Drowning in life? Here are 7 things that will help NOW

Post on 13-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Drowning in life? Here are 7 things that will help NOW

drowning in life?Here are 7 things that will help NOW

WHeN yOu’re feeliNg

cOmpletely OverWHelmed

WHeN yOu’re feeliNg

cOmpletely OverWHelmed

you don’t reallyappreciate pithy advice

to ‘slow down’ or ‘learn to say no’

you just need some of the

pressure taken off

you just need some of the

pressure taken off

So you canBreAtHe

for a second or two

Here are 7 thingstHAt Will Help

reduce the number of decisions you need to make in

any given day


decision making is incredibly tiring

under normal circumstances ...

... when we’re feeling

overwhelmed, even more so

you can reduce the number of decisions you need to make in any

given day by:

eating the

same thing

for breakfast

developing a ‘uniform’ for work

creating a meal

plan for the week

if something’s going to take

less than one minute, don’t think

about it,

juSt dO it

Have a set morning routine


if your day starts off frantic and rushed ...

... chances are, the

rest of the day will

continue that way

So get up at the same time every


do pretty much the same things in the same order (where practical)

the goal is to head out of the door feeling pretty chilled ...

... and with plenty of

time to get wherever

you’re going

move your body every day


endorphins are very helpful ...

... when it comes to

dealing with the stress that

comes with overwhelm

... when it comes to

dealing with the stress that

comes with overwhelm

you don’t have to move your body fast or far

you just need to move it

take a proper lunch break


in the same way your morning routine

affects your whole day

the way you spend your

lunch break ...

... affects how

productive you are in the


don’t commit to anything on the spot


you knew this was coming right?

And it’s easier than you


just say:“let me come back

to you on that.”

rather than


saying ‘yes’

this works for all requests, no matter who they’re from

get as much help as you can afford


don’t think about it too


if you can afford it, pay for

someone to take

SOmetHiNgoff your plate

try this simple meditation


close your eyes

Breathe in for a count of four

Breathe out for a count of four

repeat another three times

And you’re done

this meditation takes only a

tiny amount of time and can be used whenever

overwhelm threatens in the


But ... how do we address overwhelm in the long term?