Double page spread production log

Post on 31-Oct-2014

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Transcript of Double page spread production log

Double Page Spread Production Log

Ayo Adetoye

To start my double page spread design I opened a new 3 page document in Adobe InDesign CS3. I went to ‘pages’ and clicked on the double page to bring up the format for my double page spread. The first thing I decided to do was follow the layout as shown in my mock-up. To do this I had to go to table and insert one column so there would be two columns on each individual page. I then went to grids and set two grids. However the mock-up I had chosen was fairly detailed I didn’t need to make the grids visible for the most part of my designing. I then used the rectangle tool to create boxes that allowed to me place all my features on my page where I would want them such as the main image, main text etc.


Having decided the background would be white, the first thing I decided to work on was the headline. I had decided I would use the colours red and green for the headline and the font ‘impact’ as it would create cohesion between the three pages. I used the text tool to write the headline changing the colour to red by using the colour options at the right of InDesign and using the same colour codes that were used for my front page and contents. I then highlighted the parts of the headline I wanted green and made them green with the use of the colour options as well. Once the title was done I felt it looked too small, so I used the text size tool to make it bigger. I also used the text tool to position the headline in the middle correctly using the ruler guides to help me. Furthermore I deleted the ‘headline’ rectangle that I had put there as a position guide.


The next thing I decided to work on was sectioning. I had planned to create a black line underneath the headline so it separates the main image and the headline from the main text. To do this, I used the rectangle tool. I created a long but fairly thin rectangle and used the same rectangle tool to place it in the correct position. Having done this I used the rectangle tool to make it smaller as so it would take the width of the first page. I then went to the colour options shown at the right of InDesign to change the colour to black.


After this I decided to write up my article. My article was an interview of the two artists which will be shown in the main image. I wrote the article using the text functions on the software Microsoft Word. Once the article was finished, I copy and pasted the article into the correct positions on my double page spread using the text tool. I used the font ‘Times New Roman’ as it’s a font that is easy to read and used the pre-set colour of black. I made some the questions in the interview bold and the answers in the interview regular using the text options at the top of InDesign. Having done this I added a description of the main text above the text in the font ‘impact’ and used the colour options to change the font colour green using the same code used for the green in the masthead.


Having done all the text and information for my double page spread, the last thing to do including text was the pull quote. Having chosen my pull quote by reading my article over again, I used the text tool to write the quote and used the font ‘impact’ to keep cohesion on the page. I changed the text size to 48pt using the text options at the top of InDesign and used the selection tool to move it into the correct position. I then used the colour options to change it to the colour red, using the same colour code for the red used in the masthead.


The last things to import were the images. Having taken my photo for the sub image I imported it onto my double page spread using the copy and paste functions. Having pasted it I used the stroke effect found through the effects provided at the side of InDesign and set the stroke to 5pt weight. I then used the selection tool to move it into the correct position. Having done this I used the text tool to write a caption underneath the picture in the font ‘ times new roman’ and used the selection tool to position it correctly.


The final steps of my double page spread were the main images. Having taken the main images I opened them in Photoshop using the open function. Individually for both images, I used the polygonal lasso tool and outlined the character in the image. I then used the delete function to delete the background from the two images so I was left with the main character and a white background. I then went into filter and went on to filter gallery. I decided to use the dry brush effect from the filter gallery on both images and tested different brush sizes etc. until it was at the point I wanted it. From here I had to copy and paste both images onto my double page spread design. I used the pointer tool to position them correctly above the headline.


End Product