Ds Css11500 Final

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Cisco Systems, Inc.

All cont ents are Copyright © 1992–2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All r ights reserved. Important N otices and Privac y Statement.

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Data Sheet

Cisco CSS 115 0 0 SeriesContent Services Switch

The Cisco CSS 11500 Series Content Services Switch is a compact modular

platform, delivering the richest Layer 4–7 traffic management services for

e-business applications.

Pictured above, from

top to bottom, the

Cisco CSS 11501,

Cisco CSS 11503 , and

the Cisco CSS 11506.

The Cisco CSS 11500, with t he

award-winning Cisco Web Networ k 

Services (WebN S), is specifically designed to

provide robust transport and application

(Layer 4–7) services for Internet and

intranet data centers. The Cisco CSS 11500

builds on the success of the Cisco CSS

11000 Series in five key areas:

• Introduces an intelligent, distributed

architecture to help organizations meet

the real-world scaling requirements of 

today’s e-business infrastructure

• Improves site availability and

transaction integrity by introducing

Adapt ive Session Redundancy (ASR)—a new industry standar d in

stateful failover

• Delivers the greatest flexibility of any

content switch in its class for

customizing combinations of ports,

performance, and services

• Scales secured transaction performance

through support of an integrated,

high-capacity Secure Sockets Layer

(SSL) module

• Protects investments by enabling

upgrades of performance, ports, and

services through modularity

The Cisco CSS 11500 Series Content

Services Switch enables businesses to

simultaneously reduce costs by optimizing

data center resources and boosting

productivity, as well as offering a superior

online experience for customers, business

partners, and employees. Through content

fast switching and forwarding, the Cisco

CSS 11500 Series switches improve

utilization, responsiveness, availability,

scalability, and security of Web sites, server

farms, cache clusters, and firewall systems.

Premier Traff ic Management

for E-Business

In addition t o the C isco CSS 11500

switches, Cisco delivers a complete product

line, including the Cisco CSS 11050,

CSS 11150, and Content Switching Module

(CSM)—an integrated services module for

the Cisco Catalyst® 6500 Series Switch and

Cisco 7600 Int ernet Router. The Cisco CSM

attains the highest performance and offers

transpor t and application (Layer 4–7)

features as rich as those in WebNS.

Through full integration with Cisco IOS® Software, the Cisco Catalyst 6500, and the

Cisco 7600 Internet Rout er—Cisco CSM

also supports the highest port density and

comprehensive internetworking features.

The Cisco CSS 11500 and CSM together

are, simply, the ideal choices for enterprises

and service providers deploying content


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All cont ents are Copyright © 1992–2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All r ights reserved. Important N otices and Privac y Statement.

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Scalable Distr ibuted Architecture for

Today an d Tomorrow

In a typical deployment, the Cisco CSS 11500 intercepts a request

from a client browser, characterizes the flow by reading Hypertext

Transfer Protocol (HTTP) headers, selects a destination server based

on resource availability, and forwards the flow. Because it quickly

processes the entire HTTP header (full URL, cookie, and extensive

resource verification information), the Cisco CSS 11500 identifies

the user, what the user wants to do, and how best to service the

user’s request within a global Web infrastructure.

The Cisco CSS 11500 provides a fully distributed architecture—all

modules in the system contribute to the overall processing and

memory needs for policy-based flow setup and flow forward ing. In

this way, performance scales linearly as modules are added, and

heavy traffic that hits one modu le can be balanced to others within

a single system. Therefore, the Cisco CSS 11500 balances tra ffic not

only within a data center but also across its own internal modules.

This innovative architecture addresses the primary limitations of 

PC-and application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC)-basedsolutions. Unlike PC-based systems, the network processors of the

Cisco CSS 11500 provide ample packet processing power and

bandwidth, avoiding the bottlenecks of the PC bus and a single

central processor. And unlike ASIC-based platforms, the powerful,

yet adaptable processors of the Cisco CSS 11500 enable easy

integration of new software features.

The Cisco CSS 11500 can apply all its processing power to any port

at any time, and it can grow with changing feature and scalability

requirements. The system is designed to readily adapt to changing

e-business needs—without complex and costly hard ware upgrades.

New Standard in High Availabil i ty

The Cisco CSS 11500 delivers ASR—the industry’s first stateful

Layer 5 session redundancy feature that enables failover of 

important flows while maximizing performance.

Some flows—such as a long-lived File Transfer Protocol (FTP) or a

database session—may be mission critical, but many flows are not.

Most solutions on the mar ket today require all traffic—important or

not—to be backed up from one unit t o another. If the majority of 

flows is not critical, most of system performance is wasted on

unnecessary back ups.

With ASR, the Cisco CSS 11500 may be configured so that critical

flows are marked a s replication worthy, whereas others need not be

marked as such. ASR focuses traffic management r esources precisely

where needed.

SSL Integration for Security and Performance

Cisco offers the most scalable integrated SSL solutions of any Layer

4–7 switches.

SSL, the industry standard for secure transport o f tra ffic from client

browsers to Web servers, presents two critical challenges for toda y’s

e-business infrastructure. First, because SSL encrypts data and

headers, it obscures the request-specific information that Layer 4–7

switching decisions are made on. Second, SSL authentication places

a high processing load for each SSL flow setup.

The Cisco CSS 11500 with integrated SSL modules meets both of 

these challenges by combining leading SSL acceleration t echnology

with the Cisco WebNS technology. In addition to superior price

performance, the SSL module simplifies the management of digital

certificates and offers new possibilities in optimizing the

switch-to-server architecture for security and performance. And SSL

transaction performance may be scaled by adding multiple SSL

modules to a chassis.

M odular i ty for Investment Protect ion

Through its modular design, the Cisco CSS 11500 will meet your

functional requirements today while providing for expansion for

tomorrow’s needs. The Cisco CSS 11500 Session Accelerator

Module is a cost-effective way to add performance for flow setup

and flow forwarding. A selection of input/output (I/O) modules not

only offers the choice of port densities of Fast or Gigabit Ethernet,

but also boosts flow performance. Op tional memory upgrades

increase the number of simultaneous flows supported. PCM CIA

Flash memory and hard disks are supported.

Local and Global Load Balancing

By supporting the latest advances in local and global load balan cing,

the Cisco CSS 11500 Series Switch not only dramatically increases

site availability—greatly improving user response time and

retention—but also optimally utilizes site resources, thereby

decreasing the cost to serve end users.

The Cisco CSS 11500 learns where specific content resides, either

locally or remotely, and dynamically selects the best Web server or

cache for specific content requests.

Local server selection is based on server load and application

response time, as well as traditional least connection and

round-robin algorithms. Any application tha t uses standard TCP or

User Da tagram Protocol (UDP) protocols can also be load balanced,

including firewalls, mail, news, chat, and Lightweight Directory

Access Protocol (LDAP).

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All cont ents are Copyright © 1992–2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All r ights reserved. Important N otices and Privac y Statement.

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The Cisco CSS 11500 also provides a complete solution for building

and provisioning Internet-scale global content distribution and

delivery. Whereas local load-balancing features determine the best

device within a data center, global load-balancing functions choose

the best data center in the Internet to service requests.

The Cisco CSS 11500 perfor ms comprehensive resource verification

before routing user requests, ensuring that they are directed to the

location that has the best response time and the least load for the

requested content. Cisco suppor ts global load balancing through

redirection based on both D omain N ame System (DNS) and H TTP.

The DN S mechanism is fast and scalable; the HTTP method

provides the highest degree of control.

Site and System Security

The Cisco CSS 11500 with Cisco WebNS Software ensures high

levels of security without compromising site performance. The

Cisco CSS 11500 provides stateful, content-based access control,

and supports security policies based on any combination of source

address, destination address, protocol, TCP port, or URL. The

Cisco CSS 11500 monitors start-to-finish Web transaction activity

and guards against denial-of-service (DoS) attacks such as SYN

floods, ping floods, “ smurfs,” and any o ther undesirable connection

attempts. Wire-speed N etwork Address Translation (NAT) pro tects

real server IP addresses.

For additional security, the Cisco CSS 11500 intelligently directs

traffic across multiple firewalls. By load balancing firewalls, the

Cisco CSS 11500 eliminates performance bottlenecks and single

points of failure that result in system downtime, a situation that can

close off the connection to the network and d isrupt e-commerce

purchases or other mission-critical transactions.

Manage Through Simple GUIs or

Sophist icated Tools

Effective management tools reduce the ongoing cost of operating a

business-critical Web site. The Cisco CSS 11500 with WebNS

supports a wide range of management tools that offer simplicity,

security, and flexibility. For configuration, administrators have a

choice of a Cisco IOS® Software-like command-line interface (CLI)

or an intuitive, embedded graphical user interface (GUI). For large

networks, the Cisco CSS 11500 may be managed through enterprise

management systems such as CiscoWorks CiscoView and

tiered-access tools such as the Cisco Hosting Solutions Engine. For

integration with customized management systems or even user

applications requiring network interaction, the C isco CSS 11500

offers an Extensible Markup Language (XML)-based,

programmatic management application programming interface

(API), Simple Network Management Protocol (SNM P), Remote

Mon itoring (RMO N), and log files. Effective management tools

reduce the ongoing cost of operating a business-critical Web site.

Cisco CSS 1150 0 Series Content Services Swit ch:

Chassis and M odules

The Cisco CSS 11500 Series Content Services Switch includes th ree


• A one-rack unit, fixed-configuration Cisco CSS 11501 with

6-Gbps aggregate throughput

• A two-rack unit, three-slot Cisco CSS 11503 with 20-Gbps

aggregate throu ghput

• A five-rack unit, six-slot Cisco CSS 11506 with 40-Gbps

aggregate throu ghput

The Cisco CSS 11501 supports eight 10 /100 Ethernet ports and one

Gigabit Ethernet po rt though an optional small-form factor,

pluggable gigabit interface converter (SFP GBIC). The Cisco CSS

11501 also features a console port, an Ethernet por t for

management and two PCMCIA slots that hold up to two 256-MBFlash memory disks, up to two 512-M B hard disks, or one of each

The Cisco CSS 11503 and Cisco CSS 11506 are both modular

platforms with interchangeable modules. The Cisco CSS 11503 and

Cisco CSS 11506 may also share memory, disks and GBICs. The

Cisco CSS 11501 has fixed memory and does support the same disks

and SFP GBICs as the other two models.

The Cisco CSS 11506 requires at least one switch control module

(SCM) and m ay be configured with a second in standby mode. With

the required SCM in one slot, the Cisco CSS 11506 has five

additional slots supporting any combination of I/O, SSL, or session

accelerator modules. The Cisco CSS 11503 requires a SCM and

accommodates any two of the other optional modules.

The Cisco CSS 11506 support s not only redundancy in switch

control modules but also redundant power supplies and redundant

switch modules (20 Gbps each). All SCMs support r edundant

disk drives.

All modules participate in flow setup, but they differ primarily in

control functions, performance, SSL capabilities, and I/O. Each

Cisco CSS 11500 Module consists of one high-speed MIPS RISC

processor for flow setup, one network processor for flow

forwarding, one classification engine for accelerated lookups in

bridge/access control list (ACL) tables, and up to 288 MB of 


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Cisco Systems, Inc.

All cont ents are Copyright © 1992–2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All r ights reserved. Important N otices and Privac y Statement.

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Swit ch Contro l M odule for t he Cisco CSS 11500 Content Serv ices Switch

The Cisco CSS 11500 Switch Cont rol M odule not only governs the entire system, it also contr ibutes to I/O densityand flow performa nce. The SCM comes standard with 2-Gigabit Ethernet por ts—support ing small-form factor,

pluggable gigabit interface converters (SFP GBICs)—and has a console port and Ethernet port for management. The

SCM a lso features two PCMCIA slots that hold up to two 256-M B Flash memory disks, up to two 512 -MB hard

disks, or one of each.

SSL Module for the Cisco CSS 11500 Content Services Switch

The Cisco CSS 11500 SSL Module is the ideal solution for handling high volumes of SSL transactions that occupy

today’s e-business data centers. The module integrates state-of-the-art SSL processors into the leading content

switching technology of Cisco WebNS. In addition to superior price performance, the SSL module simplifies the

management of digital certificates and offers new possibilities in optimizing the switch-to-server architecture for

security and performance.

I /O Modules for the Cisco CSS 11500 Content Services Switch

The Cisco CSS 11500 I/O modu les deliver por t density and flow perform ance. The product line supports thr ee types

of I/O modules:

• Two-port Gigabit Ethernet

• Sixteen-port Fast Ethernet

• Eight-port Fast Ethernet

The Fast Ethernet por ts are 10/100BASE-TX with standard RJ-45 connectors, whereas the Gigabit Ethernet port s

require small-form factor GBICs (1000BASE-SX or 1000BASE-LX).

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Cisco Systems, Inc.

All cont ents are Copyright © 1992–2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All r ights reserved. Important N otices and Privac y Statement.

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Session Accelerator Module for the Cisco CSS 11500 Content Services Switch

The session accelerator module is a cost-effective way to add flow performance when additional connectivity is notrequired. Using the same flow setup and forwarding processors as the I/O modules, it provides the flexibility to

optimize the system for port density and performance. Table 1 gives the features of the Cisco CSS 11500 models.

Table 1 Cisco CSS 11500 Models: Quick Look

Cisco CSS11501 Cisco CSS11503 Cisco CSS11506

Module Slots 0 (Fixed Configuration) 3 6

Included in Base


Switch Control with 8

10/100 Ethernet

and 1 Gigabit Ethernet

(GBIC) Port

Switch Control M odule

wit h 2 Gigabit Ethernet

(GBIC) Port s

Switch Control M odule

wi th 2 Gigabit Ethernet

(GBIC) Ports

Maximum Gigabit

Ethernet Ports

1 6 12

Maximum 10/100

Ethernet Ports

8 32 80

SSL Termination No Yes Yes

2-port Gigabit Ethernet

I/O Module

Maximum of 2 Maximum of 5

16-port 10/100 Ethernet I/ O Maximum of 2 Maximum of 5

8-port 10/ 100 Ethernet I/ O Maximum of 2 Maximum of 5

SSL Modules Maximum of 2 Maximum of 4

Session Accelerator


Maximum of 2 Maximum of 5

Redundancy Features Active-active Layer 5

Adaptive Session


• VIP 1 redundancy

1.Virtual Inter net Protocol (Address)

• Active-active Layer 5

Adaptive Session


• VIP redundancy

• Active-active Layer 5

Adaptive Session


• VIP redundancy

• Active-standby SCM

• Redundant switch fabric


• Redundant power


Height 1.75 in. (1 rack unit) 3.5 in. (2 rack units) 8.75 in. (5 rack units)

Bandwidth Aggregate 6 Gbps 20 Gbps 40 Gbps

Storage Options 512-MB hard disk or

256-MB Flash m emory


512-MB hard disk or

256-MB Flash m emory


512-MB hard disk or

256-MB Flash memory


Power Integrated AC Integrated AC or DC Up to 3 AC or 3 DC

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Cisco Systems, Inc.

All cont ents are Copyright © 1992–2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All r ights reserved. Important N otices and Privac y Statement.

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Ordering Information

Table 2 lists the product numbers and their descriptions for the Cisco CSS 11500 Series.

Table 2 Cisco CSS 11500 Series Product Numbers

Product Num ber D escription

CSS11506-2AC Cisco 11506 Content Services Switch including SCM with 2 Gigabit Ethernet ports, hard disk,

2 switch modules, 2 AC power supplies, and a fan (requires SFP GBICs)

CSS11506-2DC Cisco 11506 Content Services Switch including SCM with 2 Gigabit Ethernet ports, hard disk,

2 switch modules, 2 DC power supplies, and a fan (requires SFP GBICs)

CSS11503-AC Cisco 11503 Content Services Switch including SCM with 2 Gigabit Ethernet ports, hard disk,

and integrated AC pow er supply, integrated fan, and integrated swit ch module

(requir es SFP GBICs)

CSS11503-DC Cisco 11503 Content Services Switch including SCM with 2 Gigabit Ethernet ports, hard disk,

and integrated DC pow er supply, integrated fan, and integrated swi tch module

(requir es SFP GBICs)

CSS11501 Cisco 11501 Content Services Swi tch including 8 10/100 Ethernet and 1 Gigabit Ethernet po rt,

hard disk, and in tegrated AC power suppl y and i ntegrated fan (optional SFP GBIC)

CSS5-SCM-2GE Cisco CSS 11500 System Control Mod ule w ith 2 Gigabit Ethernet ports and hard di sk

(requires SFP GBICs)

CSS5-IOM-8FE Cisco CSS 11500 Fast Ethernet I/O M odu le: 8-port TX

CSS5-IOM-16FE Cisco CSS 11500 Fast Ethernet I/O M odu le: 16-port TX

CSS5-IOM-2GE Cisco CSS 11500 Gigabit Ethernet I/O Modu le: 2-port (requir es SFP GBICs)

CSS5-SAM Cisco CSS 11500 Session Accelerator M odu le

CSS5-SSL Cisco CSS 11500 SSL Module

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All cont ents are Copyright © 1992–2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All r ights reserved. Important N otices and Privac y Statement.

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Cisco CSS 1150 0 Specif icat ions

Table 3 lists the specifications for the Cisco CSS 11500 Series.

Table 3 Cisco CSS 11500 Specifi cation

Cisco CSS 11500 Specifications

Key System Parameters* (* For WebNS Version 7.10)

Maxim um supported keepalives: 2048

Maximum concurrent connections per I/O module: 200,000 with


Cisco CSS 11506 • Requires WebNS 5.10 or later versions

• One slot for SCM

• Rack Units: 5

• Five slots for additional modules

• Two slots for switch modules

• Aggregate switch throughput: 40 Gbps

• Dimensions (Height x Width x Depth):

8.75 x 17.0 x 12.5 in. (22.2 x 43.2 x 31.8 cm)

Cisco CSS 11503 • Requires WebNS 5.10 or later versions

• One SCM slot

• Rack Units: 2

• Two slots for additional m odules

• Integrated switch fabric module

• Aggregate switch throughput: 20 Gbps

• Dimensions (Height x Width x Depth):

3.5 x 17.0 x 12.5 in. (8.9 x 43.2 x 31.8 cm)

Cisco CSS 11501 • Requires WebNS 7.10 or later versions

• Fixed confi guration wit h 8 10/100 Ethernet and 1 Gigabit Ethernet (GBIC) Port

• Rack Units: 1

• Aggregate switch throughput: 6 Gbps

• Dimensions (Height x Width x Depth):1.72 x 17.3 x 18.1 in. (4.4 x 43.9 x 46.0 cm)

Key Cisco WebNS Features

The Cisco CSS 11500 support s all WebNS 7.1 features, includ ing :

• Full URL parsing

• HTTP (1.0, 1.1)

• Sticky cookie insertion

• All TCP services, UDP, and SSL

• Content po licy ACLs on all HTTP headers

• VLAN 802.1Q

• DoS protection against SYN floods and other Layer 4 attacks

• Management: Secure Shell Protocol (SSH), SNMP, SSL brow ser-based int erface,

embedded GUI• Integrated global load balancing with HTTP and DNS-based redirection

• Routing Inform ation Protocol (RIP) versions 1 and 2, Open Shortest Path First


• Server/node operating system compatibili ty: Any TCP/IP OS, including Windows

XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windo ws 98, Window s 95, all UNIX platform s,

LINUX, and Mac OS

• Dynamic content support: Activ e Server Pages (ASP), Visual Basic Script, Acti veX,

Java, Virtual Reality Markup Language (VRML), Common Gateway Interface (CGI),

CoolTalk, NetMeeting, RealAudio, RealVideo, NetShow, QuickTime, PointCast, Any

HTTP Encapsulated Data

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SSL* (* For Cisco WebNS Version 7.10)

• Full and transparent proxy modes

• SSL session reuse

• Number of digital certificates: 256

• Clock with battery backup (on Switch Control Module)

• Key sizes 512, 768, 1024, and 2048

• Security protocols SSL 3.0 and Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.0

• Import ing certificates: Apache, Microsoft IIS, Netscape

• PCKS no. 12: Personal inform ation exchange syntax standard

• Security algorit hms Rivest, Shamir, Adelman (RSA), Digital Encryption Standard


• Trip le DES (3DES), and RC4

• Encryption (3DES) of certificates and keys in configur ation file


Temperature Operating: 32°to 104°F (0°t o 40°C)Nonop erati ng : –4°to 149°F (–20°to 65°C)

Humidity Operating: 10 to 90% noncondensing

Nonoperating: up to 95% noncondensing

Altitude Operating: 0 to 10,000 ft (0 to 3000 m)

Nonoperating: 0 to 15,000 ft (0 to 4570 m)

Electrical AC

• 100–240 VAC input, 50–60 Hz

• Cisco CSS 11506 current rating: 9A

• Cisco CSS 11503 current rating: 5A

• Cisco CSS 11501 current rating : 1.6A


• –46 to –60 VDC input

• Cisco CSS 11506 current rating: 9A

• Cisco CSS 11503 current rating: 5A

Heat Dissipation Cisco CSS 11506 maximum• AC: 860VA@2936 Btu/hr

• DC: 860VA@2936 Btu/hr

Cisco CSS 11503 maximum

• AC: 430VA@1468 Btu/hr

• DC: 430VA@1468 Btu/hr

Cisco CSS 11501 maximum

• AC: 150VA@512 Btu/hr

Acoustic Noise 70 dB maximum

Shock Operating (half sine): 21 in./sec (0.53 m/sec)

Nonoperating (tr apezoidal pulse): 20G1, 52 in./sec (1.32 m/sec)

1G is a value of acceleration, w here G equals 32.17 ft/sec** (9.81 m/sec* * )

Vibration Operating: 0.35 Grms from 3 to 500 Hz

(Grms is the roo t m ean square value of acceleration)

Nonoperating: 1.0 Grms from 3 to 500 Hz

Table 3 Cisco CSS 11500 Specification (Continued)

Cisco CSS 11500 Specifications

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Weight Cisco CSS 11506

• Shipping: 68.65 lb

• Standalone: 57.7 lb

Cisco CSS 11503

• Shipping: 42.85 lb

• Standalone: 33.3 lb

Cisco CSS 11501

• Shipping: 21.5 lb

• Standalone: 18.0 lb

Safety Certification CSA-22.2 No. 950-UL1950



AS/NZS 3260


CSA-22.2 No. 950-UL1950

Electromagnetic compl iance (emissions)FCC CFR 47 Part 15 Class A

FCC CFR 47 Part 15.109 Class B

ICES-003 Class A

CISPR 22 EN55022 Class B (to 1 GHz)

CISPR 22 EN55022 Class A

EN61000-3-2/IEC-1000-3-2 (pow er l ine harm onics)

EN61000-3-2/IEC-1000-3-2 (pow er l ine harm onics)

Electromagnetic compl iance (emissions)

VCCI V-3/01.4 Class B (to 1GHz)

VCCI Class A

ICES-003 Class B

AS/NZS 3548 Class A

AS/NZS3548 Class B

Immunity EN300386 (EMC for netwo rk equipm ent)

EN61000-4-8/IEC-1000-4-8 (Power frequency magnetic field immunity)

EN61000-4-3/IEC-1000-4-2 (electrostatic discharge [ESD])

EN61000-4-11/IEC-1000-4-11 (voltage dips and sags)

EN61000-4-3/IEC-1000-4-3 (radiated im munit y)


EN61000-4/IEC-1000-4-4 (EFT)

FCC Class A Compliance Notice (United States)

EN61000-4-5/IEC-1000-4-5 (surge)

ICES-003 Class A Com pliance Not ice (Canada)

EN61000-4-6/IEC-1000-4-6 (low-frequency conducted immunity)

VCCI Class A Compli ance Noti ce (Japan)

1. Nonoper ating (tr apezoidal pulse): 20G 1, 52 in./sec (1.32 m/sec) 1 G is a value of acc eleration, where G equals 32.17 ft/sec* * (9.81 m/sec* * )

Table 3 Cisco CSS 11500 Specification (Continued)

Cisco CSS 11500 Specifications

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