Dr. Norman Manohar - Good News Charles Spurgeon's Morning & Evening...

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Transcript of Dr. Norman Manohar - Good News Charles Spurgeon's Morning & Evening...

Dr. Norman Manohar - Good News Charles Spurgeon's Morning & Evening Go Fund Me Fundraiser Student Services CornerSocial Media CampaignFTS Alumni Spotlight - Jadon Gadson Student Body President Outgoing Address

fts A Monthly Newsletter of the Faith Theological Seminary November 2019

Greetings in the wonderful name of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

It is my joy to write this letter to you. Since the founding of Faith Theological Seminary in 1937, God has been faithful in meeting all the needs of this God glorifying school. I am honored and blessed to be the President of FTS since 2002. By the grace of God, after moving from Philadelphia to Baltimore, FTS was accredited by TRACS; authorized as an In-State Degree Granting Institution by the Maryland Higher Education Commission; and approved for Title IV Financial Aid and Veterans’ Benefits for students. In order to achieve and maintain these authorizations and accreditation, a great deal of time, money, and sacrifices have been made by the Directors, administration and staff.

As you all know, we needed to post $500,000 letter of credit or surety bond to the Maryland Higher Education Commission in order to continue to operate as an In-State Degree Granting Institution in Maryland. We tried to get the $500,000 surety bond from different sources but were unsuccessful. The Lord placed in my heart to talk to one of our professors, Dr. Jerry Harmon, Pastor of Grace Bible Baptist Church. I had a meeting with him and explained the situation Faith is facing. Dr. Harmon asked me to meet the Elders of his Church and Dr. Bergman, Dr. Campbell and I attended a meeting after the Sunday evening worship service at the Church. The Elders of Grace Bible Baptist Church unanimously support the church helping by providing Faith with the letter of credit and a campus. The Board of Directors of Faith met on October 22, 2019 and approved the execution of a Memorandum of Understanding with Grace Bible Baptist Church. Under the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding,

the following changes will be made: Dr. Jerry Harmon will assume the Presidency in June of 2020 and I will become the first Provost. Faith will continue to be an independent 501(c)3 tax exempt organization not affiliated with any other religious organization or church.

The current property will be placed on the market within the next ninety days. The 2020 graduation scheduled for May 30, 2020 will be held at the new location. Classes will be at the new campus starting in the Fall of 2020.

We all appreciate the dedication, loyalty, and outstanding Christian spirit of our students, faculty, and staff. We are certain that our Lord will bless you greatly as you continue to glorify His name. May God bless you richly, and with kindest personal regards, I am

Sincerely in Christ,

Norman J. Manohar, Th.D., D.D.

Is there a Church in your house? Are parents, children, friends, servants, all members of it? or are some still unconverted? Let us pause here and let the question go round--Am I a member of the Church in this house? How would father's heart leap for joy, and mother's eyes fill with holy tears if from the eldest to the youngest all were saved! Let us pray for this great mercy until the Lord shall grant it to us. Probably it had been the dearest object of Philemon's desires to have all his household saved; but it was not at first granted him in its fulness. He had a wicked servant, Onesimus, who, having wronged him, ran away from his service. His master's prayers followed him, and at last, as God would have it, Onesimus was led to hear Paul preach; his heart was touched, and he returned to Philemon, not only to be a faithful servant, but a brother beloved, adding another member to the Church in Philemon's house. Is there an unconverted servant or child absent this morning? Make special supplication that such may, on their return to their home, gladden all hearts with good news of what grace has done! Is there one present? Let him partake in the same earnest entreaty.If there be such a Church in our house, let us order it well, and let all act as in the sight of God. Let us move in the common affairs of life with studied holiness, diligence, kindness, and integrity. More is expected of a Church than of an ordinary household; family worship must, in such a case, be more devout and hearty; internal love must be more warm and unbroken, and external conduct must be more sanctified and Christlike. We need not fear that the smallness of our number will put us out of the list of Churches, for the Holy Spirit has here enrolled a family-church in the inspired book of remembrance. As a Church let us now draw nigh to the great head of the one Church universal, and let us beseech him to give us grace to shine before men to the glory of his name.

Charles Spurgeon's Morning & Evening

The mission of Faith Theological Seminary is to prepare men and women for the dissemination of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We have been working towards state accreditation and we have fulfilled all of the requirements and must maintain a $500,000 surety bond. With your help, we can make a greater impact in Baltimore and beyond. With state-level accreditation, FTS can start an online program to train and equip more Christian leaders to serve God's Kingdom.

To donate, browse to www.gofundme.com/raise-up-christian-leaders-in-baltimore-and-beyond

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Good News"The church in thy house." Philemon 2

28 November, 2019

( continued on Page 2)

fts Page 2 A Monthly Newsletter of the Faith Theological Seminary November 2019


Please support and spread the word about Faith Theological Seminary by writing a positive rating in the reviews section of the social media site that you use. Let’s work together to increase FTS enrollment!

Faith Theological Seminary provides the student services necessary to promote the spiritual, intellectual and personal development of its students. We recruit, admit, enroll, and endeavor to ensure the success of students and offer the resources and services that provide the opportunity to achieve success. FTS offers an array of student services:

•Academic Advising•Admissions Processing•Disability Services•Financial Aid & Scholarships•Graduation Services•International Students Processing•Military Outreach & Support Services•Transcripts Services•Incoming & Transfer Students Services•Student Government•Computer and Printing Services•School Identification Services•Library Services

The Goal of the Student services is to help students become involved and engaged by providing an opportunity for personal and academic development through innovative services and relevant programs.

Student ServicesI recently got back from the Philippines and I’m glad to say that God did many amazing

things in the Philippines. A mighty work was done by God this summer and I just want to say thank you. Thank you for helping me be a part of God’s mighty great work. Thank you for being a part of my summer both financially and spiritually through prayer. It was by your help that God was able to use two different teams to share the one true Gospel with hundreds of men, women, and children on 2 different islands and 5 different villages.

Over my stay, many people came to Christ and 18 people were baptized! One of the many highlights this summer was when we would share the Gospel, and many would tell us that they were so thankful to be able to hear the Word of God being taught. They said this because many wanted to learn the Word but had no access to a Church or Bible study of any kind.

Thank you for your prayers and support. Please pray for our Filipino partners who will be doing follow-up on the two islands continuing to disciple the ones who came to Christ. I would also ask you to pray for me. May you pray that God gives me guidance and wisdom as I am looking to become a full-time missionary to the Philippines to the unreached and hard to reach tribal groups.

To God be all the glory, honor and praise.

FTS Alumni Spotlight

FTS Graduate Jadon Gadson participated in a missions trip to the Philippines this past summer.

Below is an excerpt of his letter:

Student Body President Farewell

To the Faculty, Administration, and Students of Faith Theological Seminary. I, Steven Agent have had the pleasure of serving you as the President of the Student Government for the past three years. My tenure has come to an end. Through all the highs and lows I give all the praise, honor, and glory to the Most High. As President I have had to fight for the student body concerns at faculty meetings. Ranging from student/professor relationships to diversity within the faculty members. I have also assisted students with grading issues as well as stood in the gap in assisting students pertaining to their financial aid.

One of the biggest issues we tackled was the Student Handbook and its grievance policy. I encourage every student to become very familiar with the Student Handbook. The area that is most lacking in the Student body as a whole is that students do not know the procedures and policies by which Faith Theological Seminary operates. Therefore, in order for the school to move forward as a whole we all, students, faculty, and administration must be in one accord operating under the same guidelines.

In closing I pray that the new Student Government move the school closer to unity in Jesus the Christ. Our logo is a light house, John 8:12 Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. Imagine all the lights at Faith coming together as one and how bright we would be to the world. Let your light so shine in unity.

Steven Agent

Jadon Gadson______________________________________________________________________________________