Dr. Mercola’s August 8, 2011 article - Ningapi.ning.com/.../AndWhatdoyoudowithCoconutOil.docx ·...

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Transcript of Dr. Mercola’s August 8, 2011 article - Ningapi.ning.com/.../AndWhatdoyoudowithCoconutOil.docx ·...

Coconut Oil has Blown Me Away

And What do you do with Coconut Oil?

And what do you do with Coconut Oil? You cook with it. You eat it. You drink it. You rub it all over you and you might even give it to your pet. You don’t sleep with it - nor does it help you with the common cold but everything else may just be a little better with Coconut Oil. It is not a cure-all but It sure can help.

Coconut is a nut or better yet a seed. Besides eating the meat (dried, flaked, shredded, and whole), you have coconut cream, coconut oil and coconut water. You have coconut butter, sugar, vinegar, coconut wine, and more. You can find coconut in grocery stores, health-food stores, or Asian markets.


Coconut Oil has Blown Me Away

Joan L. McDaniel 4/24/12

Currently, I am recouping from being very sick, run down and overworked. In my attempt to regain my years of lost strength, I have been asking questions and doing research on how to get and stay well, and did the food I ate cause my illness? I have been completely blown away by what I have found. A neighbor of mine had an article left from a friend’s son who had just retired from the CDC. The article was about the future competition to the pharmacy industry from coconut oil and its growing success at stopping, if not curing Alzheimer’s and other illnesses. My neighbor showing excitement and love, with the hope that something could be done for her husband, asked if I had heard of this. She is also ill with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis with very brittle bones. She has broken ribs just by moving wrong and is in constant pain. Since I am a nurse and work in a Nursing Home, she was wondering if the article was true. I responded, “I don’t know, I have not heard about it but will find out”.

I restarted the research of many years ago, on the holistic, naturopathic approach to health care. Three years ago N.Y. State suddenly passed a law, forcing nurses to get the H1N1 Flu vaccine or lose their job. The flu (H1N1) had falsely being considered a crises by the United Nations World Health Organization. I started my research then. We nurses grouped together, and organized a resource center of facts and figures on the flu and the flu shot. With the help of other nurses, doctors, and some websites like Dr. Mercola, Dr. Russell Blaylock, Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Editor of NaturalNews.com, and many others, we hired lawyers, sued the state and won a stay. We put our research and reports on a Tea Party and other Web Site for others to learn the facts.


Coconut Oil has Blown Me Away

An article similar to my neighbor’s, had been in my own email several weeks before, but Alzheimer’s was not in my focus so I just let it pass by. Besides I have seen many articles that claimed Alzheimer’s cures. “Just another article”, I said and went on about my way.The article, written about Bruce, Fife , N.D (Naturopathic Doctor) who has written several books two of which are; Stop Alzheimers’s Now! and The Coconut Oil Miracle. He claimed, just 2 teaspoons of Coconut Oil would help stop the advancement of Alzheimer’s. I had heard about coconut oil being the only safe oil to cook with and had in fact purchased a jar and used it but lost interest, besides I never really cooked for myself.With renewed concern for my own health, I reread the article and jumped into further investigate and bought both books. While reading the books, I was completely blown away. My investigations moved on from coconut to general health and nutrition. I have made many diet changes, and have to admit my years of following a fat-free diet have close to zero results. I am finding the “forbidden foods” are really good for me and the fat-free diet was toxic to my health besides, I never lost a pound, nor did I ever lower my blood pressure. In fact, I had developed in time a border-line blood sugar problem.

I suddenly felt that my newly acquired knowledge is valuable to those with or without, life threading diseases, especially heart disease. I have included some of my research findings in this hand out. It is an unpolished work in progress and has a long way to go. It is my hope, those who read it, do further investigate and try it on their own. One new amazing piece of knowledge involves Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative brain disorders (nerve damage). There has been unbelievable progress, in slowing down inflammation of the body and the mind causing degeneration and aging by reducing the damage done by free-radicals. Further research shows, most diseases involve high glucose, sugar and corn syrup, and trans fats. Read the included story of Crisco. I wonder why did most modern diseases suddenly seem to start in the 1950’s?Dr. Fife says Alzheimer’s (or brain disease) is a form of diabetes (of the brain). In fact High Blood Pressure may be inflammation from increase sugar instead of increased sodium. With most disease processes being the result of inflammation, I almost feel like coconut oil is “Putting out the Fire”. The current and past research being done is showing some very exciting results. While reading the book me, my neighbor, and her husband are the gunnie pigs. We are cooking and doing some great eating. The Fat-Free diet foods are now forbidden, saturated fat products like butter, eggs, coconut oil and uncooked olive oil are accepted and we are eating great tasting meals full of


Coconut Oil has Blown Me Away

all the old forbidden foods. Other healthy foods include Omega-3 Fats not Omega-6, avocados, raw nuts and seeds, and organic grass-fed meats.

I am glad to report progress for all, but the greatest I just received tonight when my neighbor told me her little story. Her husband normally sits in his chair, stares at the on or not TV, and does exactly what his wife tells him to do for he doesn’t know. Last week she told me she saw signs of little things to show progress. Yesterday, she gave her husband her normal hug and kiss and as she was walking off he said “Is that all?” She stopped and stared at him for he has not been “a man” for a long time. They joked about it he knew exactly what he was talking about. His ability to do his own activity of daily living (ADL‘S), is increasing slowly. So now, there are three of us that are completely blown away.



Coconut Oil has Blown Me Away

Coconut oil, as all saturated fats got a bad rap during the 1950s saying it raised cholesterol. It may raise total serum cholesterol, but HDL not LDL See Trans Fat. HDL is the good cholesterol and LDL is the bad. Trans Fat is the real bad guy in this saga. Dr. Fife is not the only nutrition lipid researcher investigating the fallacies of “Fat-Free” and the benefits of using saturated fats. His years of research have shown tremendous improvement in the health of people using his findings and there is a long list of success stories.Dr. Mercola’s August 8, 2011 article Eating Healthy Fat Doesn’t Make You Fathttp://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/08/08/eating-fat-wont-make-you-fat-but-these-10-things-will.aspxreports on studies that burst the prevalent myth that saturated fat must be avoided. In reality, saturated fats are among the healthiest fats you can consume. In Why We Get Fat by science writer Gary Taubes,

“eating fat doesn’t make you fat – but eating carbs can kill you.”I have now learned to avoid hydrogenated fats (vegetable oil) and high fructose corn syrup in my diet. I have not lost weight but I haven’t gained either and I have eaten very well. I am now feeling better, have less little things bothering me, and feel that “kid (kitten) like” energy will slowly return.


Coconut Oil has Blown Me Away

Books and Educational Material

Bruce Fife, C.N., N.D., a certified nutritionist and naturopathic doctor, has researched and written 18 health and nutrition books. He was the first to gather together the medical research on the health benefits of coconut oil and present it in a understandable and readable format. He is recognized as one of the leading authorities on the subject. Many years ago Bruce Fife attended a meeting of nutritionist when he heard someone say “Coconut Oil is Good For You”. Members in the meeting all gasped in disbelief. “Preposterous everyone knows coconut oil is the source of artery clogging saturated fat”. He became intrigued and troubled. He began his research and the more he found out about the evil coconut oil the more he liked. He started to use the oil himself then he recommended it to his clients. He has a long list of success stories. He says “I have been so impressed with potential health benefits available from the use of coconut oil that I felt an obligation to share what I have learned with the rest of the world.” He does not sell coconut oil nor have any financial interest in the coconut industry. A porton of the proceeds from book sales goes to Save the Children Campaign.

Success stories concerning coconut oil, range from curing dry skin, stopping and improving Autism and Alzheimers, and healing HIV AIDS. Fife’s book is a must for any health concerned citizen and all health care professionals and family members of those stricken with a serious disease.


Coconut Oil has Blown Me Away

The following books and tapes are highly recommended.

Stop Autism Now!A Parent’s Guide to Preventing and Reversing Autism Spectrum DisordersBy Bruce FifeOver 1 million people have autism. This number is rapidly growing. Over the past several years autism has increased to epidemic proportions. Thirty years ago it affected only 1 in 2,500; today 1 out of every 91 children in the United States and 1 out of 64 in the UK are affected. Autism has quickly become a worldwide problem.Over the past 12 years there has been a 17 percent increase in childhood developmental disabilities of all types including autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) . . . ore

Stop Alzheimer's Now!How to Prevent and Reverse Dementia, Parkinson’s, ALS, Multiple Sclerosis, and Other Neurodegenerative DisordersBy Bruce FifeForeword by Dr. Russell L. Blaylock, MDThis book outlines a program using coconut ketone therapy and diet that is backed by decades of medical and clinical research and has proven successful in restoring mental function and improving both brain and overall health. You will learn how to prevent and even reverse symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), multiple sclerosis (MS), Huntington’s disease, epilepsy, diabetes, stroke, and various forms of dementia.


Coconut Oil has Blown Me Away

Coconut CuresBy Bruce FifeForeword by Conrado S. Dayrit, M.D. This book discusses the health benefits of coconut oil, meat, milk, and water. In this book you will learn why coconut oil is considered the healthiest oil on earth and how it can protect you against heart disease, diabetes, and infectious illnesses such as influenza, herpes, Candida, and

even HIV. The Coconut Oil MiracleBy Bruce Fife This is the book that brought awareness of the health aspects of coconut oil to the general public. The best book on the health benefits of coconut oil. more*Formerly titled The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil

The New Arthritis CureThe New Arthritis Cure: Eliminate Arthritis and Fibromyalgia Pain PermanentlyBy Bruce Fife, N.D. The title of this book makes a bold statement. It promises a cure. Is this really possible? Yes,


Coconut Oil has Blown Me Away

there is a cure to arthritis. You can eliminate arthritis and fibromyalgia pain permanently.Heart Frauds: Uncovering the Biggest Health Scam In History

Heart Frauds: Uncovering the Biggest Health Scam in History C. T. McGee M.D. 2007


Bruce Fife, N.D. author of Stop Alzheimer’s Now! and Coconut Oil MiracleHas said that 1-3 TBSP of Coconut oil a day can be taken to treat and prevent Alzheimer’s and cure many other heath conditions and treat hundreds of symptoms.

by Dr. Carolyn Dean http://www.naturalnews.com/032727_coconut_oil_Alzheimers.html

(NaturalNews) My world is full of coconuts, including coconut oil and coconut milk. That's not unusual because I live on Maui. But I'm happily seeing coconut oil all over the internet as the treatment for dozens of conditions and possibly hundreds of symptoms.My first clue as to the wonders of coconut oil came during my AIDS research in New York in the very early 1990's. Anecdotal reports started to pop up throughout the AIDS community about miraculous cures using coconut oil. To my mind, that's when the whole coconut oil industry opened up.

Before then, coconut oil was considered a "dangerous" saturated oil by the margarine promoters who set out to demonize butter. We know that ended in tears when it finally came out that the trans fats in margarine proved to be much more dangerous than any saturated fats.

My latest clue is the new book by Dr. Bruce Fife Stop Alzheimer's Now! that I just finished reading It's Dr. Fife's 9th book on the incredible benefits of coconut. Each year the research catches up with what he's known all along about the power of coconut oil and its completely


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non-toxic nature.

Dr. Fife's book presents a breakthrough in the treatment of Alzheimer's and other neurological diseases. The introduction by my friend Dr. Russell Blaylock is glowing with praise for Dr. Fife's work. And the body of the book gives a thorough overview of Alzheimer's and related diseases and then offers immense hope to people with these conditions.

As Dr. Fife's says on his website, "Coconut is highly nutritious and rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It is classified as a 'functional food' because it provides many health benefits beyond its nutritional content. Coconut oil is of special interest because it possesses healing properties far beyond that of any other dietary oil and is extensively used in traditional medicine among Asian and Pacific populations. Pacific Islanders consider coconut oil to be the cure for all illness. The coconut palm is so highly valued by them as both a source of food and medicine that it is called 'The Tree of Life.' Only recently has modern medical science unlocked the secrets to coconut's amazing healing powers."

Dr. Fife says that "Nearly one third of the world's population depends on coconut to some degree for their food and their economy. Wherever the coconut palm grows the people have learned of its importance as an effective medicine. For thousands of years coconut products have held a respected and valuable place in local folk medicine."

Coconut Oil List of benefits.Anti-infective Properties

*Kills viruses that cause influenza, herpes, measles, hepatitis C, SARS, AIDS, and other illnesses.*Kills bacteria that cause ulcers, throat infections, urinary tract infections, gum disease and cavities, pneumonia, and gonorrhea, and other diseases.*Kills fungi and yeasts that cause candidiasis, ringworm, athlete's foot, thrush, diaper rash, and other infections.*Expels or kills tapeworms, lice, giardia, and other parasites.*Helps prevent periodontal disease and tooth decay.

Digestion and Metabolism

*Improves digestion and absorption of other nutrients including vitamins, minerals, and


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amino acids.*Improves insulin secretion and utilization of blood glucose.*Relieves stress on pancreas and enzyme systems of the body.*Reduces symptoms associated with pancreatitis.*Helps relieve symptoms and reduce health risks associated with diabetes.*Reduces problems associated with malabsorption syndrome and cystic fibrosis.*Improves calcium and magnesium absorption and supports the development of strong bones and teeth.*Helps protect against osteoporosis.*Helps relieve symptoms associated with gallbladder disease.*Relieves symptoms associated with Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and stomach ulcers.*Improves digestion and bowel function. (Clients tell me that taken 20 minutes before a meal, it relieves symptoms of heartburn and GERD.)*Relieves pain and irritation caused by hemorrhoids.

Boosts the Immune System

*Supports and aids immune system function.*Reduces inflammation.*Supports tissue healing and repair.*Helps protect the body from breast, colon, and other cancers.*Functions as a protective antioxidant.*Does not form harmful by-products when heated to normal cooking temperature like other vegetable oils do.*Helps to protect the body from harmful free radicals that promote premature aging and degenerative disease.*Does not deplete the body's antioxidant reserves like other oils do.*Improves utilization of essential fatty acids and protects them from oxidation.*Helps relieve symptoms associated with chronic fatigue syndrome.*Relieves symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia (prostate enlargement).

Heart Health

*Is heart healthy; improves cholesterol ratio reducing risk of heart disease.*Protects arteries from injury that causes atherosclerosis and thus protects against heart disease.

Organ Support

*Helps protect against kidney disease and bladder infections.*Dissolves kidney stones.*Helps prevent liver disease.*Supports thyroid function.*Reduces epileptic seizures.

Creates Healthy Skin and Hair

*Applied topically helps to form a chemical barrier on the skin to ward of infection.*Reduces symptoms associated the psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis.*Supports the natural chemical balance of the skin.*Softens skin and helps relieve dryness and flaking.*Prevents wrinkles, sagging skin, and age spots.*Promotes healthy looking hair and complexion.*Provides protection from damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation from the sun.*Helps control dandruff.


Coconut Oil has Blown Me Away

What kind and how much coconut oil can you take to treat and prevent Alzheimer's and many other health conditions and treat hundreds of symptoms? The dosage used in most Alzheimer's studies is about 5 TBSP per day of extra virgin coconut oil. However, Dr. Fife told me that 1-3 TBSP is his recommendation for minor ailments and for maintenance.

The Rise and Fall of Crisco  © Mother Linda's momlinda@gmail.com

                           Crisco UpdateThe story of how Procter & Gamble successfully demonized lard.http://www.motherlindas.com/crisco.htm

 On April 25, 2001, Procter and Gamble (P&G) put its product Crisco on the auction block, just ten years short of its 100th birthday. Crisco, initially made with hydrogenated cottonseed oil, is the quintessential imitation food, and the first to make its way into American kitchens. The story of Crisco begins innocently enough in pre-Civil War America when candle maker William Proctor and his brother-in-law, soap-maker James Gamble, joined forces to compete with fourteen other soap and candle makers in Cincinnati, Ohio. P&G entered the shortening business out of necessity. In the 1890s, the meat packing monopoly controlled the price of lard and tallow needed to make candles and soap.1 P&G took steps to gain


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control of the cottonseed oil business from farm to factory. By 1905, they owned eight cottonseed mills in Mississippi. In 1907, with the help of German chemist E. C. Kayser, P&G developed the science of hydrogenation. By adding hydrogen atoms to the fatty acid chain, this revolutionary industrial process transformed liquid cottonseed oil into a solid that resembled lard.1 Not content with using hardened cottonseed oil for soaps, and mindful that electrification was forcing the candle business into decline, P&G looked for other markets for their new product. Since hydrogenated cottonseed oil resembled lard, why not sell it as a food?   The new product was initially named Krispo, but trademark complications forced P&G to look for another name. They next try was Cryst which was abandoned when someone in management noted a religious connotation. Eventually they chose the near-acronym Crisco, which can be derived from CRYStalized Cottonseed Oil.   Crisco was introduced to the public in 1911. It was an era when wives stayed home and cooked with plenty of butter and lard. The challenge for Crisco was to convince the stay-at-home housewife about the merits of this imitation food. P&G’s first ad campaign introduced the all-vegetable shortening as “a healthier alternative to cooking with animal fats. . . and more economical than butter.” With one sentence, P&G had taken on its two closest competitors—lard and butter.  


Two images from a 1912 advertisement for Crisco in the Ladies Home Journal.

 P&G’s next step was a stroke of genius—they published and gave away a cookbook. The Story of Crisco2 looked like most other cookbooks of the era, but there was a difference. All of its 615 recipes, everything from lobster bisque to  pound cake, contained—you guessed it—Crisco.    


Coconut Oil has Blown Me Away

The Story of Crisco is recognized as a classic in the subtle art of persuasion. Its language and contextual variety are “representative of the pre-WWI social milieu and reflect the urbanization, domestication, commercialization, education (or lack thereof) and simple sophistication of the times.”3 Crisco is presented as healthier, more digestible, cleaner, more economical, more enlightened and more modern than lard. Women who use Crisco are portrayed as good wives and mothers, their houses are free of strong cooking odors and their children grow up with good characters (because, according to the tortured logic of P&G’s advertising department, Crisco is easier to digest).     P&G also had the brilliant idea of presenting Crisco to the Jewish housewife as a kosher food, one that behaved like butter but could be used with meats. Because it made kosher cooking easier, Jews adopted Crisco and margarine—imitation lard and imitation butter—more quickly than other groups, with unforeseen consequences.     I remember switching from lard to Crisco to make pie crust when I was a teenager. We always used lard from the farm, but sometime in the 1960s, Mom innocently brought home our first can of Crisco. We started to use it liberally. That was the overt addition to the diet. What we didn’t know was that Crisco and its cousins were being covertly added to countless food items.    


Coconut Oil has Blown Me Away

Two images from The Story of Crisco, 1913. On the left, a young woman holds a can of Crisco and an older woman a copy of the cookbook. On the right, a can of Crisco is set on the ground by the campfire.

 We also didn’t know that the partially hydrogenated oils in Crisco—the trans fatty acids—were bad for us. In fairness to P&G, they didn’t know this either, not at first. But when reports of problems began to appear—problems like increased heart disease, increased cancer, growth problems, learning disorders and infertility—P&G worked behind the scenes to cover them up.4 One scientist who worked for P&G, Dr. Fred Mattson, can be credited with presenting the US government’s inconclusive Lipid Research Clinics Trials to the public as proof that animal fats caused heart disease. He was also one of the baleful influences that persuaded the American Heart Association to preach the phony gospel of the Lipid Hypothesis. The truth about the dangers of trans fatty acids in foods like Crisco is finally emerging. Perhaps that is why P&G decided to put their flagship product up for sale. Today when somebody asks me about diet, I make the following recommendation: vigorously seek to eliminate two things—hydrogenated fats and high fructose corn syrup—and you will see noticeable health improvements. Not all hydrogenated fats are made with cottonseed oil today; in fact, most are now made with soybean oil. But by eliminating just these two commodities—which is not as easy as it sounds—you will find that you have eliminated the majority of the “displacing foods of modern commerce” that Weston A. Price spoke about.    Besides all the possible health risks of hydrogenation, I believe there is another compelling reason to avoid Crisco. Just before harvest, cottonseed plants are sprayed with strong defoliating chemicals to make the leaves fall off so that it is easier and cleaner to pick. Do your own research. Type the words “cotton + defoliation” into a web browser and see what you come up with. You will be as amazed as I was. Unfortunately, without the benefits of a lab, it would be hard to know how much harmful residue Crisco actually contains.  However, I can provide some anecdotal evidence. A couple of years ago, a friend of mine who is an alternative health practitioner told me that she kept running into cases in which patients had very severe upset stomachs after eating chips. After a fair bit of investigation


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and inspiration, she found a common denominator was that they had all been fried in cottonseed oil. She herself had grown up in the South and knew about the practice of cotton defoliation. Since then, she has counseled her patients to avoid cottonseed oil and Crisco.  For obvious reasons, this column on Crisco does not contain recipes. (Update: In June 2002, Procter & Gamble sold Crisco, along with Jif peanut butter, to The J. M. Smuckers Company, the jam and jelly company headquartered in Orrville, Ohio. For more information see, www.smuckers.com).  ReferencesCheck Link for References JLM

Olive Oil Good for Health but Not for Cooking

Researchers concluded that olive oil is a major contributing factor to the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet. While olive oil can and should be a healthy part of your diet, what most people do not appreciate is that olive oil should not be used to cook with. It should be used cold or applied to a dish after it has been cooked. Olive oil is primarily a monounsaturated fat which when heated can easily break-down and become perishable with oxidative damage and then forms free-radicals. As it turns out, extra-virgin olive oil contains chlorophyll that accelerated decomposition and makes the oil go rancid rather quickly. So if you plan on using a fat to cook with, your clear choice is coconut oil or butter. Coconut oil is rich in lauric acid which is a proven antiviral and immune system builder.

A Brief History of Trans Fat


Coconut Oil has Blown Me Away

April 27, 2012 By Joan L. McDaniel

What does Margarine, Crisco, Puritan Oil, “Fat-Free” and “Diet” all have in Common? Answer: Trans Fat

Nobel laureate Paul Sabatier worked in the late 1890s to develop the chemistry of hydrogenation, which enabled the creation of margarine, oil hydrogenation, and synthetic Methanol, (methyl alcohol, wood alcohol, wood naphtha or wood spirits). In 1905-1910, Normann built a fat-hardening facility at the Herford Company. In 1909 Procter & Gamble facing the loss of business with their candle business, acquired the US rights to the Normann patent. The initial intent was to completely harden oils for use as raw material for making soap. After rejecting the name “Cryst” due to negative religious connotations, the product was eventually called Crisco, a modification of the phrase ‘crystallized cottonseed oil”.

Crisco was first marketed in 1911. It was the first hydrogenated cottonseed oil or polyunsaturated fat. Crisco was a marketing success story. Prior to 1910, dietary fat consisted of butterfat, beef tallow, and lard. In 1910 Napoleon was the first to use margarine to feed the troops with the shortage of butter during the French Revolution.


Coconut Oil has Blown Me Away

"I aimed at the public's heart, and by accident I hit it in the stomach." Upton Sinclair

In America with the encouragement of his socialist friends, Upton Sinclair wrote the novel, The Jungle, which demonized the meat packing industry. With the resulting decrease in sales of tallow and lard, PGs previously developed product now received a receptive audience. Crisco, a hydrogenated soybean cooking oil, turned a liquid into a solid fat. Crisco was marketed as the new cleaner, less expensive and superior lard.


Coconut Oil has Blown Me Away

In 1940 Dr. Catherine Kousmine researched the effects of trans-fats on cancer. The rate of heart disease increased sharply starting in 1940s that the World Health Organization called it “the world’s most serious epidemic.” As early as 1956 there were suggestions in the scientific literature that trans-fat could be the cause of the large increase in coronary artery disease. Unsaturated fats create of disease causing free-radicals. These concerns were unaddressed. In 1976 due to increasing pressure from the public, P&G introduced sunflower oil under the name of Puritan Oil as a lower-cholesterol alternative. In 1988 Puritan Oil became canola oil.

Remember Coconut Oil Popcorn?


Coconut Oil has Blown Me Away

In the 1980s and early 1990s the Soybean Industry raged a battle against Coconut oil in movie house popcorn. They denied the growing literature about Trans fatty acids promoted heart disease by, diverting attention and raging a war on Tropical oils. They claimed tropical oils caused heart disease. They argued to replace coconut oil with vegetable oils.

Studies in the early 1990s, renewed scrutiny and confirmation of trans-fats. It is the artery clogging, highly damaged omega-6 polyunsaturated fat that has been linked to heart disease, clogging of arteries, and type 2 diabetes, and other serious health problems. Trans-fat was the most consumed type of fat in the U.S., it is in potato chips, pre-made cookies, or microwave dinners. It has caused at least 20,000 deaths a year in heart disease.

Using old research journals for facts, questions started being asked. Pressure by several health groups, nutritionist, lipid researchers, and the public, Trans-fat has been forced off the market. The U.S Institute of Medicine did studies and issued the statement: “There is no save level of trans fat consumption.” In January 2007, the FDA, short of forbidding the product, has announced a final rule requiring food manufacturers to list trans-fat on Nutrition Facts labels.

We now live with diseases our grandparents had never heard of. People living on coconut growing islands never heard of our current diseases until they started to eat the western diet. Heart diseases and heart attack was virtually unknown in the 1950’s let alone Alzheimer’s and the rest of the neurological aliments and what about mental illnesses. I found a really neat chart bringing a lot of words to my mind. The chart shows the decrease consumption of saturated fats over the years but cholesterol counts are still a medical problem needing special drugs – At least according to BigPharma and the AMA.

It took Crisco’s Trans-fat twenty years to give us a dictionary full of new medical disease terminology.


Coconut Oil has Blown Me Away

Procter & Gamble divested the Crisco (oil and shortening) brand (along with Jif peanut butter)) in a spinoff to their stockholders, followed by an immediate merger with the J. M. Smucker Co. in 2002.

Data found in several places on the net, web sites, Wikipedia, from books and information I have previously gathered. All facts in this article can be easily looked up and verified. Information put together and in many cases the data is a paraphrase of the authors. Joan L. McDaniel



You cannot have a cholesterol level let alone a good or bad at the same time. Cholesterol molecular structure appears below. The concept of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ cholesterol is so mind boggling it seems that it came from the Mad Hatter in the story Alice in Wonderland instead of medical science.


Coconut Oil has Blown Me Away

Cholesterol is a substance that is critical to the correction functioning of a healthy body. It is an alcohol not a fat or a lipid at all, although it does not behave like an alcohol. Insoluble in water like lipids or fats cholesterol is transported in the water based blood stream using lipoproteins. Lipoproteins are transport vehicles carry cholesterol from the peripheral tissues to the liver during digestion. HDL carries it to the liver and LDL carry it the other way. So we are actually counting lipoproteins not cholesterol. To add to the excitement, there is also VLDL very low density lipoprotein or triglycerides, intermediate density lipoprotein (IDL). . So you cannot have a cholesterol level in the blood, you have different sized lipoprotein levels. For years we have been obsessive counting and blood testing, and obsessively avoiding fat when nothing I have just talked about has anything to do with fat. But the political correct of George Orwell’s 1984 never really cared much about actual truth and science and neither do the pseudo scientist and doctors working for BigPharma and medical research colleges.

Now I may not of gotten this thing 100% correct, do your own research and guess what? The digestive system of the human body is complex and not completely understood by anyone except maybe the Mad Hatter in a children’s story.

But what is known is Cholesterol is essential for the body it is needed for the proper functioning of every cell in the human body:Brain vital connections synapses are made entirely of cholesterol.Vitamin D is synthesized from cholesterolBile is released from the gall bladder to help in food digestion is made from cholesterol.The cell wall is made from fatNew cells are formed from cholesterolHormones are made from cholesterolThe immune system depends on cholesterol.Bone tissues are re-build from calcium which build density using cholesterolCholesterol is the key to mental activitySo,WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU TAKE SOMETHING FORCING THE LIVER TO STOP PRODUCING A SUBSTANCE THAT KEEPS YOU ALIVE?BESIDES THE HUMAN BODY DETERMINS AUTOMATICALLY, THE LEVEL OF


Coconut Oil has Blown Me Away


Some Other Advocates Against Statin Drug Use Are:

A Review of Statin Drugs Side Effects and the Misguided War on Cholesterol by Dr. Duane Graveline, M.D.

Dr. Duane Graveline MD, MPH and Former Astronaut- Vocal advocate against the use of the cholesterol lowering drug Statin. He is a former NASA astronaut who used Statin with drastic side effects. He was totally paralyzed and almost lost his position at NASA. He spent years in research and he wrote in 2006 Lipitor Thief of Memory and later wrote The Statin Damage Crisis as a result of all the response to his first book. He also has a website spacedoc.com. I quote the headline of just one of his many articles:

“Statins Fry Your Brain and Scramble Your Memory Like an Egg”

And Malcolm Kendrick,


Coconut Oil has Blown Me Away

The Great Cholesterol Con Lipitor Theft of Memory

Malcolm Kendrick is a medical doctor who has spent many years researching the causes of heart disease. He has been critical of the 'cholesterol hypothesis' for many years, and more of his writing on the area can be found on the website International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics.

Statins - Are the drugs of choice to reduce cholesterol by 40% by blocking the action of enzymes in the liver that produce cholesterol. The human body will produce cholesterol on its own no matter how much is taken in food. Statin drugs claim to reduce cholesterol by 40% which the body would of produced anyway. The Statin drugs stop the needed cholesterol to the brain and liver. Test have shown statin drugs have produced liver damage. There are not any test to see if they have produced brain damage. Test have shown, that when the use of statin drugs have increased so has cognitive decline.

These drugs can destroy the liver and liver function test need to be taken often. They also block the production of cholesterol in the brain and you cannot do periodical tests of the brain. Research has shown serious behavior changes and measurable cognitive decline from the use of this drug.

Statins are the most profitable prescription drugs at all times, generating billions of dollars a year in profits for drug manufactures. While they are touted as safe, they have a long list of troublesome side effects including digestive problems, muscle degeneration and pain, liver damage, kidney damage, mental deterioration, and brain damage leading to memory loss, mood swings, and behavior changes.

Statin drug names:

The most popular statins are Crestor, Lipitor, Mevacor, Pravachol, and Zocor. Another statin drug Baycol was removed from the market in 2001 because it users suffered sever muscle wasting and death.Statins:Atorvastatin - LipitorCerivastatin withdrawn from market after killing too many people.Floatation - LescolLovastatin - MevacorPravastatin - PravacholRosuvastatin - CrestorImpastation -ZocorThe cognitive problems that occur during statin use can occur suddenly or over a long period of time. There is a growing number of books available, studies performed by schools and hospitals showing increase stats of the damage caused, and a growing list of Doctors and professionals that go into the detail and studies documenting the organ damage caused by the use of statin drugs.


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This is based on research I have done on Alzheimer’s, holistic, naturopathic, and nutrition. It is not complete and needs more work but basically addresses the danger of statin drugs used to treat the condition of “high cholesterol” which may not even exist. I have used material I have found all over the internet. I have paraphrased others and contributed my own thoughts.Joan McDaniel

The Lost Art Of FermentationBob Livingston | Apr 26, 2012 |


Fermentation of food and drink is a lost art. In the old days, fermentation took the place of refrigeration. It preserved food. Fermented food also contains valuable natural substances that boost health.

When bacteria and enzymes in food convert sugar, starches and carbohydrates into the alcohol and organic acids of fermentation such as lactic acid, this preserves food by protecting it against bacteria that causes food to rot.

Modern food processing is based on killing these organic acids of fermentation by heating or pasteurization. In fact, government inspectors use the live enzyme count to condemn milk or foods. This opposes health in favor of shelf life.They translate live food into money by killing it. What else would we expect them to do?

Fermenting Cabbage

I remember when my mother grew cabbage, cut it up, put it in a churn (heavily salted) and let it set outside to make sauerkraut. Interestingly, this was before the days of widespread stomach and intestinal problems that (you guessed it) magically turned into multibillion-dollar profits for the pharmaceutical companies and doctors.

Without good stomach bacteria and enzymes, of course we have widespread “acid indigestion,” which calls for the very huge trillion-dollar business of antacids. This leads straight to an epidemic of stomach cancer; Americans don’t have a clue about cause and effect. The antacid business is a pharmaceutical industry that feeds the cancer industry, which means billions of


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dollars more to the pharmaceutical companies for chemotherapy and radiation and to the doctors and hospitals for surgery. Follow the trail of the serpent.

Hard Truth

The hard truth is that the symptom of “acid indigestion” is really a warning that we don’t have enough acid. At the advice of the medical system, we load up on antacids and further lose our good stomach acid. The alchemists can almost match the money printers at creating vast wealth out of nothing. It’s criminal, but it’s legal.

Fermented foods are pre-digested foods. They magically soothe and heal the stomach and provide more nutrients like B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids. Incidentally, men, fatty acid consumption equals prostate health.

Bill Douglass, M.D., (my doctor at one time) wrote in his Douglass Report of February 2010, “The lactic acid you get from fermented foods produces substances that can kill bacteria like salmonella and Helicobacter pylori.” To subscribe to Dr. Douglass’ Report, go here.

Dr. Campbell-McBride's GAPS Nutritional Protocol (which is detailed in her book, Gut and Psychology Syndrome), heavily promotes the consumption of traditionally fermented foods, such as:

Cultured vegetables (including pureed baby foods) Chutneys Condiments, such as salsa and mayonnaise Cultured dairy, such as yoghurt, kefir, and sour cream Fish, such as mackerel and Swedish gravlax

Those of you who are still unaccustomed to the taste of fermented foods may be pleased to learn that you don't need to consume very large amounts in order to reap the benefits. Caroline recommends eating about a quarter to half a cup (2 to 4 oz) of fermented vegetables or other cultured food, such as raw yoghurt, with one to three meals per day. I personally consume about 8 ounces nearly every day as I believe they are one of the healthiest superfoods that I eat.


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Study shows People who ate Lower salt diet increase risk of unhealthy heart conditions.

Also see The Truth About Salt by Bob Livingston


It's Time to End the War on Salt | Benefits of Natural Salt http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/03/05/end-war-on-salt.aspx?e_cid=20...

Mind you, doctors have a phobia against the mixture of salt and high blood pressure. I tried it with great reluctance thinking that it would probably kill me. Well, first I made my last will and testament. By now, I must have drunk many pounds of sea salt- not processed table salt. We need sea salt for its very important minerals. According to an article by Elizabeth Walling “a low-salt” diet increases risk of stroke and heart disease, a study says.

People who ate a diet lower in salt didn't experience less risk, but more. Researchers found that people who consume 2,000 to 3,000 mg of sodium per day were actually 20 percent more likely to experience death or hospitalization related to heart conditions, compared to those consuming between 4,000 and 6,000 mg daily.

But don't take this as advice that salt intake should be completely unlimited. Moderation appears to be key because consuming too much salt puts you at even higher risk. Those who consumed more than 8,000 mg of sodium per day were 50 to 70 percent more likely to have a stroke or heart attack, or to be hospitalized or die from heart disease.

Results from this study indicate that people who already consume a moderate amount of sodium do not benefit from lowering their salt intake. In fact, it may even harm them.

Even better, of course, would be a recommendation to choose a natural salt like sea salt instead of highly refined commercial salt, which often contains harmful additives and lacks a balanced mineral profile. Make sure the salt has not been processed. You want the direst salt grey in color is fine. Or I highly recommend Himalayan Pink Sea Salt, it is sweet to the taste.


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