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EA 006 598

Pressley, Milton M., Ed.A Selected Bibliography of Readings in ManagementTheory and Practice. Exchange Bibliography No.637.Council of Planning Librarians, Monticello, Ill.

Aug 7440p.Council of Planning Librarians, P.O. Box 229,Mbnticello, Illinois 61856 (S4_.J00)

MF-$0.75 HC-$1.85 PLUS POSTAGEAdministration; Administrative Personnel;*Administrative Principles; *AdministratorResponsibility; Administrator Role; *Bibliographies;Communication (Thought Transfer); Decision Making;*Management; Organizational Theories; Planning;Resource Allocations; Social Responsibility

ABSTRACTGiven that management can be defined as the activity-

that allocates and utilizes resources to achieve group ororganizational goals, anyone who is in a position to assign and use agroOpts or organization's human or nonhuman resuources may benefit bymaking use of selected readings from this bibliography. The editorhas divided the bibliography into topical sections: introduction tomanagement thought, management's social responsibility, managementfunctions and principles, planning, organizing, directipg,communication, controlling, secondary management functions,decisionmaking, and selected topics of interest to managers.(Author /NM)


Council of Planning Librarians EXCHANGE BIBLIOGRAPHY

August 1974


Milton M. PressleyGraduate School of BusinessUniversity of North Carolina, Greensboro

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Mrs, Mary Vance, EditorPost Office fox 229Monticellotiliinois 81858





Milton M. PressleyGraduate School of Businws

University of North Carolina, Greensboro.

Copyrighted e by Milton M. Pressley


Interest in the subject of Management is not limitedto busineosmen. Those engaged in the study or practiceof almost any profession or vocation can benefit from someknowledge of the broad field of management. Indeed, eventhe housewife "manages', her household. Given thatManagement can be defined as the activity that allocatesand utilizes resources to achieve group or organizationalgoals, anyone who is in a posit:' to assign and use agroup' s or organization's (human and/or non-human) resourcesmay benefit by making use of selected readings from thisbibliography.

Given that Management is broad in scope, the editorhas divided the bibliography into topioal sections. Thereadings listed under each section relate directly to thetopic heading or section title. It is suggested that theuser begin by reviewing those readings classified underthe topic heading of directeinterest. However, since itis almost certain that other readings of interest willbe 'listed under other topical headings, the user may wishto scan other sections.

The user will find, in parentheses, a selected listingof related subtopics directly under the top heading. Thetopic headings area

2. CPL Exchange Bibliography #637

I. Introduction to Management Thought.II Management s Social Responsibility.III. Management Functions and Principles.IV. Planning.V. Organizing.

VI. Directing.VII. Comnuinioation.

VIII. Controlling.IX. Secondary Menagement Functions.X. Decision Making.XI. Selected Topics of Interest to Managers.

Work on this bibliography was begun by the editorin the summer of 1973. Through the efforts of the FallSemester, 1973, students of the course entitled "TheManagement Process" at the Graudate School of Businessof the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, thebibliography was expanded to its present scope. Theeditor wishes to express appreciation to those graduatestudents who voluntarily submitted potential listing.A special note of thanks goes to Ms. Gayle Harding andMrs. Grace Draper, without whose invaluable secretarialaid and skills this bibliography would not have beenpossible.

I. Intro:xtuctiorna ement Thought

(Including the subtopics of: Goals, Systems Theory,Role Theory, Integration Theory and other subtopics.)

Anthony, R. N. "The Trouble with Profit Maximization,"ELIMMLNE11191212112E, Volume 38, No. 6, 1960,pp. 126-134.

Barnett, R. C. and R. Tgiuri. "What Young People ThinkAbout Managers," Harvard Business Review, Volume 51,Hey' 1973, pp. 106-118.

Berstein, Joseph. "Advice to Managers" Watch Earnings,Not the Ticker Tape," Harvard Business ReviewJanuary 1973, 63.

Boulanger, David G. "Program Evaluation and ReviewTechnique," ishraneed Mena cement Volume 26, Numbers7 and 8, July-August 19 pp. 8-12.

Brown, Warren B. "Systems, Boundaries, and InformationFlow," cadem o-Ian ement Journ Volume"umber j December 19- ) pp. 31 -327.

3. CPL Exchange Bibliography #63?

Busk ley, J. W. "Goal- Process- System Interaction inManagement," Business Horrls Volume 14, December1971, pp. 8192.

Dale Ernest. rianent: Theory and Practice, 2nd ed.New York: McGraw-Hill, 1969.

Dalton, M. "Informal Factors in Career. Achievement,"American Journal of Sod.° logz, Volume 56, 1951,ii777:415.

Dewhirst, Dudley H. "How Work Environment Affects JobInvolvement," Research Nal.,.ue1..,_Aimirb Volume 16,Number 4, July 1973, pp. 33-37.

Drucker, Peter F. The Practice of Nanagement. New York:Harper and Row, 19- .

England, George W. "Organizational Goals and ExpectedBehavior of American Managers," Academy of Nana elia...entJourL.,nal Volume 10, Number 2, 1967, PP 107-117.

Ericaon, Richard F. "Visions of Cybernetic Organizations,"Academy of Management Journal) Volume 15, December1972, pp. 427-443.

Fayol, Henri. General and Industrial Advinistration.London: Pitman, 1949.

Finn, R. H. "Human Resource Utilization: A Need forPerspectives," S.A.M. Advanced, Nana ement JournalVol um 38, Number 2, April 1973, pp . 2.

Ford, C. H. "Getting Your Company on the Move," NationsBusiness, Volume 61, June 1973, pp. 63-64.

Fulmer, Robert M. and Leslie W. Rue. "Competence: TheCohesive of Future Organizations," Personnel Journals,Volume 52, April 1973, pp. 264-273

Greenwood, William T. Manaae:nent nd Or ar& itwior:al,B_ehavior Theories: An Interdiaci-linar Annroach.Cinoinnati: Southwestern, 9

Harrison, Roger. "understanding Your OrganizationisCharacter,,, Harvard Review, Volume 50,Nay 1972, pp. 119-128.

Harvey, Jerry B. and b. Richard Albertson. ',NeuroticOrganizations: Symtonts, Causes and Treatment,',part 1 P rsonnel Journal Volume 50, June 1971,PP. 694- 99.

14. CPL. 'Exchange Bibliography #637

Henry, Harold H. "Efficiency is a Valid Goal: Improvingthe Management of Government /Industry Programs,"Management Review, Volume 62, August 1973, pp. 5-18.

Johnson, Richard A., Fremont E. Kast and James E. Rosenzweig.The Theory- and Management of ,ystems, 2nd ed. NewYork: McGraw-Hill, 1967,

Kast, Fremont 3. and James E. Rosenzweig. Organization,and Mena ement.__L:P....Sitas.22....msAroach. New Yokk:McGraw-Hill, 1970.

"System Concepts: Pervasiveness and Potential,"1 ana emenational Reviewd Volume* 7, 1967, pp. 14-5.

Keller, Robert T. "A Look at the Sociotechnical System,"California Mane ement Review, Volume 15, Fall 1972,pp. 8 -91.

Koontz, Harold. "The Management Theory Jungle," Journalof the Aca of Nana B eme_nt VolumO 14, Number 3,December 19 pp. 17 1

Levy, R. "The Rites of Business," Volume 100,Sumer 1972, pp. 59-60.

Merrill, Harwood. Classics in Management. New York:American Management Association, 1960.

Mockler, Robert J. "Situational Theory of Management,"Harvard Business Review,, Volume 49 Number 3, MaysJune 1971, pp. 146-1514.

Newman, William H., et al. The _Process of Management.Englewood. Cliffs, New Jerseys Prentice -Hall, 1967.

Organ, Dennis W. "Linking Pins Between Organizations andEnvironment," Bu_siness Horizons, Volume 114, December1971, pp. 73-80.

Pfeffer, J. "Interorganlzational Influence and ManagerialAttitudes," Journal of the Aced- of karia emitVolume 15, September 19 , pp. 7-330

Randor, Michael and Rodney D. Neal. "The Progress ofManagement - Science Activities in Large U.S.Industrial Corporations," orations ResearchVolume 21, March 1973, pp.

Sisk, Henry L. Marta:::: ent and 2nd ed.Cincinnati*, 1913.

5. CPL 13xchange Dibliography

Sitora4 Devid and Plan D. Wolfson. "Preamatic Approach

to People and Problems," Harvard Dusiness ReviewJanuary-February 1973, pp. 120-12d.

Skinner, Jean Ross. "Europeans Say: 'U.S. Bxecutives

Aren't so Great'," Duns Volume 101, Number 1,

January 1973, pp. 51-

Surface, J. F.. "Universities Aren't Corporations,"Business Horizons, Volume 14, Number 3, 1971, pp. 75-80.

",System Moves People." The American alb August 1973,pp. 58-62.

Townsend, Robert. Up the New York: Knopf, 1970.

Weiss, W. H. "Telltale Signs of Weakness in a Company,"Nation's Business, Volume 61, January 1973, pp. 70-71.

Wren, Daniel A. The Evolution of HanamAThauca.New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1c."72.

Zaffareno, Joan. "The 'I'm OK - You're OK' Management

Approach," Administrative Managesea, Volume 34,Summer 1973.

II. Wasement's Social Responqibilit

Block, E. M. "Social Welfare Challenge for Business and

Labor," rdBil,._.._..jlessRevieullarva July-August 1973, ppr 6-7.

Bowen, Howard R. "The Businessman's Views of His Specific

/esponsibilities," Social Res onsibilities of the

LusinessMan. New York: Harper and Brothers, 19 3,


"Why Are Businessmen Concerned About Their--'"Social Responsibilities?" Social Res onsibilitieo of

the Businessman. New York: Harper an Dro hers,


Drotning, Philip T. "Why Nobody Takes Social ResponsibilitySeriously," Business and Society Review Nuffiber 3,Autumn 1972, pp. 72.

Eilbirt, Henry and Robert Parket. "The Practice of

Business: The Current Status of Corporate social

Responsibility," Pusinels_Horizon0 Volume 16,

August 1973, pp. r-.1

BEST COPY AVAILABLE 6. CPL Exchange Bibliography 37

"The First Attepmts at a Corporate Social Audit." BusinessDA:0c September 23, 1972, pp. 88-89.

Friedman, Hilton. "The Social Responsibility of Businessto Increase Its Profits," byYork'...Lzl'jaiesMaazine,September 13, 1970, p. 33+.

Ginzberg, Eli, et al. The Pluralisticamm; New York:McGraw-Hill, 1965.

Hayes, Douglas. "A Case for Social Responsibility,"Michigan November 1970, p. 7 ff.

Hobbing, Enno. "Business Must Explain Itself," Businessmasalay201215 Number 3, Autumn 1972, pp. 854'7.

Koontz, Harold. "The Corporate Board and Special Interests,"Business Horizons, Volume 11k, Number 5, October 1971,pp. 75-82.

Nadler, Leonard. "Helping the Hard-Core Adjust to theNew World of Work," Harvard Business Review, Velum48, Spring 19700 pp. 117 -12

Schocker, Allan S. and S. Prakash Sethi. "An Approachto Incorporating Societal Preferences in DevelopingCorporate Potion Strategies," California ManagementReview, Volume 15, Summer 1973, pp. 97-105.

III. Nana ement Functthisand Princi "les

(Including the subtopics of: What Managers Do, theUniversality of Management, Scientific Management,Is Management an Art or a Science, and other subtopics.)

Barnard, Chester I. The BlUnctions of the 3xecutive.Cambridge: Harvard

Bennis, Warren O. Chan n 0 anizations. New York:McGraw-Hill, 19

Berelson and Steiner. Humaa Behavior: An Inventorsr ofScientific Findin s. New York: Harcourt, Brace andWorld, 19

Chambers, Peter. "Much Maligned Management Pioneer,"1.1....2.Rev30.eulnaemer Volume 62, February 1973, pp. 62-64.

Davis, Keith. Human Behavior at Work. New York: McGraw-

7. CPL ,t -change Bibliography 637

Amitai. Modern Or adzations. New Jersey:Prentice-Hall, 190

"The Five Best-Planaged Companies." Dunn's, December 1972,PP. 33-41.

Oilbreth, Frank. "Effect of Scientific Management on the

Worker," Scientific Marla Guist. New York: D. VanNostrand Company, 19114.

Gilmore, F. F. "Formulating Strategy in Smaller Companies,"Harvard Business Review, Volume 49, May 1971, pp. 71-81.

Grayson, C. Jackson, Jr. "Management Science and BusinessPractice," Harvard Business Review Voltuile 73, July-August 1973, pp. 9

Koontz, Harold. "Model for Analyzing the Universalityand Transferability of hanagement," Academy ofManagement Journal, Volume 12, December 1969, PP.143S-1429.

and Cyril O'Donnell. Principles of Management:,

An Analysis of Managerial, Fianctions 5th ed. NewYork: McGraw-Hill, 1972.

Litzinger, W. D. and T. E. Schaefer. "Perspective:Management Philosophy Enigma," Aoademy of Management,Journal, Volume 9, 1966, pp. 337-343.

McLennan, Kenneth. ."The Manager and His Job Skills,"Aoad of liana -ment Journal Volume 10, September19 -7, pp. 3-- '

March, James G. and Herbert A. Simon. "Operational andFrapirical Problem of Classical AcbrinistrativeScience," Organizations. New York: John Wiley andSons, Inc., 1958..

Mayo Elton. "The See Side of Progress," The _Soci_alProbleMs of an Itidustrial HarvardGraduate School of Business Administration, 19145, pp. 5-15.

Nee, J. F. "Changing Concepts of Management," SAMAdvtuicediana-ement Journal, Volume 37, October

pp. 22-3

Mooney, J. 0. Princi leg of Or anizatiori. New York:Harper, 197.

Muse, W. V. "The Universality of Management," cadManagement Journal.,, Volume 10, 1967, pp. 1



8. CPL ":exchange Bibliography 037

Reeser, Clayton. "Can Behavioral! Science Really ChangeManagement?" Management Review, Volume 62, January1973, PP. 52-4.

. Management: Functions and Modern Concepts.

Glenview, Illinois: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1973.

Robinson, jrossi "Getting Dom to Basics: The Oldkip., Gera of Management," euuervisox i la went May1972, pp. 2-8.

Rush, Harold N. F. "',that is Behavioral Science?" TheConference Board Record, Volume 2, Number 9, September1965, pp. 35-41.

Shakun, Melvin F. "Management Science and kiatiagementImplementing Management Science Via SitUationalNormativism,". Management Science, Volume 18, April

1972, pp. 367-377.

Shetty, Y. K. "A Model for Analyzing the Universality

and Transferability of Management: Comment," Acedofof Flarua ement Journal., Volume 13, 1970, pp. 22

Skeeff, L.J.M. "What Do Managers Do?" Personnel Journal,Volume 46, 1967, pp. 630-637.

Taylor, Frederick ViinslOw. The Principles of ScientificMaragoL__nent. New York: Harper and Brothers,. 1911.

. "'What is Scientific Management?" Excerptfrom testimony of Frederick W. Taylor at hearingsbefore the Special Committee of the House ofRepresentatives to Investigate the Taylor and Other

Systems of Shop Management, January 25$ 1912, pp.1387-1389.

Scientific Management. Neu York: Harper, 1947.

Terry, George R. Principles of Management, 6th ed.Homewood, Illinois: Richard D. Irtd.n, Inc., 1972.

Umiak, Lyndall F. The Moments of Ldriti.nistration. NowYork: Harper and Brothers, 1943.

and E. Brech. The Making_ of ScientificManagement. London: Pitman, 19

Voich, Dan, Jr. and Daniel A. Ilren. Principles ofManagement...Resources end SysteMS. New forks TheRonald Press Company, 19



9. CPL ibtalange Bibliography 037

Weimer, Waiter B. and David S. Palermo. "Paradigms andNormal Science in Psycholociy," Science Studies,Volume 3, July 1973, pp. 212-237.


(Including the subtopics of: Management by Objectives,

The Development of Plans, Top Level Role Proscriptions,Policy Formulation, Forecasting and other subtopics.)

Ammer, Dean S. "The Side affects of Planning," HarvardBusiness Review Volume 148, Nay 1970, pp. 31:34.

Ansoff, H. I. "A Quasi-Analytic Approach to the Business

Strater Problem," liana ment Technolo Volume 14

Number 1, June 1964, pp 7-77.

Bass, Bernard H. and Gerald V. Barrett. Mar. dan

Organizations. Boston, Massachusetts: Allyn andBacon, Inc., 1972.

Bennett, Keith it. "When Strategy is More Than a Buzzword,"Management Review, September 1973.

Bennis, Uarren G. "Organizational Developments and theFate of the Bureaucracy," Sloan Manageraent ReviewsSpring 1966, pp. 41-55.

Bergen, Nike. "Management by Results," Dui.j...,u4 November1972, pp. 111-115.

Brady, Rodney II. "HBO Goes to Work in the Public Sector,"

Harvard Business Review March-April 1973, pp. 65..714.

Buchan, P. Bruce. "Corporate Risk Policies," Ilanm...me_ntAdvisor, September-October 1973.

Carbonnel, F. Z. de and R. G. Dorrance. "InformationSources for Planning Decisions," California ManagementRe-_,..13,01, Volume 15, Number 14, Summer 1973.

Casa, Richard T. "Pattern for Planning," lialont RervicesSeptember - October 19614, pp. 13-20.

Cohen, ICalman J. and Richard M. Cyert. "Strategy:Formulation, Implementation and Vionitoring," TheJournal 0)1ustness The Graduate School of flual:neseof the University of Chicago, Volume 46, Number 3,July 1973.

10. CPL Exchange Bibliography b31

Conley, W. D. and F. W. Miller. "BBC, Pair and Productivity,"1qrscsmel. Volume 50, January 1973, pp. 21-25.

Daniel, D. Ronald. Management Informetion Crisis,"Harvard Business Review, Volume 39, September -October 19

Drucker, Peter F. "Long-Range .Planning: Challenge toManagement Science," liana ent VolumeNumber 3, pp. 238-249.

"Management by Objectives and Self-Control,"The Practice of Mana ement. New York: Harper andBrothers, 19

Ehrhardt, Steve P. "A Five Year Plan, a Year at a Time,"Administrative Mana ement Volume 34, January 1973,pp. 6

Elliot-Jones, N. F. "Long Range Corporate Planning- -theEconomic Input," Conferonce Board Record Volume 10,

February 1973, Pp. 47-50.

Fayol, Henri. General and Industrial Administration 1949,PP. 43-52.

Foster, Richard N. and Alan F. Tusfold. "The DelphiTechnique: Survey and Comment," Business Horizons,Volume 14, June 1971, pp. 63-74.

Geidler, Murray A. and Wilbur A. Steger. "How to Plan forManagement in New Systems," Harvard Business Review,September-October 1962, pp. 103-110.

Gilmore, Frank P. "Overcoming the Perils of Advocacy inCorporate Planning," .........lassCalifornialakientReview,Volume 15, Spring 1973, pp. 127-137.

Glasner, D. IL "Patterns of Management by Results,"Business Horizons Volume 12, March 1969, pp. 37-40.

Gross, Bertram M. "What Are Your Organization's Objectives?"Usalladiona, Volume 18, 1965, pp. 195-216.

Hardesty, Frank T. "Poor Hants PERT," Su ervisor,litinents Volume 4, March 1972, pp. 1 -1 .

House, Robert J. and Stanley S. Thune. "Where Long-RangePlanning Pays Off," pliginus_Hutlab Volume 13,Auguot 1970, pp. 81-87.


11. CPL Exchange Bibliography #637

Howell, Robert A. "Managing by Objectives - A Three Stage

System," ContemPorarY Readings in OrganizationalBehavior. Edited by Fred Luthans, 1972, pp. 11.8-425.

"Plan to Integrate Your Acquisitions,"Harvard Business Reviea Volume 48, November-December1970, pp. 66-76.

Isenson, Raymond S. "Technological Forecasting: A

Management Tool," Business Horizons, Volume 10,Summary 1967, pp. 37-46.

Johnson, Robert H. "Retail Policies: Their Selection

and Application," Department of Commerce, Officeof Domestic Commerce. Washington, D.C., 1946, pp. 1-9.

Kalman, J. Cohen and Richard /K. Cytrt. "Strategy:

Formulation, Implementation and Monitoring," TheJournal of Business, Volume 46, Number 5, July 1973,

PP. 349-367.

Khol, Ronald. "What Good is Technological Forecasting?"Management Review, Volume 62, Much 1973, pp. 51-54.

Lager, William. "Sales Forecasting: Key to Integrated

Management," Business Horizons, Volume 2, Fall 1959,

pp. 61-67.

Lasagna, John B. "Make Your MBO Pragmatic," HarvardJusiness Review, Volume 49, November 1971, pp. 64-69.

Levinson, Harry. "Management of Whose Objectives,"

111112112221PRIALE21/1215 Volume 48, July-August

Lewis, John P. "Short-Term General Business Conditions

Forecasting: Some Comments on Method," Journal_ of

Business, Volume 35, October 1962, pp. 43-756-7-

Litschert, Robert J. "The Structure of Long Range

Planning Groups," Acade ofilanA ement Jourul,

Volume 14, March 1973, pp. 33.. t3.

Lorange, Peter, "Formal Planning in MultinationalCorporations," Colum of World BusinessVolume 8, Number 2, Summer 1973.

12. CPL Exchange Bibliography #537

McConkey, Dale D. "LBO - Twenty Years Later, Where DoTee Stand ?" Business Horizons Indiana School of

Business, Volume , Number , August 1973, PP. 25-32.

"Twenty Ways to Kill Management by Objectives,"Manae..LI.,....tRedowme, Volume 61, October 1972, pp. 4-13.

Miller, Ernest C. "Personnel Policies -- Framework for

Management DeCisions,l, riagagement Review, January1960, pp. 20-26.

Murray, Richard K. "Behavioral Management Objectives,"

Personnel Journal, Volume 52, April 1973, PP. 304-306.

Newman, William H. "Shaping the Master Strategy of Your

Firm," _AgvzoCaliforniallarnentRevi,m, Volume 9).

Number 1,SPrihg1967,PP.n-N

and jaMes P. Logan, Business Policies andCentral Management, 5th ed. Cincinnati: South-Western Publishing Company, 1965.'

Peak, George W. "The POlicy-Making and OrganizingResponsibilities of the Top Executive," MichiganBusiness Review, Volume 23, November 1971, pp. 25-29.

Pennington, M. W. "How to Make the Least of Planning,"

Nation's Buoiness, Volume 59, June 1971, PP. 78-79.

Pierce, James L. "The Planning and Control Concept," TheController, September 1954.

Redfield, J. W. "Elements of Forecasting," HarvardBum Review Volume 2, November 1951:7p.:131-91.

Reilley, twing'L "Planning the Strategy of the Business,"...1qL.cejl.Ks...,-7a-eAdvarment December 1955, pp. 8-12.

Roman, D. D. "Technological Forecasting in the DecisionProcess," Acade-7 of Mana4Mont Journal-, Volume 13,

June 1970, pp. 1 7-13 8 .

Sayles, Leonard. "Teohnologioal Innovation and thePlanning Process," Or;-anizatiorsaml Summer19733 pp. 68-79.

Schaffer) Robert H. "Putting A.otion into Planning)"Harvard Business Review, Volume 45, November 1967, p. 158+.

13. CPL Trach&nge Bibliography #637

Shank, John K., Edward G. Niblock and William T. Sandslls, Jr.

"Balance, Creativity, and Practicality in FormalPlanning," Harvard Business Revievr, Volume 51,

January-February 1973, pp. 67-95r.

Sobek,, Robert S. "A Manager's Primer on Forecasting,"

Harvard Business Review, Nay-June 1973, pp. 6-14.

Stolz, R. K. "Planning -- Key to Research Success,"

Harvard Business Review, Volume 35, Number 3, 19573pp. 62..887

Tobay, James E. "Planning That Begins and Ends withPeople," aggeement Review, Volume 62, January1973, pp.47-51.

Thune, S. S. and R. J. House. "Where Long-Range Planning

Pays Off," Business Horizans, Volume 13, August 1970,pp. 81-87.

Thurston, Phillip H. "Make TF Serve Corporate Planning,"Harvard Business Review, Volume 49, September 1971,

pp. 98-102.

Varney, Glenn H. "Management by Objectives: Making It

Work," Stervi_sorY Management, Volume 17, January

1972, nii:14-30.

Warren, E. Kirby. "Whore Long-Range Planning Goes Wrong,"

Management , May 1962.

Nheelwright, Steven C. "Strategic Planning in the Small

Business," Business Horizons, Volume 14, Number 4,

August 1971, pp. 51-58.

V. Organizing

(Including the subtopics of: Delegation, Decentralization,Span of Control, The Role of the Board of Directors,Division of Labor, Job Enrichment, Job Enlargement,Departmentation, Line and Staff, Matrix Forms ofStructure, Project Management, Conmittees, OrganizationOromth and Change, Organization Development, SensitivityTraining, and other subtopics.)

Alderfer, Clayton P. "Job tnlargement and the Organizational

Context," terson-holo Volum. 22, 1969, pp.



BEST COPY AVAILABLECPL Exchange *bibliography 1,4637

Allen, Louis A. "The Line-Staff Relationship," kna ementRegard, Volume; 17, Humber 9, September 1955, pp. 3349, 374-376.

. "Flaking Better Use of Committees," ManagementIIMONOW/MMON

ilecord, December 1955, pp. 466-469$ 493.

Appelbaum, Steven II. "Just What Should an OrganizationalDevelopment Specialist Do?" Personnel rn Volume

52, March 1973, pp. 222-223.

Argyris, Chris. "The CEO's Behavior: Key to OrganizationalDevelopment," 'cIarvard Business 1;:eview, Volume 51,March 1973, pp73544.

. Onanization and Innovation. New Haven:Yale University Press, 1963.

Lenningson, Laurance. "The Team Approach to ProjectManagement:4" lieuLagement Review, Volume 61, January1972, pp. 48-52:

Bennis, Warren G. Chan 02.1 tAziEIr..__Lizatioi Essays on theDevelopment and Evolution of Human Oroanization.New York: licGrawHill, 1966.

. "The Coming Death of Bureaucracy," ThinkMar:czine, 1966.

"Organizations of the Future," PersonnelFall 1967.

Burnham, Donald G. "Fear Not the Dy-Products of Change,"S.A.M. Advanced Mane ,ement Journal, Volume 36,October 1971, pp. O.

Carlisle, Howard M. "Bureaucracy Under Attack,"Advanced Manage ment Journal Volume 36, July 1971,

PP. 37- 3

Carzo, Rowe, Jr. "Organizational Realities," BusinessHorizons, Spring 1961, pp. 95-104.

Chorus, A. 13. "Can Behavioral Scientists Help ManagersImprove Their Organization?" Lra-2.1Volume 1, Winter 1973, pp. 52-67.

Crane, nogor fl. "Organizing for Productivity Improvements,"S.A.E. Advanced 1491a ement Journal, Volume 38, Number

April 3, pp.


BEST COPY AVAILABLE15. CPL Exohango Bibliography //637

Dale, lornest. "Centralization Versus Decentralization,"Advanced Mana errist June 1956, pp. 11-16.

De lbecq, Andre L. "Sensitivity Training," Training andDevelo Journal January 1970, pp. 32-35.

Drucker, Peter F. Technology, ilinzat...........znentand Society .New York: Harper and Row, 1970.

Durkheim, Emile. Division of Labor in Sooiet . Glencoe,New York: Free Press, f96 a.

'1,7311, James M. "The Effect of Change on an Organization,"S.A.M. Advanced Management Journal, Volume 36, October1971, pp. 26-33.

Fiedler, Fred E. "Engineer the Job to Fit the Manager,"Harvard Business Review. Copyright 1965 by thePresident and Fellows of Harvard College; all rightsreserved.

Ford, Charles H. "Structuring the Organization for FastDecision-Making," Human Resources Nana ement Volume12, Number 2, Suirsner 1973, pp. 24 L.

Forrester, Jay H. Industrial Dynamics. New York: Wiley, 1961.

French, Wendell. "Organization Development Objectives,Assumptions, and Strateges," California ManagementReview, Volume 12, 1969, pp. 224'34.

Fulmer, Robert M. "Product Management: Panacea or Pandora'sBox," California Hata emert !7zeview, Volume 7, Number4, Summer 196

Gantt, Henry Laurence. prganizing_tor Work. New York:Harcourt, Brace, and Howe, 1919.

Goriner, Larry E. "Patterns of Organization Change,"Harvard Business Review, Volume 45, May 1967, pp. 119-130.

Gibson, Charles H. "Volvo Increases Productivity ThroughJob Enrichment," California liana-tmont Review,Volume 15, Summer 1973, pp'

Gill, Dr. H. S. and D. R. Tranfield. "OrganizationDevelopment and the Management of Training," PersonnelHanagement, Volume 5, April 1973, pp. 34-35t.

Goldner, Alvin W. "The aplioational Punotione ofBuresuoratio Rules," Patterns of Indu trial BureauoraotoThe Free Press of Wad- an °MAY* 9

16. CPL Exchange Bibliography #637

.Greiner, Larry E. "Evolution and Revolution as OrganizationsGrow," Harvard Business Review, July 1972, pp. 37446.

Helbriegel, Don and John W. Slocum, Jr. "Organization

Design: A Contingency Approach," Business Horizons,

Volume 16, April 1973, pp. 59-68.

Herman, Stanley "What is This Thing Called OrganizationDevelopment?" Personnel Journal, Volume 50, August1971, PP. 545-557.

Hollis, Joseph W. and Frank H. Krause. "EffectiveDevelopment. of Change," Public Personnel Mans ement,

Volume 2, January 1973, PP. 96

Hopeman, Richard J. "The Impact of Systems Analysis onOrganizational Design," Lanagement Research andPractice, edited by 14. William Frey, April 1970.

Hunt, R. G. "Technology and Organization," Academy ofManagement Journal, Volume 13, September 1970, pp. 231-252.

Huse, Edgar F. and Michael Beer. "Eclectic Approach toOrganizational Development," Harvard Business Review,

Volume 49, Sumer 1971, pp. 103412.

Jasinski, Frank J. "Adapting Organization to NewTechnology," Harvard Business Review, January-February 195977/3779-T67

Johnson, Robert. "Job. Enrichment: Challenge of the 70's,"Training and Development Journal, June 1970, pp. 7-9.

Kay) Emanuel. "New Alternatives for Middle Managers,"Management Review, October 1973.

Kogan, David L. "Organizational Development: Description,

Issues, and Some Research Results," Academy of

thaesmatitscal, Volume 14, December 1971, PP. 454-458.

Labovitz, George H. "Organizing for Adaptation," Business

Haorizons, Volume 14, June 1971, pp. 19-26.

Leavitt, Harold J. and Thomas L. Maar. "Management inthe 198010," Harvard Business _Review Volume 36,November-December 19 pp. 9.

LottGrer, Joseph. Or anizations Structure and Behavior,

New York: Wiley, 19 3.



17. CPL Exchange Bibliography 037

Levinson, Harry. "Easing the Pain of Personal. Loss,"

Harvard Business Review Volume 50, September. 1972,pp:TO-88.

Logan, Hall H. "Line and Staff: An Obsolete Concept?"

Personnel, Volume 43, Humber 1, January-Februwl

pp. 26-33.

McCoy, Charles. ',Refining DuPont's Managerial Procass,i,

International ana ement October 1973.

March, James G. and Herbert A. Simon. $21:stions.Now York: Itley, 1958.

Margulies, Newton. "Organizational Development andChanges in Organization Climate," Public Personnel

MazBL92.,Itm Volume 2, March 1973, ii)7114-92.

Middleton, C. J. "How to Set Up a Project Organization,"Harvard Business Review, March-April 1967, pp. 73-82.

Huther, Richard and Rey J. DeMoor. "Planning an OrganizationStructure," S.A.K. Advanced Marra errant Journal

Volume 35, Number 1, January 1973, PP. 2 -33.

Myers, H. Scott. "Overcoming Union Opposition to Job

Mvichment," Harvard Business Review, Volume 49)Hay-June 1971, pp. 37-49.

Oates, David. "Reorganizing Idth Due Deliberation,"International Management, August 1973.

. "Ways to Change Managerial Behavior,"1:.1.ternatiorna &tient Volume 28, April 1973, PP. 54-58.

Odiorne, George S. "Up the Pyramid.. seri ..Doughnutmer...Beehive!" Nations Business, Volume 60, Number 1,Januar7 197717.772347"

Owens, Richard Norman. BusinesandC_,ombination 4th ed. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1951.____________

Parkinson, C. Northooto. liParkinsonis Law," Parkinson's

Lair and Other Studies ill Administration b7=---NerthooteParldrul. SciAtiyEditidn;pp. 2-13.

Parsons, Talcott. Stmotur.e andPto in ModernSociltz. Glencoe, Illinois: Glencoo Free Press, 1963.

Paul, Villiam J., Jr., Keith B. Robertson and FrederickHerzburgi "Job Enrichment Pays OffIll Harvard Business

Re,view, Volume 147, March 1969, pp. 61-76.

13. CPL Exchange Bibliography #637

Ponzer, tIilliam N. "After Everyone's Had His Job Enriched,Then What?" Adninistrative Nana ement Volume 314,October 1973, pp. 20-2 .

Perham, J. "Matrix Management," Ransa2xlmr, Volume 96,August 1970, pp. 31-34.

Perry, Charles. "The Short and Glorious History ofOrganizational Theory," Or Dynatracs,Summer 1973, pp. 3-15.

Persons, Ralph C. "How to Diversity and Centralize,"Duns Review and Modern Indust_ r, September 1955,pp. 11-2.

Powell, J. Lewis. "Completed Staff Work: Key to EffectiveDelegation," The Management Review, June 1956.

"Radicals in the Boardroom." Forbes, May 1972, pp. 61-65.

Raia, Anthony P. "Organization Development -- Some Issuesand Challenges," California Management Review,Volume 14, June 1972, pp. 13-20.

Raube, S. Avery. "Principles of Good Organization,"Com_any Organization Charts National IndustrialConference Board, pp. -13.

Rice, Linda E. and Terrence R. Mitchell. "StructuralDeterminants of Individual Behavior in Organizations,"Administrative Science arbor' Volume 18, March1973, pp. 6 -70.

Roberts, Karlene H. and Frederick Savage. "TwentyQuestions: Utilizing Job Satisfaction Measures,"California Management Review, Volume' 15, Spring1973, pp. 82-91.

Ross, Douglas N. "Challenge to Leadership: Managing ina Changing World," The Conference Board Record,Volume 10, March 1973, pp. 42-43.

Schollhammer, H. "Organizational Structures of MultinationalCorporations," Academy of Management_ Journal,Volume 14, September 1971, pp. 345-36.

Schoonmaker, Alan. "Can T- Groups Boost Profits andProductivity?" Internatiera er.g,j,E.*,:t January1972, pp. 20-26.

19. CPL Exchange Bibliography #637

Scott, Richard D. "Job Enlargement -- The Key to IncreasingJob Satisfaction?" Personnel Journal, Volume 52, April1973, pp. 313-317.

Scott, William G. "Organization Theory: An Overview andand an Appraisal," Journal of the Acade of

Management, Volume 4, Humber 1, Apri 19 , pp. 7-26.

Shetty, Y. K. "Is There a Best Way to Organize a BusinessEnterprise?" S.A.L Advanced. Manapment Journal,Volume 38, April 1973, Pp. 4743.

and H. M. Carlisle. "A Contingency Model ofOrganization Vesign," Californians.= ement Review,Volume 15, Fall 1972, pp.

Simon, William. "Management in the Future," ConferenceBoard Review, Volume 10, March 1973, PP. 44.-47.

Simonds, Rollin H. "Are Organizational Principles aThing of the Past?" balsolao January.1970, pp. 8-17.

Sirota, David and Alan D. Wolfson. "Job Enrichment:Inlet are the Obstacles?" Personnel,, Volume 49, May1972, pp. 8-18.

Slaughter, Robert E. "The Economics of Change," Advanced1_Latanaradasama, Volume 36, October 1971, pp. 19-25.

Soltis, Ronald J. "A Systematic Approach to ManagingChange," Management Review, Volume 59, September1970, pp. 2-11.

Stewart, John M. "Making Project Management Work,"Business Horizons, Volume 8, Number 3, Fall 1965,

PP. 54-68.

"Teamwork Through Conflict," Business Week, March 20,

1971, pp. 44-50.

Townsend, Robert. "Petriels Law," Intellectual Digest,August 1973, pp. 56-57.

Trower, Michael H. "A Fast Track to Project Delivery,"llailagmatiltgaw, Volume 62, April 1973, pp. 19-23.

Tsaklanganos, Ingelos A. "The Organization Chart: AManagerial Myth," Si.A.M._Advanced Ham ement Journal,Volume 38, April 1973, pp. 3 7.

BEST COPY AVAILABLE20. CPL '2 change Bibliography #637

Urwick, Lyndall F. "The Nature of Line and Staff," Notes

orrl.........2.smolagii...inization AMA, 1952, pp. 67:747

Vesper, Karl H. and Thomas G. Holmdahl. "How Venture

Management Fares in Innovative Companies," Res earchEmmet, Volume 16, May 1973, pp. 30-32.

Walker, Arthur H. and Jay W. Lorsch. "Organizational

Choice: Product vs. Function," Harvard Business

Review. Copyright 1966 by the President and Fellowsof Harvard College; all rights reserved.

Ilickes, Thomas A. "Techniques for Managing Change,"

Automation Magazine, Nay 1967.

Wilemon, D. L. and J. P. Cicero. "The Project Manager --Anomalies and Ambiguities, " .Academy of Management

Journal, Volume 13, September 1970, pp.. 269-282.

Winpisinger, William W. "Job Enrichment: A Union View,"Monthly Labor Review, Volume 96, April 1973, pp. 54756

Yorks, Lyle. "Key Elements in Implementing Job Enrichment,"

Personnel, September-October 1973.

VI. Directing

(Including: Authority, Motivation, Power, Leadershipand Supervision, Traits and Role Behaviors of Successful

Managers and other subtopics.)

Albrook, Robert C. "Participative Management: Time for

a Second Look," Fortune Magazine, Volume 75, Number

5, May 1967, pp.1763770, 197-200.

Annas, John W. "Profiles of Motivation," Personnel Journal,Volume 52, Number 3, March 1973, pp. 20§7697'''''

Argyris, Chris. "C3Ols Behavior: Key to OrganizationalDevelopment," Harvard Business Review, Volume 51,

March 1973, pp.

. "Leadership Pattern in the Plant," Harvard'"---11araiutLigylalra Number 1, January-February93E7


Atchinson, Thomas, Jr. "The Fragmentation of Authority,"

Personnel, Volume 46, July-August 1970, pp. 8-14.


21. CPL Exchange Bibliography ;1637

Baldwin, William L. "The Iiotives of Managers, Environmental

Restraints, and the Theory of Managerial :enterprise,"

The Quarterly Journal of Zeonornies, Volume 78, May

1964, pp. 2,18-256.

Bauer, Raymond A. "Who Says People Act Irrationally?"

Harvard lqusiness School Bulletin, December 1958,

pp. 13-19.

Mackie, William. "Authority, " S.A.M. Advanced Managementilourns.,1 Volume 36, October 1971, pp. 'h7-48.

Bryan, J. F. and E. A. Locke. "Goal Setting as a Means

of Increasing Motivation," Journal of Applied

Psychology, Volume 51, 1967.

Calder, Alexander, Jr. "Lessons of Leadership," Nationspusiness, Volume 61, April 1973, PP. 56-61.

Campbell, John P., et al. Managerial Behavior, Performanceand Effectiveness. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1970.

Carey, A. "The Hawthorne Studies: A Radical Criticism,"American Sociological Review, Volume 32, 1967, PP. 403-416.

Carlson, Sum. Executive Behavior. Stockholm: Stromberg's,


Chambers, Paul. "Getting Everyone Involved in Planning,"International Management, Volume 28, April 1973, pp. 67-70.

Clark, James W. "Motivation in Work Groups: A TentativeView," Human Or anization Volume 19, Number 4, Winter1960-19 1, pp. 199-2

Clary, T. C. "Motivation Through Positive Stroking,"Public Personnel Management, Volume 2, March 1973,

pp. 113-117.

Crockett, William J. "The Management Conflict withDemocratic Values," Business Horizons, Volume 16,

Number 5, October 1973.

Curcuru, 3dmond H. and James H. Healey. "The Multiple

Roles of the Manager," Business Horizons, August

1972, pp. 15-24.

Dowling, William F. "Managers or Animal Trainers: An

Interview with Frederick Herzberg," Management Review,

Volume 60, July 1971, pp. 2-1g.

22. CPL Tachange Bibliography #637

Drucker, Peter F. The Effective Executive. New York:Harper and Row, 1967.

. Managing for Results. flew York: Harperand Row, 1954.

3nri1and, George W. "Personal Value Systems of AmericanManagers," Academy of Management Volume 10,Number 1, March 1907.

Ewing, David. "Who Wants Corporate Democracy?" Harr.

Business Review, Volume 149, September-October 1971,pp. 12-26.

Farris, George F. and Francis G. Lim, Jr. "Effects ofPerformance on Leadership, Cohesiveness, Influence,Satisfaction and Subsequent Performance," Journalof Applied Psychology, Volume 53, June 1969, pp. 1490-497.

Fiedler, Fred. E. "How Do You Make Leaders More Effective?:New Answers to an Old Problem," OrD na.L.L...,Tics Volume 1, Autumn 1972, pp. 2-19.

Fitzgerald, Thomas H. "Why Motivation Theory Doesn'tWork," Harvard Business Review, Volume 149, July

Foss, Laurence. "Managerial Strategy for the Future:Theory Z Management," California Management Review,Volume 15, Spring 1973, pp. 68-81.

Fridl, James J. and Norris J. Clement. "The Relevanceof Motivational Concepts to Individual and CorporateObjectives," Personnel Journal, Volume 149, November1970, pp. 900-906.

Gantt, Henry Laurence. Industrial Leadership. New Haven:Yale University Press, 1970.

Gardner, John W. "The Antileadership Vaccine," 1965 AnnualReport of the Carnegie Corporation of New York.

Gazell, J. A. "Authority -- Flow Theory and the Impactof Chester Barnard," California Manavement ReviewVolume 13, Pell 1970, pp. &writ.

George, Norman and Thomas J. von der Embee. "SixPropositions of Managerial Leadership," BusinessHorizons, Volume 14, Humber 6, December 1971, pp. 33-43.


23. CPL Exchange Bibliography ;,#63?

Goznberg, "The Trouble Democratic Management,"Transaction, July-tugust 1966, pp. 30-35:

Goode, Cecil E. " Leadership Qualities," from "Significant

Research on Leadership," personnel, Volume 27, Number5, March 1951, pp. 3142-3149.

Griener, Larry E. "What Managers Think of ParticipativeLeadership," Harvard Business Review, Volume 51,March 1973, pp. 111-116.

Hampton, David R. "The Planning-Motivation Dilemmas,"Business Horizons, Volume 16, June 1973,. pp. 79-87.

Harlan, Mack. "Hake Way for the New Organizational Man,"Harvard Business Review Volume 49, July-August 1971,

128=1.31,4T---Herzberg, Frederick. "One More Time: How Do You Motivate

employees ?" Harvard Business Review, January-February1968.

Higgins, Richard B. "Managerial Behavior in UpwardlyOriented Organizations," Cal_ ifornia Management Review,Volume 14, Spring 1972, pp. 9- 9.

Hornaday, J. A. and J. Aboud. "Characteristics of SuccessfulEntrepreneurs," Personnel Ps cholo Volume 24,Number 2, Surraner.1971, pp. 1 3.

House, It. J. "Role Conflict and Multiple Authority inComplex Organizations," California Management Review,Voltune 12, Number it, 1970, pp. 53-60, HD28.C18.

Katz, Robert L. "Skills of an Effective Administrator,"Harvard Business Review, January-February 1955, PP. 33-42.

Kramer, H. 3. "The Process of Management," Management,International Review, Volume 13, Number 1, 1973.

Lawler, Edward E., III. "Job Design and Employee Motivation,"Personnel Psychology:, Volume 22, 1969, PP. 426-435.

Levinson, Harry. "Asinine Attitudes Toward Motivation,"Karvardusiness Review Volume 51, January-February1973,

Levey, R. P. "How to Keep Staff Morale and Motivationin High Gear," Personnel Journal, Volume 51, December1972, pp. 913-917.

24. CPL Exchange Bibliography 41637

Luecke, David L. "The Professional as Organizational Leader,"Administrative Science Quarter&, Volume 18, March

1973, pp. 86-914.

Lyon, Herbort L., John M. Ivanncevich and James H. Donnelly."A Motivational Profile of Management Scientists,"Operations Research, Volume 19, October 1971, pp.1282-1299.

McClelland, David C. "That Urge to Achieve," Thinkazine, Volume 32, Number 6, November-December

19 , pp. 19-23.

McGregor, Douglas Murray. "The Human Side of Enterprise,"The Management Review November 1957, pp. 22-28, 88-92.

ivioNurray, Robert N. "Power and the Ambitious Executive,"Harvard Business Review, November 1973.

Marcus, Philip M. and James S. House. "Exchange Between

Superiors and Subordinates in Large Organizations,"

Acirrri.n.i.stratterl Volume 18, Number

2, June 1973.

Maslow, A. J. Motivation and Personalit . New York:

Harper and Row, 19 .

. "A Theory of Human Motivation," Psycholofil. al

Review, Volume 50, 19143, pp. 370-396.

Milton, Charles R. and James M. Black. "Theory X, Theory

Y, or Something in Between," Personnel, May-June,pp. 60-65.

Orr, Warren G. "The Role of Leadership," S.A.M. AdvancedManagement nal Volume 38, October 1973, pp. 28-31.

Owens, J. "Uses of Leadership Theory," Michigan BusinessReview, Volume 25, January 1973, pp. 13-19.

Powell, Reed M. and John L. Schlacter. "ParticipativeManagement a Panacea?" Academy of Management Journal,Volume 14, 1971, pp. 165-173.

Propp, Kenneth A. "Promoting and Recognizing Creativity,"Personnel Journal, August 1972, pp. 596-598.

Roche, William J. and Neil L. MacKinnon. "Motivating People

with Meaningful Work," Harvard Business Review, Volume48, Summer 1970, pp. 97Z10.



25. CPL Exchange Bibliography j',4637

Roethlisberger, Fritz J. Management and Morale. Cambridge,

Massachusetts: Harvard University, 1947.

Sales, Stephan Ii. and Kenneth 2. Friend. "Success andFailure as Determinants of Authoritarianism,"Behalrioral Science Volume 18, May 1973, pp. 163-172.

Scott, William G. The Nana ement of Conflict. Homewood,Illinois: Richard D. Irwin, 19 .

3venson, Arthur L. "Moratorium on Motivations,' S.A.N.Astances111 ement Journal, Volume 36, April 1971,pp. 2e-31.

Swart, J. Carroll. "The Worth of Humanistic Management:Some Contemporary acamples 9 Business Horizons,Volume 16, June 1973, pp. 14-51.

Tannenbaum, Robert. "The Nature of Authority," from"Managerial Decision-Making," Journal of Business,Volume, 23, pp. 22-39.

et al.. Leadership .. ......nization. NewYork: McGraw-Hill, 19 61.

and Warren H. Schmidt. "How to Choose aLeadership Pattern," Harvard Business Review, Volume51, May-June 1973, pp. 162-180.

Taylor, Jack U. "What the Behaviorists Haven't Told. Us,"

Personnel Journal, October 1973.

Tosi, H. "A Re-examination of Personality as a Determinantof the Ef2ects of Participation," Personnel PsyVolume 23, Number 1, Spring 1970, pp. 91-99.

, Robert J. House, and Marvin D. Dunnette, eds.liana and Compensation. 3ast Lansing,Michigan: Michigan State University Business Studies,1972.

Truell, George F. "Ten Steps to Effective Supervision,"Su ervisory Volume 18, October 1973, pp. 29-34.

"Under Pressure." Industrial Bullet of the Arthur D.Little, Inc., Febi---.7uarFig


Waller, Robert J. "Job Satisfaction; The ThrowawaySociety," Business Horizzls, Volume 16, October 1973,pp. 61-62.

26. CPL ::11:change Bibliography 0637

Weiner, Jack B. "ghat Makes a 'Best-Managed' Company ?" DunsReview and Modern December 1963, pp. 140-42.

Wheatley, Bruce C. "Leadership and Amdety: Implicationsfor 'MnployertInployee Small Group Meetings," PersonnelJournal) Volume 51, Number 1, January 1972, pp. 17 -21.

Wilson, S. R. "Notivating Managers With Money: How toAssess and Reward Performance," Business Horizons,Volume 16, April 1973, pp. 37..43.

Zaleznik, Abraham. "Managerial Behavior and InterpersonalCompetence," Behavioral Science, Volume 9, Number 2,April 1964, pp. 158-166.

VII. Communication

(Including Management Information Systems and othersubtopics.)

Athanassaides, John C. "The Distortion of Upward Communicationin Hierarchical Organizations," Academy. of ManagementJournal, Volume 16, June 1973, pp. 207-226..

Boone, Louis 3. "Controlling Data with MIS," BusinessHorizons, December 1972, pp. 67-72.

13romage, M. C. "Management of Communications, "_A.M.Advanced Mane ement Journal Volume 38, April 1973,pp. 2- 6.

Davis, Keith. "Communication Within Management," personnel,Volume 31, Number 3, November 1954, pp. 212-217.

. "Grapevine Communications Among Lower andMiddle Managers," Personnel Journal, Volume 48, pp.


Freedlander, Frederick 0. "Maldng an MIS Work in RealLife," Industry Week, April 3, 1973.

Hall, Jay. "Communication Revisited, " C Para a ManagementReview, Volume 15, Number 3, Spring 1973, pp. 56-67.

Haney, William V. Communication_ and BehavioraniTast al...A0es, 3rd ed. Homewood, Illinois:Richard D. Irvin, Inc., 1973.

Herzberg, E. orinding Now Ways to Talk with Dnployees,

International Nana-ement Volume 28, April 1973, pp.



27. CPL anchange Bibliography #637

Hoslett, Schuyler Dean. "Barriers to Communication,"

Personnel, Volume 28, Number 2, September 1951, pp.


Hunsicker, Frank R. "How to Approach CommunicationDifficulties," Personnel Lournall___ Volume 51, Number

9, September 1972, pp. 680-6W

Irwin, H. Dorman. "Do You 'MIS' Understand?" Business

Horizons October 1972, pp. 55-64.

King, Valli am. "The Intelligent MIS -- A Management

Helper," Business Horizons, Volume 16, October 1973,

pp. 5-12.

liearlan, F. TI. "Problems in Planning the InformationSystem," Harvard Business Review, Volume 49, Number

2, Larch-April 1971, pp. 75-89.

McGregor, Georgette. ."Business Management Advice from

Management Consultants," Small Business Reporter,

Volume 11, Number 3, 1973, pp. 13-16.

Minter, Robert L. "To be an Effective Communicator Think

Negatively," Personnel. Journal Volume 49, pp. 1028-1030.

Manus, Burt. "Managing the Fifth Information Revolution,"

Business Horizons, April 1972, pp. 5-14.

Nichols, Ralph G. "Listening is Good Business," Management,

of Personnel Quarterly) Volume 1, Number 2, Winter

INTTpp. 2-9.

Nirenborg, J. S. "Communicating for Greater Profit,"

Personnel Journal, Volume 52, February 1973, pp. 116-120.

Powers, R. F. and G. W. Dickson. "HIS Project Management,"

California Manalement Review Volume 15, Spring

1973, pp. 147-1

Roethlisberger, F. J. "The Administrator's Skill:

Communication," Malliaabiz g 011 F. J.

noethlisberger. The Belknap Press of HarvardUniversity Press, 1968.

Schwitter, J. P. "Computer Effect on Managerial Jobs)"

toad of_Nana ement Journal, Volume 8, September

19 , pp. 233-23 .

Sultan, H. and L. W. Porter. "A Study of the Grapevine in

a Governmental Organization," Personnel Ps 6010 ,

Volume 21, Number 2, Summer 19o ) pp. 2 3- 30.

28. CPL exchange Bibliography #637

Zaffarano, Joan. "The 'I'm OK -- You're OK' Management

Approach," Administrative Managemnt, September 1973.

VIII. .9.$212,a9.1....a.lin

(Including: Managing Internal. Conflict, Coordination,Control Procedures, The Auditing Approach, HumanR)BourceUtilization, and other subtopics.)

Anthony, Edward L. "Effective Control for Better Management," .

M ana Jement Aids for Small Manufacturers Small BusinessAdministration, January 19 7, pp. 1

Lrgyris, Chris. "Human Problems with Budgets," Harvard,BusinessReview Volume 31, Number 1, January-

riiiii115-53;pp. 97-110.

Block, 311ery B. "Accomplishment/Cost: Better ProjectControl," Harvard Business Review, Volume 49, May-Juno 1971, pp. 110-1214.

Blum, Fred H. "Social Audit of the Enterprise," HarvardBusiness Review, Iiarch -April 1958, pp. 77-86.

Gribbin, James J. "Don't Solve Problems -- Prevent Them,",:siness Volume 59, October 1971, pp. 57-58.

Dalaba, O. G. "The Dual Responsibilities of ManagingHuman Resources," Business Horizons, Volume 15,December 1972, pp. 37-4.

Dearden, John and Richard L. Nolan. "How to Control theComputer Resource," Harvard Business Review, November-December 1973.

Drinkwater, David A. "Management Theory and the BudgetingProcess," ement Accountin Volume 54, June1973, pp. 1 -17.

Gold Bela and aalph M. Kraus. "Integrating Physical withFinancial Moasur.. for Managerial. Controls," Academy

Volume 7, Number 2, June 1964,pp. 109-127.

Greenwood, William T. Business Polio : A Mans ement AuditiszsLas12. Now York: Macmillan, 19 67.

Kohn, Robert L. "Role Conflict and Ambiguity in Organizations,"The Personal Administrator, Voluma 9, Spring 1964, PP. 8-13.


29. CPL Exchange Bibliography #637

Kelly, Joe. "Make Conflict Work for You," Harvard, BusinessReview, Volume 48, July 1970, pp. 103-113.

Khandwalla, Pradip N. "ffect of Competition on theStructure of Top Management Control," Acaderrw ofManagement nal Volume 16, June 1973, PP. 265-295.

King, William. "The Six Phases of Cost Reduction,"111121arless Horizons, Volume 16, August 1973, Pp. 37-47.

Kircher, Paul. "Fundamentals of Measurement," AdvancedManagement, October 1955, pp. 5-8.

Kootz, Harold. "How Can Appraisal of Managers Be MadeEffective," S.A.N. Advanced Mans ement Journal, Volume38, April 1973, pp. 11- 1.

Lewis, Robert "Measurement, Reporting, and AppraisingResults of Operations with Reference to Goals, Plans,and Budgets," Pl.iNEla gn g and Measuring theBusiness: A C se Stu of Nana ement Plannin and

Contrca at General Electric ompany. New York:Controllership Foundation, Inc.,. 1955, pp. 2941.

Likert, Rensis. "Measuring Organizational Performance,"Harvard Business Review, Spring 1958.

Lynch, Robert S. "Income Flow Analysis: A ManagementTool," erunlvisor, July-August 1973, pp. 35440.

Macleod, Roderick K. "Program Budgeting Works in NonprofitInstitutions," Harvard Business Review, Volume 49,September-October 1971, pp. 46-56.

McDonald, Alonzo. "Conflict at the Summit: A DeadlyGame," Harvard Business Review, March-April 1973,

PP. 59-

MoFarlan, F. Warren. "Management Audit of the EDPDepartment," IIarvard _Business Review, Volume 51, Number3, May 1973, .

McGregor, Douglas. "An Uneasy Look at PerformanceAppraisals," Ha....maBusiess Revicru May-June 1957.

',:phrain It. "How 'Lffective is Your Data ProcessingOrganization?" Cal. Nana ement Review Volume16, Number 1, Fall 1973.

illieasuring How Office Workers Work." Business ek

November 15, 1970, pp. 54-62.

30. CPL 2.,azchange Bibliography 37

"Measuring Management." Forbes Volume 111, Number 1,January 1, 1973,

Ilesiner, Dwayne. "Bettor 'oins for &Ater Systems,"Administrative liana ement, November 1973

Hills, A. 33. "Management Control and Integration at theConceptual Level," The Journal (xi' Rana ement StudiaA:

Volume 7, Number 3, October 1970, pp. 30 -37 .

Miner, J. B. "Bridging the Gulf in OrganizationalPerformance," Harvard Business Review, Volume 461Number 4, July -August3710.

Muskin, Selma J. "Evaluations: Use with Caution,"

Volume 1, 1973, pp. 31-35.

Patton, Arch. "Does Performance Appraisal Work?" BusinessHorasm, Volume 16, February 1973, pp. 83-93.

Rowe, Mary P. "When the inployer Faces Day Care Decisions:Cost Benefit Analysis and Other Decision Making Tools,"Sloan Plana ement Royal, Volume 4, Number 3, Spring

1973, pp. 1-11.

Seashore, Stanley E. "Criteria of Organizational

Effectiveness," Michi _less Review, July 1963,

pp. 26-30.

Sherwin, Douglas S. "The Meaning oi Control," Dune s

Review amnd Modern Industry) January 1956, p155-

Smith, Hendrick S. "Cost Control for Computers: ApplyingBread-and-Butter Principles," Buainess Horizons,

Volume 16, February 1973, pp. 73-63.

Tannenbaum, Arnold S. Control in Or anization. NewYork: McGraw-Hill7r9-6 .

Thompson, Paul H. end Gene W. Dalton. "Performance

Appraisal: Managers Beware," Harvard Business

Review, Volume 48 p January-February 1970, pp. 149-157.

Vancil, Tt. F. "Better Management of Corporate Development;with Charts," Harvd Business Reviet, Volume 50,3eptanber 1972, /)..1'5ar735Z2=

"What Kind. of Management Control Do You Need?"Harvard_ Business Review Volume 51, March-April 1973,PP. 7 -87.

BESTCOPY MAILABLE 31. CPL lxchange tibliography #637

Villors, naymond. "Control and Freedom in a Decentralized

Company," qarvard Business Review, Volume 32, Number

2, PP. 89-9

Aldo, Frazer and Richard F. Vancil. "PerformanceAudits r, J. Outside Directors," arvard Business

Review, July-August 1972.

IX. Secondary Management Functions

(IncludinA Staffing/ Management Recruiting, Selection,Development, Compensation and iippraisel and othersubtopics.)

Byham, Villtan C. "Assessment Centers for Spotting Future

Managers," Harvard Dusiness Review, Volume 3 48,July-August 1970, pp. 150-160.

Champagne, Jean. "Adapting Jobs to People: Experiments

at A].can," Monthly Labor Review, Volume 96, April

1973, pp. 49-51.

Eitzen, D. Stanley and Norman R. Yeteman. SanagerialChange, Longevity and Organizational Effectiveness,"Administrative Science Quarterly Volume 17, March1972, pp. 110-11

Flippo, Edwin L. Princiamolhumariel hanusealL 3rded. New York: MCGraw-Hill, 1971.

Ginsburg, Lee R. and Arnold Silverman. "The Leaders of

Tomorrow: Their Identification and Development,"Personnel Journal, Volume 51, Number 9, September1972, pp. 662-666.

iabbe, Stephen. "What About Executive Recruiters?"rianaement Record Volume 18, Number 2, February19 o, pp.

Klaw, Spencer. "Inside a T-Group," Think Magazine, Volume31, Number 6, November - December 190

Koontz, larold. "How Can Appraisal of Managers Be Made3ffectivel" S.A.N. Advanced Manamment JournalVolume 38, Ppril 1973, pp. 11-21.

. "'flaking Managerial. Appraisal Effective,"

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32. CPL xchange 13ibliography #637

Levin, James M. "Manager Development," A Psxcholopilcalt:oaf_ntive, Volume 52, February 1973, pp. 121-127.

Lundberg, Craig C. "Planning the twoutive DevelopmentProgram," Ca]if, rna Illanasene t Review, Volume 15,Number 1, Fall 1972, pp. 10-15.

Lutz, Carl F. "^ifficient Maintenance of the ClassificationPlan," Public Personnel I az'jaset...onenti July-August1973, pp. 232-2a7

McGregor, D. "An Uneasy Look at Performance Appraisal,"Harvard Business Review, Volume 35, Number. 3, 1957,PP. 89-94.

Patton, Arch. "Government's Revolvine, Door," BusinessIkels. September 22, 1973, pp. 12-13 .

Pigors, Paul and Charles A. Myers. Personnel Administration:J Point of View and Method, 7th ed. New York:McGraw-Hill, 1973.

and F. T. halm. Management ofHuman Resources: Readiness in Personnel Administration,3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1973.

Sampson, Robert C. "Train Mxecutives Mile They Work,"Harvard Business Review, Volume 31, Number 6, pp. 42-54.

Schein, 2dgar H. "Management Development as a Processof Influence," Industrial Mane ement Review, May1961, pp. 59-76.

Stark, Stanley. "INecutive Personality and PsychologicalTesting.," Current Economic Comment, May 1958, pp. 15-32.

Thorensen, Joseph D. and Cabot L. Jaffee. "A UniqueAssessment Center Application viith Some UnexpectedBy-Products," Human Resources Mena ement Volume12, Number 1, Spring 1973, pp. 3

Townsend, Robert. "How to Make Incentive CompensationWork," Modern Office Procedures, August 1973.

Wikstrom, Walter S. "Developing Managers: UnderlyingPrinciples," Management Ftecord, Volume 214, Number11, November 1962, pp. 14-1t.

Wilson, Sidney R. "The Incentive Approach to executiveDevelopment," Business Horizons, April 1972, pp. 15-24.



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(Including: The Use of Quantitative Methods in MakingDecision and other subtopics.)

Ackoff, Russell, and Patrick Rivett. Naneuide toOperations Research. New York: Wiley, 19 3.

Argyris, Chris. "Interpersonal farriers to DecisionMaking," Harvard Business Review, March-April 1966.

Bedfor3 Norton Ni. and Mohamed Onsi. "Measuring theValue of Information-An Information Theory Approach,"Management Services, January-February 1966, pp. 15-22.

Boas, Brian P. "A Sample of Statistics," Management,11.0.21221.9 June 19739 PP. 42-50.

Boulding, Kenneth 3. and W. Men Spiroy, eds. LinearFro rararri.n-1 the Theory Firm. New York:Macmillan, 19 0.

Conrath, David W. "From Statistical Decision Theory toPractice: Some Problems with the Transition,"Management Science, 19, April 1972, pp. 873-804.

Grayson, C. Jackson. ilianifigment Science and BusinessPractice," Harvare.LIAtzi,..n Review July-August1973, PP. 0787--

Hammond, John S., III. "Better Decisions With PreferenceTheory," Harvard JNA.Att.t ,Review Volume 45, November1967, pp. 123-141:.

Herrmann, Cyril C. and john F. Magee. "!OperationsResearch' for Management., &Lag(' Business .Review,Volume XXXI, Number 41 July-Augasts pp. 101117'

Hodge, Billy J. and Herbert J.Organizational BehtvioriNew York: John Viloy and

Johnson. hausement arid

AINI4dimensional Approach.Sono) Inc., 1970.

Maier, Borman R. F. "Assets and Liabilities in GroupProblem Solving: Tha Need for an Integrative Function,"Psycholo Revielz, Volume 74, 1967, pp. 239-249.

Mali, Paul. "The Management Climbs the Decision Tree,"Adoinistrient Societ Re ort, Volume 34)January 1973, pp. 3-o .

kareary, ,dward A. "How to Grow a Decision Tree," ThinkI =ia wine, March-April 1967, pp. 13-18.

34. CPL Exchange Bibliography g4637

Randall, Frederic D. "Stimulate Your 3xecutives to ThinkCreatively," Harvard Business Review Volume =III,Number 'Is July-August 1955;PIa.123...328.

Rowe, Alan J. "Compute; Si r.1.1..ationA Solution Techniquefor Management Problems," Proceedin s--Fall JointCompute Cr onference, Volume 27, Part 1, 19 , pp. 259-267.

Satia, J. K. and R. 3. Lave. "Markovian Decision Processeswith Probalistic Observation of States," Management,

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Simon, Herbert A. "Theories of Decision risking in Economicsand Behavioral Science," Review.XLIX, June 1959, pp. 253-280.

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Whiting, Charles S. "Operational Techniques' of CreativeThinkIngs" Advanced Management, October 1955; pp. 24-30.

Wilson, Charles Z. and Marcus Alexis. "Basic Frameworksfor Decisions," Journal of the Academ y of Managsmat,August 1962, pp.1:5M4.

XI. Selected Readings of Interestan s

Anderson, S. D. "Planning for Career Growth," PersonnelJournal, Volume 52, Nay 1973, pp. 357-362.

Bass, Bernard N., ed. Current Perspectives for ManagingOr al Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey:Prentice-Hall, 1970.

Benet, Mary Kathleen. "A View from 'The SecretarialGhetto' , " Administrative Mammal, November 1973.

Birnbaum, Norman. The Crisis of Industrial SocietNew York: Oxford University Press, 19 0.

Boddewyn, Jean. Com a., Nana ementGlenview, Illinois: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1969.

Carnes 3. Bryan. "Telecommunications: Its Impact onBusiness," Harvard Business Review, July-August 1972,pp. 125-132.

Costello, Timothy W. and Sheldon Zalking. Ps oty1212syllAdrainistratio: A Research Orientation. AtglowoodCliffs, Neu Jersey: Prentice-Hal, 19 63.

BEST COPY AVAILABLE 35. CPL Exchange Bibliography #637

Davis, Keith. Human Behavior at Work: Human Relations

and Organizational Behavior, th ed. New York:

licGraw-Hill,1972.Dean, Joel. Mena erianomics. Englewood Cliffs,

New Jorsay: Prentice-Hall, 1951.

Deci, Edward L., B. von Haller Gilmer and Harry W. KarnsReadings, in Industrial and Or anizationalbycholom.New York: McGraw-Hill, 1972.

Drucker, Peter F. Age ofand Row, 1968.

. Concept of the Corporation.and Row, 1964.

New York: Harper

Now York: Harper

. Thmew, . Now York: Harper and Row,

. "What Can We Learn From Japanese Management,"Harvardess Review. March-April 1971, pp. 110-122.

Duncan, Jack. "Fact and Value in Administrative Science,"The Southern Journal of Business, Volume 7, Number1, February 1973, pp. 1-10.

1314 :tichard and Clarence Walton. Conceptual Foundationsof Business. Homewood, Illinois: Richard D. Irwin,


Jstes, Robert N. "Outside Directors: More VulnerableThan Ever," Harvard Business Review, January-February1973, pp. 107-114.

Firmer, Richard N. "Organizational Transfer and Class

Structure," Aced of Mane ement Journal Volume9, Number 3, September 19'., pp. 20 1

Flippo, Edwin B. Management: A 2nded. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1970.

Follett, Mary Parker. Freedom and Coordination. London:

Pitman, 1949.

Gantt, Henry Laurance. iorld Profit, 2nd ed.

New York: McGraw-Hill, 1913.

Gardner) John W. "How to Prevent Organizational Dry Rot,"liwszaliazazie October 1965. Copyright 1965, by

pp1is Star Tribune Company, Inc.

36. CPL Exchange Bibliography 037

Gruber, W. H. and J. S. Niles. "Research and Mxperiencein Management," Business Horizons, XVI, Number 4,August 1973, pp. 15-24.

Ha lff, John G. Stu Guide and Case_ s to Accon an Koontzand O'Donnell; Princi lea ofILI s, th ed.New York: McGraw-Hill, 1972.

Hayes, Robert H. "Qualitative Insights from QuantitativeMethods," asizathsimssjimiol5 Volume 47, July1969, pp. 108,a17.

Haynes, W. Warren and Joseph L. Massie. Mazjagoinent:

tallaiRs20291124ELIE111, 2nd ed. 3nglempodCliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1961.

Hersey, Paul, et al. Mana oment of Or anizational Behavior.Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 19 9.

Hodge, Billy J. and Herbert J. Johnson. Management andOrganizational Behavior: A ITultidimensional Approach.New York: Jahn Viley and Sons, Inc.) 1970.

Jay, Antony. 14ana ement and Machiavelli. New York:Holt, Rinehart and Minato% 19 .

Leavitt, Harold J. /....-iallollt4anaelIctionto IllillidakagJaLjELAW011201Egaggaa,2nd ed. Chicago: The University of Chicago, Press, 1964.

and Louis R. Pondy, eds. Readings in Managerial,Psscholo . Chicago: The University of Chicago Press,19 .

Levinson, Harry. "On Being a Niddlo-Aged Manager,"Harvard Business Review, 47: July-August 1969, pp. 51-60.

Likert, Rensis. The Human Or anizadon: Its Man ementand Value. Now York: McGraw -Hill, 19 7.

Map) 31ton. Human Problems of an Industrial Civilizationand Social Problems of an Industrial Civilization.Harvard University. Boston: Graduate Sohool ofBusiness Administration, 1954) and 1945, respectively.

McGregor, Douglas. The Hum Side of Enterulea. NewYork: McGraw -Hill, 19 0.

McGuire) Joseph IL "Knowledge: The Basic BusinessCommodity," Business Horizons) Volume 12, June 1969,pp. 31-38.


Mead, Tiargaret,

New Yorlc:

37. CPL Exchange Bibliography #637

ed. Cultural Patterns and .aa1 Chan

Mentor Book, New American Library,1955 .

Merrill, Harwood. Classics inliana._.21nent. New York:American Management AssoCiatice, 1960.

Metcalf, Henry C. and L. Urwick. ariamic Administration:The Collected Papers of Ma ParlaLez_:Fol.lett.

Milliken, J. Gordon and Edward J. Morrison. "ManagementMethods from Aerospace," Harvard Business Review,Volume 51, March 1973, PP76=8.

Newman, William H. Administrative Act11. EnglewoodCliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1963.

Nowotny, Otto H. "American vs. European ManagementPhilosophy," Harvard Business Review, March-April1964, pp. 101-109.

Parkinson, Northcote C. Parkinson's Law and Other Studiesin Administration. Boston: Houghton MifflinCompany, 133"1:"

Pfiffner, John M. and Frank P. Sherwood. Administrative,Organization. Englewcod Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1960.

Reisman, David, et al.. The Lonely Crowd. New York:Doubleday, 1955.

Scholl, Erwin H. "Industrial Administration Through theEyes of an Investment Company," AppsaisinL itAssets--Policies Practices and Organi_ation,


Management Series No. 151. American ManagementAssociation, 1950, pp. 3-9.

Spriegel, William R. and Clark E. Myers, eds. The Writings,of the Gilbreths. Homewood, Illinois: Richard D.Irwin, 1953.

Surnmer, Charles E. and Jeremiah J. O'Connell. The Mena erg...L.ial,

Mind: ,Science andTMorirolic Decisionsrevised od. Homewood, Illinois: Richard D. Irwin,Inc., 1968.

Svenson, Arthur L. Mana:ement sei.d.wIce: Short Case.Englewood Cliffs, rJell, r:reaidC-11 6801,19

Townsend, ilobert. Up, tIvznization. New Yorks Knopf, 1970.

38. CPL itcchange Bibliography #637

Urwiok, Lynda 11 F., ed. The Golden Book of Nana ement.London: Neuman *Hearne, Ltd., 19 .

. The Pattern of Irma. Minneapolis:University of MinneSota Press, 1956.

Weber, Lax. The Organization.Translated by Henderson and. Parsons. New York:Glencoe Free Press, 1947.

....byte, William F. en at 1Tork. Homewood, Illinois:Richard D. Irwin, 1961.

14hyte, William Foote. "The Social Structure of theRestaurant," American Journal of Sociology, Volume54, 1949, Pp. 302-310.

Wiener, Norbert. The Human Use of Human Hein s. Boston:Houghton Mifflin, 195.

Wren, Daniel A. The Evolution of Went Thought.Hew York: The Ronald Press Company, 1972.

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