Double Page Spreads Analysisss

Post on 06-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Double Page Spreads Analysisss

Double page spreads analysis

By Gemma Whitehead

The type setting in this double page spread is not justified- in other words the text just flows and is not presented as neatly as some magazines would present it.

However this is mainly a rock magazine and is rough around the edges so having it very neatly presented would not suit the magazine or for that

matter, the band. Also half the page has pictures and half has writing , this shows that they want to show the band so people know who they are rather

than just talking about them as this would not grab the audience. The columns make the article easier to read and the height of the first character

(in red) is four lines long so it draws the readers attention to the start of the article and encourages them to read the whole article.

This double page spread is from Kerrang magazine, which really is

different from most of Kerrang’s pages. Firstly there is a very glamorous

woman on the page which stretches almost right across to the left third

and secondly it’s about beauty. The main readers of Kerrang magazine

are males so having a glamorous female would attract men into

reading about her but they may not read the actual article. So for my

music magazine I will make it similar but leave enough room for plenty

of text as well as someone glamorous.

This double page spread is from Mixmag and it is very dark

although they are a drum and bass band which is usually very

fast paced and colourful but the band have gone for a more

serious look. The camera angle shows the band have power and

are very dominant the slit in the middle of the page almost looks

like a trap door to the band and sort of an ‘insight into the man

behind the music’.