E C E141unit1online

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Transcript of E C E141unit1online

Math & Science for Young Children

ECE 141 / 111Fwinter quarter 2010

Emily McMasonUnit 1

There are 37 vocabulary terms for us to learn in this unit!

There are 37 vocabulary terms for us to learn in this unit…

The good news is the next unit only has 9!

There are 37 vocabulary terms for us to learn in this unit!

Luckily…we can group them together & some you already know.

There are 37 vocabulary terms for us to learn in this unit!

Luckily…we can group them together & some you already know.

Unluckily (is this a word? Good thing this is math & science)…we still have to slog through all 37.

Unluckily (is this a word? Good thing this is math & science)…we still have to slog through all 37.

Why? Why? Why are we going to bother?

Why? Why? Why are we going to bother?

So we have a common language, common ideas, common understanding, common framework from which to move forward.

On your mark…get set…write in your notebook (and think!)



On your mark…get set…write…here’s an example:

1.Concept - idea, building block of knowledge

2.Preprimary -years before 1st grade

3.Primary - 1st to 3rd grade

4.Development - changes that take place due to growth and experience

5.Senses - the body functions we use to explore the world- see, touch, smell, hear & taste. 6th sense- intuition- [alphabet vs goddess- brownie points to anyone who remembers to ask me about this in class]


6. Process skills7. Understanding8. Principles – they include technology- I disagree for

this age group- again, ask me why in class

9. Standards


Who knows Jean Piaget?


Who knows Jean Piaget? Man or woman?


Who knows Jean Piaget? Man or woman?Who can pronounce his name?


Who knows Jean Piaget? Man or woman?Who can pronounce his name?What is important about his work?


Who knows Jean Piaget? Man or woman?Who can pronounce his name?What is important about his work?Contributed enormously to understanding

of children’s thought. Identified 4 periods of cognitive, or mental, growth and development. For Early Childhood Educators, we focus on the first 2 and ½.


10. Sensorimotor period11. Object permanence12. Object recognition13. Representational thought


14.Preoperational period15.Preconcepts16.Symbolic behaviors17.Centration18.Reversability19.Conservation20.Seriation21.Classification


Jump up and down, stretch, moan, whatever. We only have 16 more to go…


22. Concrete operations23. Abstract symbolic activities24.Formal operations25.Physical knowledge26.Logico-mathematical knowledge27.Social knowledge28.autonomy


Lev Vygotsky29.Signs30.Zone of Proximal Development



32. Learning Cycle(33. Descriptive lessons – skipping

this)34. Awareness35. Exploration36. Inquiry37. Utilization


We made it!
