Documentary Making 101 11081

Post on 03-Jan-2016

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How to make a dcumentary film

Transcript of Documentary Making 101 11081

Documentary Makingfrom Start to Finish

Andy Carvin

What is a Documentary?


A work, such as a film or television program, presenting political, social, or historical subject matter in a factual and informative manner and often consisting of actual news films or interviews accompanied by narration.

Or in simpler terms:

A nonfiction story told through moving images and sound.

Essential Elements

Images: people, places, things, text, etc.

Sound: narration, voices, music, sound effects, background sounds ("nats")

Edits: The integration of images and sound


You strike a balance based on what you wish to communicate:

Fast edits and loud music to convey action

Disjointed images and unusual pacing

Straightforward editing for a journalistic feel

The Documentary Team

Executive Producer Producer Researcher Writer Cameraperson Editor Talent

Executive Producer

The person who’s ultimately in charge Usually overseeing more than one production Responsible for setting goals, deadlines Has the power to delegate tasks

... In other words....

The Teacher is the Executive Producer!

The Producer

In charge of a specific production Keeps Exec Producer in the loop Plans production schedule, assigns tasks In charge of the overall vision of the project Keeps log of all footage shot on location

Students share role of the producer


Identifies potential interview subjects, characters

Fact-checks and verifies all ideas included in the documentary; quality control

Helps “fill in the blanks” by researching information about characters, topics, plot


Creates storyboards

Writes script

Helps weave the story together


Scouts location with production team

Shoots video


Does the technical work of editing documentary

Works to insure that story is told in specified time length


Interview subjects On-screen host Narrator Voiceover artists (reading/translating voices

of characters)

The Team in a Classroom Context

Students working in small groups Each student given the opportunity to learn

each role (writer, editor, cameraperson, etc) Encouraging students to take roles in which

they excel Organized into small teams (3-6 students)

The Three Stages of Documentary Making

Pre-production: Planning the film

Production: Shooting it

Post-production: Putting it together


Team assignments "The Pitch" Story outlining/storyboarding Research Arranging interviews Scouting Locations Shot list

Team Assignments

Breaking students into small groups Discussing the various tasks (writing,

researching, editing, shooting, etc) Delegating responsibilities to individual

students - or agreeing how responsibilities will be shared among the group

Reviewing assignment deadlines Giving your team a production company

name (AC Productions, etc)

“The Pitch”

Students have to pitch story ideas to teacher Encourage teams to brainstorm stories Present top three ideas to class Class discussion of story ideas Teams take best idea, summarize it in less

than one page of text: what’s the story, why they’re doing it, and how they’ll do it

Story Outlining/Storyboarding

Mapping out the flow of the story using drawings and/or text

Brainstorming what ideas will be conveyed where in the documentary’s timeline

Identify major ideas/images to be conveyed Optional: planning style of particular shots Tools for storyboarding: Inspiration,

Kidspiration, MS Word, pencil and paper

Storyboard example

Here’s a typical storyboard template: a series of boxes for drawings and text.


Investigating the topic


Finding historical documents, photos, etc

Arranging Interviews

Identifying main characters

Identifying “experts”

Scheduling appointments

Planning interview questions

Scouting Locations

Deciding where you plan to shoot video Visiting sites ahead of time to get a sense of

the space Planning the order in which you will shoot in

different locations Identify what the best shots are in each


Creating a Shot List

A complete list of shots you want to get Images of particular people Contextual footage (“B-Roll”) Establishing shots Shot list often based on storyboards


Shooting Video Conducting Interviews Capturing Audio Collecting Still Images Keeping a Shot Log

Shooting Video

Shooting primary footage (interviews, action) Establishing shots to provide location context Cutaways (peripheral footage for editing) B-Roll (footage that accompanies what’s

being said by characters or narration) Always shoot more than you think you’ll need Safety shots - just in case! Make sure your batteries are charged!

Conducting Interviews

Getting subject comfortable in front of camera Eye perspective

Looking at camera or just off-camera, but not both in the same interview

off-camera is more common Avoid too many people behind the camera Have subject repeat question as statement

Q: When did you start the band? A: We started the band back in 2003...

Capturing Audio

In a professional shoot, an audio engineer would record a continuous audio track

Not necessary for classroom purposes Compromises:

Bring two cameras, one always rolling, capturing continuous audio

Bring handheld audio recorder Continuous audio important for music footage

Collecting Still Images

Photos very useful when video footage isn’t available

Public library photo archives good resource

Scan photos at very high resolution Higher quality Allows you to zoom in on parts of the photo Example: The Atlantic City Boardwalk

Keeping a Shot Log

A notebook of all footage captured on video What you shot When you shot it What tape it’s on This means you need to label your tapes!

Post Production

Transcribing interviews Annotating shot log Uploading footage Story planning Script writing Editing

Transcribing Interviews

Identifying useful quotes Noting location of quotes on each tape Transcribing saves time in the long run!


Tape 3, Sam Sheridan Interview15:13: “Sure, it’s a dangerous sport, but so is

football or hockey....” ****16:04: “I’m a little worried, but not too worried.”

Annotating Shot Log

Similar to transcribing interviews, but focuses on summarizes where images are located.

Adding more detail to your shot log, now that you’ve had time to review it. Example:

Tape 13Flea Market Footage

21:03: Establishing shot of comic book stand

21:44: Close-up of customer, looking down, reviewing comic book

21:58: ECU of customer’s hands, counting money

Uploading Footage

Upload all the video clips you may use Be sure to give each clip “padding” - several

seconds before and after meat of the clip Organize clips in bins either by tape or subject Name clips by time stamp and subject:

Tape 3, 16:04 Sam: “I’m a little worried” =

Story Planning

Outline of the entire script

“3x5” planning: writing best quotes, main story sections on 3x5 cards to experiment with story order; Inspiration/Kidspiration useful as well

Identifying best footage, matching them with story sections/quotes, putting them in order

Script Writing

Done in conjunction with story planning Script should weave together story elements,

quotes, matched with appropriate images Judge the script by how it sounds read aloud,

not how it reads on paper Basic script for narrator: narration/quotes Three-columned script for everyone else:

Time Code Video Narration/Interview Quotes


Recording narration - do lots of takes! Rough cut - putting clips in order, no F/X Team, teacher, class review rough cut Corrections based on group input; another review Polishing: adding dissolves, graphics, etc Final cut: documentary is complete

In real world, review/corrections process

repeated again and again and again!

Questions to consider

How much time each week/month will be dedicated to production?

Will production take place throughout the year?

Should students work on one project all year or produce multiple projects?

Don’t Forget Copyright Videos shown publicly/online must honor copyright Red flags: TV video clips and music Using someone’s music w/o permission can get

school in trouble; get permission from publisher! Creative Commons (CC): Free music for nonprofit projects using noncomercial/attribute/sharealike CC license

License low-cost music:

GarageBand Use original student music - they own the copyright! Always cite copyright holders in credits

A New Twist: Video Blogging

Create a school blog for premiering videos Upload videos to the blog Mentoring opportunity - Get experienced

filmmakers and video bloggers to critique students’ work

Cutting edge: only a handful of educational video blogs in the world today

Would have to conform with school AUP

Thank You!

Andy Carvin