Doubt Was Born Mcmlxxi

Post on 28-Feb-2018

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Transcript of Doubt Was Born Mcmlxxi

  • 7/25/2019 Doubt Was Born Mcmlxxi



    I opened the shutters

    to my window

    in the !!ey t "m

    nd sme#t the $resh dewon the %rss

    o$ the %rth !e#ow&

    Deus in omni!us&

    tou'hed the o#d 'ru'i$i(

    on the w## !o)e my !ed

    $e#t the pier'ed $eet&

    Dio in noi e 'on noithe It#in mon* sid

    s I he#ped him

    in the wor*shop

    '#enin% !rss $ittin%s

    $or the 'hur'h&

    I *issed her so$t $ruit

    !ut it ws no pp#e

    #i*e +)e,s nd I no Adm&

    there re some

    who wnt *now#ed%e

    $or the s*e o$ *now#ed%e

    !ut tht is Curiosity

    nd there re some

    who wnt *now#ed%e

    so they 'n !e *nown

    !y others tht is -nity

    nd there re thosewho wnt *now#ed%e

    so tht they 'n ser)e

    nd tht is Lo)e

    St Bernrd sid&

    I wt'hed s u%h

    w#*ed to the re$e'tory

    %rim $'ed nd $in%erin%

    his rosry with n n%e#t e#!ow nd demon

    t $oot or so seemed&

  • 7/25/2019 Doubt Was Born Mcmlxxi


    / # $in du p0'h0

    de 1our est #e p0'h0

    the 2ren'h mon*s sid to me

    s we s'ythed the %rss

    !y the #on% dri)eto the !!ey&

    I '#im!ed her pe*s

    s we #y in her !ed&

    I opened the !oo*

    !y St Au%ustine whi'h

    priest in London

    re'ommended #on%

    with the poet op*insnd I remem!ered !ein%

    ser)ed te nd '*es

    !y nun who wor*ed

    #on% side him&

    3eor%e swept the '#oister

    s the hoo)er

    hd p'*ed up

    dt is !eterhet is rusti%er

    Dut'h mon* sid to him&

    she spred her #e%s

    #i*e !utter$#y nd sid

    t*e nd h)e your $i##

    so I did&

    no#ite iudi're

    ut non iudi'eminiso it sid some p#'e

    in the 3ospe#s&

    the pri'e %ood men py

    $or indi$$eren'e to pu!#i' $$irs

    is to !e ru#ed !y e)i# men

    3reth sid 4uotin%

    $rom 5#to s we st

    in the no)i'e roomwitin% Dom 6oe&

  • 7/25/2019 Doubt Was Born Mcmlxxi


    I wnted to sense

    3od,s !reth on my ne'*

    s I !owed my hed to pry

    !ut sensed on#y

    'o#d wind in the 'hur'h

    on ".78m dwnnd dou!t ws !orn.