Done by: Cheng Tong Wen (4P203) Ong Kian Han (4P220) Sim Zhao Xiang (4P226) Zac Lee (4P231)

Post on 13-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Done by: Cheng Tong Wen (4P203) Ong Kian Han (4P220) Sim Zhao Xiang (4P226) Zac Lee (4P231)


Done by: Cheng Tong Wen (4P203)

Ong Kian Han (4P220)Sim Zhao Xiang (4P226)

Zac Lee (4P231)


Key definitions Forms Who censors and what is censored? Reasons Limitations Importance Consequences Media censorship in Singapore against

media censorship in America

Key Definitions:

Media: means of communication ( such as radio, television newspaper, magazines) that reach or influence people widely

Censorship: The practice of officially examining books, movies, etc., and suppressing unacceptable parts.

Necessary: required to be done, achieved, or present; essential


Political censorship State secrets and prevention of attention Educational sources

Political censorship

Government attempts to conceal, fake, distort, or falsify information

By suppressing or crowding out political news

suppression of views contrary to those of the government in power.

Done through power of the army and the secret police

Through methods such as bribery, ruin of careers, imprisonment, and even assassination.

State secrets and prevention of attention

Preventing the release of information that might be useful to an enemy

 Involves keeping times or locations secret, or delaying the release of information until it is of no possible use to enemy forces.

Done to aid authorities or to protect an individual

Educational sources

Due to inappropriate quality of such material for the young

Textbooks are "whitewashing" the individuals

Religion: block the teaching of evolution

Or blocking information that contradicts their religious beliefs

Who censors and what is censored?

Self-censorship Censorship by higher authority

Self censorship

Act of censoring or classifying one’s own work out of fear or deference or sensibilities, without overt pressure from any specific parties or institution of authority

Mainly done by: Film directors/producers (scenes) Publishers/journalists (stories, articles,

parties involved) Musicians (words)

Censorship by higher authority

Act of censoring that is forced by higher authority such as the government

Example: 911 Government wanted to keep low-

profiled To prevent panic and more chaos Censor news through publishers, radio,



Ensure that the interests of children and family are protected and religious beliefs are respected

An example is pornography censorship Continuation of culture and customs Security of the nation and defence An example is military censorship historical events and considerations For example in Germany: No glorification

of Nazis


Companies use it to control or restrict information pertaining to their business activities

Practiced by companies which have problems in its business operations


Political agendas Loss of freedom Resources needed Violation of human rights

Political agendas

Political parties determine who can say what and when

Places power and control to the high powers

Limits the power of the press to communicate issues, problems and agendas of those holding political power

Loss of freedom

Restrict other people Limits the room for creativity and

passion (journalist, writers, movie directors)

Huge disincentive

Resources needed

Whether it’s small scale or large scale, censorship takes huge amounts of time and resources that can be devoted into other sectors

Due to the following areas: System needs to be maintained,

upgraded and repaired Labor pool needed Cost of equipment

Violation of human rights

People are denied in doing what they want

Article 19 of the UDHR: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers”


Prevents the minds of children from becoming corrupt (pornography)

Prevention of religious conflict Preservation of national secrets Reduction of negative influences

(scenes of alcohol and smoking) Prevent politically motivated

propaganda Prevents public display of disrespect

to certain people or groups of people (races)


Prevents the spread of racism Children are prevented from learning

things that could harm others and themselves. (violence and vulgarities)

Control panic and rumors (911, India 2008) Main idea: Censorship is imposed to protect people, not to restrain the expression of them.


Difficult to educate children on sensitive topics (sex, STI, HIV, AIDS)

Dictators use it to promote a flattering image of themselves and can remove information against them

Encroaches upon the freedom of press Ignorance in society Incorrect perceived image Associated with dictatorship


Compromised entertainment value (books, plays, movies)

Different standards of morals among different societies

Block legitimate criticism (which could be beneficial)

Political parties use it for their own benefit Stifles opposition Broadcasting a narrow point of view/only

one particular point of view


Main idea: Censorship denies access to vital information, differing points of view and criticism that could be beneficial

Singapore versus America Local censorship: motion picture

association of america vs media development authority

Singapore versus America

Internet censorship:Singapore America

Minimal internet filtering for online searches

Minimal internet filtering for online searches

Still has strong filtering for any kind of pornography

Not so strong filtering for pornography except for child pornography, which is disapproved of world-wide.

Video game censorship:ADV( age advisory)M18 (mature 18)

Not much restriction

Singapore versus America

Local, television, press

Singpore America

Still follow MDA’s guidelines

Not much censorship

Largely controlled by Singapore Press Holdings (SPH)

Viewed as corporate censorship

Speaker’s corner available as well.

Free speech zones are available, areas set aside in public places for citizens of the United States engaged in political activism to exercise their right of free speech.

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