Dumb and dumber opening analysis - Hossameldin Elrayes

Post on 04-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Dumb and dumber opening analysis - Hossameldin Elrayes

Dumb and Dumber Opening Analysis The film starts off at the film institution New Line

Cinema, which is a Warner Brothers company descendent.

There is then a sound bridge of birds tweeting which is an enigma code to the audience making them ask themselves if the time of day is early or if there are actual birds in the movie introduction. Then, the first visible thing on the screen is the Hope Street sign and under it is a no parking sign with people waiting (one can only assume that they are waiting for the bus as it looks like a bus stop). This is to help the audience identify that this place is not be parked in.

The next event is a clear genre signifier to the audience that this is a comedy film. A limousine drives past and then stops and reverses. This follows a cartoon style in which when someone likes someone else, they immediately stop whatever they are doing and back up to talk to them.

The comedy part is when the person in the Limo opens the window. To begin with, this person has a chipped front which, in the eyes of the audience, makes him look like a kid who has done something foolish. He then speaks about the lady’s accent and when she says Austria, he imitates and Australian accent, thinking he is being smart when he is actually being rather stupid. This is funny to the audience because he is an exaggerated character which would not really exist in reality.

He also turns out to be the Limo driver which adds another comedic element to the introduction. Also the music that comes on when he drives away is very up-beat and the title font and animation are both clear indicators that this is a comedy film.