Dps research

Post on 28-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Dps research

Sandeep Shoker

*DPS Research

Main Image: The main

image takes up the entire

page, Lady GaGa is the

main storyline to this issue

which is why it seems to take up half of the double page


Masthead: The masthead is of Lady

GaGa’s name, is it not too big but again shows that this issue of the magazine is mainly focused on her.

Drop Capital:The drop capital

also takes up most of the page again showing that the L for Lady GaGa is

important, it implies that she is the most

important story from this issue of the magazine.

Main Article: The main article takes up the whole page it is split into 3 columns and is overlapped by the large ‘L’ drop capital.

This shows the importance of the text as there is so much however, it further implies that the image and drop

capital are more important because they are much bigger.

Colour Scheme:A clear colour scheme is used on this double page

spread, as the colours black, white and red are consistently used.

Image:The image used in

this magazine takes up one page with a little bit of the second page. This shows the

importance of the storyline for the particular issue.

Colour Scheme:A running colour scheme is used with the colours of black, white and red. This shows it to be quite dark

and dangerous.

Masthead:The masthead used

is very bold and takes up a lot of the

page, the colours used show that Avril is wild and links it well to the main


Main Article:The main article used it split into 2 columns and is split into questions and answers, it is very informal and shows the importance of Avril Lavigne in this


Main Image: The main image of

Cheryl Cole takes up one

page, it stands out in the

colour scheme used and

shows that she is the centre of


Masthead: The masthead is of Cheryl Cole’s name showing the

importance of her and this issue she is featured in. .

Drop Capital:The drop cap used is a very large red

‘C’ it takes up most of the page clearly

showing the importance of the main storyline.

Main Article: The main article takes up the ¾ of the page and is split into 3 columns, this shows the importance of the topic, but because the images and drop cap are so big shows

that the audience should focus on Cheryl Cole more than what the article actually says.

Colour Scheme:The colour scheme used

links in well together as the colours red, white and black

are used. This ties the article and image in


I am analysing an issue of the top of the pops magazine, the double page spread shows a comical and funny aspect to what are know as ‘perfect’ celebrities or role models. This adds on an edge to the magazine as it makes fun of embarrassing moments that some celebrities have had. This is giving the audience the message that no one is perfect and that is okay to be ‘normal’.

On this double page spread an article or interview is not used as a collage of images have been put together. This is because this is a pop magazine and the audience expect it to be colourful and bright. Also, from my own market research I have noticed that the target audience for this type of magazine do not particularly enjoy reading lengthy interviews as they enjoy looking at images and having comical captions instead.

The title used attracts the reader as it says ‘celebs exposed’ this shows that it is unique and nobody else has seen it. This will drag the audience to read and buy the magazine as they will want to see this as in the media celebrities as shown as so perfect it goes against the normal conventions.

The quotations used within this double page spread are the captions used which branch off each image. These are very comical as the language used is very informal and funny, this will pull the audience in as this is want they want to read rather than long paragraphs of text.

The photos taken are very natural as they are taken when celebrities least expect it, they are comical as funny caption have been added in to comment on each image. What makes this magazine unique it that the audience have come up with each of the caption for each image, this gets the audience involved and make them want to buy the magazine to me more involved.


From the Double Page Spread analysis I have learnt that at least one page should be take up with an images/images, the colour scheme should all link in together well. The masthead used should be quite large and clearly state the main storyline for the issue of the magazine. The drop capital used should be quite large and take up a lot of the page, the fonts used all fit in together and are quite interesting/funky.

If I use these main techniques in my magazine on my double page spread I will be able to cater to my target audience as they will want to buy and fun pop magazine that stands out.