Dulcibella Legacy-G2-C1

Post on 21-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Dulcibella Legacy-G2-C1

The Dulcibella Legacy

Generation 2 Chapter 1

Hi! Before I jump into the material I’m going to check on my spares! Mainly because I feel bad for my poor knowledge sim.

Claude: “Gee… thanks.”

What now?

Claude: “I only wolf whistled her! I am so bad with girls…”

Oh, don’t worry. You just have to wait. I think…

No, this isn’t a potential match. She’s just the representative of the garden club. I figured he deserved something. I just feel so bad for him. Hopefully this will turn out better than last time when I got him a girlfriend. Stupid Cow Mascot…

Anyway, he made it in, without even having any garden plots. I love premade houses. Well, some of them anyway.

Claude: “Do you think there’s a girl out there for me?”

Um… you do realize the context of this right? Space? Aliens?

Claude: “What?”


This guy just can’t catch a break. Seriously, what is it with him and fires?

Well, now I know. The telescope can be hit by lightning while being used to stargaze. I have a feeling I’ll never see this again.

Oh, and thankfully the rain put the fire out. I freaked out, because I really didn’t want him to die.

Claude: “I guess there really isn’t anything up there.”

Um… You might want to look up…

Claude: “Woah! Wait… is it pulling me in?”

Yup! See you in a little bit!

Claude: “Do not like!”

This is where I leave you for now Claude!

Claude: “Wait! What’s going on!”

I can’t have you have the first baby of Gen 3. The heir has to.

Claude: “Baby?”

Harmony: “I thought you weren’t going to play me.”

Oh shut up and be happy.

This stray is so cute! Ish.

Anyway, I had Harmony adopt her. This is Pepper.

And then I got her a friend! I don’t remember his name.

Harmony: “I’m pregnant. What happened to not wanting to see my face around?”

Oh shut up. Genetic experimentation. Leave me alone.

A lamp? Come one, dummy, spares don’t need one, they get cheats.

Dummy: “Everyone needs a lamp. Their shiny.”

Harmony: “Owie!”

Hehehe, this is where I leave your house.

Harmony: “Hey. I’m in labor! Help me!”

Hmm… no. I’m going to leave you in labor until I feel like getting back to your house.

Harmony: “I hate you.”

Welcome to the main house!

Nathan: “So this is what mom and dad meant about the money being tied up.”

Yeah, yeah, well, it isn’t finished yet. I really didn’t feel like decorating, so it is bare minimum. I’ll do more as I go. Maybe. But I didn’t want to push the decorating, because when I don’t feel like it, I make poor design choices. So, bare with the bareness. That is if this ever does get posted.

Nathan: “Mom, it’s my wedding day, why are we holed up in a corner of the house?”

Serene: “This is a little something we added. It looks kind of lame right now, but it will me much more impressive later.”

Nathan: “That doesn’t answer my question.”

Serene: “We’ll be waiting in the wedding area!”

Nathan: “Ooookay. It’s a long hallway with a bunch of lights.”

She said it would be more impressive later. So, only the current heir is allowed in this hallway.

Nathan: “Why would anyone want to be in here, anyway?”

Oh shut up. By about fifth gen, this will be a neat hallway.

Slave: “This waiting sucks. I thought the groom was supposed to be the one waiting for the bride.”

Oh, shut up and be patient.

Nathan: “Sorry to make you wait!”

Slave: “Let’s just get this over with. I want to start the party part.”

Yay, wedding.…It’s dark. … I may have forgotten to install lighting…

There. Thank you buy mode!

Only about half the guests made it in.

See, even the father of the groom wasn’t there.

Thank you MTS for unique wedding cakes!

Slave: “Please don’t get cake on my dress.”

What’s the big deal? You’ll never wear it again? That and you’re a sim. You never get food on clothes.

Slave: “Details. Mere details.”

Yay! Swallow the fork!

Slave: “Shut it.”

Love you too.

Slave: “Great Party. Popularity sim is happy.”

Nathan: “Great Party. Pleasure sim is happy.”

Hey! Everyone’s eating together! That’s amazing!

Oh, I forgot to mention. Serene is permaplat from filling her lifetime aspiration meter. Perf’s permaplat from three kids graduating college. Yay! I don’t have to mess with my elders! Perf wants six grandkids now. No.

Perf: “Well, I feel loved.”

You know I love you, your Mohawk, and your genetics.

So, I’m waiting for Nathan’s job to come up, so that he can be permaplat. Well, I may have had him enter all five of the careers on the computer to get their career rewards, since his points and friends were high enough to receive the reward for each before even going to work. I have a feeling that’s against some rule somewhere, so it’s a good thing I’m not scoring.

And Dummy left me another lamp at this house now. Has anyone figured out why these get dropped off? I have no clue.

Slave: “Wow! I’m pregnant.”

Honestly, are you really surprised? You’re a spouse of the heir.

Slave: “You know, usually this is a bigger deal.”

Not in the sims.

You’ve been taking lessons from your brother, haven’t you.

Nathan: “Fire, fire!”


And the Tai Chi plague has spread to the elders.

Slave: “Ow! I’m in labor! Help me Nathan!”

Nathan: “I’m going to work. See you later!”

Slave: “Wow. I actually had a baby.”

I’m worried about you. This is a baby girl.


Slave: “What?”

Why don’t you tell the ‘audience that there will never be since I have a feeling I’m not posting this’What you named her.

Slave: “What? I’m a cheerleader. I had to. Her name is Sparkles.”

I hate you.

Slave: “Oh, come on. I thought we were past this!”

Should have thought about this before you named your daughter something stupid.

Slave: “Hey, you have the keyboard.”

You name the kid. Period.

Awwwww. Serene rolled a want to hold her granddaughter. I love family sims sometimes.Now put her back in the crib before you give her nightmares with your face.

Serene: “Oh, come on.”


You know. I’m getting sick of looking at this girl. Stop coming home with Serene from work! You shouldn’t be going to work pregnant anyway!

Bin sim: “But you sent Serene to work pregnant.”

Don’t ‘but’ me. I have supreme power.

Birthday! … where’s Nathan?

Slave: “At work.”

Should have known.

Bin sim: “Hey, you cut my head off!”

I could do more you know. There’s this thing called a cow plant and a bone phone.

Bin sim: “Shutting up.”

I wanna see! Let her be pretty! I want to get rid of the huge nose this generation!

*sigh* She looks like her dad. Too much like her dad.

Slave: “I’m pregnant again.”

Yeah, that’s pretty obvious. Do I really need slides for this?

Slave: “Yeah, I think so.”


Sparkles: {You must be my daddy. I have your nose.}


Nathan: “Why do you keep sighing.”

I dunno. Just feel right.

Yay! Top of the Slacker career and permaplat!

Nathan: “Okay, I posed for the picture. Can I go shower now?”

Nathan: “Um, sis, what are you doing here? And you’re not married. Why are you pregnant?”

Harmony: “That’s what happens when you date your college professor, and you’re a romance sim.”

Nathan: “That’s disturbing.”

Harmony: “Thanks. What’s even more disturbing is that I’ve been in labor this whole time. I’m warning you, don’t get on her bad side.”

Nathan: “But, I’m a guy. Guys can’t get pregnant.”

Harmony: “Tell that to Claude. And he’s on her good side.”

Nathan: “I’m scared.”

As you should be.

Hey, Nathan, catch this little runaway for me, will you?

Nathan: “Sure! Right away, almighty creator!”

Don’t do that. That’s weird.

Nathan: “I see you!”

I’ve never really watched this interaction up close before. It’s so adorable!


Nathan: *shiver*


I just can’t get enough of these two together. They’re just so cute!

Um… so apparently when pregnant women do Tai Chi, and they change after finishing they end up naked… Which coding then tells them to look at themselves, freak out, and change into their underwear.

I’m just a little bit traumatized.

Which is why she’s in her underwear when she goes into labor…

Serene: “Wow! I have another grandchild! That’s crazy!”


Slave: “Here, hold this.”

Hey, Nathan’s here for the birth! …Wait a minute. Hold this? That means…


I hate you.

Slave: “Thanks!”

More birthdays!

Camera mode – Stealth

Be cute! Please be cute!

Sparkles: “I’m cute!”

Yeah, in a Sandy Bruty sort of way.

Sparkles: “What’s that mean?”

Ignore me.

And this about sums up partys. Tai Chi, smooching, and food.

WHAT!!!!!!!!!Serene! How did I miss you dying! … I only found out because Slave was teaching Sparkles to study, and they both got red memories. Then I noticed that Serene was gone from my panel…

Seriously! I know you still had tons of time! You were the same as Perf, and he still has maybe five days left! Not cool!

Um… so this is the slide where I’m supposed to say some touching things about her as a sim and that I’ll miss her.

Um… For some reason her face reminded me of an elephant?

I really don’t know how to do these slides…

And it was the twins birthday too. Stupid sims. Oh, yeah, they’re boys. Samuel and Chris.

They both Look like their dad.

You know Slave, when I married you in, I wanted your genetics in the gene pool. Did you get that? How hard is it anyway?

Nathan: “Why am I out here again?”

Because you’re wife is incapable of adding her genetics to the gene pool.

Nathan: “That doesn’t make any sense.”

Shut up and stargaze.

Perf: “I’m getting too old to teach toddlers how to walk.”

Well, no one’s rolling wants to teach the twins, so suck it up.

I’m going to peak in on my spares again.

Claude: “I don’t remember inviting you in.”

Harmony: “I’m your sister. I don’t need an invite.”

So, apparently the Tai Chi thing isn’t only for female pregnant sims. It also applies to males.

Claude: “Ow! I’m going to die!”

Calm down. It’s just labor.

Baby girl named Astra. I know, it’s been used before, but I’m not feeling very creative.She’s the daughter of the face 1 alien.

Claude: “What?”

Calm down. Astra needs a sibling.

Um… oops? Apparently being abducted means you left the baby home alone.

But this isn’t the main house so, *reload*

Claude: “Owie! Something mystical just happened didn’t it?”

Nope, not at all. Note that he managed to go into labor with Astra in the exact same place.

This time I was smart and hired the nanny.

I hope she cracks her brain open on that thing. It might make her actually a good nanny.

Hey look, the nanny’s actually worried about you.

Nanny: “Is he alright? He better be alright. I want to get paid.”

… does that count?

What’s with the blond hair? She’s obviously got black hair. No matter. I’ll fix it.

And she got his dumbo ears. :P

Let’s skip pictures of the pregnancy and go straight to labor. After all, he is a spare. That I feel bad for.

Yes! He has Vis’s alien dad for an alien dad! Here’s for hoping for the ears!

And now each of the Gen 2’s have a magic lamp. Thanks a lot matchmaker dummy. Not.

Astra grew up! She’s adorable! See, this is why I didn’t have Claude be the heir. Too cute children this early on in the prettacy.

And Astra brought her cousin, Sparkles, home from school! Yay! Family bonding time!

Boo! Dumbo ears instead of pointy! Boo!

And Harmony is finally allowed to give birth to her baby boy!

So far only 2 out of 6 kids of Gen 3 are girls. Kind of sad, that.

Thanks for fulfilling Perf’s second lifetime want. Not that it was necessary, but whatever.

Pepper has FOUR puppies. Kill me now.

Banyon grows up and received the absolute worse feature from his mom.

Yeah… Banyon’s going to be raised more like a dog.

Harmony: “Professor, you are marrying me right here and now. I can’t handle a kid and puppies all by myself.”

Professor: “Is this why she wanted to marry me?”

For the live in maid? Me, yes, her, no. She rolled the want to marry you while dating another guy. So be happy.

Harmony: “I’m pregnant again.”

That tends to happen when you’re married.

Harmony: “I guess.”

Also, her secondary aspiration is finally shining through. Want to get married. Want to have kid.

This is my solution to puppy mania. I got tired of all of the pee puddles in the middle of the house. :P

Banyon: “Yay, I’m old enough to take care of myself!”

I feel real sorry for you kid. For being extremely neglected and whatever is going on with your face.

Here’s baby Sylivia.

And the puppies grow up! Yes, I can get rid of them!

I kept Pepper and Lady. The rest went to adoption services.

Harmony actually spends time with her son.

Sylivia grows up and I am reminded why I didn’t choose Harmony as the heir.

I’m going to cut off here. From now on, spares won’t be covered this extensively. It takes too much effort. I’ll probably add a picture of the family or something, just for show in future chapters, if I play them at all.