dyandNA GA ON O t:,$ .0 ,f r half-barrels; M o ts ., red state, at 95a96; N o.' 2 red state, at 93-% ; 6:30 A . M . P ON TA GOR DA FA ST M A IL, al o0tt e l n~ ~ ~ h p i e t am~ i s l v t . d y as ot forK ey W estand

Hrr e O G A E. 11 6 August er, ce0 b tor110 m D.E9O tH o wea.... .Wed nesdayoJauar y 20, 10s80daum. C106NUTst-Per o hundr1d5 $4.50; per thou- ) e No . 2 red w inter, acuaryr 9 . . . ... M; JO W ean u 25turda, 0 p m

Th S0.00. fol otat finge ans t 1 Ssdy are Lotve in yda ubdiviio...10o. M. Davidson o. Lale

FruitNcang in the'4 prncl oraenmarwcoton, anF neburs too 13,50 bale s Ar.iv a Lt ncanvil eights ........ 2 0 o iSy .Fonute.priuasapyt

e -were fairly active an closed steady at yes- On and after'HDecember o, 1887, rains leave foGe Traffic Agent. Genl Pass. Agen $1.0 Spel to th. R terday figures. Spot lots closed firm and Jacksonville Depot, foot of Hoga street, Peopl os .iAne. DeBing San S.LO vaup. , e emb d bMesS, Dmer oton seady m asmfollowsm be r Sigaio repralows: Fancdngsed, % t_ loaw 3 d No. 2 9-6ed, goo 5 i.11,, 12:30HP. M. EXPRESS DAILY, EXCEPT be , s2r~ a 3 .o ied i h $3u u ad or i ary, 6 Nx b i lere ppris d,7 F r , ss St a e Agent , for H ak er &M Bsn, 22 ;t,-Ph ladephia J. D HAE e

th ter dmp. ti8o s ; w e x oeratl catwise, 5ha les sar, lsn Ferto il ; ize . S LE DD AR A NSaaanal ioiviw telaeco,,e sodwr .{ It CIcINsI O.Dce re l 7esf 0po isrst hge. Ja e ,0 ae; sto o, 404t60 ba ls d fir a . ois WES int i BAY icTRE o, eJc 't Oea te 8ackon burbanJ PropertyW . 5 "Frifr ain om n iktapyt