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María-Jesús Mancebón, Domingo P. Ximénez-de-Embún, Mauro Mediavilla, José-

María Gómez-Sancho

Document de treball de l’IEB 2015/40

Human Capital

Documents de Treball de l’IEB 2015/40



María-Jesús Mancebón, Domingo P. Ximénez-de-Embún,

Mauro Mediavilla, José-María Gómez-Sancho

The IEB research group in Human Capital aims at promoting research in the

Economics of Education. The main objective of this group is to foster research related

to the education and training of individuals and to promote the analysis of education

systems and policies from an economic perspective. Some topics are particularly

relevant: Evaluation of education and training policies; monetary and non-monetary

effects of education; analysis of the international assessments of the skills of the young

(PISA, PIRLS, TIMMS) and adult populations (PIAAC, IALS); education and equality,

considering the inclusion of the disabled in the education system; and lifelong learning.

This group puts special emphasis on applied research and on work that sheds light on

policy-design issues. Moreover, research focused in Spain is given special

consideration. Disseminating research findings to a broader audience is also an aim of

the group. This research group enjoys the support from the IEB-Foundation.

The Barcelona Institute of Economics (IEB) is a research centre at the University of

Barcelona (UB) which specializes in the field of applied economics. The IEB is a

foundation funded by the following institutions: Applus, Abertis, Ajuntament de

Barcelona, Diputació de Barcelona, Gas Natural, La Caixa and Universitat de


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Documents de Treball de l’IEB 2015/40



María-Jesús Mancebón, Domingo P. Ximénez-de-Embún,

Mauro Mediavilla, José-María Gómez-Sancho

ABSTRACT: One of the subjects that has focused the empirical work of many

educational economists has been the public funding of privately run schools. In this paper

we use a quasiexperimental approach in order to evaluate the effect of attending a Spanish

publicly subsidised private school on some of the educational skills promoted by Spanish

primary schools. Our results underline the existence of a certain advantage of the publicly

subsidised private school in some educational competencies, in particular those related to

the dominance of abilities in solving problems and questions related to scientific skills.

JEL Codes: I21, I29

Keywords: School choice, propensity score matching, hierarchical linear models,

unobservable variables bias, sciences and foreign language (English)

skills, primary schools

María-Jesús Mancebón

University of Zaragoza

Gran Vía 2

50005 Zaragoza, Spain

Domingo P. Ximénez-de-Embún

University of Zaragoza

Gran Vía 2

50005 Zaragoza, Spain

Mauro Mediavilla

University of Valencia & IEB

Avda Tarongers s/n

46022 Valencia, Spain


José-María Gómez-Sancho

University of Zaragoza

Gran Vía 2

50005 Zaragoza, Spain

* The authors are grateful for the financial support received from the Spanish Government, Ministry of

Economics and Competitiveness (Project EDU2013-42480- R). Mauro Mediavilla and Domingo Pérez-

Ximénez de Embún also acknowledge the support from Fundación Ramón Areces.

1. Introduction

Studies devoted to evaluating the impact of educational interventions have expanded notably

worldwide over the last two decades. There are two factors explaining this. On the one hand, the

availability of new, high quality, national and international data. On the other, the development

of innovative and sophisticated methods capable of confronting the principal methodological

problems facing this kind of studies. These factors have created new opportunities for

academics to conduct research that addresses policymakers’ concerns about the consequences of

actions directed at improving educational outcomes (Murname and Willet, 2011).

One of the subjects that has focused the empirical work of many educational economists has

been the public funding of privately run schools. The evaluation of the impact of this policy,

widely applied under different guises (vouchers, charter schools, publicly subsidised private

schools, busing), has been boosted in the last ten years by the potential that the innovative

techniques of causal inference have in the analysis of such a controversial question. These

methodologies, clustered under the rubric of Propensity Score Analysis (PSA) by Guo and

Fraser (2010), have proved themselves to be extremely useful in the analysis of causal effects in

non-experimental studies, that is to say in settings in which the values of all variables (including

those describing participation in different potential treatments) are observed rather than assigned

by an external agent (Shadish et al., 2002).

In this paper we use one of these techniques, propensity score matching (PSM), in order to

evaluate the effect of attending a publicly subsidised private school (hereinafter PrSPS) on some

of the educational skills promoted by Spanish primary schools. These PrSPS are privately

owned and managed but financed by the regional government. Research into this topic is

extremely important in Spain, where two models of school management (public and private)

coexist and compete for limited public resources. Although advocates of each of these models

usually invoke arguments of quality, efficiency or even social equality in order to defend their

preferred option, technical studies comparing the performance of public and privately run

schools are so far inconclusive (Toma and Zimmer, 2012). These contradictory results prevent

the identification of the optimal model of educational management (public versus private). Our

study makes a further contribution to this controversial issue.

The data used in this paper come from a national evaluation project established for the 2006

Spanish Education Act (LOE): the Evaluación de Diagnóstico (hereinafter ED), which contains

a wealth of information about the socioeconomic context of students and the scores they attain

in a standardized external test in the fourth grade. The study specifically concentrates on the

Spanish region of Aragon, arguing that the region’s funding, governance arrangements and

student populations make PrSPS and public schools (hereinafter PuS) more readily comparable


than in a larger area. Data were collected in 2010 and were provided by the Local Educational

Authority of the region of Aragon, which is responsible for the implementation of the ED in

their district.

Our methodological strategy is defined by the sequential application of two methods: propensity

score matching (PSM) and hierarchical linear models (HLM). The first of these will allow us to

circumscribe a reduced and homogeneous sample of students attending PrSPS and PuS. The

application of HLM to this reduced sample of students will allow us to be more accurate in the

estimation of the effect of the PrSPS on the educational skills evaluated in the ED. Additionally;

we also test the sensitivity of our estimates with respect to unobserved heterogeneity.

Our results underline the existence of a certain advantage of the publicly subsidised private

school (PrSPS) of Aragon compared to the public schools (PuS) in some educational

competencies, in particular those related to the dominance of abilities in solving problems and

questions related to scientific skills. In the case of competencies in Foreign Language (English),

the second competence evaluated in the 2010 edition of the ED, the study performed does not

permit the establishment of statistically significant relationships between school type and the

skills acquired by Aragonese pupils in that cognitive dimension.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. The next section briefly describes recent

research in this area. In section 3 we provide a description of the data used and the institutional

setting. Section 4 expounds the methodological strategy employed to identify the effect of

PrSPS on educational achievement. In section 5 we present the results of our estimations. The

paper concludes with a summary of our findings in section 6.

2. Background

The origin of research into the effect of school type (private or public) on educational

performance is usually attributed to the controversial work of Coleman, Hoffer and Kilgore

(1982). In this report, Coleman and his colleagues performed a multidimensional comparison of

North American public and private schools (Catholic and non-Catholic) from the data supplied

by the High School and Beyond project. Of all the questions dealt with in the report, those

which had greatest media and academic impact were those concerned the comparison of the

results obtained by pupils in public and private Catholic schools in standardised tests to evaluate

basic cognitive skills (reading, writing and mathematics). Their conclusions, favourable to

private schools (PrS, hereinafter), led to a prolific line of research which has lasted until today

and which has been directed at overcoming the methodological limitations attributed to the

work of Coleman and to testing his results in diverse educational contexts.


The principal deficiencies attributed to the above study were centred on the methodology used

to discern the effect of PrS upon the cognitive results of pupils: multiple regression analysis

(ordinary least squares, hereinafter OLS) with a set of carefully selected covariates representing

the parents’ socioeconomic status and other ‘background characteristics’2 of students. Coleman

et al. (1982) believed that controlling for important pre-existing differences between PuS and

PrS’ students and their families allowed them to overcome the selection bias that threatened

their estimations3. Subsequent methodological advances have made clear, however, that the

OLS estimate of the parameter () of the main predictor (school type), even when incorporating

a high number of covariates, will be a biased estimate of the population’s average treatment

effect (ATE). This is due to the infringement of one of the main assumptions of the OLS

method, namely that the residuals are completely unrelated to any predictors included in the

regression model.

On the basis of this fact, in recent decades there have emerged a considerable number of studies

which have attempted to correct this problem of heterogeneity employing diverse

methodological strategies (IV, matching techniques, differences in differences or child fixed

effects4). The results of the application of these strategies in order to evaluate the impact that

PrS have on student achievement are so far inconclusive. While a number of studies in various

settings find that PrS outperform traditional PuS (Bedi and Garg, 2000, Morgan, 2001, Anand,

Mizala and Repetto, 2009, Lefebvre et al., 2011, Kim, 2011, Crespo and Santin, 2014), other

research has found that student performance attending PrS is not statistically different from that

of students in PuS (McEwan, 2001, Bettinger, 2005, Jepsen, 2003, Betts et al., 2006, Witte et al,

2007, Mancebón and Muñíz, 2008, Chudgar and Quin, 2012). Finally, other studies have

concluded that PrS perform worse than PuS (Bifulco and Laad, 2006, Pfeffermann and

Landsman, 201, Mancebón et al. 2012).

In other cases, the effect encountered varies by subject (Altonji et al., 2008, Imberman, 2011,

Zimmer et al., 2012, Davies, 2013), by type of student (Gronberg and Jansen, 2001) or by

estimator (Davies, 2013). To these studies must be added those which have shown that the

effects of school type vary over time (Sass, 2006, Booker et al., 2007, Hanushek et al., 2007)

2 For a detailed study of the controversy created by the study by Coleman, Hoffer and Kilgore, see number 51(4) of

the Harvard Educational Review or number 55(2) of Sociology of Education.

3 This bias has its origin in the fact that attendance at a school, whether private or public, is not random but instead is

conditioned by characteristics of the family surroundings, which in turn are extremely important in the determination

of educational outputs (the family socioeconomic level, for example).

4 For a detailed review of the methodological developments and state-of-the art applications of methods to estimate

treatment effects when the main predictor is endogenous, see the special issue on estimation of treatment effects in

Empirical Economics (Fitzenberger et al., 2013).


and those which s fail to find a consistently positive (or negative) effect of religious schools on

overall area-wide educational performance (Allen and Vignoles, 2015).

To summarise, the empirical evidence makes clear that the type of influence exercised by the

ownership and management of the educational centre on academic results is an open question

which requires the performance of additional empirical analyses to those undertaken so far. As

Davies states (2013, p.880): “As debates over school choice become increasingly transnational,

we need studies from a variety of settings to build a stockpile of international knowledge about

school sectors and student achievement”. In this context, our study constitutes a contribution

aimed at shedding new light on an as yet unclosed debate.

3. Data and institutional background

One of the defining characteristics of the schooling system in Spain is its dual nature, consisting

of predominantly public sector provision but with a substantial private sector. The largest

segment of the latter are represented by PrSPS, that is to say schools publicly financed by

regional education authorities but privately owned and managed5. The distribution of students

enrolled in primary education among different school types in Spain in 2010 was as follows:

67.44% of students attended a PuS, 28.5% a PrSPS and 4.03% to completely private

independent schools (Spanish Ministry of Education, 2013). In this paper, we focus on

comparing the performance of PuS and PrSPS in order to evaluate the role of the management

model (public versus private) in the promotion of educational skills6.

Our empirical study employs census data for primary students in the fourth grade in the Spanish

region of Aragon in 2010. These data come from the Evaluación de Diagnóstico (ED), a

national evaluation of the educational skills of pupils established by the Spanish Education Act

(LOE) in 2006 and administered by regional authorities. The ED is involved in the evaluation of

several educational competencies that rotate every two years: Spanish; Maths; Science; Digital

Skills, Foreign Language, Social Interaction and Citizenship, Arts, Learning by Oneself and

Personal Autonomy. In 2010, the second year of the application of the ED, the competencies

evaluated were Science and Foreign Language (English). In addition to the assessment of

pupils’ skills, the ED includes data on a wide range of characteristics. These include basic

demographics (gender, age, immigration status, etc.) but also information on children’s

socioeconomic background (parents’ occupational status, parents’ years of schooling, household

possessions, etc.), data on the academic profile of students (if the child has repeated any

5 This occurs through the 1985 Right to Education Act (LODE). For a detailed description and historical evolution of

the Spanish non-higher education system, see Bernal, 2005.

6 Green et al. (2004) offer an explanation of the principal differences which exist between Spanish PuS and PrSPS.


academic year, if he or she needs help in doing homework, the daily time devoted to study ,

etc.) and data on parents’ involvement in education, on perceptions of students of themselves

and the class environment and satisfaction with the school. Table 1 includes the descriptive

statistics of all the variables drawn from the ED of 2010, grouped by school type (PuS and


Table 1 shows higher raw results for PrSPS students in the two evaluated educational skills in

2010 (Science and Foreign Language - English)7. But raw differences are insufficient to judge

the relative quality of PuS versus PrSPS because they do not take into account the differences

between students attending each type of school. This is due to the fact that school choice is not

exogenous but instead fruit of an individual/family decision, determined by diverse household

characteristics such as income and wealth, sociocultural profile etc. (Mancebón and Pérez-

Ximénez de Embún, 2014, Burgess and Briggs, 2010, Gallego and Hernando, 2010, Escardibul

and Villarroya, 2009 or Tamm, 2008, among others).

This is shown in Table 1, which demonstrates that PrSPS have a much more select student body

than PuS. This is true for variables such as parents’ occupational status, parents’ years of

schooling, household possessions, the immigration status of pupils, parents’ involvement in

education, students’ motivation and so on. The differences between PuS and PrSPS are all

statistically significant in all these dimensions, a result which mirrors the conclusions reached

by other studies which have analysed this topic in Spain with distinct databases. (Mancebón et

al., 2012; Calero and Escardibul, 2007; Doncel et al., 2012). In summary, Table 1 underlines

the need to apply in our study an estimation strategy which takes into account the differences

existing between pupils in PuS and PrSPS and permits the identification of the net effect on

school results attributable to school type.

[Insert table 1 around here]

4. Research strategy

When evaluating the impact of PrSPS on students’ educational outcomes it is important to take

into consideration certain restrictions of the methodological type which affect our study.

7 The average score of each competence for the total number of schools is 500 and the standard deviation 100, given

that as established by the General Report on Diagnostic Evaluation in Aragon 2010 “the evaluation of each

competence in Aragon as a whole is established at the level of the average scores transformed into a reference value

which has been fixed at 500, with a standard deviation of 100”. Here, the approach of the Spanish Diagnostic

Evaluation is similar to that of the evaluations of the PISA Project of the OECD. In Table 1 the average score differs

from 500 due to the elimination from the sample of private schools without public financing and of those situated in

municipalities in which there exists no choice between public and private schools.


Firstly, the data from ED 2010 have a hierarchical structure, due to the fact that the sample

selection of individuals occurs at two levels (students and schools). Thus, data are nested.

Consequently, some of the characteristics of students attending the same school are correlated,

violating the hypothesis of independence of the observations upon which traditional regression

models are based. The application of OLS to these data structures produces an underestimation

of the true standard errors, leading to spurious results (Hox, 1995).

Secondly, when assessing the impact of school type, it should be noted that in Spain the

distribution of students is not random but, as noted above, schools are chosen by families8.

Among other influences, family socioeconomic characteristics constitute one of the main

determinants of the selection pattern (Escardíbul and Villarroya, 2009; Mancebón and Pérez-

Ximénez de Embún, 2014). The “school type” predictor is therefore an endogenous variable.

This gives rise to correlations between this predictor and the residuals of the regressions,

creating biased parameter estimates. This is what Heckman (1979) defined as sample selection


The characteristics described immediately above are the basic factors conditioning the empirical

strategy employed here. This strategy takes material shape in a two-level analysis. Firstly, a

Propensity Score Matching (PSM) analysis was conducted, in order to define a homogenous

student subsample in terms of the observable characteristics which may simultaneously

influence the selection of school type and educational scores. In other words, the PSM analysis

allows for the creation of a subsample that is not affected by sample selection bias in

observables. In addition, our study also control for the impact of unobservable variables on

results. To do this, a sensitivity analysis is employed.

Secondly, a multilevel equation model (HLM) is estimated to allow for the hierarchical

structure of the data supplied by ED 2010. This model permits differentiation between those

influences acting on the student and those acting on the school. It is expected that this empirical

strategy will lead to more accurate estimations and reduced bias.

In the two following sections we synthetically explain the methodological bases of the two

techniques to be used in the empirical studies.

4.1. Propensity Score Matching

Selection bias is a methodological problem inherent to all the impact evaluations that use data

from administrative records (such as ED). This problem is related to the bias associated to the

pre-treatment differences between treated and non-treated individuals (Caliendo and Kopeinig,

8 LODE (1985): Organic Law 8/1985, 3 July, regulating Education. Official Spanish State Bulletin 159.


2008) and arises where the assignment of participants to evaluated treatment is not random. This

situation is widespread in educational research and is the main econometric problem

encountered when trying to measure the effect of privately run schools on the academic

performance of children (Lefebvre et al., 2011).

The search for research designs and analytic strategies to confront this problem had led to

innovative methods originated in the econometrics and statistical fields (for an extensive review

of these approaches, see Fitzenberger et al., 2013). One of the most popular methods to cope

with the possible occurrence of selection bias in observational studies is propensity score

matching (PSM) which is erected upon the Neyman-Rubin counterfactual conceptual

framework (Neyman, 1923, Rubin, 1974 and 1978).

As is well known, a counterfactual is a theoretical construction that refers to a potential

outcome, that is to say to what would have happened to a treated individual if (s)he had not

received treatment, ceteris paribus. From a theoretical point of view, the counterfactual renders

the process of causal inference trivial, because if the value of the counterfactual is established

for each person treated, the individual treatment effect (ITE) for this person can be easily

evaluated by comparing their real and potential outcomes. The average of these ITEs across all

participants in the evaluated treatment would allow the estimation of the average treatment

effect (ATT) for the individuals treated. Finally, the application of a statistical test, such as the t-

test, would permit evaluation of whether the ATT is extrapolated to the population from which

the participants have been sampled (Murname and Willett, 2011).

The fundamental evaluation problem from an empirical point of view arises because the

counterfactual is by nature non-observable. At this point the challenge is to find an analytical

strategy to proxy the counterfactuals. The contribution of Rosenbaum and Rubin (1983) to this

task is extremely valuable. In particular, these authors propose a semiparametric methodology,

known as Propensity Score Matching (hereinafter PSM), to deal with the possible occurrence of

selection bias (Caliendo and Kopeinig, 2008).

The purpose of PSM is to proxy a credible value of the counterfactual for each of the

individuals belonging to the treatment group (hereinafter TG). To accomplish this aim it is

necessary to take into account that the only information available regarding the performance

achieved without treatment is that corresponding to non-treated individuals (hereinafter control

group or CG). Given this consideration, the problem to overcome is to find a procedure that

allows the TG and CG to be balanced in all the characteristics relevant to the production of

outcomes. The principal advantage of the PSM resides in its capacity to perform matchings

between the individuals from the TG and CG when the number of covariates (X) is numerous.


The matchings proposed by Rosenbaum and Rubin (1983) are not performed upon the original

variables, but instead upon a single magnitude, the propensity score (ps, hereinafter), which

synthesizes all the information contained in the X control variables which simultaneously

influence participation in the treatment evaluated and in the outcomes under study. The ps is

calculated via a logistic regression model or a similar tool and represents the conditional

probability of participating in the evaluated intervention of each individual in the sample, given

their observable characteristics X, that is to say:

ps = P(W = 1 | X) (1)

This magnitude has a very special value in the correction of the selection bias, since the

matchings performed upon the base of the ps permit the delimitation of a subsample formed by

all the individuals from the TG and those from the CG which are similar in all the observable

characteristics that may affect the outcome evaluated. This avoids the differences between the

results from each group being contaminated by the differences in the observable characteristics

of the members of each group (unconfoundedness).

The key to PSM functioning lies in the creation of good matching, namely in finding the CG

individuals having a ps similar to that of the TG individuals. In other words, finding i

W=1one (some) j W=0 such that Pi(W=1) Pj(W=1). This requires that P(W=1 | X)< 1 and

P(W=1 | X)>0 X. The fulfilment of these two relationships ensures that the two groups (TG

and CG) contain similar individuals regarding observable characteristics (known as the common

support assumption). In formal terms, the challenge of this technique resides in finding i W

= 1 those j W = 0, such that psi psj, where W = 1 indicates participation in the treatment


The matching process may be conducted using different algorithms. Guo and Fraser (2010)

offer a detailed description of the topic. Several of these algorithms will be used in our

empirical work to test the sensitivity of our estimates to the algorithm employed.

Having selected the subsample of comparable individuals, the following step in the PSM is to

calculate the estimator of the average treatment effect for treated individuals (ATT or average

treatment effect for treated), which is then defined as:


where the match subindex indicates that the estimations refer to the subsample delimited via the

PSM, W is the indicator of the group of individuals compared (treatment group:W=1 and

control group W=0) and Y indicates the outcome of each group.

In this way an estimation is obtained of the effect of the intervention W upon the outcomes (Y),

liberated from the problem of selection bias in observables.


4.2. Hierarchical Linear Models

As just indicated, the application of the PSM permits availability of debugged estimations of the

ATT with regard to the observable variables (X) which distinguish the members of the TG and

the CG and which are potentially important in the determination of outcomes (Y).

However, the potential influences on the educational results include, usually, more variables

than those which simultaneously influence participation in a concrete educational intervention,

that is to say those considered in the construction of the ps. Given this situation, the calculation

of the net effect of an intervention, such as W, in the educational context requires the contrast of

the influence of those other factors (X) which are potentially important in the determination of

Y. For this it is fundamental to realize a post-matching analysis. This will provide greater

precision in the estimation of the effect of the treatment. Three types of influence deserve

attention: the characteristics of the schools at which individuals are educated, the attributes of

the students not incorporated into the calculation of the propensity score (those contemporary to

the receipt of the treatment) and the differences between the individuals from the TG and CG in

unobservable variables.

The testing of the importance of the first two characteristics (the characteristics of schools and

characteristics of the pupils not taken into account in the calculation of the propensity score) can

be performed via a regression model on the matched sample. In effect, insofar as the subsample

delimited via the PSM is not affected by the problem of selection bias in observables which

affected the original sample, the regression analysis is now pertinent when identifying the effect

of the intervention W upon the results.

With regard to the evaluation of the importance which the unobservable factors may have upon

the results obtained, the analysis requires from the performance a sensitivity analysis such as

that proposed by Altonji et al. (2008) and Rosenbaum, (2002). In section 5.1.3 we shall explain

and apply its approach. In what remains of the current section, the foundations of the regression

model to be applied in our study will be expounded. On this point, we should underline that our

selection of the ideal regression model to conduct our estimates was conditioned by peculiarities

of the ED data.

Of all the available regression models, the HLM adapt best to these peculiarities. Their main

advantage is that they permit differentiation between those influences acting at the student level

(first level of analysis) and those acting at the class and school level (second and third levels).


They are, therefore, models which are especially appropriate for working with data nested at

various levels, such as those supplied by almost all educational databases, including ED9.

These models permit the analysis of variables acting at different levels (individuals, classes and

schools, for example) and they allow the identification of the proportion of the total variance of

an outcome attributed to each of the specified levels. In analytical terms, the level 1 (student)

equation is determined as follows:

𝑌𝑖𝑗𝑘 = 𝜋0𝑗𝑘 + ∑ 𝜋𝑝𝑗𝑘𝑎𝑝𝑗𝑘𝑃𝑝=1 + 𝑒𝑖𝑗𝑘 𝑐𝑜𝑛 𝑒𝑖𝑗𝑘~𝑁(0, 𝜎2) (3)

where 𝑌𝑖𝑗𝑘 is the expected result from the individual i in the class j in the school k; 𝑎𝑝𝑗𝑘 is a

level 1 explanatory variable for the individual i in the class j in the school k, 𝜋𝑝𝑗𝑘 are the level 1

coefficients (p=0,1,…,P) and 𝑒𝑖𝑗𝑘 is the level 1 random effect which is assumed to follow a

normal distribution. At level 2 (classes), the 𝜋 coefficients are treated as variables to be

estimated, and thus we have:

𝜋𝑝𝑗𝑘 = 𝛽𝑝0𝑘 + ∑ 𝛽𝑝𝑞𝑘𝑋𝑞𝑗𝑘𝑄𝑝

𝑞=1 + 𝑟𝑝𝑗𝑘 (4)

where 𝛽𝑝𝑞𝑘 (q=0,1,…,Qp) are the level 2 coefficients, 𝑋𝑞𝑗𝑘 is a level 2 predictor and 𝑟𝑝𝑗𝑘 is a

random effect. It is assumed that for each unit j the vector (𝑟0𝑗𝑘 , 𝑟1𝑗𝑘, … , 𝑟𝑃𝑗𝑘)’ is distributed

according to a normal distribution in which each element has an average of zero and a

covariance matrix Τ𝜋 with a maximum dimension of (P+1)x(P+1). Each of the level 2

coefficients, 𝛽𝑝𝑞𝑘, are converted into the variables to be explained at level 3 (school):

𝛽𝑝𝑞𝑘 = 𝛾𝑝𝑞0 + ∑ 𝛾𝑝𝑞𝑠𝑊𝑠𝑘𝑆𝑝𝑞

𝑠=1 + 𝑢𝑝𝑞𝑘 (5)

where 𝛾𝑝𝑞𝑠 (s=0,1,…,Spq) are the level 3 coefficients, 𝑊𝑠𝑘 is a level 3 predictor and 𝑢𝑝𝑞𝑘 is a

level 3 random effect. It is assumed that the vector of random effects is distributed as a normal

distribution in which each element has a mean of zero and a covariance matrix Τ𝛽 with the

following maximum dimension: ∑ (𝑄𝑝 + 1)𝑝𝑝=0 × ∑ (𝑄𝑝 + 1).


5. Empirical results

This section presents the principal results obtained from the empirical analysis performed.

Firstly, the estimations obtained from the application of the PSM are commented upon. Next,

we expound the principal contributions to these estimations offered by the application of the


9 Bryk and Raudenbusch (1988) recommend the use of this type of general model when analysing the effects of

schools on educational outcomes. There exist multiple applications of this methodology to the educational context.

Among these are Willms (2006), Somers et al. (2004) and Mancebón et al. (2012), the last of these being applied to

Spanish data from PISA 2006.


5.1. PSM Results

5.1.1. Estimation of the Propensity Score Model

The strategy for estimating the PSM takes concrete shape, as explained in the previous section,

by finding a group of students from PrSPS which is comparable with the students who attend a

PuS in all those variables which can potentially condition the choice of school and the scores

obtained of good marks in the competences evaluated in the ED. The selection equation must

first be estimated, that is to say, the equation which permits the propensity score (ps) to be

predicted must be constructed and, secondly, the sample of pupils belonging to the TG and CG

in this indicator must be balanced. The estimation of the selection equation is of decisive

importance, since it affects both balance on propensity scores and the final estimate of the

treatment effect. A crucial point in the specification of this equation is that only the variables

which affect both school choice and academic performance must be included. In addition, only

those regressors which are potential predictors of educational outcomes and which occur prior

to the choice of school (or were stable between the time of the choice of school and the time of

the outcome assessment) should be included as explanatory variables (Caliendo and Kopeining,


Econometric literature offers various methods of estimation of the conditional probability of

receiving a treatment (in our case, of attending a PrSPS): logistic regression, probit model,

linear-probability function and discriminant analysis (Murname and Willett, 2011). In our study

we have opted to use a logistic regression model, and specifically a generalized boosted model

(GBM). The key feature and advantage of this model is that the analyst does not need to specify

functional forms of the predictor variables. In addition, GBM permits nonlinear and interaction

effects to be captured (McCaffrey, 2004). Finally, the data-adaptive algorithm on which this

method is grounded leads to estimations of the ps that balance the observable covariates of the

TG and CG10. For this reason GBM constitutes a highly suitable model to be used in the context

of the PSM (Chowa et al., 2013).

A very important issue that should not be overlooked in interpreting the results of a GBM is that

it does not provide estimated regression coefficients such as s. Instead it provides influence,

which is the percentage of log likelihood explained by each input variable11.

Bearing in mind these premises, the specification of the GBM which was applied in our study

included in the estimation those variables from the databases which, in the light of the previous

empirical evidence regarding the determinants of school choice and the determinants of school

10 This is due to the fact that the adjustment it supplies is that which minimizes the average standardized absolute

mean difference (ASAM) between the individuals from the TG and CG.

11 See Guo and Fraser (2010), page 144.


results, could simultaneously affect the choice of PrSPS and academic performance. That is to

say, when specifying the selection equation no consideration is taken of either the variables

which can potentially contribute to explaining the differences in the cognitive competences

evaluated in the diagnostic test, but which do not influence the choice of school (study habits,

for example), nor those which could be determinants of that choice but do not influence the

competences cited (the distance to the centre, for example).

Table 2 presents the results of the estimation of the selection equation12. It can be observed that

the variables which capture the greatest degree of influence in the probability of attending a

PrSPS are the years of study of the mother and father (16 and 21%, respectively), followed by

the variables which proxy the degree of possessions in the household (number of TVs, PCs,

video game consoles, MP4s, study room). The influence of the employment of the parents is

also important. The dummies which approximate the employment of the mother account for

5.7% and those of the father 10.6%. Although the R2 obtained is low, in these models the

percentage of correct predictions of the model estimated is more important; in our case this

reaches practically 70%, which the literature considers to be a fairly high degree of reliability.

The final part of the table shows various parameters used in the estimation of the GBM models.

Figures 1 and 2a show the distribution of the predictions of the propensity scores estimated for

the individuals from PuS and PrSPS. It can be clearly observed, in both the boxplot and the

distribution graph, that there is a very broad area of common support. In other words,

individuals in the TG have individuals in the CG with whom they can be compared, as their ps

scores are the same.

[Insert table 2 around here]

[Insert figures 1 and 2 around here]

5.1.2. Matching and resampling estimation

After estimating the ps the matching process is then undertaken. Various algorithms can be

found in the literature regarding the performance of this process: greedy matching, optimal

matching and fine balance (Guo and Fraser, 2010). The present study uses the first of these,

which may be applied via a range of variants (Smith and Tood, 2005). The two most commonly

used algorithms are nearest neighbour matching (hereinafter NNM), which allows for diverse

12 In the estimations those individuals with data missing from the variables have been eliminated, following a case-

wise deletion procedure.


variants, and methods based on kernel functions (hereinafter KM). The first of these matches

each individual from the TG with that from the CG having the most similar ps value. KM

constructs matches using all the individuals in the potential control sample in such a way that it

gathers more information from those who are closer matches and less from distant observations.

In so doing, KM uses comparatively more information than other matching algorithms (Guo and

Fraser, 2010, chapter 7). The present study applied these two algorithms, as well as several of

the options permitted by NNM (with and without replacement, with caliper and without caliper,

1 to 1, 1 to 2 and 1 to 3). The KM, in turn, was applied with different bandwidths. This was

done in an attempt to test the sensitivity of the matching to the different estimation methods.

The analysis led us to opt for the Epanechnikov kernel type KM with a bandwidth of 0.03, since

it best equates the individuals from the TG and the CG13. The sample was only reduced by 9

individuals from the CG who were not paired with any individual from the TG. The remaining

individuals from the CG were weighted on the basis of the number of times that they were

matched with individuals from the TG. These weights were required to be used in the

subsequent analyses.

Figure 2b displays the distribution of the ps in the original sample and in the matched

subsample. In the latter, it is observable that there is an almost perfect overlap in the distribution

for public schools and PrSPS. Figure 3 shows the matching used between students from PuS

and PrSPS14.

[Insert figure 3 around here]

Table 3 compares the scores in Science and Foreign Language (English) for the unmatched and

matched samples (ATT). It shows that in the two samples PrSPS have a positive and statistically

significant effect on both Sciences and Foreign Language (English) scores for students

evaluated in ED 2010.

[Insert table 3 around here]

13 Results supplied by the different matching estimation methods led to similar conclusions. They are not supplied

here but are available from the authors upon request.

14 The Annex presents other results obtained from the implementation of the PSM. In particular, Table A.1. shows the

differences in averages in the ps and the covariates for the complete sample and the paired sample, and similarly the

reduction in the bias achieved. Figure A.1. shows graphically the pre- and post-matching bias for each of the

variables. Figure A.2. depicts the distribution of the variables used in the PSM by type of school for the complete

sample (figures on the left) and the matched sample (figures on the right).


5.1.3. Sensitivity analysis: selection on unobservables

The matching method approach is based on the conditional independence (CIA), which states

that the researcher should observe all variables simultaneously influencing the participation

decision and outcome variables. If there unobserved variables, which simultaneously affect

assignment into treatment and the outcome variable, a “hidden bias” might arise to which

matching estimators are not robust. In this section a sensitivity analysis is undertaken in order to

evaluate to what extend are our results robust to a potential imbalance in the unobservable

factors across matching blocks of observations.

The idea is scrutinize the estimated management effects to see whether they are sensitive to

selection bias due to correlation between unobserved factors and a person treatment status.

Although we have many background variables, treatment effect in nonexperimental studies may

be contaminated with selection bias due to unobserved factors like motivation, ability,

preferences, etc. The purpose of sensitivity analysis is to ask whether inferences about the

management effects may be altered by factors not observed in the data (Aakvik, 2001; Hujer et

al., 2004; Caliendo et al., 2005; Altonji et al., 2008).

In order to estimate the extent to which such "selection on unobservables" may bias our

qualitative and quantitative inferences about the effects of the typology of the school, we

present the results from using Rosenbaum’s (2002) procedure for bounding the treatment effect

estimates in Table 4.

There we give the results of the p-value from Wilcoxon sign-rank tests for the averaged

treatment effect on the treated while setting the level of hidden bias to a certain value γ, which

reflects our assumption about unmeasured heterogeneity or endogeneity in treatment assignment

expressed in terms of the odds ratio of differential treatment assignment due to an unobserved

covariate15. At each γ we calculate a hypothetical significance level “p-value critical”, which

represents the bound on the significance level of the treatment effect in the case of endogenous

self-selection into treatment status.

Table 4 shows that robustness to hidden bias varies across the two variables. The finding of a

positive effect of private management on Science is the least robust to the possible presence of

selection bias. The critical level of γ at which we would have to question our conclusion of a

positive effect is between 1.12 and 1.15, i.e. is attained if an unobserved covariate caused the

odds ratio of treatment assignment to differ between treatment and control cases by a factor of

about 1.15. For Foreign Language model it would require a hidden bias of γ between 1.30 and

1.33 to render spurious the conclusion of a positive benefit effect on publicly subsidised private


15 For a mathematical demonstration, see DiPrete and Gangl (2004).


[Insert table 4 around here]

A critical value of 1.15 suggests that individuals with the same X-vector differ in their odds of

participation by a factor of 1.15 or 15%. It is important to note that these are worst-case

scenarios. Hence, a critical value of 1.15 does not mean that unobserved heterogeneity exists

and that there is no effect of treatment on the outcome variable. This result only states that the

confidence interval for the effect would include zero if an unobserved variable caused the odds

ratio of treatment assignment to differ between treatment and comparison groups by 1.15.

Additionally, this variable's effect on the outcome would have to be so strong that it almost

perfectly determines the outcome in each pair of matched cases in the data. However, even if

there is unobserved heterogeneity to a degree of 15% in the group of Science, inference about

the treatment effect would not be changed.

To repeat, the Rosenbaum bounds are in this sense a “worst-case” scenario. Nonetheless, they

convey important information about the level of uncertainty contained in matching estimators

by showing just how large the influence of a confounding variable must be to undermine the

conclusions of a matching analysis. As a conclusion, this analysis allows confirm that only a

large amount of unobserved heterogeneity would alter the inference about the estimated effects.

Even so, always is necessary has some caution when interpreting the results.

5.2. Postmatching analysis: HLM results

The analysis performed in the two previous sections has permitted the delimitation of a

subsample unaffected by the problem of selection bias which affected the initial sample. From

this, it has been possible to perform an initial estimation of the impact of attending a PrSPS

upon the educational achievements of pupils (Table 3). This estimation has taken into

consideration the educational results of the individuals belonging to the TG and CG, once the

effect of the covariates which jointly determine PrSPS attendance and children’s cognitive

development has been discounted. However, students’ cognitive skills are also influenced by

other variables which do not affect their participation in the treatment and which, as a result,

have not been included in the estimation of the ps. This is why a more precise estimation of the

effect than that offered by the comparison of the scores for the unmatched and matched samples

(ATT) would require a refined approach which took into account the variables which may

influence the evaluated skills but have not been included in the PSM. Consequently, a post-

matching analysis was undertaken, the results of which are shown below.


As previously explained, the regression model best fitting the data supplied by the ED 2010 is a

hierarchical lineal model (HLM). This type of model, as we said earlier, permits the

identification of the proportion of the total variance of the outcomes obtained by students which

may be attributed to the different estimation levels. In our case, level 1 is represented by the

student, level 2 is represented by the class and level three is represented by the school.

The appropriateness of applying an HLM is justified empirically by the intra-class correlation

(ICC) values of the null model of Science and Foreign Language (English) performance (the

two being the dependent variables of the regression). Tables 5 and 6 show, respectively, these

values for an HLM at two levels and three levels16.

As observed, in the model at three levels the ICC for the class level is 12.3% for Sciences and

4.0% for Foreign Language (English). For level 3 (school) these values are 18.9% and 32.9%

respectively. These results show that the class level explains a minimal percentage of the

variance of the results in Foreign Language (English), although this level does explain a higher

percentage of the results in Sciences. Consequently, it was decided to apply a two-level model

for achievement in a Foreign Language (English) and a three-level model for Sciences.

The models were estimated by imposing fixed effects on the parameters (with the exception of

the independent term), rejecting the null hypothesis that there existed statistically significant

random effects. The dependent variables in the regression are the marks achieved by fourth

grade pupils from Aragon in the ED tests for 2010 in Science and Foreign Language (English).

The predictors of the regression and the results of the HLM are listed in Table 7, grouped by

levels. The left-hand side of the table presents the results from the two-level model for Foreign

Language (English). The right-hand side offers the results for the three-level model, more

adequate for the estimation of the determinants of the outcomes in Science.

The predictor which has greatest interest in our study is attendance at a PrSPS. It can be

observed that this effect is positive and significant for Science, while for Foreign Language

(English) it is not statistically significant. The coefficient estimated in Science is 22 points,

which indicates that a pupil whose remaining characteristics are identical has a score in this

competence 22 points higher in a PrSPS than in a PuS.

With regard to the effects of the covariates included in the regression the following can be

observed. The size of the municipality in which the school is located and attendance at a school

in the city of Zaragoza (capital of the Autonomous Community of Aragon) have a significant

effect upon competence in English. The net effect of attendance at a school situated in the city

16 The intra-class correlation (ICC) is the proportion of the total variance explained by the differences between classes

(level 2) and between schools (level 3). If the ICC were zero, a hierarchical model would not be necessary, since in

this case the total variance of the scores would not be explained by the differences existing between students

attending different classes or schools.


of Zaragoza is +15.1617.This result may be explained by the greater effort which in recent years

has been made in bilingual programmes, which have been concentrated especially in the city of


The results also underline the non-existence of peer effects for fourth year primary pupils18.

Only the average years of study of mothers at school level show positive and significant effects

upon competence in English. The variables at pupil level show results common in the literature

regarding the determinants of educational performance. Girls obtain better results in the

competence of Foreign Language (English), while boys stand out in Sciences. The occupation

and level of education of the parents have the expected effect. Greater occupational and

educational level (in this case the relevant factor is the mother) mean better results at school in

both competences. In the case of the variable which approximates the effect of immigration

(residence in Spain of over 5 years) the effect is that expected in the scientific competences

(positive and significant), while it is not significant in competences in English. Another variable

which presents the expected effect is the number of books existing in the household: homes

which state they have over 100 books affect positively the acquisition of educational

competencies. To this result must be added a positive and statistically significant effect of

variable “use of books by the pupil”: pupils who state they frequently read books present better

academic results.

[Insert tables 5 and 6 around here]

Of the different items used in the ED to approximate family wealth only the number of

televisions in the home demonstrates a significant influence on results (negative influence).

The effect shown by the time of dedication to school tasks out of school negatively influences

performance. Children who declare they dedicate over two hours daily to these tasks display

worse results than those who dedicate less than two hours. Homework does not appear to

constitute a good strategy for stimulating the capacities of 10-year-old children. A possible

interpretation of this effect could be that children who dedicate more time to schoolwork outside

the classroom are those who have greater learning difficulties. An identical interpretation is

merited by the results which present the variables of “help with study” and “revision of tasks by

parents or private teachers”.

17 This value has been calculated as: (Population of Zaragoza

(Municipality size)+

(Zaragoza city). 18 These effects have been shown to be important for high school students. See, for instance, Schneeweis and Winter-

Ebmer (2007) or Schindler (2007), both of them using PISA data.


Attitude, approximated by the variable “I do the tasks”, shows a positive effect in both

competences but is not significant in English. The case of aptitude, approximated by the

variable “my homework is correct when we correct it in class”, displays in turn a positive effect

in the results.

Additionally, the regression incorporates information regarding three factors extracted from a

principal components analysis applied to the data concerning the school environment. These

data proceed from the answers supplied by the pupils evaluated. This analysis permitted us to

identify three factors that we term RELCEN, SELFCONF and PERCAMB.The first factor

contains information regarding the evaluation the child makes of his or her school (if the centre

has cultural and sports activities, if the pupil uses the school’s library, if the installations are

well cared for, etc.). Factor 2 synthesizes the information offered by variables related to the self-

perception of the pupils’ academic capacity (if pupils understand what they read, if they express

themselves well, if they write correctly, if they are good at languages, etc.). Factor 3, finally,

reflects the subjective perceptions of the school environment (if there is a good atmosphere in

the pupil’s class, if his/her classmates help each other, if the pupil has a good relationship with

his/her teachers, if the teachers stimulate their pupils, etc).

The results vary depending on the competence evaluated. While in Foreign Language (English)

factor 1 presents a positive and significant effect, in Sciences the effect is negative but not

significant. The other two factors influence in a statistically significant way the two

competencies: self-confidence (factor 2) positively, while the perception of the school

atmosphere (factor 3) does so negatively.

[Insert table 7 around here]

6. Conclusions

The analysis performed in this study has underlined the existence of a certain advantage of the

publicly subsidised private school (PrSPS) of Aragon compared to the public schools (PuS) in

some educational competencies, in particular those related to the dominance of abilities in

solving problems and questions related to scientific skills. Even having taken into consideration

the differences in the sociocultural background of the pupils attending the two types of school

(differences which favour the PrSPS) and even controlling the selection bias which potentially

could contaminate our results, attendance at a PrSPS favours the obtaining of better results in

scientific testing by Spanish pupils in the Autonomous Community of Aragon.


In the case of competencies in Foreign Language (English), the second competence evaluated in

the 2010 edition of the ED, the study performed does not permit the establishment of

statistically significant relationships between school type and the skills acquired by Aragonese

pupils in that cognitive dimension.

These results, which are shown to be relatively robust to bias arising from unobserved driving

school selection, simply evidence the difficulty of establishing a clear causal effect between the

school management model and academic achievements. In effect, we began our study by

underlining the lack of consensus existing in the literature on the differential quality of the PuS

and PrSPS, finding studies with contradictory conclusions. Our study is a new contribution to

this field; it has shown that in certain educational competencies (Sciences) PrSPS present

advantages, while in others (English) the contributions of this type of school are similar to those

of PuS. Our results, in line with those obtained by Zimmer et al. (2012) and Imberman (2011),

point towards a possible specialisation of primary schools in certain cognitive skills.


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Table A.1. Average differences based on school type for the variables in the pre- and post-

matching samples and bias reduction

Mean t-test

Variable Treated Control %bias %reduct |bias| t p>|t|

Propensity score Unmatched 0.47 0.40 60.8 24.87 0.00

Matched 0.47 0.47 0.9 98.5 0.32 0.75

JobMum1 Unmatched 0.37 0.24 29.7 12.15 0.00

Matched 0.37 0.37 0.7 97.6 0.26 0.80

JobMum2 Unmatched 0.39 0.42 -5.4 -2.20 0.03

Matched 0.39 0.40 -2.0 62.5 -0.77 0.44

JobMum3 Unmatched 0.03 0.04 -7.6 -3.06 0.00

Matched 0.03 0.03 -1.7 77.5 -0.71 0.48

JobMum4 Unmatched 0.21 0.30 -21.7 -8.74 0.00

Matched 0.21 0.20 2.3 89.6 0.93 0.36

JobDad1 Unmatched 0.49 0.31 36.7 14.98 0.00

Matched 0.49 0.50 -1.2 96.8 -0.44 0.66

JobDad2 Unmatched 0.23 0.26 -6.5 -2.61 0.01

Matched 0.23 0.24 -2.0 68.8 -0.77 0.44

JobDad3 Unmatched 0.23 0.35 -27.5 -11.07 0.00

Matched 0.23 0.21 3.4 87.8 1.38 0.17

JobDad4 Unmatched 0.05 0.07 -10.7 -4.29 0.00

Matched 0.05 0.05 -0.3 97.2 -0.13 0.90

YearsMum Unmatched 12.34 10.78 33.9 13.66 0.00

Matched 12.34 12.49 -3.2 90.7 -1.26 0.21

YearsDad Unmatched 12.34 10.78 33.5 13.53 0.00

Matched 12.34 12.47 -2.9 91.4 -1.13 0.26

ZonaGeo1 Unmatched 0.91 0.84 21.0 8.36 0.00

Matched 0.91 0.91 0.9 95.8 0.38 0.70

ZonaGeo2 Unmatched 0.00 0.01 -9.3 -3.65 0.00

Matched 0.00 0.00 1.0 89.4 0.60 0.55

ZonaGeo3 Unmatched 0.01 0.01 -1.0 -0.42 0.68

Matched 0.01 0.00 2.1 -101.6 0.89 0.37

ZonaGeo4 Unmatched 0.03 0.06 -12.8 -5.11 0.00

Matched 0.03 0.04 -2.5 80.9 -1.06 0.29

ZonaGeo5 Unmatched 0.04 0.06 -10.9 -4.36 0.00

Matched 0.04 0.04 0.2 97.8 0.10 0.92

ZonaGeo6 Unmatched 0.01 0.02 -8.1 -3.19 0.00

Matched 0.01 0.01 -0.7 91.8 -0.30 0.76

NumBooks Unmatched 0.60 0.50 18.7 7.56 0.00

Matched 0.60 0.61 -2.0 89.4 -0.76 0.45

Own bedroom Unmatched 0.96 0.94 8.1 3.23 0.00

Matched 0.96 0.96 -1.2 84.9 -0.51 0.61

Internet Unmatched 0.88 0.84 12.7 5.06 0.00

Matched 0.88 0.89 -3.4 73.4 -1.40 0.16

NumTVs Unmatched 2.15 2.08 9.8 3.96 0.00

Matched 2.15 2.15 0.8 92.1 0.30 0.77

NumPCs Unmatched 1.63 1.49 17.2 6.97 0.00

Matched 1.63 1.66 -4.1 76.2 -1.56 0.12

NumTvPag Unmatched 0.46 0.43 4.5 1.82 0.07

Matched 0.46 0.48 -3.4 24.1 -1.24 0.21

NumConso Unmatched 1.82 1.66 16.3 6.62 0.00

Matched 1.82 1.84 -1.9 88.6 -0.71 0.48

NumMP4 Unmatched 1.11 0.93 18.3 7.47 0.00

Matched 1.11 1.14 -3.0 83.4 -1.11 0.27

Abs(bias) Unmatched 17.7 617.20 0.00

Matched 1.9 31.47 0.09


Figure A1. Pre- and post-matching bias between PuS and PrSPS


Figure A.2. Distribution of the variables in the unmatched and matched samples

Mother’s education (years)

Full sample Matched sample


Figure A.2. Distribution of the variables in the unmatched and matched samples (cont.)

Father’s education (years)

Full sample Matched sample

Mother’s job

Full sample Matched sample

Father’s job

Full sample Matched sample


Figure A.2. Distribution of the variables in the unmatched and matched samples (cont.)

Number of books at home

Full sample Matched sample

Own bedroom to study

Full sample Matched sample

Number of TV sets at home

Full sample Matched sample


Figure A.2. Distribution of the variables in the unmatched and matched samples (cont.)

Number of PCs at home

Full sample Matched sample

Number of pay TVs at home

Full sample Matched sample


Table 1. Mean and test for equality of means and variances by type of school


Levene Test

for equality

of variances

Sig. T-test

for equality

of means


Code Description variable Total PuS PrSPS


Achievement in Sciences 512.37 501.97 526.27 0.00 0.00



Achievement in foreign language (English) 513.02 499.18 531.50 0.00 0.00

JobMum1 Mother white collar highly skilled 0.29 0.24 0.37 0.00 0.00

JobMum2 Mother white collar low skilled 0.41 0.42 0.39 0.00 0.03

JobMum3 Mother blue collar high skilled 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.00 0.00

JobMum4 Mother blue collar low skilled 0.26 0.30 0.21 0.00 0.00

JobDad1 Father white collar high skilled 0.39 0.31 0.49 0.00 0.00

JobDad2 Father white collar low skilled 0.25 0.26 0.23 0.00 0.01

JobDad3 Father blue collar high skilled 0.30 0.35 0.23 0.00 0.00

JobDad4 Father blue collar low skilled 0.06 0.07 0.05 0.00 0.00

EducationMum Education mother (years) 11.45 10.78 12.34 0.00 0.00

EducationDad Education father (years) 11.45 10.78 12.34 0.00 0.00

ZoneGeo1 Student born in Spain 0.87 0.84 0.91 0.00 0.00

ZoneGeo2 Student born in Africa 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00

ZoneGeo3 Student born in Asia 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.40 0.68

ZoneGeo4 Student born in Europe 0.05 0.06 0.03 0.00 0.00

ZoneGeo5 Student born in Latin America 0.05 0.06 0.04 0.00 0.00

ZoneGeo6 Student born in an Arab country 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.00

More5years More than 5 years living in Spain 0.94 0.93 0.95 0.00 0.00

Gender Gender (female=1, male=0) 0.49 0.49 0.48 0.27 0.58

Repeater Student has repeated one or more academic

years (repeater=1, non-repeater =0)

0.08 0.09 0.06 0.00 0.00

NumBooks More than 100 books at home 0.54 0.50 0.60 0.00 0.00

UseBooks Student uses books frequently 0.72 0.70 0.75 0.00 0.00

Room Student has own room to study 0.95 0.94 0.96 0.00 0.00

Internet Internet at home 0.86 0.84 0.88 0.00 0.00

NumTVs Number of TVs at home 2.11 2.08 2.15 0.01 0.00

NumPCs Number of computers at home 1.55 1.49 1.63 0.11 0.00

NumTvPay Number of pay TVs at home 0.44 0.43 0.46 0.00 0.07

NumVideoGames Number of video games at home 1.73 1.66 1.82 0.16 0.00

NumMP4 Number of MP$ at home 1.01 0.93 1.11 0.00 0.00

StudTim0 Less than 2 hours study every day 0.37 0.37 0.35 0.00 0.13

StudTim1 2 hours study every day 0.16 0.15 0.17 0.00 0.05

StudTim2 More than 2 hours study every day 0.48 0.48 0.48 1.00 1.00

Needhelp Student needs help in homework 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.28 0.59

RevPar0 Parents do not check either diary or homework 0.21 0.23 0.19 0.00 0.00

RevPar1 Parents check diary but not homework 0.10 0.07 0.13 0.00 0.00

RevPar2 Parents check homework but not diary 0.16 0.20 0.12 0.00 0.00

RevPar3 Parents check both diary and homework 0.53 0.50 0.57 0.00 0.00

RevTeacher Private tutoring 0.09 0.08 0.09 0.15 0.47

Attitude Student always finishes homework 0.93 0.92 0.94 0.00 0.01

Aptitude Student answers homework correctly 0.85 0.84 0.87 0.00 0.00

N 6724 3845 2879

Source: Authors’ calculations, from ED 2010 (Aragon Local Education Authority).


Table 2: Results of the GBM (Dependent variable P (W=1)

Variable Influence

JobMum2 1.76

JobMum3 1.23

JobMum4 2.73

JobDad2 2.84

JobDad3 6.76

JobDad4 1.01

EducationMum 16.02

EducationDad 21.08

ZoneGeo1 0.98

ZoneGeo2 0.76

ZoneGeo3 2.08

ZoneGeo4 2.07

ZoneGeo5 0.57

NumBooks 1.91

Room 5.99

NumTVs 6.57

NumPCs 4.51

NumTvPay 3.58

NumVideoGames 9.36

NumMP4 8.20

Best num iterations 16453.00

Train R2 0.084

Test R2 0.045

% correct prediction 68.4%

Train fraction 0.5

Bag 0.5

Shrinkage factor 0.0005

Distribution Logistic

Max num interactions 4

Max num iterations 20000

Seed 0

Table 3. Two-group t-test

Variable Sample Treated Controls Difference S.E. T-stat


Unmatched 526.27 501.97 24.30 2.43 9.99

ATT 526.27 519.15 7.11 2.72 2.62




Unmatched 531.50 499.18 32.32 2.40 13.49

ATT 531.50 518.97 12.53 2.68 4.68


Table 4 – Rosenbaum Bounds for Management Benefit Treatment Effects

Variable γ* P_value critical

Sciences 1 9.7e-07

(N=2879 matched pairs) 1.03 .000023

1.06 .000329

1.09 .002888

1.12 .016511

1.15 .064211

1.18 .177506

1.21 .365214

1.24 .587657

Foreign Language (English) 1 2.8e-15

(N = 2879 matched pairs) 1.03 5.1e-13

1.06 5.1e-11

1.09 3.0e-09

1.12 1.0e-07

1.15 2.3e-06

1.18 .000033

1.21 .00032

1.24 .002172

1.27 .010623

1.30 .038508

1.33 .10649

* gamma: log odds of differential assignment due to unobserved factors

Table 5. HLM regression: random effects (3-levels)

Science Foreign language










Schools 1805.91 1639.54 3128.13 2061.81

Classes 1169.27 949.38 379.75 439.40

Students 6554.70 4528.35 5993.29 4010.39

Total 9529.88 7117.27 9501.16 6511.61

ICC(school) 18.9% 32.9%

ICC(class) 12.3% 4.0%

% of total variance explained by

variables 25.3% 31.5%

% of level 1 (students) variance

explained by variables 30.9% 33.1%

% of level 2 (classes) variance

explained by variables 18.8% -15.7%

% of level 3 (schools) variance

explained by variables 9.2% 34.1%


Table 6. HLM regression: random effects (2 levels)

Science English









Schools 2661.88 2393.96 3373.56 2172.77

Students 7470.67 5354.93 6466.98 4466.59

Total 10132.55 7748.90 9840.55 6639.36

ICC (schools) 26.3% 34.3%

% of total variance explained by

variables 23.5% 32.5%

% of level 1 (students) variance

explained by variables 28.3% 30.9%

% of level 2 (schools) variance

explained by variables 10.1% 35.6%


Table 7. Estimation of fixed effects with robust standard errors in the HLM

Two-level model

Foreign Language (English)

Three-level model


School variables (Level 2) School variables (Level 3)

Variable Coefficient Variable Coefficient

Intercept 976.69***


Intercept 517.63***


SCHTYPE (publicly subsidised private primary




SCHTYPE (publicly subsidised private primary school)



TERUEL province(1)

Ref: Huesca province



TERUEL province(1)

Ref: Huesca province



ZARAGOZA province(1)

Ref: Huesca province



ZARAGOZA province(1)

Ref: Huesca province



Municipality size

(number inhabitants)



Municipality size

(number inhabitants)



ZARAGOZA city -813.51***


ZARAGOZA city -41.17


Class variables (Level 2)


(Percentage girls at school)




(Percentage girls in class)




(Percentage repeaters at school)




(Percentage repeaters in class)




(Percentage of pupils living over 5

years in Spain at school at school)




(Percentage of pupils living over than 5 years in

Spain at school in class)




(Percentage of students whose mother

is White Collar High Skilled at school)




(Percentage of students whose mother is white

collar highly skilled in class)




(Percentage of students whose mother

is white collar low skilled at school)




(Percentage of students whose mother is white

collar low skilled at class)




(Percentage of students whose mother

is blue collar highly skilled at school)




(Percentage of students whose mother is blue

collar highly skilled in class)




(Average number of years of mothers

education at school)




(Average number of years of mothers’

education ins class)



Student variables (Level 1) Student variables (Level 1)


( Female =1)




( Female =1)




(If student has repeated any year = 1)




(If student has repeated any year = 1)




(Student’s mother is white collar highly





(Student’s mother is white collar highly skilled)




(Student’s mother is white collar low





(Student’s mother is white collar low skilled)




(Student’s mother is blue collar highly





(Student’s mother is blue collar highly skilled)




Table 7. Estimation of fixed effects with robust standard errors in the HLM (cont)

Two-level model

Foreign Language (English)

Three-level model


Student variables (Level 1) Student variables (Level 1)

Variable Coefficient Variable Coefficient


(Pupil’s father is white collar highly





(Pupil’s father is white collar highly skilled)




(Student’s father is white collar low





(Student’s father is white collar low skilled)




(Student’s father is blue collar highly





(Student’s father is blue collar highly skilled)




(Mother’s years of education)




(Mother’s years of education)




(Over 5 years living in Spain)




(Over 5 years living in Spain)




(Over 100 books at home)




(Over 100 books at home)




(Uses books frequently)




(Uses books frequently)




(Number of TVs at home)




(Number of TVs at home)




(2 hours of homework every day)




(2 hours studying every day)




(Over 2 hours studying every day)




(Over 2 hours studying every day)




(Student needs help in homework)




(Student needs help in homework)




(Parents check diary but not homework)




(Parents check diary but not homework)




(Parents check homework but not diary)




(Parents check homework but not diary)




(Parents check both homework and diary)




(Parents check both homework and diary)




(Private tutoring)




(Private tutoring)




(Student always finishes homework)




(Student always finishes homework)




(Student answers homework correctly)




(Student answer homework correctly)




(Factor 1)




(Factor 1)




(Factor 2)




(Factor 2)




(Factor 3)




(Factor 3)



(1) This variable proxies the location of the school in the region of Aragon. This region consists of three provinces: Zaragoza,

Teruel and Huesca (this last being the category of reference)


Figure 1. Boxplot ps scores

Figure 2. Propensity score distribution by school type

a. Full sample b. Matched sample


Figure 3. Propensity score matching blocks


Documents de Treball de l’IEB


2011/1, Oppedisano, V; Turati, G.: "What are the causes of educational inequalities and of their evolution over time

in Europe? Evidence from PISA"

2011/2, Dahlberg, M; Edmark, K; Lundqvist, H.: "Ethnic diversity and preferences for redistribution"

2011/3, Canova, L.; Vaglio, A.: "Why do educated mothers matter? A model of parental help”

2011/4, Delgado, F.J.; Lago-Peñas, S.; Mayor, M.: “On the determinants of local tax rates: new evidence from


2011/5, Piolatto, A.; Schuett, F.: “A model of music piracy with popularity-dependent copying costs”

2011/6, Duch, N.; García-Estévez, J.; Parellada, M.: “Universities and regional economic growth in Spanish


2011/7, Duch, N.; García-Estévez, J.: “Do universities affect firms’ location decisions? Evidence from Spain”

2011/8, Dahlberg, M.; Mörk, E.: “Is there an election cycle in public employment? Separating time effects from

election year effects”

2011/9, Costas-Pérez, E.; Solé-Ollé, A.; Sorribas-Navarro, P.: “Corruption scandals, press reporting, and

accountability. Evidence from Spanish mayors”

2011/10, Choi, A.; Calero, J.; Escardíbul, J.O.: “Hell to touch the sky? Private tutoring and academic achievement

in Korea”

2011/11, Mira Godinho, M.; Cartaxo, R.: “University patenting, licensing and technology transfer: how

organizational context and available resources determine performance”

2011/12, Duch-Brown, N.; García-Quevedo, J.; Montolio, D.: “The link between public support and private R&D

effort: What is the optimal subsidy?”

2011/13, Breuillé, M.L.; Duran-Vigneron, P.; Samson, A.L.: “To assemble to resemble? A study of tax disparities

among French municipalities”

2011/14, McCann, P.; Ortega-Argilés, R.: “Smart specialisation, regional growth and applications to EU cohesion


2011/15, Montolio, D.; Trillas, F.: “Regulatory federalism and industrial policy in broadband telecommunications”

2011/16, Pelegrín, A.; Bolancé, C.: “Offshoring and company characteristics: some evidence from the analysis of

Spanish firm data”

2011/17, Lin, C.: “Give me your wired and your highly skilled: measuring the impact of immigration policy on

employers and shareholders”

2011/18, Bianchini, L.; Revelli, F.: “Green polities: urban environmental performance and government popularity”

2011/19, López Real, J.: “Family reunification or point-based immigration system? The case of the U.S. and


2011/20, Bogliacino, F.; Piva, M.; Vivarelli, M.: “The impact of R&D on employment in Europe: a firm-level


2011/21, Tonello, M.: “Mechanisms of peer interactions between native and non-native students: rejection or


2011/22, García-Quevedo, J.; Mas-Verdú, F.; Montolio, D.: “What type of innovative firms acquire knowledge

intensive services and from which suppliers?”

2011/23, Banal-Estañol, A.; Macho-Stadler, I.; Pérez-Castrillo, D.: “Research output from university-industry

collaborative projects”

2011/24, Ligthart, J.E.; Van Oudheusden, P.: “In government we trust: the role of fiscal decentralization”

2011/25, Mongrain, S.; Wilson, J.D.: “Tax competition with heterogeneous capital mobility”

2011/26, Caruso, R.; Costa, J.; Ricciuti, R.: “The probability of military rule in Africa, 1970-2007”

2011/27, Solé-Ollé, A.; Viladecans-Marsal, E.: “Local spending and the housing boom”

2011/28, Simón, H.; Ramos, R.; Sanromá, E.: “Occupational mobility of immigrants in a low skilled economy. The

Spanish case”

2011/29, Piolatto, A.; Trotin, G.: “Optimal tax enforcement under prospect theory”

2011/30, Montolio, D; Piolatto, A.: “Financing public education when altruistic agents have retirement concerns”

2011/31, García-Quevedo, J.; Pellegrino, G.; Vivarelli, M.: “The determinants of YICs’ R&D activity”

2011/32, Goodspeed, T.J.: “Corruption, accountability, and decentralization: theory and evidence from Mexico”

2011/33, Pedraja, F.; Cordero, J.M.: “Analysis of alternative proposals to reform the Spanish intergovernmental

transfer system for municipalities”

2011/34, Jofre-Monseny, J.; Sorribas-Navarro, P.; Vázquez-Grenno, J.: “Welfare spending and ethnic

heterogeneity: evidence from a massive immigration wave”

2011/35, Lyytikäinen, T.: “Tax competition among local governments: evidence from a property tax reform in


2011/36, Brülhart, M.; Schmidheiny, K.: “Estimating the Rivalness of State-Level Inward FDI”

2011/37, García-Pérez, J.I.; Hidalgo-Hidalgo, M.; Robles-Zurita, J.A.: “Does grade retention affect achievement?

Some evidence from Pisa”

2011/38, Boffa, f.; Panzar. J.: “Bottleneck co-ownership as a regulatory alternative”

Documents de Treball de l’IEB

2011/39, González-Val, R.; Olmo, J.: “Growth in a cross-section of cities: location, increasing returns or random


2011/40, Anesi, V.; De Donder, P.: “Voting under the threat of secession: accommodation vs. repression”

2011/41, Di Pietro, G.; Mora, T.: “The effect of the l’Aquila earthquake on labour market outcomes”

2011/42, Brueckner, J.K.; Neumark, D.: “Beaches, sunshine, and public-sector pay: theory and evidence on

amenities and rent extraction by government workers”

2011/43, Cortés, D.: “Decentralization of government and contracting with the private sector”

2011/44, Turati, G.; Montolio, D.; Piacenza, M.: “Fiscal decentralisation, private school funding, and students’

achievements. A tale from two Roman catholic countries”


2012/1, Montolio, D.; Trujillo, E.: "What drives investment in telecommunications? The role of regulation, firms’

internationalization and market knowledge"

2012/2, Giesen, K.; Suedekum, J.: "The size distribution across all “cities”: a unifying approach"

2012/3, Foremny, D.; Riedel, N.: "Business taxes and the electoral cycle"

2012/4, García-Estévez, J.; Duch-Brown, N.: "Student graduation: to what extent does university expenditure


2012/5, Durán-Cabré, J.M.; Esteller-Moré, A.; Salvadori, L.: "Empirical evidence on horizontal competition in

tax enforcement"

2012/6, Pickering, A.C.; Rockey, J.: "Ideology and the growth of US state government"

2012/7, Vergolini, L.; Zanini, N.: "How does aid matter? The effect of financial aid on university enrolment


2012/8, Backus, P.: "Gibrat’s law and legacy for non-profit organisations: a non-parametric analysis"

2012/9, Jofre-Monseny, J.; Marín-López, R.; Viladecans-Marsal, E.: "What underlies localization and

urbanization economies? Evidence from the location of new firms"

2012/10, Mantovani, A.; Vandekerckhove, J.: "The strategic interplay between bundling and merging in

complementary markets"

2012/11, Garcia-López, M.A.: "Urban spatial structure, suburbanization and transportation in Barcelona"

2012/12, Revelli, F.: "Business taxation and economic performance in hierarchical government structures"

2012/13, Arqué-Castells, P.; Mohnen, P.: "Sunk costs, extensive R&D subsidies and permanent inducement


2012/14, Boffa, F.; Piolatto, A.; Ponzetto, G.: "Centralization and accountability: theory and evidence from the

Clean Air Act"

2012/15, Cheshire, P.C.; Hilber, C.A.L.; Kaplanis, I.: "Land use regulation and productivity – land matters:

evidence from a UK supermarket chain"

2012/16, Choi, A.; Calero, J.: "The contribution of the disabled to the attainment of the Europe 2020 strategy

headline targets"

2012/17, Silva, J.I.; Vázquez-Grenno, J.: "The ins and outs of unemployment in a two-tier labor market"

2012/18, González-Val, R.; Lanaspa, L.; Sanz, F.: "New evidence on Gibrat’s law for cities"

2012/19, Vázquez-Grenno, J.: "Job search methods in times of crisis: native and immigrant strategies in Spain"

2012/20, Lessmann, C.: "Regional inequality and decentralization – an empirical analysis"

2012/21, Nuevo-Chiquero, A.: "Trends in shotgun marriages: the pill, the will or the cost?"

2012/22, Piil Damm, A.: "Neighborhood quality and labor market outcomes: evidence from quasi-random

neighborhood assignment of immigrants"

2012/23, Ploeckl, F.: "Space, settlements, towns: the influence of geography and market access on settlement

distribution and urbanization"

2012/24, Algan, Y.; Hémet, C.; Laitin, D.: "Diversity and local public goods: a natural experiment with exogenous

residential allocation"

2012/25, Martinez, D.; Sjögren, T.: "Vertical externalities with lump-sum taxes: how much difference does

unemployment make?"

2012/26, Cubel, M.; Sanchez-Pages, S.: "The effect of within-group inequality in a conflict against a unitary threat"

2012/27, Andini, M.; De Blasio, G.; Duranton, G.; Strange, W.C.: "Marshallian labor market pooling: evidence

from Italy"

2012/28, Solé-Ollé, A.; Viladecans-Marsal, E.: "Do political parties matter for local land use policies?"

2012/29, Buonanno, P.; Durante, R.; Prarolo, G.; Vanin, P.: "Poor institutions, rich mines: resource curse and the

origins of the Sicilian mafia"

2012/30, Anghel, B.; Cabrales, A.; Carro, J.M.: "Evaluating a bilingual education program in Spain: the impact

beyond foreign language learning"

2012/31, Curto-Grau, M.; Solé-Ollé, A.; Sorribas-Navarro, P.: "Partisan targeting of inter-governmental transfers

& state interference in local elections: evidence from Spain"

Documents de Treball de l’IEB

2012/32, Kappeler, A.; Solé-Ollé, A.; Stephan, A.; Välilä, T.: "Does fiscal decentralization foster regional

investment in productive infrastructure?"

2012/33, Rizzo, L.; Zanardi, A.: "Single vs double ballot and party coalitions: the impact on fiscal policy. Evidence

from Italy"

2012/34, Ramachandran, R.: "Language use in education and primary schooling attainment: evidence from a

natural experiment in Ethiopia"

2012/35, Rothstein, J.: "Teacher quality policy when supply matters"

2012/36, Ahlfeldt, G.M.: "The hidden dimensions of urbanity"

2012/37, Mora, T.; Gil, J.; Sicras-Mainar, A.: "The influence of BMI, obesity and overweight on medical costs: a

panel data approach"

2012/38, Pelegrín, A.; García-Quevedo, J.: "Which firms are involved in foreign vertical integration?"

2012/39, Agasisti, T.; Longobardi, S.: "Inequality in education: can Italian disadvantaged students close the gap? A

focus on resilience in the Italian school system"


2013/1, Sánchez-Vidal, M.; González-Val, R.; Viladecans-Marsal, E.: "Sequential city growth in the US: does age


2013/2, Hortas Rico, M.: "Sprawl, blight and the role of urban containment policies. Evidence from US cities"

2013/3, Lampón, J.F.; Cabanelas-Lorenzo, P-; Lago-Peñas, S.: "Why firms relocate their production overseas?

The answer lies inside: corporate, logistic and technological determinants"

2013/4, Montolio, D.; Planells, S.: "Does tourism boost criminal activity? Evidence from a top touristic country"

2013/5, Garcia-López, M.A.; Holl, A.; Viladecans-Marsal, E.: "Suburbanization and highways: when the Romans,

the Bourbons and the first cars still shape Spanish cities"

2013/6, Bosch, N.; Espasa, M.; Montolio, D.: "Should large Spanish municipalities be financially compensated?

Costs and benefits of being a capital/central municipality"

2013/7, Escardíbul, J.O.; Mora, T.: "Teacher gender and student performance in mathematics. Evidence from


2013/8, Arqué-Castells, P.; Viladecans-Marsal, E.: "Banking towards development: evidence from the Spanish

banking expansion plan"

2013/9, Asensio, J.; Gómez-Lobo, A.; Matas, A.: "How effective are policies to reduce gasoline consumption?

Evaluating a quasi-natural experiment in Spain"

2013/10, Jofre-Monseny, J.: "The effects of unemployment benefits on migration in lagging regions"

2013/11, Segarra, A.; García-Quevedo, J.; Teruel, M.: "Financial constraints and the failure of innovation


2013/12, Jerrim, J.; Choi, A.: "The mathematics skills of school children: How does England compare to the high

performing East Asian jurisdictions?"

2013/13, González-Val, R.; Tirado-Fabregat, D.A.; Viladecans-Marsal, E.: "Market potential and city growth:

Spain 1860-1960"

2013/14, Lundqvist, H.: "Is it worth it? On the returns to holding political office"

2013/15, Ahlfeldt, G.M.; Maennig, W.: "Homevoters vs. leasevoters: a spatial analysis of airport effects"

2013/16, Lampón, J.F.; Lago-Peñas, S.: "Factors behind international relocation and changes in production

geography in the European automobile components industry"

2013/17, Guío, J.M.; Choi, A.: "Evolution of the school failure risk during the 2000 decade in Spain: analysis of

Pisa results with a two-level logistic mode"

2013/18, Dahlby, B.; Rodden, J.: "A political economy model of the vertical fiscal gap and vertical fiscal

imbalances in a federation"

2013/19, Acacia, F.; Cubel, M.: "Strategic voting and happiness"

2013/20, Hellerstein, J.K.; Kutzbach, M.J.; Neumark, D.: "Do labor market networks have an important spatial


2013/21, Pellegrino, G.; Savona, M.: "Is money all? Financing versus knowledge and demand constraints to


2013/22, Lin, J.: "Regional resilience"

2013/23, Costa-Campi, M.T.; Duch-Brown, N.; García-Quevedo, J.: "R&D drivers and obstacles to innovation in

the energy industry"

2013/24, Huisman, R.; Stradnic, V.; Westgaard, S.: "Renewable energy and electricity prices: indirect empirical

evidence from hydro power"

2013/25, Dargaud, E.; Mantovani, A.; Reggiani, C.: "The fight against cartels: a transatlantic perspective"

2013/26, Lambertini, L.; Mantovani, A.: "Feedback equilibria in a dynamic renewable resource oligopoly: pre-

emption, voracity and exhaustion"

Documents de Treball de l’IEB

2013/27, Feld, L.P.; Kalb, A.; Moessinger, M.D.; Osterloh, S.: "Sovereign bond market reactions to fiscal rules

and no-bailout clauses – the Swiss experience"

2013/28, Hilber, C.A.L.; Vermeulen, W.: "The impact of supply constraints on house prices in England"

2013/29, Revelli, F.: "Tax limits and local democracy"

2013/30, Wang, R.; Wang, W.: "Dress-up contest: a dark side of fiscal decentralization"

2013/31, Dargaud, E.; Mantovani, A.; Reggiani, C.: "The fight against cartels: a transatlantic perspective"

2013/32, Saarimaa, T.; Tukiainen, J.: "Local representation and strategic voting: evidence from electoral boundary


2013/33, Agasisti, T.; Murtinu, S.: "Are we wasting public money? No! The effects of grants on Italian university

students’ performances"

2013/34, Flacher, D.; Harari-Kermadec, H.; Moulin, L.: "Financing higher education: a contributory scheme"

2013/35, Carozzi, F.; Repetto, L.: "Sending the pork home: birth town bias in transfers to Italian municipalities"

2013/36, Coad, A.; Frankish, J.S.; Roberts, R.G.; Storey, D.J.: "New venture survival and growth: Does the fog


2013/37, Giulietti, M.; Grossi, L.; Waterson, M.: "Revenues from storage in a competitive electricity market:

Empirical evidence from Great Britain"


2014/1, Montolio, D.; Planells-Struse, S.: "When police patrols matter. The effect of police proximity on citizens’

crime risk perception"

2014/2, Garcia-López, M.A.; Solé-Ollé, A.; Viladecans-Marsal, E.: "Do land use policies follow road


2014/3, Piolatto, A.; Rablen, M.D.: "Prospect theory and tax evasion: a reconsideration of the Yitzhaki puzzle"

2014/4, Cuberes, D.; González-Val, R.: "The effect of the Spanish Reconquest on Iberian Cities"

2014/5, Durán-Cabré, J.M.; Esteller-Moré, E.: "Tax professionals' view of the Spanish tax system: efficiency,

equity and tax planning"

2014/6, Cubel, M.; Sanchez-Pages, S.: "Difference-form group contests"

2014/7, Del Rey, E.; Racionero, M.: "Choosing the type of income-contingent loan: risk-sharing versus risk-


2014/8, Torregrosa Hetland, S.: "A fiscal revolution? Progressivity in the Spanish tax system, 1960-1990"

2014/9, Piolatto, A.: "Itemised deductions: a device to reduce tax evasion"

2014/10, Costa, M.T.; García-Quevedo, J.; Segarra, A.: "Energy efficiency determinants: an empirical analysis of

Spanish innovative firms"

2014/11, García-Quevedo, J.; Pellegrino, G.; Savona, M.: "Reviving demand-pull perspectives: the effect of

demand uncertainty and stagnancy on R&D strategy"

2014/12, Calero, J.; Escardíbul, J.O.: "Barriers to non-formal professional training in Spain in periods of economic

growth and crisis. An analysis with special attention to the effect of the previous human capital of workers"

2014/13, Cubel, M.; Sanchez-Pages, S.: "Gender differences and stereotypes in the beauty"

2014/14, Piolatto, A.; Schuett, F.: "Media competition and electoral politics"

2014/15, Montolio, D.; Trillas, F.; Trujillo-Baute, E.: "Regulatory environment and firm performance in EU

telecommunications services"

2014/16, Lopez-Rodriguez, J.; Martinez, D.: "Beyond the R&D effects on innovation: the contribution of non-

R&D activities to TFP growth in the EU"

2014/17, González-Val, R.: "Cross-sectional growth in US cities from 1990 to 2000"

2014/18, Vona, F.; Nicolli, F.: "Energy market liberalization and renewable energy policies in OECD countries"

2014/19, Curto-Grau, M.: "Voters’ responsiveness to public employment policies"

2014/20, Duro, J.A.; Teixidó-Figueras, J.; Padilla, E.: "The causal factors of international inequality in co2

emissions per capita: a regression-based inequality decomposition analysis"

2014/21, Fleten, S.E.; Huisman, R.; Kilic, M.; Pennings, E.; Westgaard, S.: "Electricity futures prices: time

varying sensitivity to fundamentals"

2014/22, Afcha, S.; García-Quevedo, J,: "The impact of R&D subsidies on R&D employment composition"

2014/23, Mir-Artigues, P.; del Río, P.: "Combining tariffs, investment subsidies and soft loans in a renewable

electricity deployment policy"

2014/24, Romero-Jordán, D.; del Río, P.; Peñasco, C.: "Household electricity demand in Spanish regions. Public

policy implications"

2014/25, Salinas, P.: "The effect of decentralization on educational outcomes: real autonomy matters!"

2014/26, Solé-Ollé, A.; Sorribas-Navarro, P.: "Does corruption erode trust in government? Evidence from a recent

surge of local scandals in Spain"

2014/27, Costas-Pérez, E.: "Political corruption and voter turnout: mobilization or disaffection?"

Documents de Treball de l’IEB

2014/28, Cubel, M.; Nuevo-Chiquero, A.; Sanchez-Pages, S.; Vidal-Fernandez, M.: "Do personality traits affect

productivity? Evidence from the LAB"

2014/29, Teresa Costa, M.T.; Trujillo-Baute, E.: "Retail price effects of feed-in tariff regulation"

2014/30, Kilic, M.; Trujillo-Baute, E.: "The stabilizing effect of hydro reservoir levels on intraday power prices

under wind forecast errors"

2014/31, Costa-Campi, M.T.; Duch-Brown, N.: "The diffusion of patented oil and gas technology with

environmental uses: a forward patent citation analysis"

2014/32, Ramos, R.; Sanromá, E.; Simón, H.: "Public-private sector wage differentials by type of contract:

evidence from Spain"

2014/33, Backus, P.; Esteller-Moré, A.: "Is income redistribution a form of insurance, a public good or both?"

2014/34, Huisman, R.; Trujillo-Baute, E.: "Costs of power supply flexibility: the indirect impact of a Spanish

policy change"

2014/35, Jerrim, J.; Choi, A.; Simancas Rodríguez, R.: "Two-sample two-stage least squares (TSTSLS) estimates

of earnings mobility: how consistent are they?"

2014/36, Mantovani, A.; Tarola, O.; Vergari, C.: "Hedonic quality, social norms, and environmental campaigns"

2014/37, Ferraresi, M.; Galmarini, U.; Rizzo, L.: "Local infrastructures and externalities: Does the size matter?"

2014/38, Ferraresi, M.; Rizzo, L.; Zanardi, A.: "Policy outcomes of single and double-ballot elections"


2015/1, Foremny, D.; Freier, R.; Moessinger, M-D.; Yeter, M.: "Overlapping political budget cycles in the

legislative and the executive"

2015/2, Colombo, L.; Galmarini, U.: "Optimality and distortionary lobbying: regulating tobacco consumption"

2015/3, Pellegrino, G.: "Barriers to innovation: Can firm age help lower them?"

2015/4, Hémet, C.: "Diversity and employment prospects: neighbors matter!"

2015/5, Cubel, M.; Sanchez-Pages, S.: "An axiomatization of difference-form contest success functions"

2015/6, Choi, A.; Jerrim, J.: "The use (and misuse) of Pisa in guiding policy reform: the case of Spain"

2015/7, Durán-Cabré, J.M.; Esteller-Moré, A.; Salvadori, L.: "Empirical evidence on tax cooperation between

sub-central administrations"

2015/8, Batalla-Bejerano, J.; Trujillo-Baute, E.: "Analysing the sensitivity of electricity system operational costs

to deviations in supply and demand"

2015/9, Salvadori, L.: "Does tax enforcement counteract the negative effects of terrorism? A case study of the

Basque Country"

2015/10, Montolio, D.; Planells-Struse, S.: "How time shapes crime: the temporal impacts of football matches on


2015/11, Piolatto, A.: "Online booking and information: competition and welfare consequences of review


2015/12, Boffa, F.; Pingali, V.; Sala, F.: "Strategic investment in merchant transmission: the impact of capacity

utilization rules"

2015/13, Slemrod, J.: "Tax administration and tax systems"

2015/14, Arqué-Castells, P.; Cartaxo, R.M.; García-Quevedo, J.; Mira Godinho, M.: "How inventor royalty

shares affect patenting and income in Portugal and Spain"

2015/15, Montolio, D.; Planells-Struse, S.: "Measuring the negative externalities of a private leisure activity:

hooligans and pickpockets around the stadium"

2015/16, Batalla-Bejerano, J.; Costa-Campi, M.T.; Trujillo-Baute, E.: "Unexpected consequences of

liberalisation: metering, losses, load profiles and cost settlement in Spain’s electricity system"

2015/17, Batalla-Bejerano, J.; Trujillo-Baute, E.: "Impacts of intermittent renewable generation on electricity

system costs"

2015/18, Costa-Campi, M.T.; Paniagua, J.; Trujillo-Baute, E.: "Are energy market integrations a green light for


2015/19, Jofre-Monseny, J.; Sánchez-Vidal, M.; Viladecans-Marsal, E.: "Big plant closures and agglomeration


2015/20, Garcia-López, M.A.; Hémet, C.; Viladecans-Marsal, E.: "How does transportation shape

intrametropolitan growth? An answer from the regional express rail"

2015/21, Esteller-Moré, A.; Galmarini, U.; Rizzo, L.: "Fiscal equalization under political pressures"

2015/22, Escardíbul, J.O.; Afcha, S.: "Determinants of doctorate holders’ job satisfaction. An analysis by

employment sector and type of satisfaction in Spain"

2015/23, Aidt, T.; Asatryan, Z.; Badalyan, L.; Heinemann, F.: "Vote buying or (political) business (cycles) as


2015/24, Albæk, K.: "A test of the ‘lose it or use it’ hypothesis in labour markets around the world"

2015/25, Angelucci, C.; Russo, A.: "Petty corruption and citizen feedback"

Documents de Treball de l’IEB

2015/26, Moriconi, S.; Picard, P.M.; Zanaj, S.: "Commodity taxation and regulatory competition"

2015/27, Brekke, K.R.; Garcia Pires, A.J.; Schindler, D.; Schjelderup, G.: "Capital taxation and imperfect

competition: ACE vs. CBIT"

2015/28, Redonda, A.: "Market structure, the functional form of demand and the sensitivity of the vertical reaction


2015/29, Ramos, R.; Sanromá, E.; Simón, H.: "An analysis of wage differentials between full-and part-time

workers in Spain"

2015/30, Garcia-López, M.A.; Pasidis, I.; Viladecans-Marsal, E.: "Express delivery to the suburbs the effects of

transportation in Europe’s heterogeneous cities"

2015/31, Torregrosa, S.: "Bypassing progressive taxation: fraud and base erosion in the Spanish income tax (1970-


2015/32, Choi, H.; Choi, A.: "When one door closes: the impact of the hagwon curfew on the consumption of

private tutoring in the republic of Korea"

2015/33, Escardíbul, J.O.; Helmy, N.: "Decentralisation and school autonomy impact on the quality of education:

the case of two MENA countries"

2015/34, González-Val, R.; Marcén, M.: "Divorce and the business cycle: a cross-country analysis"

2015/35, Calero, J.; Choi, A.: "The distribution of skills among the European adult population and unemployment: a

comparative approach"

2015/36, Mediavilla, M.; Zancajo, A.: "Is there real freedom of school choice? An analysis from Chile"

2015/37, Daniele, G.: "Strike one to educate one hundred: organized crime, political selection and politicians’


2015/38, González-Val, R.; Marcén, M.: "Regional unemployment, marriage, and divorce"

2015/39, Foremny, D.; Jofre-Monseny, J.; Solé-Ollé, A.: "‘Hold that ghost’: using notches to identify manipulation

of population-based grants"

Human Capital