Dr. Scott Smith, CSAS Director Kansas State Department of Education 10/16/15.

Post on 17-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Dr. Scott Smith, CSAS Director Kansas State Department of Education 10/16/15.

Curriculum LeadersDr. Scott Smith, CSAS Director

Kansas State Department of Education


Curriculum DirectorsOctober 16, 2015

CTE Update

Follow us on Twitter @KSDE_CTE

CTE Student Participation


Unique students in grades 8 - 12 enrolled in at least one CTE course

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Pathway Growth


Total Approved Pathways



Total Approved Pathways

271420+ Increase Pathways

Visual ArtsTeaching/Training

Restaurant/Event ManagementHealth Science

Engineering/Applied MathematicsAV Communications

Follow us on Twitter @KSDE_CTE

K-6, Career Exposure

6-8, Identify Career Interests

8-12, Career Exploration




Cluster Reviews Clusters reviewed last year:

• Marketing• Manufacturing• Human Services

Clusters to be reviewed this year :• Government & Public Administration• Hospitality & Tourism • Transportation, Distribution, & Logistics

New in 2016-2017

New in 2017-2018

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Career Pathways Assessments (cPass)

General CTE AssessmentFor students midway through a Pathway

Academic, Leadership, & Employability Test Items

Pathway-specific AssessmentsFor students completing a Pathway

Technical Skill Test Items

Career Pathways Assessments (cPass)

Each Assessment developed includes:

1. Sit-down, computerized test items (100)

2. Career Competency Qualifications(CCQ)(Performance Assessment)

Career Pathways Assessment System

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Industry-Recognized Certifications

In addition to a diploma, another game-changer for students is earning an industry-recognized certification while in high school.

It’s important for school districts to keep record of students who have earned industry-recognized certifications as that is a measure of college/career readiness.

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New CTE Student Categories beginning in


*Participant – 0.5 CTE credit *Concentrator – 2.0 CTE credits (any combination of

two levels in the same Pathway) Completer – Benchmarks to be determined CTE Scholar – Program Under Construction

* Must be reported for Perkins Federal Accountability

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CTE Funding0.5 Funding, 1992 - 2015

Weighted funding based on students enrolled in technical/application level courses

Funds to be used for:

• Special facilities • Special equipment • A lower pupil/teacher ratio • Teacher training and

retraining to keep abreast of the specialized subject area

**Block Grant, 2015-2017

Schools will receive roughly the same amount of funding as in 2014-2015

0.5 CTE Funds are IN the Block Grant but not specifically earmarked for CTE

**Pending School Funding Lawsuit

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February is CTE Month! To recognize exemplary student achievement in

CTE, KSDE is gathering photos and/or videos (3 minutes or less) of students in CTE classrooms or professional learning experiences.

The photos and videos will be posted to KSDE social media sites during the month of February.

Please send photos and videos to jscott@ksde.org by December 20th, 2015.

Follow us on Twitter @KSDE_CTE

Standards Updates

Library Media

Pre-K – 12 Library Media and Technology Standards Committee members selected Meeting dates are being established Basically online communications Early 2016 standards to KSBE  Feedback to committee chairs and co-chair

indicate standards need to impact instruction delivered in 20-30 minute sessions once per week

State Library of Kansas Resources

State Library of Kansas Resources

Allie Lockwood

SLK Resource Sharing Specialists

Standards Updates

English Language Arts

ELA Virtual Communities of

Practice Focus: Meaningful, ongoing, inquiry-based professional learning for K-12 teachers of English Language Arts

4 VCOPs:• Western KS Elementary• Western KS Secondary• Eastern KS Elementary• Eastern KS Secondary

Capped at 30 participants per cohort 6 meetings: 2 in-person and 4 virtual 1 hour college credit available

Standards Updates


Acceleration Task Force Met in July 2015 Created four fantastic resources

1. Acceleration White Paper2. Kansas Mathematics Roadmap Grades 6-12 A Guide for

Districts3. Math is the Highway Success Document for parents4. Video

Will be RELEASED at the KSDE Annual Conference!

KSDE Annual Conference Math General Conference Session

Wisdom of OZ: Addressing Issues of Acceleration in Middle & High School

Presenters:  Liz Peyser, USD 259, Dr. Sherri Martinie, Kansas State University and Melissa Fast, KSDE

Participants that attend this session will • Weigh the costs/benefits of acceleration• Investigate college and career readiness

pathways/pipeline for grades 6-12 mathematics • Discuss the purpose for acceleration and how students

are identified. • Participants that attend this session will focus on how to

best communicate to parents and community

Provide a clearer understanding of what students will learn at a specific grade level in parent friendly language.

Provide a few activities parents can do at home with their child to further support their learning of mathematics.

Simple yet precise one page documents that are perfect for distribution during parent teacher conferences or any other school related event.

 Check out these and other great parent resources at http://community.ksde.org/Default.aspx?tabid=5651

KSDE Standards Guide & Activities for Parents


• There will be a competition this year.• More details coming in the next few

weeks!• http://


Math Science Partnership Grant

Standards Updates

General Information:


KSDE Annual Pre-Conference Standards and

Assessment WorkshopsParticipants will engage in activities aimed at developing an understanding of standards-based instruction and assessments for deeper learning within a particular discipline. Session leaders will share information about available tools for assisting schools and districts with staff, parent, and public communication related to standards and assessment, available tools for instructional leaders and coaches, as well as new resources to assist teachers with standards-aligned instruction.

Schedule After lunch on Monday October 26th there will

be a number of assessment workshops offered

From 12:45 – 2:15 there will be workshops on • Career Pathways Assessment Systems (CPASS)• KIDS and KITE Connection• English Language Arts (ELA)• English Language Proficiency (ELP)• History, Government, Social Studies (HGSS)• Mathematics (Math)• Science

Each will be duplicated from 2:30 – 4:00

KSDE Annual Conference Math Preconference

Session Presenters:  Dr. Sherri Martinie, Kansas

State University and Melissa Fast, KSDE Measuring Student Learning in Mathematics Participants will engage in activities aimed

at developing an understanding of standards-based instruction and assessments for deeper learning within Mathematics.

Standards Updates

General Information:

Standards Review

Standards Review of ELA and Math

Committees formed by January 2016

Approximately 25 members each committee• Representative of educational constituents• Representative of 10 board districts

A couple of face-to-face meetings and the rest done via web-ex/online

Information requesting participation to come out in November

Standards Review Website

• Website: http://standards.ksde.org

• Site will close October 30, 2015

• Please share information about this to your teachers and community!

Standards Review

Physical Education and Health

World Language Driver’s Education Counseling Music –(in process)

ASSESSMENTS - 2015 Check Your Data

• October 12 – 31• Individual district and building data available on the

KSDE authenticated website. Building Report Card

• Public release is schedule for the December State Board meeting

• Preview for districts and buildings after Thanksgiving Accountability – Annual Measurable Objectives

(AMO)• Participation Rates• Graduation Rates• 2015 is the baseline year for the other AMOs.

ASSESSMENTS - 2016 English Language Arts and Mathematics

• Grades 3 – 8 & 10 Science

• FIELD TEST – no scores will be released• Grades 5, 8 & 11

History/Government/Social Studies• Delayed Results • Standard setting – summer 2016• Grades 6, 8, &11• Alternate History/Government/Social Studies

DLM (consortium assessments)• English Language Arts & Mathematics• Science


• CETE will begin processing TEST Records on October 26• Performance task

• February 16 – March 10• Estimated length of time to complete task

• Math – 30 minutes• MDPT – 60 minutes (2 activities)

• Machine scored• March 16 – April 28

• Estimated length of time to complete• Math – 90 minutes (4 parts)• ELA – 90 minutes (4 parts)• Science – 90 minutes (2 parts)• History/Government – 30 minutes (2 parts)

TOTAL TESTING TIME• 8th grade student – 6.5 hours


• English Language Arts and Math• Imbedded window – November 5 – February 29

• English Language Arts, Math and Science• Spring window – March 16 – April 28

ELPA 21• Window may change – stay tuned• Headphones with microphones will be required

LISTENING• Fall field test is no longer necessary• School for the Deaf will field test ASL listening on Oct. 29• Will not adapt until 2017


Morning – General Sessions• New Test Coordinator Training• Test Security Training• Plenary Session by KSDE

Afternoon Breakout Sessions (repeated twice)• cPass• Math• English Language Arts• History/Government/Social Studies• Science• ELPA 21• CETE/KIDS

Kansas Assessment Advisory Council networking session