Dr. Barbara Keener, Capella University Dr. Linda Delgado ...€¦ · negative effects of the...

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Transcript of Dr. Barbara Keener, Capella University Dr. Linda Delgado ...€¦ · negative effects of the...

Dr. Barbara Keener, Capella UniversityDr. Linda Delgado, SUNY, New Paltz

Emily Coleman, Midway CollegeMelissa Allen, Hartwick College


Provide snapshot of student financial need and affordability issuesGive overview of new Federal higher education legislation and implicationsDiscuss best practices at two and four yearDiscuss best practices at two- and four-year institutionsIllustrate needs of a particular minority group of students through results of case study


Unprecedented financial need and number of applications in 09/10 and for 10/11

Changes in family circumstancesChanges in family circumstances

Increasing cost of higher education

Retention issues


PELL Grant EFC and maximum awardAcademic Competitiveness and SMART GrantsTEACH GrantAdditional Subsidized and Unsubsidized Stafford eligibilityTransition to Direct LoansVeterans’ Benefits


Professional Judgment (PJ)

Special institutional funds

H i k C ll ’ 3 dHartwick College’s 3-year degree program

Financing options

Reminding families of the investment they are making in higher education


Over the past ten years tuition and fees have increased ◦ 52% @ 4-year institutions◦ 26% @ 2-year institutions ◦ California is scheduled for a more than 30% increase

from 09/10 to 10/11 academic year (Pastedo, 2006).

Pell Grant now only covers 38% of tuition, forcing students to turn to the student loan system (Reed, 2000).

There are over 22 million student loan borrowers holding over $287 billion in debt (Porter, et al, 2006).


Persistence Literature Review Related to Financial Aid◦ Tinto (1993)◦ Astin (1993)◦ Kuh, Kinzie, Schuh, Whitt, and Associates (2005) ◦ Pascarella and Terenzini (2005)

Due to the lack of persistence literature, many institutions find themselves providing a reactive response to the current consumer demand and “negotiation” approach to financial aid awards (Wei, Li, Berkner & MPR Associates, 2004; Paulsen & Smart, 2002).


Professional Judgment (PJ)

Special institutional funds

Financing options

Family Education on the Value of Education

But…is this sustainable? ◦ In 2008, institutional discounting levels reached as high as 50

percent in order to meet enrollment goals (Castagnera, 2009).Example

Villanova University “spent 3.5 million more this year than last” to recruit and retain the target number of students (Castagnera, 2009, p. 27).


Table 1: Institutional Response to the Economy: A Three Year Comparison

# of Institutions

Program 09/10 08/09 Prior to 08/09

Tuition Freeze 11 4 4

Eliminating Tuition 0 8 13

Tuition Reduction 2 4 3

Lower Tuition Increases 33 0 0

Tuition Guarantee 0 0 10

Replacing Loans w/Grants/Reducing Parent Contribution 5 30 22

Eliminating Parent Contribution 0 3 1


Matching Public Tuition 5 1 0

Matching State Scholarship Program 1 0 2

Four Year Graduation Guarantees 4 1 11

Discounted or Free Housing 0 1 1

Job Guarantee 1 0 5

Accelerated Degree Programs 3 0 13

Community College Partnerships 1 0 7

529 Savings Plan Discounts 0 1 1

Eliminating Loan Interest 0 0 2

Two Year Commuter Option 0 1 0

Council of Independent Colleges

Do we…◦ Revisit the persistence literature?

◦ Review institutional long term ability to maintain current financial programs?

◦ Analyze the correlation between current practices and enrollment levels?

All of the above? None of the Above?

Other Options?



Eight themes emerged from the focus group interview of Hispanic freshmen:

1.They did not know the real cost of their first year at college.

2.Affordability (or lack of) emerged as the prevailing concern.

3.The importance of maintaining good academic standing and its effects on their financial aid was known by all.

4.They understood the potential negative impact on their grades with increase of work hours.


5. Finding co-signers for student loans was not an option for any of these participants.

6. They understood the value of completing their degree.

7 They acknowledge not having any debt7. They acknowledge not having any debt management skills or experience.

8. The commuter-student participants were also dealing with economic downturn first-hand and its effects on their parents and deteriorating financial situation at home.


Debt avoidance and debt aversion needs further research for Hispanic college students. The qualitative data from this study reflects the importance of these considerations.

Future studies need to keep the affordability factor a prominent concern in the persistence process that includes p p pthe aspirations and the ability to earn a degree.

Debt or financial aid management should be learned in the high school years. In fact, the Bridge Project suggests that such information be passed on to students AND parents no later than 9th grade.


The area of urban, commuter students is another area of potential research. Many of the students in the single school study were commuter students. The commuter status, family and work responsibilities, along with the ethnicity of the group being sampled, could be new areas of study.

Future research on commuter college students should take into consideration ethnicity/race of participants and theirinto consideration ethnicity/race of participants and their socio-economic status, especially during periods of economic downturn. The qualitative data revealed the negative effects of the “increased metro card cost” for one of the participants.


This study began by addressing the growing need to understand the persistence process for Hispanic college students. This ethnic population is the fastest growing group entering into higher education and they are the least graduating. Years of institutional programs at all levels have increased access but this was only a first step. Institutions retain and students persist (Tinto, 1993). Students are active participants in this process and their perceptions of financialparticipants in this process and their perceptions of financial security and persistence matter. Affordability as Braxton (2000) described, is part of the persistence process. Affordability, especially during hard economic times, is understood differently by different cultures. Perceptions of financial security in the single school study impacted decisions to persist for the participants in the single school study.


Federal Student Aid Handbook -http://www.ifap.ed.gov/ifap/byAwardYear.jsp?type=fsahandbook&awardyear=2009-2010

Information for Financial Aid Professionals -http://www.ifap.ed.gov/ifap/index.jsp?

FinAid – The SmartStudentTM Guide to Financial Aid -http://www.finaid.org/

American Council on Education’s Summary of Education Provisions in the Healthcare and Reconciliation Act of 2010 -http://www.acenet.edu/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Papers_Publications&TEMPLATE=/CM/ContentDisplay.cfm&CONTENTID=36019


Getting Started – Schools New to Direct Loans http://www.direct.ed.gov/participating.htmlNASFAA’s Checklist for the Transition to Direct Loans -http://www.nasfaa.org/PDFs/2010/DLChecklist.pdfPost-911 GI Bill Overview -http://www.military.com/education/content/gi-bill/new-post-911-gi-bill-overview htmlgi bill overview.htmlYellow Ribbon Program -http://www.gibill.va.gov/GI_BILL_Info/CH33/Yellow_ribbon.htmHow to Apply for GI Bill Benefits -http://www.gibill.va.gov/GI_Bill_Info/How_to_Apply.htmHartwick College’s Three-Year Bachelor’s Degree Program -http://www.hartwick.edu/x26204.xml


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