Does the shifting age of marriage among women affect the Brand Equity of

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Transcript of Does the shifting age of marriage among women affect the Brand Equity of

04/14/2023 1

Does the shifting age of marriage among women affect the Brand Equity of

In recent times, more American women are waiting longer to marry (on average, waiting for over 4 more years than in1970)*

In fact, younger women (18-29) are not only more familiar (+42%) with, but also ascribe higher Energized Differentiation (+34%), Relevance (+27%) and Esteem (+32%) to the brand than their older (30-44) counterparts

Psychology may explain the disparity in’s Brand Equity between younger and older women

• Women under 30 tend to be marrying for the first time, rendering the wedding itself more “idealistic” and “special”

• As a result, younger women may spend a greater time planning and are more likely to read wedding magazines

• Older women, especially if previously married, may have a more practical outlook on weddings, making them less likely to plan extensively and therefore read

In addition,’s marketing campaign uses youthful “looks” and models, targeting a younger demographic

Source: BrandAsset® Evaluator USA 2010-2012 Women 18-29, Women 30-44; * &  U.S. Census Bureau survey

However, younger women assign higher brand equity to