"DropBox for Dummies"

Post on 20-Jan-2015

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Transcript of "DropBox for Dummies"

  • 1. Russ Pierson

2. What is the cloud? What are the advantages and disadvantages of cloud storage? How do I get me some nifty cloud storage for free or for cheap? Case Study: DropBox 3. http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/video/cloud--16646449 4. Advantages Anywhere access Less requirements on your computer/gadget Serves as a backup (maybe with versioning) Easy sharing Disadvantages Requires internet access May result in higher prices for mobile data plan Sharing isnt always a good thing Proliferation of files 5. Cloud drive-based services DropBox Google Drive SkyDrive Others: Box, Cubby, SugarSync Other Cloud Services iCloud Amazon Cloud Drive Evernote 6. PrimaDesk, Otixo, StorageMadeEasy 7. CloudMagic 8. Russ Pierson