Don't understand the job ad jargon?

Post on 03-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Don't understand the job ad jargon?

Don’t understand the job ad jargon? We’ve got the translations to help.

Attention to detail: Someone who is good at spelling, grammar.An employee who checks their work to avoid making silly mistakes.

Excellent communication skills:The ability to receive and convey information clearly and effectively.Someone who can understand instructions, ask questions, read behavioral cues and adapt to new situations.

Very small team:You will be working in a small team where you’ll likely collaborate with others on projects. IIn this case it won’t just be your professional skills that are important, but also that your personality will fit in with the rest of the team.

Fast-paced, dynamic environment:You won’t get to rock in at 9am and leave at 5pm on the dot. You might be required to work overtime and have a lot of tasks on the go at once.

Self-starter:Your manager won’t be giving you instructions all the time. You’ll be expected to generate your own work and assist others without be told to do so.

Happy to pitch in:The recruiter is looking for someone that is happy to help out with even the smallest tasks without thinking the simple tasks are beneath them.

Ability to learn quickly:This is someone who doesn’t need their hand held during their first three months on the job.Instead they take notes, ask questions and dive into the role.

Understanding recruitment lingo will help you address the criteria in your cover letter and increase your chances of getting your foot through the interview room door.