Dr. Krishna Bahadur - list of publications

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JEEWANU - Research on the origin of life By Dr. Krishna Bahadur & Co-Workers. Department of Chemistry, University of Allahabad, Allahabad 211002 (U.P.) India

Transcript of Dr. Krishna Bahadur - list of publications

7' Origin of Life Researgh Page i of 14 lr r

s*** G*"5G31€ *F LIFr R*SEAR{}| ****. Abiagenisis of aminq aslds and peptrtdes

. Photosynthesis of amino aeids from paraformaldehyde and pctassium nitratr

Bahadur K.,

Nature, !. 73, I 14 1 ( 1954)

1 2. A study of the influence of hydrozen ion concentration on the synthesisI amino acids from paraformaldehyde and potassium nitrate.I

Ranganayaki S., and Bahadur K.,

Prse. Hatl.Acad,Sci., 234a, e1-29{1954).

3' Prebable reactions involved in the photosynthesis of proline, serine and oilamino acids.


Ranganayaki S., and Bahadur k.,

Comptes Rendus, France, 24Ot 246-49(1985)

4' Seperation sf amins acids formed photochemically from a mixtureparaformaldehyde, potassium nitrate and ferric chloride.

Bahadur K.,

Proe. Natl.Acad"Sci.India, 26A, II, 154-16Z(tgS7)

5. The reactions involved in the formation of compounds preliminary tosynthesis of protoplasm and other materials of biological importance-


II Report of the International Symposium on the origin of Life on the Earth ht at Moscow in Aug lg5l I pergamon press p 91-g6.

6. Formation of amino acids in water containing dissolved carbon dioxide :molybdenum oxide colloid on exposure to artificial light.

- Ranganayaki S., and Bahadur K.,

U.S.S.R Acad.Sci. No.6, 754-SS. {1957}.

I L Photosynthesis of amino acids from paraformaldehyde involving the fixatiorJ nitrogen in the presence of collodal rnolybdenum oxide as catalyst.

Bahadur K., Ranganayaki. S. and Santamaria L"

Nature, 182, 1668, {1959).

8. Formation of peptide bonds in aqueous solution and aqueous line of motectmlp.llwwwjsewanu.cofivorlgm.mm +l ro/uJ

Origin of Life Reseaich Page 2 of 14


Ranganayaki S., and Bahadur K.,

Proe.I\|afl. Acad. Sci. India , 27 A, part IV, ZgZ_gS, !.g5g.

9. Aqueous line of molecular evolution.

Ranganayaki S., and Bahadur K.,

Izvestiya. Akad.Na vk. U.S.S,R. fI" 1861_1865, {1g5gi.

10' Carboa dioxide ke Fani Ke vilayan m€n amino arnlon ka prakash Sanshleshar

Rangenayaki S., and Bahadur K.,

vijnana Farishad Anusandhan patrika, !, Kr z, gg-10l (lg5g)

11' Photosynthesis of peptides in the acqueolls solutisns of aspartic acid iglycine

Bahadur K.. and R.B.Sirivastava

Indian.I. Applochem., Vo! 23, pp-13tr_194, NO.3 {1960}

12' The influence of catalyst and period of irradiation in the photosynthesisamino acids in a mixture of paraio.maldehyde and potassium nitrate.

Sahadur ( and Srivastava R.B.Zurnal,obscherikimii, TomxxXr {xcrEr} 317-3zo,3ao{1961)

13. Photochemieal formation of peptide bonds in aqueous sotutions.

Bahadur K., perti O.N., and pathak H.D.Proe.Natl.Acad.sci, rndia, BoA, part fi, za6-zzo(1961).

14. Photosynthesis of peptides in a mixture of glycine and tryptophane and glycand valine separately and in combination in piesence of slcrose in the mixtu

Bahadur. K., perti 0.N., and pathak H.D.Indian Journal of Applied Chemistry, 25, 90_96 (1961]

15'Vibhinna Prakar Ke Kanch Ke Bartano me alanine Ka prakash Vighatan.

Bahadur K., and Sriyastava R.B.VtrgyAE Parishad Anusandhan patrika, S, t,57-59 {1gSZ}.

16. Photochemical formation cf amino aclds !n a mixture containing differsources of carbon in presence of nickel as catalyst.

Bahadur K., and Srivastava R.B.J.Acad. Sci, U.S.S.R.9, 160g-1 1( 1962).

17. Photochemical formation of peptide in aqueous solution of glutamic arlysine and leucine in presence of sucrose,nltp.,'lww.-"r/Jeewanu.com/ongm.ntm +l lo/uj

-':l ''riLife Researeh

Page 3 oi:=

Bahadur K'" and Verma Harish Chandra''

Bicchernistry J' U's'S'R', BbI'4T' 27 '?gA'7?4(1962)'

ls"Astudyofphotoehemlea!changesina.solutionofleueineandglutamicaand cf leucine and glycine in pre?ence of sucrose ernploying artEficiat light e

sunlight as sources of irradiation"

Perti O.N', Behadur K', and Pathak H'D'Akad, Hauk, U.S.Jn',

'eiochimiv;a'T27 '

Vol4 pp708-714(1962)'

19. The lnfluence of hydrogen ion concentration on the photochemical forrnat

ef amine acids'

Bahadur K., and Srivastava R'B''

Isb, A'N', U.S'S'R' etd'Kin, N'6' 1O7O-74(1963)

2c.The rale of aromatlc hydrocarbons in the photosynthesis ef amino acids'

Bahadur K-, and Verma, H'C''

Gen. Chem., Vol 33Nov'{1963}'

2l.Photgehemicalforrnationofpeptidesin.aeulousmixtureseontainingsucr(as the .rr*rgi-*aletiaf and molybdic acid as catalyst'

Bahadur K., and PandeY R'S.'

vijnana parishad Anusandhan patrika, r (z'3'1, 57-Gs (1964)

22. Fhotocl-iemical formation of peptides in aqureous solution eontaining glutat

acid in preseTrce of different catalysts'

Sahadur K", and Pande R'S'

,. tt 4.gtrsnl,So€-.r 4z(Z), pp75-S5(1165)'

23. InvestigatiOn on photechemical formatisn of peptide in aqueous mixtures


Bahadur K., and Pande R'S.'


24.SynthesisofaminoaeidsandBeptidesinsterElisedaqueousmixturesun'different conditions'

Ranganayaki 5', Srivastava Bharti and Bahadur K'

Proe.Natl'Acad.Sci. India', 4? (aJ, III (1977)'

Pagc 4 cf 14

amino acids.

Bahadur K., Verma t4.L. and Singh y.p.

Zeitschrlft fiir Al!9. Mikrobiologie, 14(Z)

87-9L, (L974).

26. Comparative study of abiogenesis of cysteine and other amino acids cataly:by various metals ians,

Bahadur K., and Sen p..

Zeitschrift fiir Altg. Mikrobiotogie, 1S(g),143 -t4Z{ 197S}

27. Study of photosynthesis of amino acids.

Srivatava R.8.,

D.Phil Thesis, University of Allahabad,

Allahabad- (U.P) India (1961)

28. Study ef sonre aspects of peptide synthesis.

Pande R.S.,

D.Phil Thesie, University of Ailahabad,

Allahabad (U.P) India (1964)

29. "Study of abiogenesis of Amino Acids.',

Kumar A,

D. Ph:|, Thesis, University of Allahabad

Allahabad-z11002 (U.p) India (1966).

3O."Studies in Abiogenesis and Biopoesis',

Narain K,

D. Phll Thesis, Depart. Gf Chem., University of Allahabad,

Allahabad, (U.P) trndia (19?4)

31."Studies in the Abiogenesis of amino Acids"

Maurya H.K.,

D. Ph;l Thesis, chem. Dept", Univ. of Allahabad

Allahabad(U.P), India( Ig77 )

: *: "\r,\1\'Jee\

/ang.C6fiV*flgm.ntm 4t lo/uJ

j-*:- :__:-Research

32. "Effect of Antibioticsmicrostructures',

Pradhan D.N.,


Page 5 of 14

and Sulpha Drugs on the formation of abicge

D.phil Thesis, chem. Dept,, University of Allahabad,

Altahabad {U.p}, India (Lg7T}.

33."Studies in Abiogenesis and Biopoesis,,

Sharma K.,

D.Phil Thesis, chem. Dept., University of allahabad

Alfahabad (U.p) rndia {tg7j)34.'tStudies in Abiogenesis of Amino Acids,,

Srivastava M.,

D. Phil Thesis, chem. Dept., University of Allahabad

Altahabad(U.p) rndia {tg?7)35. "Photosynthesis of Amino Acids,,

Singh S.,

D.Phil Thesis, Chem. Dept., University of Allahabad

Allahabad (U.p) rndia (1980)

36. "P}'rotosynthesis of Amino Acids,,

Murthy M.S.V.B.S.H.,

D.Phil Thesisn Chem. Dept., University of Allahabad

Allahabad {U.p) rndia (r9SO}

g Previous

Aliege bases

t. photcchemicar formation of serf sustaining caocervates.Ranganayaki S". and Bahadur K.,J' ef Brit. rnterpranetarv soe. 23(12),813-829 (1970)

- .1 \\-wtv.Jeewanu.collvcfigln.fim4t lo/uJ

l':-in of Life Researcir Page 6 *f 14

Detection ef nucleEc acid bases in photochemica!ly synthesised self-sustainCoacaervates,

Ranganayaki S.rRaina V, and Bahadur, K.

l. Brit Interplanetary Soe. 25(5\,279-2eS ttg7?)

Effect of Tetraacyline on the formatlon of nuclic acid bases formedphotoclremically synthesised microstructures called Jeewanu

Bahadur K,, Kumar S,, and Gusain p.S.,

Zbl, Bakt II, Abt, Bd, 132 , G66-6i2 (L977).

Studies in some aspects of Abiogensis of organic Components of chemiinterest,

Raina V.

B. PhEll Thesis,Department of Chemistry, University of Allahabad,Allahabad {U.P"} India {19?3}.

"AbiogeRsis of Nucleic Acld Bases'" .

Srivastava S,K.,

D.Phill Thesis, Chem. Dept., University of Allahabad,

Allahabad {U.P.}, lndia {1976).

e previous





Abiegensegis Sf PhosphstlBlde

1. Sy:-thesis of phospholipids in microstructure preBared by the interactionarnmunium thiocyanate, minerals,Calcium acetate Potassium dihydrogephcsBhate and formaldehyde.

Ranganayaki C., Srivastava 8,, and Bahadur K.,

Zbl., Eakt II Abt., 265-269, {1980).

2. "Studies in Abiogenesis of phospholipids,"


D. Phil.Thesis,Chenr. Dept.,University Of Al lahabad.Allahabad,{U.P.} India{ 1975}.

liip.,,,,ll/ww jeewanu. corry ongln. ntm +1 l o/ui

Ongin ofl-ife Research Page 7 cf 14

€ Frevious

Studies q_ft Enzyrue like actlvity

1. Exami;'tatlon of irradiated aqueous mlxtures of organic ccmFeus?ds and

inorganEc salts for enzyme activity ,

Bahadur K., and Saxena tr., Vijnane Parishad Anusandhan Patrlka, Yol, 6

pp 161-168 (1963).

2. Adaptability In Enzymes

Eahadur K., and Pande R.S.,

Biologia Plantonum t7,86 {1965).

3. l-list+chenaical detection of acid phosphatase-like activity.

In'Jeewanu" the abiogenieally formed cell -like molecular assicaaions

Bahadur K., and Gupta V=K.,

Persectives in cytology and Genetics

Ed.G.K. Manna & U. Sinha) 4: 2O3-2O8,1984.

4. "Studies in the origin and Evolution of Enzymes"

Srivastava P., D. Phill Thesis,University of Allahabad-z11OOZ ( India) (L967

5.Studies in the Abiegenesis of enzymes like material

-ingh R.C.,

D.Phill Thesis, University of Allahabad,Allahabad {U,P.i India (1973}.

E} Previous

Synthesis of feewanu

1. Preparation of Seewanu units of Capable growth nnultiplEcation and metaboliactivities.Bahadur, K. et, al.

Vijnana Farishad Anusandlran Patrik&, 6 ,63 - 117 (1963)

2. Synthesis of leewanu - Part I5 , Photochemical preparation cf growinmuEtiBlying units with rnetabolic activities.

Bahadur K., Verma H. C, Srivastava R,B, Agarwal K,M,L, Pandey R'5, Saxtnfip:1,'\&-t&a,v.leewanU.COml0rlgm.ntm +t Io/v-i

Fage I of 14

I, Malviya A.Fl. and Kumar V, Perti O.N. abd Pathak H.D.

Zbl .3akt. Abt II | !L7 ,pp575 - 584 {1964}

3. Optimum growth is Synonym of maximum hydration of the protoplasmiemateria!,Bahadur K. and R.anganayaki S.t

Zbl . Bakt II . Abt , 1!7 ,429 - 43 (!.964)

4. Synthesis of Jeewanu units of eapable of growth multiplieation and metaboliactivities,

Bahadur K. and Ranganayki S'

Zb! . 8akt, tL7,sSF - 602 {1964)

5. Synthesis of Jeewanu , Units capable of growth multiplication .metabolication and metabolic activities - Part III

3ahadur K.

Zbl . Bakt, LL7,585 - 602 (1964)

6. Convension of lifeless matter into living systems

Bahadur K. and Saxena L

Zbl . Bakt, 118 r 67L (1964)

7. Grigin of the livEng systems.

Bahadur K., Pandey R.S', Perti O't{. and Pathak H'D.'

Agra UnEv. l. Res. ( Sci.) / 13 II , L - 27 (1965)

8, New Approach to melecular and chemical evolution.

Ranganayaki S., and Bahadur K.

9(3), tL7 :126 t1966)

g Synthesis of rnotecular associations with the properties of biolagical order

Ranganayaki S. and Bahadur K., Kumar Ajit, and Shrivastava P.

Zbl. Bakt. , tzO (2) ,74A -752 (1966)

10, Formation of Jeewanu , the molecular associations with propertiesbiological order.

Ranganayaki S' and Bahadur K'

Vijnana Parishad Anusandhan Patrika , g (4) t7L - 182 {1866)

l.l p .,' ;' l,\nvw.J eewanu. colru ongm. rum +t to/u3

Page 9 of 14

11. About experiments on preparation cf ieewanu frorn thermal peptides.

Bahadur K.

Agra Univ. I Res. (Sci.) , 14 {t} ' 4L - 48 (1966}

12. Synttresis of teewanu , the proto-call'

Bahadur K.

Bulletin of Indian photo biology group.

4 ,9 - 16 March (1966).

13. Solar R.adiation and Origin of life.

Ranganayaki S. and Bahadur K' and Shrivastava P'

vijnana Parishad Anusandhan Patrika 1o (1), 51 - 61 (1967)

14. Synthesis of Jeewanu the Proto-cell'

Bahadur K. and Saxena I'

Trans Roy' Soc' New Southwales,

1O1 (1), 11 - ls (L967)

15. Photochemicals formation of self - sustaining Coacervates'

Ranganayaki S. and Bahadur K.

J. of Brit. Interplanetary Soc. 23 (1-2r,813 - 829 (1970)

16. Cytological studies of abiogenically Synthesised Jeewanu , cell - like


Bahadur K. and GuPta J. L.

Zbl. F. Bakt' I L27 (2),643 - 648 (1972)

t7. Phetoehernicals formation of self - sustaining Coacervates'

Bahadur K.

proc. rndian Natl. sci. Acad. 398 (4),455 - 467 (1973)

1g. Study of the response to antibistics in leewanu , the self - sustainingCoacervates, Capable of growth , :nultiplieation and metabolic activity'

Bahadur K', Ranganayaki S', Sing Y'P', and Kumar S'

Revista do fnstltuto de Antibiotics , Recife , vol. 15 N ('/') , 33 - 36 r

3np:/iwwwJeewanu.com/o{1g1n.ntm 41 lbluj

Page 10 ot i4



Bahadur K.

Zbl. Baki.,13O tll,?Lt

2e. "studies in Abiogenesis

-218 (197s)

of mslecular Association",

Verma, il.L.

I .PhEl These, University cf Allahabad'

Allahabad (U'P), India, (1970)

2L. Studies in Phothsynthesis of AminoAcids

Srivastavar B'

D.PhEl Thesis. University of Allahabad

Allahabad (U"P), India tf972)

22. "cytologieal and Histoehemieal sttldy cf Abiogenie cell-like Molecu


€uPta. I.L

D.Phil. Thesis, Chem'Dept', University of Allahabad

Allahabad, tU'P), India, (t'976)

23, '"cytOlOgica! and Histochernical studies of self- sustaining coacervates"



Allahabad (U'P), India (79773

24. "'cytological Investigation of Photochemica!lyforrned self-sustain

molecular association"


D.Phit Thesis, Dept' of Chem''University of Allahabad

Allhabad (U'P), India (1980)

25, NatEonal seminar on Role of Solar Energy in the origin of life and E;


{Jan3G-Feb'7.|1998}organisedbyC,M'D'PIGcollege,andG.GuniversitY,BilasPur (M'P) India'

ntrp:/lw\.\ J/.Jeewanu'comlorlgm'mm +1 toluj

Page 11 of tr4 -

ffF Prevjslrs

p hotoch€rn i€a i fixatiqn of N itrsgea

1. Influence of the soLlrce of carbon in photochernica! fixatisn of nitroger


Bahadur K' and Agrawal, K'M'L

F:-oe. Natl. Acad. $clences, Indla. see A', vol"XXXIE Part I, PP 83-87'196:

?. Photochernical fixation of nitregen in solution contalning parafcrmaldeht


Bahadur, K. and Agrawal,K'M'E-'

J .Ind.Res. India, ?18, No'?,335-37 (1962)


Bahadur K., and Saxena, I"

3' org'chern., U'S.S'R' 6III, 248 t1963)

4. str.ldy of the photoehemica! fExation of nitrogen in synthetic mixtu

containing org"ni" acids as source of carbon and mixtures of eolloidal ac

as source and mixtures of collsidal irsn and molydbenum oxide as catalys

Bahadur K' and Agarwal, K'M'!-'

Vijnana Farishad Anusandhan Pat:'ika ,7(2'3l,, pp 51-56 (1964)'

5. Photochemical fixatiorl of nitrogen in sterillsed aqueous mixtu


Bahadur K', and Agarwa!, K'M'L'

vijnana Parishad Anusandhan Patrika S(2), 7L'82(1965)

6. Influence of hydrogen ien concentratien on ttre photochemical tartaric a

as souree sf earbsn and mixtures of collsidal molybdenum and iron oxil

as catalYst'

Bahadur K., and Agarwal, K'M'L'

J.chem.Soc., UAR, 9{ 1}, 6? -V 2(L966}


Srnlth, A', Folsorne, C" and Bahadur K'

ExPerient!a, 3?, 35?-359{1981)

trlp.il\Jw-'r/.Jeewanu.comlongln'ntm +t rolu3


1 - ri Life Research



& Previaus

Phofslyfiq desc ilqpssltic n tf-wate r

1= Biophotolysls of water for H, production and artificial catalYtic systems"

Rao, K.K., Adams, M.W.W., Morris, P' and Hall' D'O'

(Plant sclences Dept', Kings callege, London} and Ranganayaki S. and


Abstract presented at the Ease Synrposium Madurai, Indiao Dec' 1978'

2, functienal approach to the Grigin of Life problem'

Bahadur K., Ranganayaki. S', Folsome C' and Smith' A'

Hationa! academy of sciences, India:Go!den Subilee Commernoration Volume, p1-18{1980)'

3. Carbon disxide redueticn and nitrogenase actlvity in organo-molybdenmicrostructures.

Smith A., Folsome C'and Bahadur K'

Experientia 37, P357-359' 1981

4. Grigin of life: A functional approaeh'

Bahadur K' and RanganaYaki S'

MlS. Ram Narain Lal Beni Frasad'Aliahabad-z11OS2, (U.P) India (L991)'

€ P{eYtsuF-

eqnfrmatj srs s n-leewanLby qtLe{ ssi entrsle

Bahadur (1,2) reported photochemical forrnation of 'Jeewanu' in a sterilit

aqLleous rnixtures of seme inorganie and organic substanees' The word'Jeewa

,uieru to a sanskrit word meaning particles of life'

The formation of Jeewanu was subsequently confirrned by the following scientis

- M.H" Briggs {3'4}

- Muller, P. and Rudin, D'O' (U'S'A) (5)

- Prof. D.O"Hall et.al (6)

- Adolf Smith et.al (7)

rilp.1/-f/ww.Jeewanu. soml orlgm' ntm4l lo/uJ


Page 13 *f 14


1. Preparaticn of Jeewanu units of capable of growth, multiplication and

metabolic activitY


2. Photochemical formation of self- sustaining coacervates

Ranganayaki. S' and Bahadur K.

l. of Brit. Interplanetary Soe., 23{12} 813-829 (1970)

3. Briggs, M.H"'Recent Frogress in Photobielogy'"

Report of tl-le Internationa! eongress on Phstobiology, Oxford, Ju!y(1964)

4, Experimentg on the origin of the cells


Spaee Ftight. 7t4),129-131 (1965)

5. Mutler, P. and Rudin, D'O'(U'S'A)

- Private Communication'

6. Biophotolysis of watcr for H, production and antificial systems'


Dept., Kings college, London) and Ranganayaki' S",

Chem. Dept', Unlversity of A!lahabad (U'P) India'

Abstract presented at the Base symposium, Madural, India, Dec {1978}'



Nationa! Academy of Sciences, India :

Golden Jubilee Commemoration Volume (1980)'

tF Prevroug

l}tlp ., r.r.ii-":, - i e'.1. anu. colTv Orlgln. ntm

€ Fack Tc H*me Fage

4l I O/U-i