Documenting Our Ideas: Edison’s Design Journals Warm-up: What is a journal? Why and how is it...

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Transcript of Documenting Our Ideas: Edison’s Design Journals Warm-up: What is a journal? Why and how is it...

Documenting Our Ideas: Edison’s Design Journals

Warm-up:What is a journal? Why and how is it used?

Documenting Our Ideas: Edison’s Design Journals

Warm-up:What is a journal? A journal is a daily

record, as of occurrences, experiences, or observations.

Why and how is it used? A journal can be used to document our ideas and thoughts for future reference.

1875 To-Do ListWanted May 31 1875

1. A method of making malleable iron out of cast iron

2. Making cast iron out of steel and to have the same properties

3. A method of making ‘sawdust’ soluble to form a cheap substitute for ebony and rubber or celluloid

4. A cheap intense green equal to aniline green without iodine or arsenic.

5. An electromagnet which does not require wire.

6. The formation of organic substances for the decomposition of water under certain influences.

7. A kerosene or other oil lamp which burns without chimneys and gives a bright light

8. A new engraving process.

What would you like to invent?

• Have you ever created a list of possible things you would like to invent?

• List and briefly describe three different items you would like to invent

• Keep an open mind• Do not limit yourself

Edison’s Exhibit. 25-12

Inventing the Phonograph II

Edison’s Exhibit. 27-12

Inventing the Phonograph II

Edison’s Exhibit. 28-12

Inventing the Phonograph II

Naming the phonograph T.A.Edison Menlo Park, N.J.

• Auto-Electrograph = Electric Post• Tel –autograph• Tel-autophone• Polyphone = Manifold Sounder• Autophone = Self Sounder• Kosmophone = Universal Sounder• Acoustophone = Sound hearer = Audible speaker• Antiphone = Back-talker• Liquiphone = Clear speaker• Minuttophone – minute-sounder• Meistophone = smallest sounder• Anchiphone = Near sounder or speaker• Palmeto phone = Vibration sounder• Didaskophone = Teaching speaker – Speaking Check• Glottophone – Language sounder or speaker• Climatophone = Weather announcer• Atmophone = Fog sounder or Vapor-speaker

Naming the phonograph • Palmophone – Pendulum sounder• Pinakophone – Speaking register• Hemerologophone – Speaking alumance• Kalendophone - Speaking Calendar• Sphygmophone – Pulse speaker• Halmophone – Heart – beat sounder• Seismophone – Earthquake sounder• Electrophone – Electric speaker• Brontophone – Thunder sounder• Klangophone – Bird-cry sounder• Surigmophone – Whistling sounder• Bremophone – Wind sounder• Bittako-phone – Parrot speaker• Krogmophone - Croaking or Cawing Sounder• Hulagmophone – Barkin gsounder• Trematophone – Sound