DP & John Donne

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Transcript of DP & John Donne

Divine Principle &

John Donne1572-1631

Vocabulary in the end v. 1


Yehudi Menuhin,  (22 April 1916 – 12 March 1999) American-born violinist and conductor, who spent most of his performing career in Britain.

He is widely considered one of the greatest violinists of the 20th century.

Favourite track: Ach Ich Fuhl's by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartBook: The collected works by John DonneLuxury: Album of photographs of his wife

John Donne 1572 –1631

English poet and a cleric (priest) in the Church of England.

He is considered the pre-eminent representative of the metaphysical poets. His works are noted for their strong, sensual style …

His poetry is noted for its vibrancy of language and inventiveness of metaphor, especially compared to that of his contemporaries.

Important theme in Donne's poetry is the idea of true religion, something that he spent much time considering and about which he often theorized.

He is particularly famous for his mastery of metaphysical conceits.

"Death, be not proud, though some have called thee Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so."

"Lo," preached the newly ordained minister, quoting the Book of Lamentations at the funeral of his wife, "I am the man that hath seen affliction."

Indeed, from the death of his father to his own, John Donne witnessed much affliction.

The Black Plague was repeatedly sweeping through London—three waves during his 10-year tenure as dean of St. Paul's Cathedral—killing tens of thousands with each recurrence.

For months Donne thought himself a sure victim of the disease. Throughout his life, he withstood financial ruin, the destruction of his family, religious persecution, and other plagues. Yet, he became one of England's greatest love poets, and one of the greatest preachers of the 1600s.

Lover of God

During this time, he also began studying religion more closely.

One of two anti-Catholic works he published, Pseudo-Martyr, earned him the favor of King James I because it argued Catholics could pledge allegiance to the king without renouncing their faith.

The object of his poetry now became God, and he employed the same degree of ardor and amorousness as ever.

He reasoned, "God is love." He took a page from Solomon, whom he observed "was amorous, and excessive in the love of women: when he turned to God, he departed not utterly from his old phrase and language, but ... conveys all his loving approaches and applications to God.“

Thus, even some of his "Holy Sonnets" had amorous overtones:

Batter my heart, three-person'd God; for youAs yet but knock, breathe, shine, and seek to mend;That I may rise, and stand, o'erthrow me, and bendYour force to break, blow, burn, and make me new …Take me to you, imprison me, for IExcept you enthrall me, never shall be free,Nor ever chaste, except you ravish me.

He was granted a doctorate of divinity from Cambridge and took his first parish job in 1616.

The following year, Anne (his wife) died. Grief-stricken, Donne pledged never to marry again and threw himself at his work. It seems to have done wonders for his vocation. By 1621 he was dean of St. Paul's Cathedral and the foremost preacher of his day. One hundred sixty of his sermons still survive.

In 1623 Donne fell seriously ill and believed he was dying of the plague. Unable to read but able to write, he penned his famous Devotions upon Emergent Occasions.

In it, he records hearing church bells tolling a declaration of death, which he mistook to be an announcement of his own demise. When he realized they were for another, he penned one of literature's most famous lines: "No man is an island, entire of himself; ... therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.

Eight years later, the bell did toll for Donne, who died of stomach cancer about a month after preaching his famous "Death's Duel" sermon.

Though he has occasionally been accused of an obsession with death (a claim backed up by his 54 songs and sonnets, 32 of which center on the topic), his poetry, sermons, and other writings clearly show his affinity for what lay beyond the tolling bells:

Death, be not proud, though some have called thee

Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so …

One short sleep past, we wake eternally,

And death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die.

Compare Divine Principle view of eternal life:

• Dr Sun Myung Moon • Earthly Life and Spirit World I & II

•  I have not conducted all the providential efforts and events on my own centering only on the physical standard.

Instead, I have done these things by attending to God in the spirit world. You have to know that the reason everything is being solved on Earth is so that the spirit world will be affected and all the divisions within spirit world will be broken down.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2006

Version 2014

 3.1. Spirit is the essence of life

Where there is a nucleus, there must be a reciprocally related being to revolve around it. As electrons revolve around protons, human beings are meant to revolve around God.

God can pursue the providence of restoration because the human mind, which is like an electron, naturally relates to God’s mind, which can be likened to the nucleus.

 4.7. Heaven is a life of living for the sake of others

The Kingdom of Heaven is where those who have made sacrifices for others become the masters. The family should sacrifice for the sake of the tribe, the tribe for the people, the people for the nation, the nation for the world, the world for the cosmos, and the cosmos for God.

The ultimate purpose is in reaching God and occupying Him.

Physical death does not bury who we are, or even change who we are. Rather, it carries us to the next stage of discovering who we are

We are the combination of both who God designed us to be and who we have practically fashioned ourselves to be.

We are given the opportunity to create ourselves, our own characters and personalities, during the course of our lives on earth. 

Thus, God has created us as cocreators of our own spirits.

This is who we ARE.


Secondly, we are in our essence NOT the physical body (with potential limitations=handicaps) that we inhabited while living on earth.

We are in our original essence the characterGod designed us to have and be—a character of unlimited love and goodness.

/Life In Eternity: Human Beings In the Spirit World by Kerry Pobanz 


Important theme in Donne's poetry is the idea of true religion, something that he spent much time considering and about which he often theorized.

Bulgarian Baba Vangas’s prophecies made her famous; probably not as famous as Nostradamus, but still, for a humble, illiterate, blind Bulgarian she made headlines all over the world.

Baba Vanga mentioned a new religion that will take the earth by the storm:

The White color associated with that new religion is often associated with the White Brotherhood, but is more possibly representing a religion coming from Korea, known as the people of the white clothes.

"Christ will Return as a peacemaker" and unify all religions.Vanga promises that the prophecy in the Bible concerning the Second Coming of Christ will come true. 

She described him as a peacemaker who comes to our time and "will sign the eternal peace".

In Vanga's words God is one and religions will soon find a common purpose and the whole humanity will come to believe one truth.

The new religious leader, coming from the East as the Messianic figure to guide humanity towards peace will unite all religions; 

1946 Pyoungyang Korea:  

Moon taught that Korea was the second Israel and that the return of Jesus would take place in Korea.

But, he said, the return would not happen in either the spiritual or supernatural way that Christians tended to expect.

He said that, just as the mission of the Old Testament prophet Elijah passed in the time of Jesus to John the Baptist, so the mission of Jesus would pass to another

The Jesus of Galilee will not return - it is not necessary.

The Christ who manifested through him is the Eternal – he will manifest again.

 Mr. Moon in deep meditation can project himself and be seen just as Jesus has been able to project himself and be seen by the saints. 

This is one of the marks - of the messiahs always.

The Hebrew name of the Golden Gate is Sha'ar HaRachamim ( הרחמים Gate of Mercy. In Jewish sources the eastern  ,(שערgate of the Temple compound is called the Shushan Gate., this would make it the oldest of the current gates in Jerusalem's Old City Walls.

According to Jewish tradition, the Shekhinah כינה) Divine Presence) used to appear through the eastern Gate, and will appear again when the Anointed One (Messiah) comes (Ezekiel 44:1–3)

Comment : Divine Principle claims Messiah comes from the East, Korea!

I can only repeat the vision of John, that when the New Age comes, the Eastern Gate will open, and not only man - but Revelation – will flow out of that gate. /Ford-Fletcher

• Jesus said: John 8:44 You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

• THe archangel's mission must be fulfilled first, since God created the archangelic world first.

Next must be the accomplishment of the purpose of Adam, who should stand in the position of God's objective being.

If he stands as the perfected being of God's ideal, the ideal of vertical love can be developed horizontally. This is the objective world of creation which is the Heavenly Kingdom centered upon God. 

/SMM 11 Sep 1972

Both New Adams knew Gods willas oposed by most people

Sung Han Lee

CT – Spirits

Remarkable Messages from the Spiritual Realm

SM Moon

Spiritual Genius

Buddha MuhammadJesusConfucius


Sun Myung Moon&

Hak Ja Han Moon

So there are alsoAbsolute spiritual laws: • True Parents • Blessing=Forgiveness of Original Sin

Spiritual Genius

SEMINAR1. Jesus’ Message to Christians and All People on Earth

Dear fellow Christians and religious believers, I am truly the Messiah. However, the one who returned to fulfil the messianic mission today is Reverend Sun Myung Moon. He is theSecond Advent of the Lord.

How do you now see Reverend Moon? Think of the flow of time and examine the incredible achievements he has wrought. Could he do this by human power and ability alone? /5 Apr 2001

SEMINAR2. The Buddha’s Message to Buddhistsand Believers in Other Religions

Dear Buddhists, I am not saying that your way of life thusfar has been wrong. Like Jesus, in my time I also did my bestto guide humankind in the right direction. However, with thepassing of time, the tasks needed for the salvation ofhumankind have changed. What I am trying to do is toengraft the fruit of Buddhists who were raised through mymethods of spiritual cultivation. Please study the UnificationPrinciple. You will find there a considerable number of truthsthat also flow through the teachings of Buddhism. /6 Apr 2001

SEMINAR3. Confucius’ Message to Confucianistsand All People on Earth

Eversince the wrong beginning of human history, different religions have arisen. The unification of religions is therefore necessary,and for this purpose God sent Reverend Sun MyungMoon to the Earth. He does not say that the religious doctrines taught by each religion are wrong, but presents one simple truth that everyone can unite with. /7 Apr 2001

SEMINAR4. Mohammad’s Message forMuslims and All People on Earth

Reverend Sun Myung Moon came to the Earth in orderto deliver God’s will and to unite a divided and scatteredhumankind.

He appears as the True Parent. I hope that my followerswill also accept him with a humble attitude. /9 Apr 2001

Apostle Paul

• 1962: I bear witness to the fact that the Old Testament and the New Testamentcombined are not sufficient to live by in the New Cosmic Age we have ascended into.To be saved, every man, woman and child must commence their mission before they leave this earth plane. And before they can do this they must find the reason for the original sin and what original sin is. Perfection and resurrection can only be achieved through work and that work must be done in the body, the spirit of Truth demands it.

… through the original sin none is righteous, NOT ONE PERSON. Rom. 3:10It means that all have a common guilt, a common sin.

Apostle Paul

Paul 9.11.2001 "I recognize the importance of human responsibility."

Now after learning the Principle, I became even more confident that the Apostle Paul's traditional view of God was very mistaken. We necessarily should have attended God, the resurrected Jesus and the Messiah.

Individual responsibility of 100% is of tremendous importance for God's providence.I promise to study the Principle and lead Christian believers here in the right direction. I have been making thorough preparation for accomplishing my assigned mission.

The spirit grows through give and take action between two types of nourishment: life elements of a yang type that come from God, and vitality elements of a yin type that come from the physical self.

The spirit grows through give and take action between two types of nourishment: life elements of a yang type that come from God, and vitality elements of a yin type that come from the physical self.

The spirit self not only receives vitality elements from the physical self; it also returns an element to the physical self which we call the living spirit element.

The spirit grows through give and take action between two types of nourishment: life elements of a yang type that come from God, and vitality elements of a yin type that come from the physical self.

The spirit self not only receives vitality elements from the physical self; it also returns an element to the physical self which we call the living spirit element.

When people receive grace from a heavenly spirit, they undergo many positive changes in their physical self; they feel infinite joy and new strength welling up in them which can even drive away illness. Such phenomena occur because the physical self receives living spirit elements from the spirit self. /DP96

“Once you enter the spirit world, you forget about the earth. “

/SMM 1986

A. The Invisible Substantial World and the Visible Substantial World





invisible substantial world(spirit world) - subject

visible substantial world -(physical world) object

– perceived through 5 spiritual senses

– perceived through 5 physical senses


• Divine Mind connects to God unfallen Mans mind connects through Absolute Sex Tue Love

• Spirit Mind Mind for the Spirit body

B. The mediator and the center of harmony of the cosmos





DP:The Realms of Indirect and Direct Dominion of God

autonomy andgovernance ofthe Principle *

+ humanportion of








Realm of God’sdirect





Realm of God’s indirect dominion

or realm of dominion based on accomp-lishments through

the Principle



g pe









Divine Good SpiritsDominating EvilSpiritual World

Jesus SM Moon

3rd Adam

The Cosmic True Parents of Heaven Earth and Humankind



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2016 Korea2016 Korea

2016 Korea2016 Korea

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2016 Korea2016 Korea

Sun Myung Moon not only revealed the Divine PrincipleHe fulfilled all the promises in it, and in the Bible.

Holy Tradition

 the continuation of the incarnation the Christ, not Jesus, but a Christ, is the Holy Spirit. This Holy Spirit has never been silent – never been inactive. God - in many names ~ and worshiped in many ways – will touch the hearts of people, and many prophecies will be fulfilled. /A Ford

Holy Tradition

Cheong Il GukNow we must bring OT, NT and CT into one!

Holy Tradition

Short Vocabulary:CSG = Cheon Seong Gyeong, Holy TextbookCIG = Cheon Il Guk, Two persons become one, KoHCP = Cheong Pyeong, Spir. training ground KoreaDP = Divine Principle, v1973 EDP = Divine Principle, v1996ODP = Original Divine Principle, 2008KoH = Kingdom of Heaven LSA = Lord of Second AdventOT = Old TestamentNT = New TestamentCT = Completed TestamentTF = True Father, SMM = Sun Myung MoonTM = True Mother, Hak Ja Han MoonUC = Unification ChurchSee also extended Vocabulary:http://www.slideshare.net/bdp003/vocabulary-uc


Remember the Beauty in Gods Nature is there to inspire us!Have a great Blessed week. Prepared for 2nd,3rd... Gen. inspiration by Bengt de Paulis Finland-Sweden.