Dynamics Day 2014: Microsoft Dynamics AX - Optimising Supply Chain

Post on 18-Dec-2014

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In this session we look into how to leverage your data data to optimise your supply chain. Dynamics Day is Australasia's leading event for users of Microsoft Dynamics. For those of you who couldn't make it along to the event, we have made all session content available online.

Transcript of Dynamics Day 2014: Microsoft Dynamics AX - Optimising Supply Chain

Douglas Daley, Solution Specialist

Dynamics AX

Optimising your supply chain

Optimising your supply chain | 2

How much stock should I hold?

What I expect to sell before more stock is


+Buffer in case I sell more than expected

Optimising your supply chain | 3

How much stock should I hold?

Lead time sales


Safety stock

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Let’s talk safety stockHow much safety stock do I need?

Expected sa les

0 2 4 6 8 10 120






Expected Stock v Time

Optimising your supply chain | 5

Let’s talk safety stockHow much safety stock do I need?

Expected sa les != actua l sa les

0 2 4 6 8 10 120






Expected Stock v Time

0 2 4 6 8 10 120






Actual Stock v Time

Safety stock

Optimising your supply chain | 6

Let’s talk safety stockHow much safety stock do I need?

Expected sa les != actua l sa les

Confi dence i n hav ing enough s tock = Serv ice

leve l

Want higher serv ice leve ls? Keep more

sa fe ty stock

Optimising your supply chain | 7

Calculating safety stockThe standard AX approach

Ca lcu la te


u s ing the

safety stock

journa l .

Optimising your supply chain | 8

What we just saw

Calculate minimum stock levels based on Historical issues and receipts

Target service level

Analyse impact on inventory value

Optimising your supply chain | 9

There are some challenges with this!We used the same serv ice l eve l f o r a l l i t ems .

Even i f they a re rea l ly expens ive…

and very s low moving !

Th i s i s the hear t o f an S&OP game p lan…

But i t ignores the sa les forecast !

We have m in imums… what about maximums?

Optimising your supply chain | 10

An integrated viewFor sales and operations planning

Supply Performanc


Actual Sales

Demand Planning

Statistical forecast baselineManual forecast adjustment - Promotions - NPD - etc

Supply Planning

Review - Lead times - Forecast accuracy - Minimum stock - Economic order quantities

Forecast Accuracy

Optimising your supply chain | 11

Step 1: Demand planning

Use any demand forecasting tool.

If you don’t have one use standard AX 2012 R3.

What you need to know Simple demand forecasting with an Excel front end for review and


Detects seasonality

Doesn’t incorporate promotions

2 algorithms Operational planning – short horizon

Business planning – long horizon

Optimising your supply chain | 12

Step 2: Review supplier performance Use cube

Review % on time, late, and early

Revise lead times where the statistics suggest you should

Optimising your supply chain | 13

Step 3: Review supply parameters

Lead time sales


Safety stock

Forecast sales within the lead time.

Service level x Confidence in Forecast x Confidence Lead time.

Optimising your supply chain | 14

The mathsSome common calculations

Item coverage minimum = safety stock + lead time

forecast sales

Item coverage maximum = minimum + economic order


Safety stock = std. dev. (forecast variance) x std. dev.

(lead time variance) x service factor x lead time factor

Service factor = function(service level) There are a number of possibilities as to what the function should be. We assumed

a the error was normally distributed and used an equivalent of the Excel function


Optimising your supply chain | 15

The Dark Cockpit Principle

Use data to

turn the

lights on!




Focus and


Optimising your supply chain | 16

We’re forgetting something!

We used the same serv ice l eve l f o r a l l i t ems .

Even i f they a re rea l ly expens ive…

and very s low moving !

Optimising your supply chain | 17

How else can we leverage data in our supply chain?

Warehouse workforce planning Calculate average picking time

Estimate effort based on upcoming forecast

Range planning Use the inventory value cube

Identify the worst performing products based on revenue contribution


Optimising your supply chain | 18

What we coveredS&OP and the Dark Cockpit Theory

Demand Forecasti


Demand Planning Supply Planning

Demand Review

Inventory Planning

Workforce Planning

Range Planning



Email: douglas.daley@intergen.com.auTwitter: @TeamIntergen

Thank you