E-Baby Torque October 2011

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Magazine of the Austin 7 Club NSW Inc

Transcript of E-Baby Torque October 2011

In attendance was Warren

Gracie, Ken Rolley, Joanne &

Mark Wellington, Maureen &

Merv Boatwright, Amy & Paul

Pui, Cliff Edwards, Ron Selig,

Judith & Bob Riches, Faye & Robert Yarroll and Madge & Allen

Blythe with their daughter Kerry

and granddaughter and boy-

friend Eliza and Guy. The

Blythe’s were in their red Austin

7 and their family brought along

two beautiful Buicks.

After leaving our meeting place

we continued on a leisurely drive

along the Grand Parade passing

Dolls Point and onto Scott Park

Wetlands. And our cars looked

great lined up beside the park.

Naturally our little Austin’s were

looking their best for our Display

18 September 2011. The weath-

er Gods were kind to us today,

well at least for a while. It was a

very warm and sunny Sunday

morning when sixteen members

in nine Austin 7’s and a modern met at the Brighton-Le-Sands

Amateur Fishermen’s Association

car-park for the start of our An-

nual Austin 7 Display Day.

Continued on Page 6

Madge & Allen Blythe

Page 2


The deadline for all contributions to Baby Torque is the 2nd last Friday of

each month. Contributions should be sent to The Editor, Baby Torque,

10 Lorraine Street, North Strathfield NSW 2137.

Magazine Deadline

Club Meetings

The Austin 7 Club NSW Inc meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month

at 8:00pm in the NRMA Training Rooms, NRMA Building, George Street,

North Strathfield. Parking is available in the NRMA car park opposite the


Name Home Phone Mobile Phone

President Warren Gracie (02) 9569 2108 0417 417 826

Vice President Paul Pui (02) 9958 1791 0413 621 078

Secretary /

Public Officer Maureen Boatwright (02) 9822 8609 0413 017 263

Treasurer Helen Lewis (02) 9709 2344 0407 108 196

Spare Parts Mervyn Boatwright (02) 9822 8609 0412 940 001

Club Examiners Warren Gracie

Mervyn Boatwright

(02) 9569 2108

(02) 9822 8609

0417 417 826

0412 940 001

Membership /

Registration Faye Yarroll (02) 9706 8007 0412 830 041

Editor /

Webmaster Robert Yarroll (02) 9706 8007 -

As a courtesy, please do not contact Committee Members after 9:00pm.

Banking Details

Austin 7 Club NSW Inc

Spare Parts Austin 7 Club NSW Inc

Bank Laboratories Credit Union Bendigo Bank

BSB 802-841 633-000

Account 0000009132 128875804

Page 3

Your Committee has recently dis-cussed our Club’s declining financial situation over recent years, mainly due to various member freebies such as calendars and more recently this high class Baby Torque magazine.

A review of Club income reveals membership fees have not changed over the past decade and must now increase (see page 10). Our magazine

Presidents Report

The wind blew over Botany bay on a bright and sunny Sunday as our Club celebrated its thirty-second An-nual Austin 7 Display Day. There was nine Austin 7’s and three other cars. In their Austin 7’s were Allen & Madge Blythe, Merv & Maureen Boat-wright, Cliff Edwards, Warren Gracie, Paul & Amy Pui, Ken Rolley, Ron Selig, Faye & Robert Yarroll, Mark &

Events Report

will remain in its new format as it has been very well accepted by members; although our calendar will be discon-tinued.

On a lighter note, the upcoming Pres-ident’s two-day weekend away prom-

ises to be an enjoyable event that will not affect our savings too much.

Happy Sevening ... Warren Gracie

Joanne Wellington, Bob & Judith Riches in their modern and the Blythe’s family in two big old cars. It was great to see the Blythe’s again, especially as Allen is still experienc-ing knee problems. See you on the Scarborough Breakfast Run.

Happy Austin 7 touring …

Maureen Boatwright

Page 4

Coming Events

2 October 2011 … Breakfast Run - Scarborough Hotel - Scarborough

Departing NRMA car-park North Strathfield at 7:45am or Heathcote Railway car-park at 8:30am. Please contact the Events Team on 9822 8609 if you are interest-ed in attending and advise your starting place. Our destination is the Scar-borough Hotel, 383 Lawrence Hargraves Drive, Scarborough.

15 - 16 October 2011 … President’s Weekend - Southern Highlands

Meet at the Liverpool Regional Museum, Cnr Hume Highway & Congressional Place, Liverpool to depart at 9:00am. For members with trailers, please contact Warren Gracie on 9569 2108 or Maureen Boatwright on 9822 8609 for further directions. Please bring a Thermos of hot water. Morning tea will be provided. If

you want to make this a long-weekend and stay overnight Sunday too, then con-tact Warren or Maureen to arrange extended accommodation.

6 November 2011 … Breakfast Run to Hawkesbury River Marina - Brooklyn

Departing NRMA car-park North Strathfield at 7:40am. Our Destination is the Hawkesbury River Marina, Dangar Road (Lot 501 McKell Park), Brooklyn. Please contact the Events Team on 9822 8609 if you are interested in attending.

12-13 November 2011 … Bendigo National Swap Meet - Bendigo

Any members wanting to sell their second-hand car parts at this Swap Meet please give them to Kevin Harte at our October or November General Meeting. All parts must include a clearly marked price tag (see page 10).

27 November 2011 ... Christmas Function/Presentation Day

Staring place TBA. Destination is Twin Creek Golf & Country Club at Luddenham. Buffet available at Adult $39.00 and Children $19.50. There is also a two course selection for the kids from the Dining Room for just $12.95. For further details please contact the Events Team on 9822 8609. Bookings are required by 30 Sep-tember 2011. Your family and friends are very welcome. There will be golf clubs

and buckets of golf balls available just for fun! Also, please don’t forget to bring along your shoe box full of goodies for our Christmas Auction.

11 December 2011 ... Ladies Day - Lunch at a Club

Departing NRMA car-park at North Strathfield and visiting places along the way including Oatley Park. Lunch will be at a Club and bookings are essential. Please contact the Events Team on 9822 8609 if you are interested in attending.

15 January 2012 … Breakfast Run - Scarborough Hotel - Scarborough

Departing NRMA car-park North Strathfield at 7:45am or Heathcote Railway car-park at 8:30am. Please contact the Events Team on 9822 8609 if you are interest-

Coming Events

Invitations Accepted

30 October 2011 ... Chevalier College Fete - 567 Moss Vale Rd, Burradoo

Gates open at 7:00am at this Southern Highlands college. There will be handi-crafts, cakes, sweets, hot food, an entertainment stage and more. Please contact the Events Team on 9822 8609 if you are interested in attending.

12 November 2011 ... Padstow North Public School Spring Fair

Enjoy a great day out at Watson Road, Padstow. There will be stalls, rides, dis-plays, entertainment, cakes and raffles, etc. Please contact the Events Team on 9822 8609 if you are interested in attending.

13 November 2011 ... Razorback Crankhandle Association 30th Annual Fisher’s Ghost Tour

This will be approximately 100 kilometres of scenic touring. Please contact the Events Team on 9822 8609 if you are interested in attending.

4 February 2012 ... Leura’s Automobile Picnic in the Mall

A great display of cars from the 1920’s. This event is part of a month long Festival of 1920’s nostalgia throughout the Blue Mountains. Please contact the Events Team on 9822 8609 if you are interested in attending.

Page 5

ed in attending and advise your starting place. Our destination is the Scar-borough Hotel, 383 Lawrence Hargraves Drive, Scarborough.

March or April 2012 ... Sydney Vintage Car Restoration - Crookwell

23/3-25/3 or 30/3-1/4 will be a long-weekend based in Goulburn. Goulburn is a very popular place to stay and our motel booking must be secured ASAP. Please contact the Events Team on 9822 8609 if you are interested in attending.

1 - 5 October 2012

90th Anniversary National Austin 7 Hub Rally - Tanunda, S.A.

There is immense interest in this Rally, so make sure you have booked your Bar-ossa Valley accommodation.

The renowned Bay to Birdwood Run is for vehicles produced before 1956 and will be held on the day prior to the Hub Rally (Sunday 30 September 2012). Since Austin 7’s will be the featured car of the Hub Rally it would be preferred if all par-ticipants could be in Adelaide for the Bay to Birdwood no later than the evening of Saturday 29 September 2012. This will be the largest single-day vintage and vet-eran vehicles event in the world.

You could also consider arriving in Adelaide earlier to join some of the Motorfest events during the week leading up to the Bay to Birdwood Run. Those members who sent their Expressions of Interest to the Austin 7 Club SA should now have their June 2011 Update to read in detail. Please contact our

Events Team on 9822 8609 if you require an Expressions of Interest form or any

further information.

Members staying at the Barossa Motor Lodge will need to leave between 5:30am-6:00am on Sunday to drive to the Bay to Birdwood event.

Page 6

Day, and didn’t they get plenty of attention from passer-by's.

At the Park we were joined by the Blythe’s daughter-in-law Lynn. Every-

one unloaded chairs and rugs from their cars and made themselves com-

fortable in a grassy area under some trees, settling in for a very enjoyable

day. Some of the more adventurous wandered over to Bado-Berong

(Small Fish) Creek that flows through the park and feeds the wetlands

and salt marsh, where there’s a large camouflaged viewing shed to ob-

serve the local bird life.

However, it wasn’t long before our

chairs and rugs were almost blown away by gusty winds coming off the

water. One member was worried that

his little Austin could become air-born;

so a more sheltered part of the Park

was located and everyone moved to the

new site.

The time came for members to vote for

their favourite Club Car of the Year,

and Cliff Edwards 1935 Austin 7 Ruby

won the shield. Congratulations Cliff!

The new site proved to be a much bet-

ter spot to enjoy our lunch and was

also on a pathway, so quite a few locals took time-out from their walk or

bicycle ride to admire the colourful assembly of old cars. There was lots

of photos snapped and a lot of smiles all round.

As usual, the Quiz proved quite challenging and it’s amazing what

Maureen Boatwright can do with a piece of string and a tape measure!

The day wasn’t without it’s mishaps as Faye Yarroll was called upon to

supervise Robert’s unexpected wheel

change when a rear tyre was punctured

by a rather long screw. Luckily for Rob-ert, Faye knew exactly what to do and

the little car was back on the road in no

time at all!

It was a treat to have our Display Day at

a different location this year, however,

we hope it will return to it’s traditional

home of Centennial Park next time.

Continued from front Page

Page 7

11 September 2011. The Bull

& Bush Hotel at Baulkham

Hills was the venue for the An-

nual Orange Blossom Festival

Classic Car Display & Swap

Meet. This day has traditionally attracted both exhibitors and

the general public alike to see a

fantastic display of veteran,

vintage and classic cars and

other special interest vehicles

too. However, this years event

was the first for it’s new organ-

iser and proved to be just a

shadow of it’s former self. Four

Austin 7’s represented our

Club, being those of Kevin &

Barbara Fahey, Trevor Hails,

Brian & Deirdre Haywood and

Robert & Faye Yarroll. Our Vice President Paul Pui brought

along his nephew to check out

our little cars, and the Hay-

woods were joined by two of

their children and families. Bri-

an enjoyed showing his grand-

daughter Amber how to toot an

Austin 7’s horn. And didn’t she

love it. And everyone loved Am-

ber too, she’s such a cutie. Bri-

an and Deirdre were awarded a

plaque by the judges for their

Austin 7 Annie (see left).

Page 8

It was a year Ross and Robyne will never forget. It was 2001 when a small

red and black bundle of joy named Anna Bella entered their lives. The baby

Austin was actually found in pieces in about 1984 at Manly by Basil Kein.

Basil, the former owner of Antique Tyres at Canterbury Road Hurlstone Park, took her home to Yowie Bay where he painstakingly performed a to-

tal restoration. However, by the time Ross and Robyne become her new

custodians she had been sitting in a shed for years and hadn’t been driven

for ages. So yep … yet another total restoration was undertaken. This in-

cluded a new camshaft, a bigger radiator, new paint and chrome, plus a

new second gear and a full set of tyres.

As well as being members of our Club, Ross and Robyne are also members

of the Milton Uladulla Vintage and Classic Car Club. During his time as

Events Director, the Club members greatly appreciated the huge effort

Ross and Robyne put into planning and organising a very lively social cal-

endar. Whenever possible, their bright red Anna Bella is driven to Club

outings where it attracts a large number of followers; many of these fondly

recall long ago days of their own experiences with an Austin 7. It seems

that practically everyone started their motoring lives in Austins, including

the great New Zealand Grand Prix driver Bruce McLaren and Australia’s

Peter Brock.

Car of the Month ... Ross & Robyne Bell’s ‘29 Chummy

Ross and Robyne

Page 9

Information Sheet

If you would like to see your Austin 7 featured in this magazine please

complete and return the “Car of the Month - Information Sheet” availa-

ble from the Editor.

Ross and Robyne married over thirty years ago and have three children

and four grandchildren. For all his working life Ross had a close connec-

tion with Austral Bricks; for whom he was a cartage contractor from 1968

to 1998. His father worked for Austral bricks even longer than Ross, forty

years from 1932 to 1972. The Bell connection goes back further as Ross’s

grandfather’s sister married Ted Spackman who founded Austral Bricks in


Ross and Robyne find it difficult to attend many of our Club events as they

live at Milton in southern NSW, but when they do they have a great time.

They really looked the part at the public display day at Austins Over Aus-

tralia 2011 recently when they dressed in the era of their car. And don’t they look grand!

Well, we mightn’t see Ross and Robyn very often but we’re certainly glad

they’re part of our Club. We hope you can both join us again, with Anna Bella, for another fun touring experience!

…the Editor

Anna Bella … and what a little beauty she is!

Page 10

Any Club member wanting their Spare Parts taken to the

Bendigo National Swap Meet 12-13 November 2011

please contact Kevin Harte on (02) 9614 1512.

Our Club has Site 307. There are 5,000 sites booked this

year and over 30,000 people are expected to attend over

the weekend. More than 52 car Clubs will be there too!

Austin 7 Club NSW Inc

Changed Membership Fees

Single Membership Fee for 2012 ………… $50

Family Membership Fee for 2012 ………… $55

Joining Fee (effective immediately) …… $30

The Joining Fee applies to all new members and those who

have not renewed their Membership by 31 January each year.

Page 11

Recent Happy Snaps

Page 12

These minutes of the Austin 7 Club NSW Inc are to be confirmed at the next General Meeting

Minutes of the September 2011 General Meeting

Held on 14 September 2011 at NRMA Training Centre, George Street, North

Strathfield. The meeting was opened at 8:04pm by Paul Pui who welcomed all members to the meeting.

Minutes taker: Maureen Boatwright

Attendees: 13

Apologies: Dennis & Helen Quartley, Warren Gracie, Cliff Edwards, Mark &

Joanne Wellington, Brian & Deirdre Hay-wood, Helen Lewis, Carolyn Thompson, Paul Boatwright and Mervyn Boatwright.

Visitors: Nil

Moved: Barbara Fahey Seconded: Robert Yarroll

Minutes of previous meeting read and accepted:

Moved: Bob Riches Seconded: Robert Yarroll

Business arising from minutes: NIL

Correspondence: Inwards: Baby Torque (WA), Drive Chat-

ter, The Depender, Veteran & Vintage Car Club of Goulburn, The Light Shaft (Vic).

Letter from Wayne Styles (for editor) to place an advertisement. Invitations from Razorback-Crankhandle Assoc., Fishers Ghost (30th Run) 13/11, Padstow North

Public School Spring Fair 12/11, Orange Blossom Festival 11/09/2011. Outwards: NIL

Moved: Faye Yarroll Seconded: Trevor Hails

Treasurer Report: Paul Pui read the Financial report for July & August.

Moved: Amy Pui Seconded: Robert Yarroll

Spare Parts: Paul Pui read the Spare Parts Report.

Moved: Robert Yarroll Seconded: Trevor Hails

Editor: Robert Yarroll commented on All British & Eastern Creek photos in maga-zine. Jim Dunn’s blue sports car won a prize at All British Day. Car of the month

is interesting reading. Thanks for items in breadbox for auction at Christmas Party.

Membership Officer: Faye Yarroll report-ed 77 financial members plus R.Lane.

Spike going well, 10 a day look at web-site. Supper roster - looking for members.

Welfare: Sympathy card sent to Peter & Maree Maher with condolences from the Club members. Peter was a foundation member of this club and resigned a few

years ago.

Public Officer: Maureen Boatwright re-ported payment due for Insurance in

September, increase in fee due to higher cover of Public Liability.

Events Team: There will be an October Breakfast Run on Sunday 2/10/11 south

to Scarborough Hotel. November break-fast run, north to Brooklyn. Interest re-quired for Weekend in Goulburn includ-ing visit to Vehicle Restoration Shop &

BBQ lunch in Crookwell. Bendigo Swap Meet is 12/13 November & K. Harte asked for banner for Bendigo. Committee would appreciate feed back & programme

book & new site number for the club rec-ords. All parts to be sold at Bendigo should be bundled & priced and given to

K.Harte at October or November general meetings. Sausage/steak sizzle at future runs, small cost & cans of drink for sale @ $1. Cost of Presidents run discussed.

Moved: Robert Yarroll Seconded: Amy Pui

General Business: Membership fees will

be $55 family, $50 single. Joining fee of $30 applies immediately & Rejoining fee of $30 (become un-financial & rejoin).

New prices for raffle tickets commences tonight. Suggestion by Kevin Fahey for membership cards saying members of club, committee to discuss.

The meeting closed at 9.00pm. Door Prize - Won by Eric Bourne Raffle - Won by Faye Yarroll

Page 13

Page 14

All Spare Parts correspondence should be addressed to:

Mr Mervyn Boatwright, P.O. Box 366, Casula Mall. NSW 2170

Telephone: (02) 9822 8609 Email: m.boaty@bigpond.com

Spare Parts will NOT be brought to meetings unless requested before-

hand due to the vast number of parts in stock nowadays. Please contact

Merv by the Thursday evening prior to the meeting with details of the

parts you need. All Members choosing to pay by cheque for parts should read the instructions at the bottom of their invoice. Please make all

cheques for Spare Parts payable to Austin 7 Club NSW Inc Spare Parts.

Bottom Fan Pulley

$40 $40 $8

Hub Puller

Rear Shocker Coil Spring

Page 15

If bad weather conditions are looming, please contact Maureen Boat-

wright on Saturday evenings or from 6:30am on the Sunday of the run

(H) 02 9822 8609 (M) 0413 017 263 or Warren Gracie (H) 02 9569 2108

(M) 0417 417 826.

And please remember to always carry the

following documents in your Austin 7:

Comprehensive Insurance Policy

Clubs’ Certificate of Currency

Baby Torque Magazine

Bad Weather

12 October 2011 Joanne & Mark Wellington

9 November 2011 Judith & Bob Riches

14 December 2011 Members to bring a plate

11 January 2012 Your Committee

8 February 2012 Faye & Robert Yarroll

14 March 2012 Maureen & Merv Boatwright

Don’t forget the Austin 7 Club NSW “Point Score”

program. Our aim is to see as many people as possi-

ble attending events and meetings (including month-ly general meetings). Participation in an event or out-

ing from the starting point to the finish will score

you 2 points, while attending a general meeting will

score you 1 point. These points are awarded whether

you attend in your Austin 7 or modern car. The per-

son with the highest points tally will receive a trophy

at our Christmas Luncheon / Presentation Day. So

come along and get involved.

Point Score Trophy

Supper Roster

The Austin 7 Club NSW Inc has

been active for over 25 years

and aims to bring together peo-

ple with the common interest of

restoring, preserving and driv-

ing Austin Sevens. We are an

informal family club that regu-

larly takes our "Babies" to the

road for some fun social touring.

Spare parts are available to

Club Members through the Club

Spares Division and our tech-

nical people will give advice,

where possible, in regard to the

restoration of these cars.

Postal Address:

P.O. Box 6009 North Ryde NSW 2113





Austin 7 Club NSW Inc

ments of your vehicle. If you

wish to attend invitational

events outside Club runs, you

MUST contact a

Committee Member

to log the trip, oth-

erwise your regis-

tration and insur-

ance is NOT valid.

You should carry a

copy of the Clubs’

Certificate of Insur-

ance (Public Liabil-

ity) in your Austin

7 at all times together with

the most recent copy of this

Baby Torque magazine.

Any Member using a vehicle on

RTA Historic Conditional Regis-

tration Scheme (HCRS) and at-

tending a Secondary

Club Run or any event

listed under Invita-

tions Accepted or Oth-

er Events of Interest

MUST contact a Com-

mittee Member to ad-

vise your vehicles

movements PRIOR to

attending the event.

The committee of the

nominated primary club on your

conditional registration must be

aware, and approve of, all move-

"Dedicated to the preservation and

enjoyment of all types of

Austin Sevens"

RTA Conditional Registration

Member of The Council of Motor Clubs, Inc