DSpace - Digital Library - Heuristic Evaluation

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of DSpace - Digital Library - Heuristic Evaluation

Detailed AnalysisDSpaceDSpace

Devesh Jagatram

Navigation and Structure




Is this going to search under ‘this space’ or ‘all of DSpace’?

How are these two different?

It is good to have multiple links for same page, but not always.

Navigation and Structure

Is this the only link for authorized users? Then why do I need to sign on for other two links? Or can unauthorized users also sign on?

Is this the home page? Why is there a separate Home page link available?

Navigation and Structure

Email updates about what?

Links should give clear Scent of Information. They should tell the user where they will lead to.

Navigation and Structure

Are these same?Are these same?Are these same?

Ambiguity in links should be avoided.

Navigation and Structure

How do I sign on? There is no link to ‘sign on’ anywhere on this page.

Research shows users expect a login window here, in case there is any login requisite.

Navigation and Structure

I can subscribe for email updates for some collection specifically. Can I do so for a complete community or sub-community also? Can there be some difference in look & feel of community pages and collection pages?

Navigation and Structure

I had clicked on ‘Receive email updates’. But the page tells me I am not subscribed to any collections and I need to click elsewhere to receive email updates.

Navigation and Structure

This user is administrator here. But the links on right are only Admin links for this page. There is no global admin link anywhere on main page or main navigation bar?

Navigation and Structure

Logging In leads to this page. Can we say this page is Member’s page / My Account Page.Can we also include ‘View my

profile / Edit my profile link on this page itself’ ? Can we display my profile on this page by default?

Navigation and Structure

Are these links same? Avoid such ambiguities.

Avoid Cross-references and disparity in link names at different places.

Navigation and Structure

It is a good practice to give Help in a new window as it enables the user to keep working while going through help.

Navigation and Structure

All these links open another Website, on the same window. Should either warn user before this or open in separate window.

Navigation and Structure

There is a sub-community and a collection with same name under different communities. Further there is no indication which community each collection belongs to.

Navigation and Structure

Is this step a part of the submit process? It is not included in the list of things to be done for a submit process.

Navigation and Structure

In previous screen, there were 2 tabs of Describe. Here I have 3. Where did the extra tab come from?

Avoid such inconsistencies.

Navigation and Structure

Can we put the two links under ‘My DSpace’ itself like this one? Makes it more logical and clean.

Navigation and Structure

How is this link different from general page link? Why putting it separately in administrator module?

Navigation and Structure

Navigation and Structure




What are communities and collections?

What are communities and collections?

What are communities and collections?

What are ‘communities’ and ‘collections’?

Jargons should not be used. Users cannot interpret them.


What are ‘Item hits’? Use natural spoken language.

What are ‘Item hits’ and ‘collection hits’? Use natural spoken language.


Can we have more search options like ‘Exact Match’ / ‘Starting with’ / ‘Anywhere in the title’ ?


So much of text! Provide some breathing space.


What submissions? Can we give some introduction or any idea of where are they submitted / by whom / when?


Page TitleLogo





Since there are only these elements on this page, which is there on other pages also, can we have by default some listing of content in this category?


Can we have a some page for subscribing globally and a link to it on this page? Or can we have a globally subscribing option on this page?


Why are there 3 tabs of Describe? The tabs should be more specific giving user exact idea of what kind of action they are required to perform here.

No way to go to previous page. Was it really not part of the submission process?


No one likes to read so much of text. Can we minimize it?


Can this be simplified?


How much of these are actually needed? Can we simplify this information?


What are these communities and collections?


This page just has 3 links. Can we by default display user’s submissions and subscriptions on this page? That saves extra clicks.


Navigation and Structure




Poor affordance for a button.

Care should be given on the perceived affordance of elements present on a page.


What is this – site architecture? Categories catalogue? Can we have it expandable instead of this long list?


Am I searching all of DSpace here?

Am I on ‘page 1 of 1’ or ‘Result 1 of 2’? Avoid such ambiguities.


What is the order in which results are listed? Can I change this sort order?


Will clicking on update change my password to blank?


Why is there an extra page? Why cannot such confirmation be provided by still taking the user to DSpace Home?


These are also 2 pages, why are they under one tab?


Our users don’t need options like checksum. This only confuses them. Avoid un-required features.


This user was not authorized Administrator! How did he get Admin Tools?


What are these? Doesn’t look like buttons. And ‘DELETE’ button – definitely not!

Take care of the kind of icons used, users might not perceive it that way.


There is no back or cancel button for this task. Once the task is started there is no way out!


Why extra window with list, when it can be included in the same window with simple check boxes?


There is no cue of any update been made. Provide users with appropriate cues whenever possible.


I have a few users on this. Where are they? Why is the list empty?


Is this same as cancel creating an EPerson? Which EPerson will it delete when I have not even created any?


What if the year does not fall in the given options? Can we have manual input for year and keeping month optional? This reduces the two options into one.


There is no indication of any kind when I press a specific letter to browse. What letter have I pressed and how has it changed the results? Even when I press some letter not present in results, the results are still the same.


There is no option to cancel the log-in task, what if I don’t want any membership and continue using non-member services. There is no back button to the page that I was on before this!

Can these be put together?


Navigation and Structure




Is this home page for this repository or DSpace homepage?

Why cannot these 2 alternatives serve as homepage then?

The Homepage should be very clearly defined. There should be no confusion about it. Branding issues should be handled separately.


We have something like page number here. Which is not present everywhere. Avoid such inconsistencies.


These tables keep floating in center of browser regardless of screen resolution, which provides inconsistency in display. Can we have a strict start point to ensure they look similar in all resolutions?


Can these be clubbed and presented in a better way?


Are these column-sizes adjustable? Generally Title of anything is bigger than its authors’ names.


There was a title everywhere! This page has no title!! What is this? Advanced search or normal search?


Can we reduce this number of alignment points and make the page more organized?


Good sense of space! But can this be represented in a better form?


Can this be presented in a different manner with clear cut graphical demarcations?

Page Title

Search/Browse Window

Page Introduction


Sub-community introduction

Copyright Text


Standard email addresses are longer in size than what can accommodate in this box’s view at a time. Can we make the box longer to make it more obvious?


Some categories (like this one) might not have any content stored under it. But a search box indicates that there are items which are not displayed by default, like elsewhere. Can we have remove this search box when no content is present or can we indicate explicitly that there is no content stored under this category at present?


This email id or username is not completely visible. Can we make some provision for it to be fully visible?


Centre align sometimes make things look ugly, and not beautiful. Can we look at the alignment of these elements?


All the buttons are of different size. Can some standard be put on them?


This is a submission rejected by some administrator. Unfinished submission is not emphasizing on this. Unclear message.
