Dr Zakir Naik Speech

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Dr Zakir Naik speech in Malaysia on 2012

Transcript of Dr Zakir Naik Speech

Sabtu 29 September 2012

Rights of Women in Islam

By 1st Speaker of the night,

Mr Farid Naik,son of Dr Zakir Naik.

The misunderstand portrayed by Western media regarding the rights of women in Islam.

Man and woman are equal in terms of rights in Islam, but not identical.

Spiritual rights of women in Islam

Women also have the rights to enter paradise.

An-Nisaa’, verse 1 urge us to “respect the womb that bore you”.

Spiritual nature of women and man is equal, if a woman do the same good deeds as a man did, she shall enter paradise as equal and get the same rewards.

Unlike Bible which state pregnancy is the punishment from God towards woman and they must suffer the hardship of it, Al-Quran denounces this.

Al-Quran state clearly in An-Nisaa’, verse 1.

This is an honor from God for woman, as for all the hardship they shall get bountiful of rewards.

Economic rights of women in Islam

Women in Islam are allowed to owned / disowned properties.

Exploitation of women bodies is forbidden – thus career such as modeling, dancer, prostitution etc is strictly prohibited.

Even though men and women are equal, this is where they are not identical – men must took the financial burden. not women.

Women properties belong to her and her alone, while for men he must gave a part of his to his wife, children, mother and took the responsibility upon them all.

All in all, the economic rights of women in Islam is much more advanced, where they were allowed to owned / disowned properties since 1400 years ago, unlike in western society where the rights are recognized about 400-500 years ago.

Best example, Saidatina Khadijah ra. She was the best woman entrepreneur in Islam.

In India, there is a custom of asking dowry, where the bride must pay the groom amount of money before married – this is strictly forbidden by Islam.

Demanding Dowry is haram, because it is for husband to look after financial aspect.

Even in Islam, during the period of iddah the former wife still have the rights and former husband must took responsibility of her financial condition.

Social rights of woman in Islam

Holy Quran,

Chapter 81, Verse 8-9.

Allah denounces the bad habit of Arabs during prophet time and nowadays customs in some part of the world, particularly India where they were ashamed to have daughters as their child.

Chapter 17, Verse 21.

Chapter 16, Verse 68 – 69.

Women are the fort of Islam.

Chapter 13, Verse 21.

Women have the rights to choose, even their bai’ah (swear to give allegiance) is accepted.

Women should not called housewife, they are not married to a house, they are housemakers, they build the house (rhetorically)

Marriage is not relationship, its partnership.

Chapter 2, Verse 28.

Men are supporters and protectors

Chapter 4, Verse 34.

Mother in Islam.

Chapter 4 : 19.

Chapter 6 : 51.

All ask us to respect our mother/parents.

Sister in Islam.

Chapter 9 : 71.

The rights to be protected by muslim men.

Daughters in Islam.

Have the rights to study.

Aishah r.a. and Safiah r.a. is one of the best scholars in Islamic history, where both are women.

Aishah narrated thousand of hadith from Prophet SAW himself, while Safiah binti Huyai bin Akhtab is one the brightest women in the terms of knowledge.

Legal rights of woman in Islam.

If a man kills a woman, he shall be punished with the same punishment if he kills a man.

Chapter 2 : 178 – 179

Political rights of woman in Islam

Chapter 60 : 12

Summary from Mr Farid Naik speech

Man and woman are equal.

But in some aspect, man has advantages as do woman.

For example, if a burglar broke into your house, aren’t you as a man who must fight neither your sister nor your mother?

Other examples of man and woman equality - 2 students have total marks of 80 / 100. 1st student got 7 / 10 for first questions, 2nd students got 10 / 10 for the same questions.

1st student got 10 / 10 for second questions, 2nd students got 7 / 10 for the same questions.

And for the rest of the questions for the paper, they got the same marks. So in total they got marks of 80 / 100.

This is the correct analogy of how woman and man is equal in Islam, but not identical.

2 nd speaker of the night,

Dr Zakir Naik : Understanding religion and comparative religions.

Solah : representing one universal brotherhood from muslim point of view.

That’s is why it is compulsory to stand shoulder to shoulder.

5th pillar of Islam – pilgrimage to Makkah also representing Universal brotherhood.

The main connection of our faith is tauhid, only one God.

This is actually the same with other religion.

Allah swt have teaches us how to speak and introduce your self to non-muslim :

Ali Imran : verse 64.

Sahih International

Say, "O People of the Scripture, come to a word that is equitable between us and you - that we will not worship except Allah and not associate anything with Him and not take one another as lords instead of Allah ." But if they turn away, then say, "Bear witness that we are Muslims [submitting to Him].

We must know the difference between God, god’s and gods.

For not snake, elephant, moon, stars, sun etc are gods, but they are god’s (belongs to Almighty God, the one and only).

All materialistic people serve demi-god.

Concept of God in other religion

There’s been various scripture in Judaism, Christianity and Hinduism that state the oneness of God.

God is imageless, all the modern day idol worshippers who portrayed God as this and that (have 3 heads, a lot of hands etc) is mistaken with the good names associated with God, while it is wrong to depict God in a specific form.

Al-ikhlas as the litmus paper test of divinity claims.

Even in India, there’s a lot of claims for divinity. So, there is a test for them, whether the claims is true or not.

Take out Surat Al-Ikhlas and juxtapose them, if its according to each other so it might be true.

(does the claimer “one and only – unique” ?)

(does the claimer has parents or child?)

(does the claimer have any equivalent?)

If the answer is mostly yes, then the claim for divinity is FALSE!

Question & Anwers.

One particular question from a non-muslim :

“If Muslim and Islam strictly prohibited idol worship and denounces it, then why do you bow towards a square,group of stones called kaabah?”

Answers :

“If you bow and prostrate to your God, do you step unto him or her?”

The answer is no, because even it is an idol they were respected. But in case of kaabah, did you know in the time of prophet SAW Bilal bin Rabah r.a. step on kaabah and did the adthan(azan)?how come prophet SAW allow it if kaabah was the God, even did so by a black former slave in times slavery were common in Arab Peninsular?

This shows kaabah is merely a tool, and nothing divine about it.

Other example is, if you are away from your family and you want to speak with your mother, what would you do? You called her by cellphone.

This doesn’t mean you talked to the phone, its merely a tool while actually you speak to your mother, not the phone. This also shows us how kaabah works – only as a tool, as a symbol of unity rather than symbol of divinity.