Dulcibella Legacy-G4-C1

Post on 16-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Dulcibella Legacy-G4-C1

The Dulcibella Legacy

Generation 4 Chapter 1

Estora: “Hi, I made it!”

… why are you wearing the princess Zelda dress? And the crown headdress thing?

Estora: “I am the princess of Cheese. Kneel before me.”

Save me.

Estora: “Hey, daddy, why are we over here?”

David: “It’s tradition. Just go through the door and we’ll see you soon.”

Estora: “Okay!”

Estora: “Oh, I was hoping there would be cheese.”

Thai: “I married a rich sim!”

Interesting. Crazy Estora uses a fork.

Estora: “I wanted a grilled cheese cake, but my parents wouldn’t let me. Come to think of it, did we invite you?”

Anna: “No, but I have a present for you.”

Estora: “Ooooh, sparkly!”

Fast forward and Estora’s pregnant. Thai wants fifty dream dates, so if there aren’t a lot of pictures here on out, that’s why. It won’t be too bad, since she’s already permaplat, and there is a lot of cash in the house, so neither of them need jobs. And there are two permaplat elders to take care of future children so that they don’t have to bother with the distraction from dating. That sounded horrible, now that I think about it…

Perfect timing, they just finished one of their dates.

Estora: “Princess of Cheese wants to name her Swiss!”

No. It’s not happening. I’m going for another book, thank you very much. I’ve realized that I like those.

Also, this is Gen 5! Woot! Halfwayish mark!

Estora: “Here daddy. Thai and I have some more dates to do.”

Try a lot more.

Estora: “Hey, we already have 15 done.”

Good, keep going. This is going to take forever…

Thai: “Eew. I don’t like grilled cheese. I’m not eating any ever.”

Estora: “But grilled cheese is amazing!”

They took a break from their dates long enough to celebrate Vin’s birthday. Props to you if you know what book I’m using for the names.

Estora: {The sooner this is over, the sooner I can go back to kissing my husband}

Why do all toddlers have to be so cute? I want to go on about how cute she is, but I honestly don’t know how cute she’ll be when she’s older.

I like this whole princess and the pirate thing they have going on, which was completely unintentional, by the way.

And that’s date 25. Half way there. I’m going to take a break from sims for today. But, honestly you can’t tell, so I really don’t need to say anything. Whatever.

This baby’s timing isn’t quite so perfect.

Thai: “Hmm… my wife seems to be in labor.”

It’s a girl!

Now is probably a good time to mention that I gave all the simselves with dominate hair genes recessives as their non-prominent one. Yes this is probably cheating, but whatever. Thai’s is red, so Kliss has red hair.

David: “Baby.”

Kliss: {Elder}

And now it’s time for Vin to be a child! *yawn* birthdays.

Vin: “Can I go swimming?”


Vin: “Can I at least keep this ducky floaty?”

No. No Palmer floaty. Go change.

Estora: “Swiss Cheese! I’m pregnant again!”

Thai: “Can we go back to dating now?”

Blah blah blah, Kliss’s birthday, yatta yatta yatta.

Estora: “Okay, cool. I’m going to go drop this in front of the house.”

Very loving mother, isn’t she?

Guess what this is! Yes, it’s the end kiss of date number 50!

See, I have evidence! I saved every single bouquet! They’re staying there for awhile. Yay! Now both the adults are permaplat so I get to ignore them!

Hear that, Kliss? Not only do you get your parents back but you get me too!

… Wait. Why aren’t you in the nursery?

Estora, grab the toddler for me.

Estora: “Mmm… cheesy omelet.”

Estora: “Look! I’m a fairy princess!”

Thai: “Why is the crazy grilled cheese sim a witch again?”

Because I felt like it.

Thai: “Okay, but have you considered the consequences of a crazy sim with magic?”

Vin: “Hi!”

David: “Hello there.”

Vin: “Why do I have to drink this icky disgusting juice.”

Hey, it beats studying, right?

Vin: “You have a point there.”

Third and final kid! This is Ladrian. He is a boy, if you didn’t already know. He also has red hair.

Thai and David: “Yay, a baby!”

Butler: “Photobomb.”

Vin: “What is this? Is this even food?”

Thai: “Hey! The baby’s in the way of my food!”

Estora: “I’ll clean it up!”

… should I be worried?

Everyone looks so excited for yet another birthday.

Kliss: “Yay, I’m big!”

Vin: “Can I pull her hair now?”

Um, don’t you have nice points? Like a lot?

Vin: “And?”

What’s up with the princess dress?

Kliss: “Mom said we’re all princesses. Except Ladrian and Dad of course.”


Estora: “That’s my girl.”

David: “Wait, where did this baby come from? My daughter only had two kids.”

No, this is her third child.

David: “She has a third kid? Weird.”

Poof, and he’s a toddler. *yawn*

Vin: “There’s something strange going on…”

Nah, that’s just your great-great-grandfather.

Vin: “I think there’s something strange going on here. Like, something supernatural.”

Kliss: “Oh, you are so silly. I’m sure it’s only your imagination.”

Vin: “Well… if you say so. Hey… did you just feel a breeze pass through the room?”

Ladrian: {Mehehe, I have escaped the nursery.}

Kliss: “There you go again.”

It’s birthday time again! This is actually a double birthday. Vin’s ageing up too. And someone has been practicing their magic.

Estora: “Yup! I’ve been experimenting!”

That might be a bad thing.

Ladrian: “Hey, I have a…”

Don’t you dare!

Ladrian: “… hand.”

Ug, not that sims cliché. *sticks out tongue*

Vin’s turn! And doesn’t she look excited!

Psh… that outfit does not fit her.

Kliss: “She looks strange. Why is she so big?”

She grew up.

Kliss: “Who said she could?”

Nice. I love the hat.

Vin: “Me too.”

Estora: “Oh, hello there Vin.”

Vin: “Holy cow, Mom! What is all this?”

Estora: “I’m… WAIT! Careful!”

Vin: “Oops! … I broke it…”

Vin: “Eeeeee!”

Estora: “Oh Cheese! Vin!”

Estora: “Vin… This is my fault…”

Grim: “I think I’m early. She’s not dead. See you later!”

Estora: “What?”

Vin: “Ug, Mom? What just happened?”

Estora: “Wiz cheese! I love you! I’m glad your alive! I’m sorry my magic backfired on you!”

Vin: “It’s fine. I’m the one that broke the… thing.”

Estora: “Why don’t you go shower and change.”

Vin: “That sounds wonderful.”

Estora: “Hello headmaster, I’m sorry, it’s been pretty crazy around here.”

Headmaster: “That’s okay. You don’t even need to feed me dinner. You’re two girls are in.”

Estora: “But I have three kids. I have a son, too. Ladrian.”

Headmaster: “Oh, well, he’s in too, then.”

Thai: “Hey, Vin, how are you doing?”

Vin: “I just found out my mom is a witch and I was electrocuted. No biggie. I’m fine.”

Thai: “Well, I’m worried about you so if you need something…”

Vin: “Dad, I said I’m fine.”

Thai: “Yes, but…”

Vin: “Stop bugging me!”

Thai: “Brawk!”

Vin: “Oh, no. Dad!”

Vin: “What’s happened to me? I did ... that, to my dad. What’s wrong with me?”

Thai: “Hey, Rose.”

… yeah?

Thai: “I thought this wasn’t supposed to be plotted. I don’t exactly like the way this is going.”

I was just inspired by the sims I have and whatnot. I’m just letting the ideas flow if they come.

David: “Morgan, I’ve had a wonderful life with you. I am so glad I called you that night so many years ago. I can’t imagine being without you. I love you so much.”

Morgan: “I love you too.”

*sniff* I’m going to miss that nose…

Vin: “This is actually kind of fun.”

This is where I’m ending. It was either cut it short, or have the second chapter for this Gen only have forty slides. Anyway, Happy simming!