DoH Multi-page Template  · Web view2020. 8. 18. · Author: Deptartment of Health Created Date:...

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Transcript of DoH Multi-page Template  · Web view2020. 8. 18. · Author: Deptartment of Health Created Date:...

Information and Performance Governance

Data Dictionary – Emergency Department

July 2020

Information and Performance Governance

Version Control Date Version Description Modified by

29/06/2020 0.1 Original Version Cheng Chiou/Daniel Brewster

08/07/2020 0.2 Emergency Department Masterfile Luisa Chou/Shani Shiham

Abbreviations and ReferencesAbbreviation /

Reference Full Form

ABS Australian Bureau of Statistics

CAHS Child and Adolescent Health Service

DoH Department of Health (WA)

DVA Department of Veteran Affairs

ED Emergency Department

EDDC Emergency Department Data Collection

EDIS Emergency Department

GP General Practitioner

HMDC Hospital Morbidity Data Collection

HMDS Hospital Morbidity Data System

ICD International Classification of Diseases

IPG Information and Performance Governance

ISPD Information and System Performance Directorate

JHC Joondalup Health Campus

MDG Major Diagnostic Group

NWAU National Weighted Activity Unit

SSU Short Stay Unit

UMRN Unit Medical Record Number

URG Urgency Related Group

WACHS WA Country Health Service

webPAS Web Patient Administration System


Information and Performance Governance


Information and Performance Governance

ContentsAboriginality..........................................................................................................8Account Number.................................................................................................10Activity Based Funding Flag..............................................................................11Activity Based Funding Price.............................................................................12Additional Diagnosis...........................................................................................13Admission............................................................................................................14Admission DateTime...........................................................................................15Admission Number.............................................................................................16Admission with Length of Episode Less than or Equal to 4 Hours................17Admission with Length of Episode Less than or Equal to 4 Hours Denominator........................................................................................................18Affected by Alcohol Only....................................................................................19Affected by Both Drugs and Alcohol.................................................................20Affected by Drugs and or Alcohol.....................................................................21Affected by Drugs Only......................................................................................22Age.......................................................................................................................23Ambulance Number............................................................................................24Arrival Date..........................................................................................................25Attendance...........................................................................................................26Attendance Length of Episode..........................................................................27Attendance with Length of Episode Less than or Equal to 4 Hours..............28Attendance with Length of Episode Less than or Equal to 4 hours Denominator........................................................................................................29Australian Emergency Care Classification Class Stream...............................30Australian Postcode............................................................................................31Base Address......................................................................................................32Bed Request DateTime.......................................................................................34Claim Type...........................................................................................................35Classification Value For National Weighted Activity Unit...............................36Clinical Care Commencement Datetime...........................................................37Clinical Comments..............................................................................................38Date Of Birth........................................................................................................39


Information and Performance Governance

Department of Veteran Affairs Authorisation Card Colour.............................40Department of Veteran Affairs Authorisation Date..........................................41Department of Veteran Affairs Authorisation File Number.............................42Department of Veteran Affairs Authorisation Number....................................43Departure.............................................................................................................44Departure Status.................................................................................................45Departure Ready DateTime................................................................................47Departure with Length of Episode Less than or Equal to 4 Hours.................48Departure with Length of Episode Less than or Equal to 4 Hours Denominator........................................................................................................49Destination on Departure...................................................................................50Discharge DateTime............................................................................................51Doctor Seen DateTime........................................................................................52Emergency Department Information System Covid19 Flag............................53Employment status.............................................................................................54Establishment Code............................................................................................55Ethnicity...............................................................................................................56External Cause of Injury.....................................................................................58Feeder System.....................................................................................................59Feeder System Update DateTime......................................................................60First Forename....................................................................................................61GDA Latitude.......................................................................................................62GDA Longitude....................................................................................................63Home Phone Number..........................................................................................64Hospital Role Delineation...................................................................................65Human Intent of Injury........................................................................................66Ineligible For National Funding..........................................................................67Interpreter Required............................................................................................68Linkage Data Loaded Datetime..........................................................................71Local Government Area......................................................................................72Local Health Network..........................................................................................73Major Diagnostic Category.................................................................................74Marital Status.......................................................................................................76


Information and Performance Governance

Medicare Number................................................................................................77Mental Health Admission....................................................................................79Mental Health Attendance..................................................................................80Mental Health Attendance with Length of Episode Less than or Equal to 4 Hours....................................................................................................................81Mental Health Attendance with Length of Episode Less than or Equal to 4 hours Denominator.............................................................................................82Mental Health Consult.........................................................................................83Metropolitan Hospital Flag.................................................................................84Mode Of Arrival...................................................................................................85Name Of Classification Used For National Weighted Activity Unit................86National Compensable........................................................................................87National Department of Veteran Affairs Flag....................................................88National Episode End Status.............................................................................89National Establishment Identifier......................................................................90National Gender..................................................................................................91National Indigenous Status................................................................................92National Major Diagnostic Block.......................................................................93National Principal Diagnosis..............................................................................94National Triage Category....................................................................................95National Type of Visit..........................................................................................96National Weighted Activity Unit.........................................................................97Nurse Seen DateTime.........................................................................................98Occupation..........................................................................................................99Payment Classification.....................................................................................100Person ID...........................................................................................................101Place Where Injury Occurred...........................................................................102Postcode............................................................................................................103Potentially Avoidable General Practitioner Type Attendance.......................104Potentially Avoidable General Practitioner Type Attendance Denominator105Presentation DateTime.....................................................................................106Presenting Complaint.......................................................................................107Primary Diagnosis.............................................................................................108


Information and Performance Governance

Primary Diagnosis ICD10AM Chapter.............................................................109Reattendance within 48 Hours for the Same Condition................................110Reattendance within 48 Hours for the Same Condition Denominator.........111Record Loaded DateTime.................................................................................112Record Status....................................................................................................113Referral Source.................................................................................................114Referred to on Departure..................................................................................115Remoteness Area..............................................................................................116Remoteness Flag..............................................................................................117Rural Hospital Flag............................................................................................118Second Forename.............................................................................................119Seen within Recommended Time....................................................................120Seen within Recommended Time Denominator.............................................121Self Harm Attendance.......................................................................................122Senior Doctor Type...........................................................................................123Sequence Number.............................................................................................124Sex......................................................................................................................125Short Stay Unit Admission Date......................................................................126Short Stay Unit Departure Status....................................................................127Short Stay Unit Destination on Departure......................................................128Short Stay Unit Discharge DateTime...............................................................129Standard Australian Classification of Countries 2011 for Country of Birth 130State...................................................................................................................131State Record Identifier......................................................................................132Statistical Area 1...............................................................................................133Statistical Area 2...............................................................................................134Statistical Local Area........................................................................................135Stream................................................................................................................136Suburb................................................................................................................137Suicide Attempt or at Risk of Suicide.............................................................138Surname.............................................................................................................139Third Forename.................................................................................................140Transfer..............................................................................................................141


Information and Performance Governance

Transfer with Length of Episode Less than or Equal to 4 Hours..................142Transfer with Length of Episode Less than or Equal to 4 Hours Denominator............................................................................................................................143Treating Doctor Type........................................................................................144Triage Category.................................................................................................145Triage DateTime................................................................................................147Type Of Activity When Injury Occurred..........................................................148Visit Type...........................................................................................................149Waiting Time for Clinical Care Commencement............................................150Ward Ready DateTime......................................................................................151Winter Related Illness Admission....................................................................152Winter Related Illness Attendance..................................................................153Work Phone Number.........................................................................................154


Information and Performance Governance

AboriginalityField name - Dataset: aboriginality – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Patient’s Indigenous status. Whether a person identifies as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Origin.

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: String

Format: N

Permitted values:1 Aboriginal2 Non-Aboriginal9 Unknown

Guide for UseIndigenous identification is extremely important in health data collections throughout Australia. It is used not only to direct funds into Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander medical programs, but also to identify causes of peri natal and adult morbidity and mortality within the indigenous population.

An Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander is a person who identifies as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander and is accepted as such by the community within which he or she lives.There are three components to this definition: descent, self-identification and community acceptance. All three should be satisfied for a person to be Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander. However, it is not possible in the hospital setting to ascertain descent or community acceptance. If a person identifies himself or herself as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, then assign the most appropriate code.

Persons who self-identify as another ethnicity (e.g. Caucasian, Afro-American, Polynesian, Asian or Indian) must be recorded as Neither Aboriginal nor Torres Strait Islander.


a) A person who identifies as a Torres Strait Islander attends the Royal Perth Hospital ED.

This will entered as 1 Aboriginal.


17/12/2019 – Data Element will need to be reviewed to align with other collections. HMDS currently name this field Indigenous_status.

EDDC currently includes value domain of 9 – Unknown, which does not align with HMDS, this also needs to be reviewed.


Information and Performance Governance


Information and Performance Governance

Account Number

Field name - Dataset: account_number – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: An identifier of an emergency department (ED) episode of care.

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: String

Format: N[N(11)]

Permitted values:

Guide for UseAn Account Number is assigned each time a patient presents to an ED. Since Account Numbers identify the episode of care, a single patient will have multiple Account Numbers if they present to the ED multiple times.

The Account Number is assigned through the webPAS system for all hospitals excluding Joondalup Health Campus and Peel Health Campus, where the account_number is assigned by Meditech. EDIS sites interface with webPAS (and meditech for Joondalup) through HL7 messaging to receive the Account Number.


As of 29/11/19, the version of EDIS being used is APAC 11 v9.46. There is a known issue with Account numbers sometimes failing to populate from webPAS to EDIS. It is believed to be an issue with the 9.46 version of EDIS. An upgrade to EDIS APAC 21 is scheduled for WA Health in July 2020, and it is believed that this issue will be resolved after the upgrade is completed.


Information and Performance Governance

Activity Based Funding Flag

Field name - Dataset: activity_based_funding_flag – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Derived from visit_type, using the National value domain. Required for deriving URG.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Numeric

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Activity Based Funding Price

Field name - Dataset: activity_based_funding_price – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: The NWAU multiplied by the National Efficient Price.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Numeric

Format: [N(4).N(4)]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Additional Diagnosis

Field name - Dataset: additional_diagnosis – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: An additional diagnosis on discharge from the patient. ICD10-AM Code.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: [N(10)]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

AdmissionField name - Dataset: admission – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Flag all admissions based on departure status of admitted.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Numeric

Format: [N]

Permitted values: 0 Not admitted1 Admitted

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Admission DateTime

Field name - Dataset: admission_datetime – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition:The date/time that the patient is admitted to a legitimate Short Stay Unit (SSU) or inpatient ward at the same hospital. This will be blank if the patient was not admitted.

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: Date / Time


Permitted values:

Guide for UseThe reliability of this field is varied. Hospitals have different methodologies for capture of this field which include:

a) Time in which Doctor made the decision to admit

b) Time in which a bed request was made

c) Time in which the patient was discharged to be admitted

d) Some hospitals have previously turned this field off in their system

In these instances, it would be better to use the bed_request_datetimes or discharge_times as required, rather than the admit_datetime.


18/12/2019 – It is recommended that this field be decommissioned.

18/12/2019 – The old definition for “Access Block” used to us admit_datetime in it’s logic. A new access block definition should be considered with new logic developed.


Information and Performance Governance

Admission Number

Field name - Dataset: admission_number – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Account Number that links the Emergency Department Data to Inpatient Data.

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: String

Format: X[X(11)]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Admission with Length of Episode Less than or Equal to 4 Hours

Field name - Dataset: admission_with_length_of_episode_less_than_or_equal_to_4_hours – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Flag All Admission that have an Attendance Length of Episode of less than or equal to 4 hours.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Numeric

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Admission with Length of Episode Less than or Equal to 4 Hours Denominator

Field name - Dataset: admission_with_length_of_episode_less_than_or_equal_to_4_hours_denominator – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Flag All Admissions that have an Attendance Length of Episode of greater than or equal to 0.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Numeric

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Affected by Alcohol Only

Field name - Dataset: affected_by_alcohol_only – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: Indicates alcohol only affected patients.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Numeric

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Affected by Both Drugs and Alcohol

Field name - Dataset: affected_by_both_drugs_and_alcohol – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: Indicates patient affected by drugs and alcohol.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Numeric

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Affected by Drugs and or Alcohol

Field name - Dataset: affected_by_drugs_and_or_alcohol – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: Patient affected by drugs or alcohol.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Numeric

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Affected by Drugs Only

Field name - Dataset: affected_by_drugs_only – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: Patient affected by drugs only.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Numeric

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

AgeField name - Dataset: age – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: Patient age at the time of presentation.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Numeric

Format: N[N(2)]

Permitted values:

Guide for UseAge is not to be sent on electronic files as it is a calculated field and that is performed by the EDDC.


If patient presents in ED on July 2020:




Information and Performance Governance

Ambulance NumberField name - Dataset: ambulance_number – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: The job number of the ambulance.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: [X(8)]

Permitted values:

Guide for UseCurrently only available in EDIS, this is the identifier for the ambulance that the patient used on arrival to the Emergency Department.


3/12/2019 – EDDC is currently in negotiations with St John’s Ambulance (SJA) around the enhancement of the SJA extract, which includes the adding of the Ambualnce Number to the extract. This will give DOH WA the ability to link the EDDC and SJA for greater analysis opportunities.


Information and Performance Governance

Arrival Date Field name - Dataset: arrival_date – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: The Date and Time that the patient arrives at the ED.

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: Date / Time

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

Permitted values:

Guide for UseThis is the date and time that the patient arrives in the ED. The arrival date cannot be missing. The earlier of the Arrival Datetime and the Triage Datetime is used to derive Presentation Datetime, which is the datetime used as the reference period for local reporting.


Information and Performance Governance

AttendanceField name - Dataset: attendance – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Flag of all records (Must have valid Presentation datetime and Discharge datetime).

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Numeric

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Attendance Length of Episode

Field name - Dataset: attendance_length_of_episode – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: The total length of episode from presentation datetime to discharge datetime, measured in minutes.

Requirement status: Optional

Numeric Numeric

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Attendance with Length of Episode Less than or Equal to 4 HoursField name - Dataset:

attendance_with_length_of_episode_less_than_or_equal_to_4_hours – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Flag All attendances that have an Attendance Length of Episode of less than or equal to 4 hours.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Numeric

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Attendance with Length of Episode Less than or Equal to 4 hours Denominator

Field name - Dataset: attendance_with_length_of_episode_less_than_or_equal_to_4_hours_denominator – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Flag All attendances that have an Attendance Length of Episode of greater than or equal to 0.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Numeric

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Australian Emergency Care Classification Class Stream

Field name - Dataset: australian_emergency_care_classification_class – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: Replacement of URG classification for 2020-21

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: String

Format: X(6)

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Australian Postcode

Field name - Dataset: australian_postcode – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: Postcode

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: String

Format: NNNN

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Base Address

Field name - Dataset:

base_address – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode_restricted]base_address_2 – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode_restricted]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: The address provided for the patient's place of usual residence

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: String

Format: X(50)

Permitted values:

Guide for UseThe patient’s home address at the time of their presentation to the ED cannot be missing. The house number, street name and street type should be on the first of two address lines to be sent. Suburb is to be recorded separately.

Non-residential addresses for accounts or billing purposes (e.g. PO Boxes) are not acceptable as residential addresses. Every effort should be made to collect the patient’s actual residential address. Under Activity Based Funding arrangements, the patient physical address may play an important role in funding calculations.

If the patient is an overseas visitor, their permanent residential address overseas should be recorded, not their local temporary address. The country of residence should be entered into the suburb line for overseas residential addresses. In these cases, suburbs are not required. Please note overseas residential addresses should have the postcode of 8888.

If the patient is homeless or does not have a fixed permanent address, ‘NFPA’ – No Fixed Permanent Address should be entered.

If a patient does not know their address, or refuses to provide an address then ‘UNKNOWN’ should be entered into the base address.

If a patient is a current inmate of a prison, the base address should contain the name of the correctional facility.

Patients whose usual place of residence is a Residential Aged Care Service (e.g. nursing home or aged care hostel) should have the nursing home or hostel’s address as their residential address.


17/2/2019 – Considering renaming to ‘Residential_Address’.


Information and Performance Governance


Information and Performance Governance

Bed Request DateTime

Field name - Dataset: bed_request_datetime – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Date and time that an inpatient bed is requested for a patient that is subsequently admitted into hospital.

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: Date / Time


Permitted values:

Guide for UseBed request date will be missing for patients who were not admitted and may be missing for patients that were admitted.

This variable is only recorded at sites utilising EDIS and at Peel Health Campus.


6/12/2019 – Further investigation will be needed to see if this is now available in webPAS, and able to be collected.


Information and Performance Governance

Claim TypeField name - Dataset: claim_type – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: WebPAS field used to identify payment classification.

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: String

Format: AAA

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Classification Value For National Weighted Activity Unit

Field name - Dataset: classification_value_for_national_weighted_activity_unit – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Derived from visit_type, using the National value domain. Required for deriving URG.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: [X(3)]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Clinical Care Commencement Datetime

Field name - Dataset: clinical_care_commencement_datetime – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Time clinical care commenced - Doctor seen for metro, earlier of doctor and nurse for rural.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Date / Time


Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Clinical Comments

Field name - Dataset: clinical_comments – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode_restricted]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: The description of a patient’s clinical comments made by the clinician.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: [X(2000)]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Date Of Birth

Field name - Dataset: date_of_birth – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode_restricted]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: Patient’s date of birth.

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: Date / Time

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

Permitted values:

Guide for UseDate of Birth is used to derive the age of the patient for use in demographic analysis. It also assists in the unique identification of patients if other identifying information is missing or in question, and may be required for the derivation of other metadata items.

Age is not to be sent on electronic files as it is a calculated field and that is performed by the EDDC.

It is important to be as accurate as possible when completing the birth date. It is recognised that some patients do not know the exact date of their birth. When the exact date of birth is unknown, please estimate the person’s age and record the date of birth as follows:


If patient presents in ED on July 2020:




Information and Performance Governance

Department of Veteran Affairs Authorisation Card Colour

Field name - Dataset: department_of_veteran_affairs_card_colour – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition:The Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA) card colour indicates the entitlement of the veteran to additional health cover.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Numeric

Format: [N]

Permitted values:1 Gold2 White9 No Card

Guide for UseMandatory for DVA patients only.

The DVA card colour must be provided for those patients whose treatment is being funded by the DVA.

For all DVA patients, a DVA authorisation number and date must be obtained from the DVA for treatments that are not listed on the Medicare Benefits Schedule as well as those treatments occasionally nominated in writing by the DVA (such as cosmetic surgery or in vitro fertilisation). Refer to Operational Directive Identification of DVA Entitled Persons.

DVA card colour cannot be missing.


a) A patient who is a veteran arrives at the Rockingham General Hospital ED. The level of cover he is entitled to as shown on his DVA card is Gold, select option 1 Gold.

b) A patient who is not a veteran arrives at the Joondalup Health Campus ED, select option 3 No Card.


Information and Performance Governance

Department of Veteran Affairs Authorisation Date

Field name - Dataset: department_of_veterans_affairs_authorisation_date – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode_restricted]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: The Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA) authorisation date.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Date / Time

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

Permitted values:

Guide for UseMandatory for DVA patients only.


Information and Performance Governance

Department of Veteran Affairs Authorisation File Number

Field name - Dataset: department_of_veteran_affairs_file_number– [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode_restricted]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: The Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA) file number.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: [N(12)]

Permitted values:

Guide for UseMandatory for DVA patients only.


Information and Performance Governance

Department of Veteran Affairs Authorisation Number

Field name - Dataset: department_of_veteran_affairs_authorisation_number – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode_restricted]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: The Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA) authorisation number.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: [X(12)]

Permitted values:

Guide for UseMandatory for DVA Patients only.


Information and Performance Governance

DepartureField name - Dataset: departure – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Flag all depatures based on departure_status that are not admitted or transferred.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Numeric

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Departure Status

Field name - Dataset: departure_status – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition:The outcome of a patient’s ED attendance. Also known as Episode End Status, Disposition or Emergency Discharge Status.

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: String

Format: N[N(1)]

Permitted values:

1 Admitted to ward/other addmitted patient unit2 ED service event completed; departed under own care3 Transferred to another hospital for admission4 Did not wait to be attended by medical officer5 Left at own risk6 Died in ED7 Dead on arrival, not treated in ED8 Referred to After Hours General Practitioner9 Unknown10 Admitted to ED Observation Ward11 Admitted to Hospital in the Home12 Admitted from Hospital in the Home13 Nursing Home14 Returned to Hospital in the Home15 Returned to Rehabilitation in the Home16 Returned to Hospital in the Home17 Transferred from Hospital in the Home18 Transferred from Rehabilitation in the Home19 Discharged after admission20 Reversal

Guide for UseDeparture Status cannot be missing.


17/12/2019 – Many of these codes in the permitted values are no longer used. Consider removing HITH, RITH and HATH and recoding into other things like admitted.

17/12/2019 – Consider adding a “Return to Ward” code in value domain. Currently webPAS hospitals have RTW incorrectly being mapped to 14 Returned to HTIH.


Information and Performance Governance

17/12/2019 – Discharged after admission needs to be reviewed and removed

17/12/2019 – Unknown needs to be reviewed as it should always be known.


a) A patient who attended the King Edward Memorial Hospital ED is sent home after being treated by an ED doctor, select Option 19 Discharged after admission.

b) b. A patient who attended Albany Hospital ED is admitted as they require further medical care, select Option 1 Admitted to ward/other addmitted patient unit.

c) A patient who attended Peel Health Campus ED decided that they did not want to wait be seen by medical staff after having been triaged (note, DNW is someone who did not get seen by a doctor at all, Left at Own Risk is someone who is seen by a doctor, but then they leave before the doctor gives the all clear or admits them), select Option 4 Did not wait to be attended by medical officer.



Information and Performance Governance

Departure Ready DateTime

Field name - Dataset: departure_ready_datetime – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: The date and time when the patient is deemed ready for departure and/or discharge from the ED.

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: Date / Time


Permitted values:

Guide for UseNot all patients will have a Departure Ready Date recorded, e.g patients who did not wait to be attended by a medical officer.


a) A patient was deemed ready for departure on the 21st of May 2018, enter 2018-05-21.

b) A patient is ready for departure at 11:00 am, enter 11:00:00


Information and Performance Governance

Departure with Length of Episode Less than or Equal to 4 Hours

Field name - Dataset: departure_with_length_of_episode_less_than_or_equal_to_4_hours – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Flag All Departures that have an Attendance Length of Episode of less than or equal to 4 hours.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Numeric

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Departure with Length of Episode Less than or Equal to 4 Hours DenominatorField name - Dataset:

departure_with_length_of_episode_less_than_or_equal_to_4_hours_denominator – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Flag All Departures that have an Attendance Length of Episode of greater than or equal to 0.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Numeric

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Destination on Departure

Field name - Dataset: destination_on_departure – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Where did the patient go after the completion of treatment

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: String

Format: N[N(1)]

Permitted values:

1 Did not wait2 Left at own risk3 Nursing Home/Hostel4 Transferred5 Mortuary6 Admitted7 Other hospital8 Home9 Unknown10 Other11 Admitted to ED Observation Ward12 Mental Health/Psychiatric Facility

Guide for UseFor EDIS, the element currently captures the ward that the patient goes to once a patient has been admitted. If a patient is being transferred, some EDIS sites will specify which hospital the patient is going to, some do not.

For webPAS hospitals, this field is only completed when a patient is transferred to another hospital. On transfer, the establishment code of the hospital will be populated in this field.


Information and Performance Governance

Discharge DateTime

Field name - Dataset: discharge_datetime – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: The Date that the patient is discharged from the ED.

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: Date / Time


Permitted values:

Guide for UseThe date that the patient is physically discharged from ED. Discharge date and time cannot be missing.

If the patient is subsequently admitted to this hospital (including those who are admitted and subsequently die before leaving the emergency department), then record the date the patient's emergency department non-admitted clinical care is completed.

If the service episode is completed without the patient being admitted, then record the date the patient's emergency department non-admitted clinical care is completed.

If the service episode is completed and the patient is referred to another hospital for admission, then record the date the patient's emergency department non-admitted clinical care is completed.

If the patient did not wait, then record the date the patient leaves the emergency department or was first noticed as having left.

If the patient left at their own risk, then record the date the patient leaves the emergency department or was first noticed as having left.

If the patient died in the emergency department as a non-admitted patient, then record the date the patient was certified dead.

If the patient was dead on arrival, then record the date the patient was certified dead.

If the patient was registered, advised of another health-care service, and left the emergency department without being attended by a health-care professional, then record the date the patient leaves the emergency department.

Records that are missing a discharge date are excluded from National reporting and will not receive funding from the Commonwealth. It is therefore imperative that all records including patients that did not wait have a discharge date.


Information and Performance Governance

Doctor Seen DateTime

Field name - Dataset: doctor_seen_datetime – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: The earliest time that the treating or senior doctor commenced treatment of the patient in the ED.

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: Date / Time


Permitted values:

Guide for UseThis is the date that a doctor first saw the patient and commenced clinical care. Where a system has multiple fields for doctor times (such as EDIS with a treating doctor field and senior doctor field), the Doctor Seen Datetime is derived to be the earliest of those 2 times.

This field is used in the calculation of clinical care commencement. See Clinical Care Commencement Datetime for more information.


Information and Performance Governance

Emergency Department Information System Covid19 Flag

Field name - Dataset: emergency_department_information_system_Covid19_Flag– [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: Flag if a patient may be infected with COVID-19.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Employment status

Field name - Dataset: employment_status – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Patient’s employment status at the time of the ED presentation

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: [N(10)]

Permitted values:

1 Child not at School2 Student3 Employed4 Unemployed5 Home Duties6 Retired7 Pensioner8 Other9 Unknown

Guide for UseEmployment status may be missing.

A child not at school includes any child under the age of six, regardless of whether they are attending an early childhood education program (e.g playgroup, kindergarten, pre-primary).

Children who are aged between 6 and 14 years (inclusive) and not attending school are classified as Other (e.g. a 12 year old handicapped child)

Children aged 15yrs and over and not attending school are classified as either employed, unemployed or pensioner (e.g a 16 year old handicapped child).

Retired includes those who are retired from the work force but are not receiving a government funded pension (e.g. self-funded retirees

Pensioner includes those who are receiving a government funded pension (e.g. disability support pension, age pension).


a) A 3 year old patient arrives at the Perth Children’s Hospital ED, select Option 1 Child not at School.

b) A patient arrives at the ED. They are currently unemployed, select Option 3 Unemployed.

c) A patient arrives at the ED. They are retired, select Option 6 Retired.


Information and Performance Governance

Establishment Code

Field name - Dataset:

establishment_code – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]establishment_code – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode_restricted]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: A unique code identifying the establishment/hospital that the patient attended.

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: Numeric

Format: NNN[N(2)]

Permitted values:

Guide for UseThe establishments listed are hospitals or health services that are required by law report their Emergency Department activity to the EDDC.

Each organisation must only have one Establishment Code assigned.

Establishment Allocation.

Establishment Codes are assigned by HMDS. If your Establishment is new and you require allocation in order to report data to HMDS, please contact HMDS to arrange allocation of a unique code.

Updated establishment lists are uploaded to the Morbidity intranet periodically for HSPs to access throughout the year. CHEs and other Private Hospitals are sent updated copies of the Establishment Lists via MyFT as and when required.


a) A patient attended the Royal Perth Hospital ED, select Establishment Code for 101 Royal Perth Hospital.

b) A patient attended the Morawa Hospital ED, select Establishment Code for 418 Morawa Hospital.


17/12/2019 – Establishment list will need to be added to the data warehouse as one or more tables.


Information and Performance Governance

EthnicityField name - Dataset: ethnicity – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Patient’s Indigenous status. Whether a person identifies as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Origin.

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: String

Format: N

Permitted values:

1 Aboriginal but not Torres Strait Islander origin2 Torres Strait Islander but not Aboriginal origin3 Both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander origin4 Not Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin 9 Unknown

Guide for UseIndigenous identification is extremely important in health data collections throughout Australia. It is used not only to direct funds into Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander medical programs, but also to identify causes of peri natal and adult morbidity and mortality within the indigenous population.

An Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander is a person who identifies as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander and is accepted as such by the community within which he or she lives.

There are three components to this definition: descent, self-identification and community acceptance. All three should be satisfied for a person to be Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander. However, it is not possible in the hospital setting to ascertain descent or community acceptance. If a person identifies himself or herself as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, then assign the most appropriate code.

Persons who self-identify as another ethnicity (e.g. Caucasian, Afro-American, Polynesian, Asian or Indian) must be recorded as Neither Aboriginal nor Torres Strait Islander.


a) A person who identifies as a Torres Strait Islander attends the Royal Perth Hospital ED, select Option 2 Torres Strait Islander but not Aboriginal origin.


17/12/2019 – Data Element will need to be renamed to match with other collections. HMDS currently name this field Indigenous_status EDDC currently includes value domain of 9 – Unknown, which does not align with HMDS, this also needs to be reviewed.


Information and Performance Governance


Information and Performance Governance

External Cause of Injury

Field name - Dataset: external_cause_of_injury – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: Patient’s injury major causal factor.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: N[N(5)]

Permitted values:

1 Transport Event2 Pedestrian3 Fall4 Fall on Same Level5 Fall < 1 Metre6 Fall > 1 Metre7 Bite or Sting8 Contact Burn9 Blunt Force10 Cut, Pierced or Stabbed11 Shot by Weapon12 Contact with Machinery13 Contact with Fire or Flame14 Drowning/ Near Drowning15 Exposure or Poisoning by Chemicals16 Other Cause17 Electrocution99 Unknown

Guide for UseExternal cause code may be missing as it’s not a mandatory data element. Also, as it is only collected in EDIS, it will have missing values for all other information systems.

Codes can vary across sites. Contact the EDDC Data Custodian for further information.

Data should only be recorded where an injury code is present in the primary or additional diagnosis fields (S or T codes in ICD-10-AM list).


Information and Performance Governance

Feeder SystemField name - Dataset: feeder_system – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Code identifying the information feeder system for data that is provided to the EDDC.

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: String

Format: A

Permitted values:

T TOPASE EDISH HCAReP ePAS / MeditechW webPASM Midland webPAS

Guide for UseEDIS is used by all metropolitan hospitals (except for St John of God Midland Public Hospital (SJOGM) and Peel Health Campus (PHC)) as well as at Bunbury Hospital. All rural hospitals except for Bunbury Hospital currently use webPAS, PHC uses an ePAS/Meditech system, and SJOGM uses a private version of webPAS, referred to as Midland webPAS.

From November 2012 until September 2017, rural hospitals progressively migrated from the Health Care and Related Information System (HCARe) to webPAS. HCARe is no longer used in the EDDC, however historical data was sourced from this system.

ED staff do not directly enter data into TOPAS, however data which is not collected by EDIS (e.g. funding source, eligibility for Department of Veterans’ Affairs funding, Medicare number) is extracted from TOPAS and provided to the EDDC.

Information feeder system code cannot be missing.


Information and Performance Governance

Feeder System Update DateTime

Field name - Dataset: feeder_system_update_datetime – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: The date and time the records was last updated in the hospital system.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Date / Time


Permitted values:

Guide for UseThe date and time the records was last updated in the hospital system. Currently this data is only received from the Private webPAS system in St John of God Midland.


Information and Performance Governance

First Forename

Field name - Dataset: first_forename – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode_restricted]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: Patient's first forename or given name.

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: String

Format: X(30)

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

GDA Latitude

Field name - Dataset: gda_longitude – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode_restricted]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Generated by Data Linkage Branch, geographic coordinates latitude.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: [N(10)]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

GDA Longitude

Field name - Dataset: gda_longitude – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode_restricted]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Generated by Data Linkage Branch, geographic coordinates longitude.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: [N(10)]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Home Phone Number

Field name - Dataset: home_phone_number – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode_restricted]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Patient’s residential home phone number at the time of the ED presentation.

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: Numeric

Format: N(12)

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Hospital Role Delineation

Field name - Dataset: hospital_role_delineation – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Grouping for hospital-based on services the hospital provides.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: [X(2)]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Human Intent of Injury

Field name - Dataset: human_intent_of_injury – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: The injury intentionally inflicted by one’s self, or was it unintentional, or was it as a result of an assault.

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: String

Format: N

Permitted values:

1 Unintentional2 Intentional Self-Harm3 Alleged Assault4 Alleged Legal or Military Action5 Undetermined or Other9 Unknown

Guide for UseSelect the code which best represents the of the injury (on the basis of the information available at the time it is recorded).

This enables categorisation of injury and poisoning according to whether it was due to self-harm or was accidental.


Information and Performance Governance

Ineligible For National Funding

Field name - Dataset: ineligible_for_national_funding – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition:Eligibility for funding based on National Compensable, National Department of Veteran Affairs Flag and Activity Based Funding Flag.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Numeric

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Interpreter Required

Field name - Dataset: interpreter_required – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Patient’s requirement for an interpreter at the time of the ED presentation.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: [N(5)]

Permitted values:1 Interpreter required2 Interpreter not required9 Not specified/Unknown

Guide for UseInterpreter required may be missing as it is only recorded in the EDIS feeder information system.

An interpreter service may be required by the patient to be able to effectively communicate with ED staff. This includes any language, including sign language. This information is useful to establish the use of interpreter services resources in the health sector.

This data element should only have a value of ”Interpreter required” if an official paid interpreter service is used. Family members or friends interpreting for the patient are not considered to be an interpreter service for the purposes of completing this data element.

If an interpreter service is required for a patient’s relative because the patient is unable to communicate, this field should be completed as “Interpreter required” on the patient’s record. This may apply to patients who are unconscious or newborn babies/small children whose relatives are not fluent in English and thus require an interpreter to communicate on the patient's behalf.


a) A patient presents to the ED for treatment of a urinary tract infection and does not speak English.

YES, an interpreter service is required.

b) A patient presents to xyz Hospital ED. Their primary language is not English but they are able to speak English.

NO, an interpreter service is required.

c) An unconscious patient arrives at xyz ED accompanied by her partner who only speaks French.

YES, an interpreter service is required.


Information and Performance Governance


Information and Performance Governance

Likely Meth Related Attendance

Field name - Dataset: likely_meth_related_attendance – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Flag if patient is a Likely meth related attendance based on meth triage, discharge and manual flags.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Number

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for UseThis data element is not available for all EDDC records. Data are only collected at EDIS sites (not all), although plans are underway to have the collection of the data extended to other feeder information systems. It was collected from tertiary sites from 1 July 2017 (RPH, FSH, SCGH) and selected EDIS hospitals (Bunbury, RGH, JHC, AHS) and has been collected from webPAS sites since 5 December 2018. It is not currently collected at PCH, KEMH, PHC or SJOGM.

When a patient attends an ED staff have multiple opportunities to identify that the patient is likely to be affected by methamphetamine: at triage, at diagnosis, or they can choose to manually flag the patient as likely to be affected by methamphetamines.


Information and Performance Governance

Linkage Data Loaded Datetime

Field name - Dataset: linkage_data_loaded_datetime – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: Date/Time that the Data linkage data was last provided.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Date / Time


Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Local Government Area

Field name - Dataset: local_government_area_YYYY – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Generated by Data linkage branch. Local Government Area based on area of usual residence.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: [N(9)]

Permitted values:

Guide for UseThis Local Government Area YYYY represents the four digits of the calendar year (e.g. Local_government_area_2011).


Information and Performance Governance

Local Health Network

Field name - Dataset: local_health_network – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: This is health service network group.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: [X(25)]

Permitted values:

01 North Metro (inc. JHC)02 South Metro03 East Metro04 CAHS05 WACHS

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Major Diagnostic Category

Field name - Dataset: major_diagnostic_category – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Patient’s Major Diagnostic Category (MDC) upon completion of the ED service event.

Requirement status: Mandatory but superseded

Data type: String

Format: NN

Permitted values: 1 Diseases and disorders of the nervous system2 Diseases and disorders of the eye3 Diseases and disorders of the ear, nose and throat4 Diseases and disorders of the respiratory system5 Diseases and disorders of the circulatory system6 Diseases and disorders of the digestive system7 Diseases and disorders of the hepatobiliary system and pancreas8 Diseases and disorders of musculoskeletal system and connective tissue9 Diseases and disorders of the skin, subcutaneous tissue and breast10 Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases and disorders11 Diseases and disorders of the kidney and urinary tract12 Diseases and disorders of the male reproductive system13 Diseases and disorders of the female reproductive system14 Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium15 Newborns and other neonates with conditions originating in the perinatal period16 Diseases and disorders of blood & blood forming organs & immunological disorders17 Myeloproliferative diseases and disorders, and poorly differentiated neoplasms18 Infectious and parasitic diseases19 Mental diseases and disorders20 Substance use and substance induced organic mental disorders21 Injuries, poisonings and toxic effects of drugs22 Burns23 Factors influencing health status and other


Information and Performance Governance

Field name - Dataset: major_diagnostic_category – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]contacts with health services24 Ungrouped99 Unknown

Guide for UseThis data element is not available for all EDDC records. Data were only collected at Peel Health Campus (PHC) and HCare sites but the variable has since been superseded.


Information and Performance Governance

Marital StatusField name - Dataset: marital_status – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: Patient’s marital status at the time of the ED presentation

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: String

Format: N

Permitted values:

1 Never Married2 Widowed3 Divorced4 Separated5 Married (registered and de facto)6 Not stated / inadequately described

Guide for UseMarital status cannot be missing.

Marital status is a core variable used in a wide range of social statistics. Its main purpose is to establish the living arrangements of individuals in general, and is used to gauge the need for care of patients who live alone. This field should reflect the current marital status of the patient.

EXAMPLESa) Martial Status = 5

A status of de-facto is assigned to ED. A 17 year old pregnant woman in a de facto relationship presents to the King

Edward Memorial Hospital ED to have her baby.

b) Martial Status = 1 Never married is assigned to the record. A five-year-old child presents to the Perth Children’s Hospital ED.


Information and Performance Governance

Medicare Number

Field name - Dataset: medicare_number – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode_restricted]

Field name - Source systems:


Patient’s Medicare number, including the reference number. This is a person identifier that appears on each Medicare card that is allocated by the Health Insurance Commission to eligible persons under the Medicare scheme.

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: String

Format: N(13)

Permitted values:

Guide for UseThe Medicare Card Number should be collected from the physical sighting of the Medicare card. Collecting full Medicare card details involves recording both the Medicare card number (10 digits) and the Medicare Person Number (1 digit).

Full Medicare Card details are used to determine eligibility for specific services and not as a patient identifier. As persons can be listed on more than one Medicare card, the full Medicare number is not a unique identifier and should not be used for this purpose.

The picture below shows a typical Medicare card

1. Medicare Number: This is the 10 digit number on top of the card e.g. 1234567891.

2. Individual Reference Number: This is the 1 digit number to the left of the person’s name. e.g. 1 for John A Citizen

3. Valid to: Ensure the date is entered as per your Patient Administration System requirements. e.g. 08/2016



Information and Performance Governance

Child Y appears on two different Medicare Cards held in the names of both their mother and father who are living apart. Each Medicare Card has a separate Medicare Card Number and thus the child will have two valid Medicare numbers.The card presented by the parent who is attending the ED with the child is recorded for that attendance, which is why it is good practice to request the physical sighting of the Medicare Card at each attendance.


Information and Performance Governance

Mental Health Admission

Field name - Dataset: mental_health_admission – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Flag all Mental admissions based on departure status of admitted and Principal Diagnoses.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Number

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

0 Not admitted following a mental health related attenddance1 Admitted following a mental health related attenddance

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Mental Health Attendance

Field name - Dataset: mental_health_attendance – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Flag all Mental Health attendances based on certain Primary Diagnoses.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Number

Format: [N]

Permitted values: 0 Not mental health related1 Mental health related

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Mental Health Attendance with Length of Episode Less than or Equal to 4 Hours

Field name - Dataset: mental_health_attendance_with_length_of_episode_less_than_or_equal_to_4_hours – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition:Flag All Mental Health attendances that have an Attendance Length of Episode of less than or equal to 4 hours.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Number

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Mental Health Attendance with Length of Episode Less than or Equal to 4 hours Denominator

Field name - Dataset: mental_health_attendance_with_length_of_episode_less_than_or_equal_to_4_hours_denominator – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition:Flag All Mental Health attendances that have an Attendance Length of Episode of greater than or equal to 0.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Number

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Mental Health Consult

Field name - Dataset: mental_health_consult – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Flag if the patient saw a Mental Health Consultant (Including Psych Liason Nurse).

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Numeric

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Metropolitan Hospital Flag

Field name - Dataset: metropolitan_hospital_flag – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Whether the Hospital the patient visited was a Metro hospital.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Number

Format: [N]

Permitted values: 0 Rural hospital1 Metropolitan hospital

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Mode Of Arrival

Field name - Dataset: mode_of_arrival – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: Patient’s mode of arrival at the ED.

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: String

Format: NN

Permitted values:

1 Private transport2 Public transport3 Ambulance4 Hospital transport5 Police/Correctional Services6 Helicopter rescue7 Royal Flying Doctor Service8 Other9 Not Stated/Unknown10 Taxi

Guide for UseThis field provides information regarding how they arrived at the ED.

If a patient is transported by Royal Flying Doctor Service to an airport and then taken to hospital by ambulance, the Royal Flying Doctor Service should be coded as it takes priority over other forms of transport.


6/12/2019 – The EDDC value domain for this field differs to the HMDS [Source of Referral – Transport]. The value domains for this field should probably be aligned.


Information and Performance Governance

Name Of Classification Used For National Weighted Activity Unit

Field name - Dataset: name_of_classification_used_for_national_weighted_activity_unit – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: The version of URG or UDG applied to record.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: [X(10)]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

National Compensable

Field name - Dataset: national_compensable – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Derived from Payment Classification using the National Value Domain. Required for NWAU Calculation.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

National Department of Veteran Affairs Flag

Field name - Dataset: national_department_of_veteran_affairs_flag – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition:Derived from DVA card colour and Payment Classification using the National Value Domain. Required for NWAU Calculation.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

National Episode End Status

Field name - Dataset: national_episode_end_status – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Derived from Departure Status, using the National. Required for deriving URG.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

National Establishment Identifier

Field name - Dataset: national_establishment_identifier – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: National Establishment Identifier, as per list that is held by the Independent Hospital Pricing Authority.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: [X(9)]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

National Gender

Field name - Dataset: national_gender – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: Gender based on national value domain.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

National Indigenous Status

Field name - Dataset: national_indigenous_status – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: Aboriginality based on national value domain.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: [X(10)]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

National Major Diagnostic Block

Field name - Dataset: national_major_diagnostic_block – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Derived from National Principal Diagnosis, groupings used for deriving URG.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: [X(3)]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

National Principal Diagnosis

Field name - Dataset: national_principal_diagnosis – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: The cleaned version of Diagnosis that is submitted to AIHW

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: [X(6)]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

National Triage Category

Field name - Dataset: national_triage_category – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Derived from triage_category using the National value domain. Required for deriving URG.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

National Type of Visit

Field name - Dataset: national_type_of_visit – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Derived from visit_type, using the National value domain. Required for deriving URG.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

National Weighted Activity Unit

Field name - Dataset: national_weighted_activity_unit_NNNN – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: National Weighted Activity Unit for each financial year.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Numeric

Format: [N(4).N(4)]

Permitted values:

Guide for UseThis National Weighted Activity Unit NNNN represents the two digits of the financial years (e.g. national_weighted_activity_unit_1213), EDDC contain each financial year from 2012/2013 onwards.


Information and Performance Governance

Nurse Seen DateTime

Field name - Dataset: nurse_seen_datetime – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Date that the patient is first seen by a nurse (other than at triage) in the ED.

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: Date / Time


Permitted values:

Guide for UseNurse seen date will be missing if the patient was not seen by a nurse.

The date/time that the patient was seen by a nurse is different to the date/time that they were triaged by a nurse. The latter is purely an assessment of the severity of the patient’s condition which allows staff to determine the order patients should be seen. The nurse seen date/time is the date/time that the patient is thoroughly examined by a nurse.

This field is used in the calculation of clinical care commencement. See Clinical Care Commencement Datetime for more information.


Information and Performance Governance

OccupationField name - Dataset: occupation – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: Patient’s occupation, as represented by a code.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: [N(5)]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Payment Classification

Field name - Dataset: payment_classification – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Patient’s funding or payment source for the ED service event.

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: String

Format: NN[N(1)]

Permitted values:

21 Australian Health Care Agreements22 Private Health Insurance23 Self-Funded24 Workers Compensation25 Motor Vehicle Third Party Personal Claim26 Other Compensation27 Department of Veterans’ Affairs28 Department of Defence29 Correctional Facility30 Reciprocal Health Care Agreements31 Ineligible32 Other33 Ambulatory Care34 Detainees 99 Not stated/inadequately described

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Person ID

Field name - Dataset: person_ID – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]person_ID – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode_restricted]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: The encrypted root number from data linkage.

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: String

Format: X(50)

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Place Where Injury Occurred

Field name - Dataset: place_where_injury_occurred – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Where the patient physically was when the injury occurred.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: [X(5)]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance


Field name - Dataset: postcode – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode_restricted]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Patient’s residential postcode at the time of the ED presentation.

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: String

Format: NNNN

Permitted values:

Guide for UseAny valid postcode, as per the codes allocated to geographic areas by Australia Post:

1000–2599, 2620–2899, 2921–2999 New South Wales

3000–3999, 8000–8999 Victoria

4000–4999, 9000–9999 Queensland

5000–5999 South Australia

6000–6999 Western Australia

7000–7999 Tasmania

0200–0299, 2600–2619, 2900–2920 Australian Capital Territory

0800–0999 Northern Territory


Information and Performance Governance

Potentially Avoidable General Practitioner Type Attendance

Field name - Dataset: potentially_avoidable_general_practitioner_type_attendance – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: Flag if patient-matched GP_Type avoidable definition.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Number

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Potentially Avoidable General Practitioner Type Attendance DenominatorField name - Dataset:

potentially_avoidable_general_practitioner_type_attendance_denominator – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: Flag if patient-matched GP_Type avoidable definition (Denominator).

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Number

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Presentation DateTime

Field name - Dataset: presentation_datetime – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition:The date and time the patient first arrives at the Emergency Department earlier of Arrival Date and Triage Date.

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: Date / Time


Permitted values:

Guide for UsePresentation Datetime is the earliest point of contact within an emergency department. It is derived from the earlier of Arrival Datetime and Triage Datetime. It is the reference period for all Emergency department local reporting. (National reporting uses the Discharge Datetime as the reference period).


Information and Performance Governance

Presenting Complaint

Field name - Dataset: presenting_complaint – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition:Patient’s primary symptom upon presentation to the ED. Also known as Presenting Problem. The clinical interpretation of the problem or concern that is the main reason for seeking health care from the ED.

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: String

Format: N(5)

Permitted values:

Guide for UseDifferent symptom codes are used at different hospitals. There is one set of codes used at hospitals which use the EDIS feeder information system, one set for hospitals which use WebPAS and one set for St John of God Midland Public Hospital. Peel Health Campus does not record symptom codes. Symptom may be missing.

Note that the EDIS symptom list is an amalgammation of symptom codes used across all EDIS hospitals in WA. Duplication of codes and/or descriptors may occur because:

codes may have been made inactive;

different sites may have created different codes for the same symptom descriptor; and

different sites may use the same code for different descriptors.


Information and Performance Governance

Primary Diagnosis

Field name - Dataset: primary_diagnosis – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Patient’s principal diagnosis upon completion of the ED service event.

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: String

Format: N(6)

Permitted values:

Guide for UseThis data element will contain missing values for patients who were not assigned a diagnosis e.g. those that did not wait to be attended by a medical officer.

The principal diagnosis should be assigned at the end of the ED episode.

When two or more conditions co-exist at the time of the presentation and are treated equally, the clinician should nominate which one is the principal diagnosis.

Prior to November 2012, all rural sites (except for Bunbury Hospital) used HCare, which did not capture Principal Diagnosis, but used Major Diagnostic Category (MDC) instead. From November 2012 until September 2017, rural sites migrated from HCare to webPAS on a rolling basis and hence began recording information in the Principal Diagnosis field.


Information and Performance Governance

Primary Diagnosis ICD10AM Chapter

Field name - Dataset: primary_diagnosis_ICD10AM_chapter – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: Chapter level roll of the Principal Diagnosis.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: [X(255)]

Permitted values:

Guide for UseDerived from Primary Diagnosis. Groupings based on AIHW grouping as per Emergency department care 2016–17: Australian hospital statistics report.

(A00-B99) Infectious diseases(C00-D48) Neoplasms(D50-D89) Diseases of blood(E00-E90) Endocrine disorders(F00-F99) Mental disorders(G00-G99) Diseases of nervous system(H00-H59) Diseases of eye & adnexa(H60-H95) Diseases of ear & mastoid process(I00-I99) Diseases of circulatory system(J00-J99) Diseases of respiratory system(K00-K93) Diseases of digestive system(L00-L99) Diseases of skin(M00-M99) Diseases of musculoskeletal system(N00-N99) Diseases of genitourinary system(O00-O99) Complications of pregnancy(P00-P96) Conditions of perinatal period(Q00-Q99) Congenital anomalies(R00-R99) Symptoms/signs and ill-defined conditions(S00-T98) Injury and poisoning(U00-U49) Codes for special purposes(U90-U90) Healthcare associated infections(V00-X59) Accidents(X60-Y09) Intentional Self Harm and Assaults(Y10-Y36) Events of undetermined intent and legal intervention and operations of war(Y40-Y89) Complications of medical and surgical care and sequelae of morbidity and mortality(Y90-Y91) Supplementary factors related to causes of morbidity and mortality classified elsewhere(Y95-Y98) Supplementary factors related to causes of morbidity and mortality classified elsewhere(Z00-Z99) Supplementary classifications


Information and Performance Governance

Reattendance within 48 Hours for the Same Condition

Field name - Dataset: reattendance_within_48_hours_for_the_same_condition – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Flag Re-attendance to the Emergency Department for the same conditions within 48 hours.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Number

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Reattendance within 48 Hours for the Same Condition DenominatorField name - Dataset:

reattendance_within_48_hours_for_the_same_condition_denominator – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Flag Re-attendance to the Emergency Department for the same conditions within 48 hours Denominator.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Number

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Record Loaded DateTime

Field name - Dataset: record_loaded_datetime – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: The date and time the record was loaded into the EDDC.

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: Date / Time


Permitted values:

Guide for UseThis date/time is generated during the routine loading processes of webPAS and Meditech. New records will simply have this field populated on load, while updated records will replace the existing loaded date time with the new loaded datetime.


Information and Performance Governance

Record StatusField name - Dataset: record_status – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Specifies whether a record in new, update or deleted, comes from feeder system. Not available in EDIS.

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: String

Format: A

Permitted values:N NewU UpdateD Delete

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Referral SourceField name - Dataset: referral_source – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: The person or agency is responsible for the referral of the patient to the Emergency Department

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: String

Format: NN

Permitted values:

1 Appointment2 GP – Letter3 GP – No letter4 Self/relative5 Clinic6 Other hospital7 Other8 Health Direct9 No GP access10 Recalled medical staff11 Unknown12 Nursing Home13 Hospital in the Home14 Mental Health

Guide for UseReferral source was not recorded at sites utilising HCare. For all other feeder information systems, referral source cannot be missing.


Information and Performance Governance

Referred to on Departure

Field name - Dataset: referred_to_on_departure – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: Patient referral upon leaving the Emergency Department.

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: String

Format: N(5)

Permitted values:

1 Transferred to Tertiary Hospital2 Transferred to non Tertiary Hospital3 Other4 Transferred to Nursing Home9 Unknown

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Remoteness Area

Field name - Dataset: remoteness_area_YYYY – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Generated by Data linkage branch. Remoteness area based on area of usual residence.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: [N(9)]

Permitted values:

Guide for UseThis Remoteness Area (YYYY) represents the four digits of the calendar year (e.g. remoteness_area_2011).


Information and Performance Governance

Remoteness Flag

Field name - Dataset: remoteness_flag – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Generated by Data linkage branch. Remoteness flag based on area of usual residence.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Rural Hospital Flag

Field name - Dataset: rural_hospital_flag – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Whether the Hospital the patient visited was a Rural hospital.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Number

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Second Forename

Field name - Dataset: second_forename – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode_restricted]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: Patient's second forename or given name.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: [X(30)]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Seen within Recommended Time

Field name - Dataset: seen_within_recommended_time – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: Flag if patient was seen within recommended time.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Number

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Seen within Recommended Time Denominator

Field name - Dataset: seen_within_recommended_time_denominator – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: Flag if patient had a wait time >= 0.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Number

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Self Harm Attendance

Field name - Dataset: self_harm_attendance – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: Flag if patient self harm injured.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Number

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Senior Doctor Type

Field name - Dataset: senior_doctor_type – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition:Specifies the type of doctor that commenced treatment of the patient (A nurse practitioner can select ZZ_Clinical_Care)

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: [X(5)]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Sequence Number

Field name - Dataset:

sequence_number – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]sequence_number – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode_restricted]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Is the unique record identifier when combined with the Establishment Code.

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: Numeric

Format: N(30)

Permitted values:

Guide for UseThe sequence number, when used in conjunction with the establishment code, is the primary key (main identifier) for records in EDDC. The establishment number and sequence number combination should be unique within the collection.

For hospitals that are on EDIS, the sequence number is generated and assigned to records by EDIS.

For hospital not on EDIS, the sequence number is generated and assigned to records by DOH.


Information and Performance Governance

SexField name - Dataset: sex – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Patient’s gender. The biological distinction between male and female.

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: String

Format: N

Permitted values:

1 Male2 Female3 Indeterminate4 Not stated9 Not stated/Inadequately described

Guide for UseGender cannot be missing.

The term “sex” refers to the biological differences between males and females, while the term gender refers to the socially expected/perceived dimensions of behaviour associated with males and females that are masculinity and femininity. The National Health Data Dictionary advises that the correct terminology for this data element is sex.

There are three categories for this data element — male, female and indeterminate. The latter category should only be used for neonates whose sex cannot be determined at birth. This includes babies diagnosed with gynandrous, hermaphroditism, ovotestis, pseudohermaphroditism (male) (female) and pure gonadal dysgenesis. These persons may have either male and female sex organs or structural aberrations of the sex chromosomes

Information collection for transsexuals and people with transgender issues should be treated in the same manner. To avoid problems with edits, transsexuals undergoing a sex change operation should have their current (biological) sex at time of the ED presentation recorded as the sex of the episode of care.


Information and Performance Governance

Short Stay Unit Admission Date

Field name - Dataset: short_stay_unit_admission_date – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Date/time when the patient is admitted to a legitimate Short stay unit. Will be blank for all other patients.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Date / Time


Permitted values:

Guide for UseMandatory for SSU admission only.

The date and time the patient is discharged from the Emergency Department and admitted in to the Short Stay Unit.


Information and Performance Governance

Short Stay Unit Departure Status

Field name - Dataset: short_stay_unit_departure_status – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: The outcome of the patient on leaving the short stay unit.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: N(5)

Permitted values:

1 Admitted to ward/other addmitted patient unit2 ED service event completed; departed under own care3 Transferred to another hospital for admission4 Did not wait to be attended by medical officer5 Left at own risk6 Died in ED7 Dead on arrival, not treated in ED8 Referred to After Hours General Practitioner9 Unknown10 Admitted to ED Observation Ward11 Admitted to Hospital in the Home12 Admitted from Hospital in the Home13 Nursing Home14 Returned to Hospital in the Home15 Returned to Rehabilitation in the Home16 Returned to Hospital in the Home17 Transferred from Hospital in the Home18 Transferred from Rehabilitation in the Home19 Discharged after admission20 Reversal

Guide for UseMandatory for SSU admission only.


Information and Performance Governance

Short Stay Unit Destination on Departure

Field name - Dataset: short_stay_unit_destination_on_departure – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition:Patient’s destination on departure from a legitimate short stay unit, as represented by a code. Will be blank for all other patients.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: N(5)

Permitted values:

1 Did not wait2 Left at own risk3 Nursing Home/Hostel4 Transferred5 Mortuary6 Admitted7 Other hospital8 Home9 Unknown10 Other11 Admitted to ED Observation Ward12 Mental Health/Psychiatric Facility

Guide for UseMandatory for SSU admission only.


Information and Performance Governance

Short Stay Unit Discharge DateTime

Field name - Dataset: short_stay_unit_discharge_datetime – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition:The date/time when the patient is discharged from a legitimate short stay unit. Will be blank for all other patients.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Date / Time


Permitted values:

Guide for UseMandatory for SSU admission only.


Information and Performance Governance

Standard Australian Classification of Countries 2011 for Country of BirthField name - Dataset:

standard_australian_classification_of_countries_2011_for_country_of_birth – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: Country of Birth as mapped to SACC 2011 as from the ABS website.

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: String

Format: N(4)

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

StateField name - Dataset: state – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: State that the patient resides in, derived from Postcode.

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: String

Format: N

Permitted values:

0 Not Applicable1 New South Wales2 Victoria 3 Queensland4 South Australia 5 Western Australia6 Tasmania7 Northern Territory 8 ACT

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

State Record Identifier

Field name - Dataset: state_record_identifier – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Unique Identifier for each record that is sent to AIHW, IHPA and the National Health Funding Body.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: [X(80)]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Statistical Area 1

Field name - Dataset: statistical_area_1_YYYY – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode_restricted]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition:Generated by Data linkage branch. The patient's Area of Usual residents using the ABS SA1 grouping version 2011and 2016.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: [N(11)]

Permitted values:

Guide for UseThis Statistical Area 1 YYYY represents the four digits of the calendar year (e.g. statistical_area_1_2011).

Statistical Areas Level 1 (SA1s) are designed to maximise the spatial detail available for Census data. Most SA1s have a population of between 200 to 800 persons with an average population of approximately 400 persons. This is to optimise the balance between spatial detail and the ability to cross classify Census variables without the resulting counts becoming too small for use. SA1s aim to separate out areas with different geographic characteristics within Suburb and Locality boundaries. In rural areas they often combine related Locality boundaries. SA1s are aggregations of Mesh Blocks.


Information and Performance Governance

Statistical Area 2

Field name - Dataset: statistical_area_2_YYYY – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition:Generated by Data linkage branch. The patients Area of Usual residents using the ABS SA2 grouping version 2011and 2016.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: [N(9)]

Permitted values:

Guide for UseThis Statistical Area 2 YYYY represents the four digits of the calendar year (e.g. statistical_area_2_2011).

Statistical Areas Level 2 (SA2s) are designed to reflect functional areas that represent a community that interacts together socially and economically. They consider Suburb and Locality boundaries to improve the geographic coding of data to these areas and in major urban areas SA2s often reflect one or more related suburbs. The SA2 is the smallest area for the release of many ABS statistics, including the Estimated Resident Population (ERP), Health & Vitals and Building Approvals data. SA2s generally have a population range of 3,000 to 25,000 persons, and have an average population of about 10,000 persons. SA2s are aggregations of whole SA1s.


Information and Performance Governance

Statistical Local Area

Field name - Dataset: statistical_local_area_YYYY – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Generated by Data linkage branch. Statistical Local Area based on area of usual residence.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: [N(9)]

Permitted values:

Guide for UseThis Statistical Local Area YYYY represents the four digits of the calendar year (e.g. statistical_local_area_2011). Statistical Local Areas were an Australian Standard Geographical Classification defined area. They were last updated in 2011 and are no longer used, superseded by the Australian Statisical Geographic Standard, of which SA1 and SA2 are part.


Information and Performance Governance

StreamField name - Dataset: stream – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: Pathway for patient care (Includes COVID-19 pathway).

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: [X(30)]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance


Field name - Dataset: suburb – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode_restricted]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Patient’s residential suburb at the time of the ED presentation.

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: String

Format: X(30)

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Suicide Attempt or at Risk of Suicide

Field name - Dataset: suicide_attempt_or_at_risk_of_suicide – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: Flag if patient is at risk or attempted suicide.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Numeric

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance


Field name - Dataset: surname – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode_restricted]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: Patient's surname or family name.

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: String

Format: X(50)

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Third Forename

Field name - Dataset: third_forename – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode_restricted]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: Patient's third forename or given name.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: [X(30)]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

TransferField name - Dataset: transfer – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Flag all departures based on departure_status that are transferred.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Numeric

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Transfer with Length of Episode Less than or Equal to 4 Hours

Field name - Dataset: transfer_with_length_of_episode_less_than_or_equal_to_4_hours – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Flag All Transfers that have an Attendance Length of Episode of less than or equal to 4 hours.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Numeric

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Transfer with Length of Episode Less than or Equal to 4 Hours DenominatorField name - Dataset:

transfer_with_length_of_episode_less_than_or_equal_to_4_hours_denominator – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Flag All Transfers that have an Attendance Length of Episode of greater than or equal to 0.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Numeric

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Treating Doctor Type

Field name - Dataset: treating_doctor_type – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition:Specifies the type of doctor that commenced treatment of the patient (A nurse practitioner can select ZZ_Clinical_Care).

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: [X(5)]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Triage CategoryField name - Dataset: triage_category – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: The urgency of the patient's need for medical and nursing care, as represented by a code.

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: String

Format: N(5)

Permitted values:

1 Resuscitation: immediate (within seconds) 2 Emergency: within 10 minutes 3 Urgent: within 30 minutes 4 Semi-urgent: within 60 minutes 5 Non-urgent: within 120 minutes6 Dead On Arrival7 Direct Admit8 Inpatient9 Unknown

Guide for UseTriage category cannot be missing.

Emergency patients are triaged to assess the urgency of their symptoms. Triage categories can be changed after initial assessment of a patient, but it is important to note that a triage code change will affect reporting related to whether the patient was seen within the recommended time.

Patients who require unplanned services, who have contacted a general practitioner and have been directed to the hospital by the GP, are considered emergency patients. This type of care is unplanned in that the illness or injury was sudden and the services unplanned, thus the Triage protocol should be followed.

In some cases, a telephone service can be used as a substitute for face to face contact with the patient because of special circumstances, e.g. the distance required to travel to a service provider, and this may be counted as a presentation. For this activity to be included in reporting, the service must have been provided by a clinician, the telephone call must have been longer than five minutes, a triage code of 1 to 5 must be recorded and the patient must be clerically registered.

Patients who are referred to After Hours GP Clinics are recorded in the ED system. If they attend the ED, regardless of what happens to them, they should be recorded in the system, the following coding should be used:

Triage code 5 should be entered, the episode end status should be entered as referred to After Hours GP Clinic and the patient should be clerically registered where possible.


Information and Performance Governance

Dead On Arrival

Patients who are dead on arrival and require some service from ED clinicians are to be recorded. In capturing the data:

Triage should be entered as Dead on arrival

Episode end status entered as Dead on arrival; and

Visit type is entered as Dead on arrival.

If patient is Dead on arrival but does not require anything from ED, they are usually taken straight to the morgue and should not be recorded in the ED system.

Direct Admission

Direct admission patients who require some service from ED Clinicians are to be recorded. In capturing the data:

Triage should be entered as Direct admission

Episode end status entered as admitted; and

Visit Type entered as Direct Admission

Direct Admissions are not normally recorded in the ED.


If an admitted patient attends the ED for a procedure, such as having an intravenous cannula re-sited, and this activity is captured in the ED electronic system the following data should be entered

Triage should be entered as an inpatient

Episode end status as Returned to ward or HITH; and

Visit type entererd as Current inpatient or HITH

This approach will enable the patient to be identified as being a current inpatient and the activity can be removed from mainstream ED reporting.


Information and Performance Governance

Triage DateTime Field name - Dataset: triage_datetime – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition:The urgency of the patient's admission to hospital and whether the admission occurred on an emergency or elective basis.

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: Date / Time


Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Type Of Activity When Injury Occurred

Field name - Dataset: type_of_activity_when_injury_occurred – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: What the patient was doing when the injury occurred.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: String

Format: [X(5)]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Visit TypeField name - Dataset: visit_type – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems: Definition: Patient’s reason for visiting the ED

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: String

Format: N(5)

Permitted values:

1 Emergency Presentation2 Return Visit - Planned3 Unplanned Return visit4 Outpatient/Outpatient Clinic5 Privately Referred: Non Admitted Patient6 Prearranged Admission: Clerical Only7 Pre-Arranged Admission: Nursing and Clerical8 Pre-Arranged Admission: Full Clinical9 Patient In Transit10 Dead On Arrival11 Health Direct Referral12 GP Referral13 Referral From Another Hospital14 Referral from another facility15 Transfer from other hospital16 Direct Admission17 No access to GP18 Not Stated/Unknown19 Hospital in the Home 20 Rehabilitation in the Home 21 Hospital at the Home 22 Other23 Inpatient24 For After Hours GP Referral25 Returned from After Hours GP

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Waiting Time for Clinical Care Commencement

Field name - Dataset: waiting_time_for_clinical_care_commencement – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition:The total length of waiting time from presentation_datetime to Clinical Care Commencement Datetime, measured in minutes.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Numeric

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Ward Ready DateTime

Field name - Dataset: ward_ready_datetime – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: The date and time the ward is ready for the patient to be admitted.

Requirement status: Mandatory

Data type: Date / Time


Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Winter Related Illness Admission

Field name - Dataset: winter_related_illness_admission – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition:Flag if patient had a principal diagnosis that matched against the Winter Related Illness definition and the patient was admitted.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Numeric

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Winter Related Illness Attendance

Field name - Dataset: winter_related_illness_attendance – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Flag if patient had a principal diagnosis that matched against the Winter Related Illness definition.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Numeric

Format: [N]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


Information and Performance Governance

Work Phone Number

Field name - Dataset: work_phone_number – [Masterfile] – [vw_emergency_episode_restricted]

Field name - Source systems:

Definition: Patient’s residential work phone number at the time of the ED presentation.

Requirement status: Optional

Data type: Numeric

Format: [N(12)]

Permitted values:

Guide for Use


© Department of Health 2020

Copyright to this material is vested in the State of Western Australia unless otherwise indicated. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced or re-used for any purposes whatsoever without written permission of the State of Western Australia.