Post on 19-Nov-2021

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OPERATION Cured by LydiaE.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound

Galena, Kans. — “A year ago last March 1 fell, and a few days after there was soreness in my right side. jn a short time a bunch came and it bothered me so much at night I could

not sleep. It kept crowing: larger and by fall it was as large as a ben's egg. I could not go to bed without a hot water bottle applied to that side. I had one of the best doc- tors in Kansas and bo told my husband that I would have to be operated on as it was something like

a tumor caused by a rupture. I wrote to you for advice and you told me not to pet discouraped but to take Lydia E. l’inkham's Vegetable Comp;mud. J did take it and soon the lump in my Fide broke and passed away.” —Mrs. K. Ii. Ill uy, 713 Mineral Avo., Galena, .Kans.

Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- pound, made from roots and herbs, Las proved to bo the most successful remedy for curing the worst forms of female ills, including displacements, inllarnmation, fibroid tumors, irregu- larities, periodic pains, backache, bear- ing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges- tion, and nervous prostration. It costs but a trifle to try it. and the result has la eii worth millions to many Suffering women.

If yon want special advice wrifo forit to.Mrs.'*i:ik?jam.L\ an.Muss. It is free and always helpful.

The Army of Constipation Is Growing Smaller Every 7>ny. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS arc

rrspori?.bIe— they n

only givo relief— they permanently^ cure Constipa- tion. MJ^ lion.* use

them (or Bilious-


&. Bc«, ladigcition, Sick Headache, Sallow Skin.


A Reprimand. Mrs. Brown was on her way to

prayer meeting, and as she passed the 'ones home she saw Bobby sitting on

the porch. Aren't you afraid out here alone,

Bobby'.’" "I'm not alone,” was Bobby’s an-


"Who is with you?” asked Mrs. Brow n.

"Now, Mrs. Brown,” said Bobby im- pressively, "If you was a good woman,

vou would know who was with me.”

Explaining the Soul. The following dialogue took place

between two very small boys on their way home from Sunday school:

Willie Where is my soul? Bobby It isn’t any place; it's Just

air Willie How can it go to heaven

when it's just air? Bobby -Why, your body goes, too. W 11 lie Bones and all? Bobby Yes, everything but your


His Last. l’oet's Y.'ife—My husband read this

poem at a public celebration before the. and.-; of peopb-. Vos' it was the he * t-i '-n: he vrr wu ut• •.

I* > lo r | sc. Hid th< iyn- !i hirr or sin <u him?—Leslie's Weekly.

V/here !t We s. V "t you « ryi:;g abou’?" 'll tiii'O'ived a ntone c.n' hit me

lunch "

'Lid he knock it-.-ut of : our hands?" "It wasn’t in rite hand, it was in me


Connor! and New Strength

Await the person who discovers that a long train of coffee ails can

be thrown otf by using

in place of Coffee The comfort and strength come

from a rebuilding of new nerve

cells by the food elements in the roasted wheat used iu making Dostum. *

And the relief from coffee ails come from the absence of iiijitt/tt ~~the natural drug in coffee.

fen days trial will show an;, one—

“There’s a Reason” I of


WRECK AT HILLIARD engineer killed and three

other traJnmen injured

B v

Pjcsenger Trains Met Head-On—The :

Crews Saw Impending Danger and Jumped.

P<’1> ar B'uff, Mo. Engineer Bar Deu of St. Louis w ;ls kil.. d. hi., other trainmen serious]* iujttred and 21 passengers and several oth, trainmen slight!* hurt in a head-on collision i*n the Iron Mountain a

Hll.iard, Mo., seven miles no h <,•

'Poplar Bluff. The wreek .,.,1 to he due to a misunderstanding of ardors. No. S. noithhound, had th right of way. and No. i>:i, south bound, was to take the siding a Hilliaid, but, tor some unknown i <•.,

son. failed to take the -witch. I he dead: Engineer "Ki t *

Bart net t of St. Louis Serious!* injured: Engin,., Uu:

arms and legs Utoken, mat ui< i; A. Stoner of S; Louis, fireman, right leg fractured: John Denny of St Louis, fireman.

I' if teen passengers on No. j:: and six on No 8 were shaken up ! Slightly injured, but were aide t ,

continue their journey. Several postal clerks ’eeeived a severe jolt- ing.

S had slowed ilown when the crash came. b'iremau Stoner was taking a drink when he suddenly turned and saw Hartnett throw on 'he air and 1uni;i. Stnnei leaped from the otIn : -hie of ,1,0 cab just as the crash came. His right leg was fractured in the f-.M. t was caught between the cab and tender and c iislo d to death.

Hurst and I.'opin on the other iratn jumped. Hurst was caught in ih" wreckage. Both arm- and lea; ever,, broken ami he was hurt inter ua*lj As soon as the news of iti■ ■

" t'l>ck w: received here ■ I -pec ia train with doctor- was rushed to Hi"

*■ 11 Hurst v, a hrouglo to t hospital here and the other two in jured trainmen w -re taken to St Loot--.


Cnthusiacrr of the State Exposition Displayed on Opening Dav.

Pine Butt. With srvtiil lutTni:--' farmers, immigration and indm-t ro.'.l agents, lawyer.-, doctor.;, ministers, newspaper men and ;n 1 c-ongn. enthusiasts present t'i m thi- arid ad joining states, the fir. t coutry eo;.-

gress to li hell under the auspice ‘T :Arkansas Land Cong ■ wa

opened in thi. city with invocation by Monsignor d.-M. Lu y, vicar gen- eral of tip- Catholic church of Ark ansas. The presence of Monsignor Lu coy gate a historic Huge to tlie gatliering, in view of the fact that he was secretary of the first organ iz<'d immigration movement in this county many years ago.

The congress lias a'ready develop- ed the spirit of enthusiasm and the determination to pch'eve results started by tit state c ingress in LP- t'v Kook several weeks ago.

At the first session abou. SI,000 was raised thr ugh public subscrip- tions to be added to the state fund for I he purpose of advertising the re-

sources of Arkaus .s and inducing im- migration of desirabb homeseekers

W. H. Langford, member of the board of control of the state congress, lire ided. The program inclttd d ad- dresses »n itidtisfiial and agricu tural opportunities offered in this state and particularly in .1 ff p-son county.

tid |f:;tt; of axlverii ing to the out side world their value and possibili- ties we: emphasized.


Administration Force- ii Senate De- clare War to H It on lneurg;nts.

j Wasllili-hum T.i. o;:ii fun.ia- I tIon of an o:•puii/.afio.i. which its

| leaders claim u-p.e t ids a c.i av t..a

j jority of the i : ii ■ ,J i !i'

| ! ■ up Win ly ui Key. < .as i.e

! nr’.uv.r wine, a mevuntni v. as star; I < .1 wi h the intent t> scale ’h tjue ■

lion who Iter th renate sh.i reim .11

( em-er wii ir e, b*<o;n- adieu' r b;

thrown into no i.'ieal chr. s so fur a-

(•:>!>c■ 1 ilr ; n c o e: ■: 1 ; o icy i.. re

gard lo the almh;. 1: a ioa ic. :

uv: program. Sunnier Aldrich cu.VU the iryuh.i

Uepuhlican senators 10 ah ] and out 1 cm '' hi; a gi illl d < 1 iji

ti .11 .of sir possible poiiical <:fmt of th«dr apparen; del at at ;he hands of liw insurgents anJ U unocrats in ill, fight over the traftic a..;i an n

stetiuu of the admin itra ion j:i; road f ill. He asked his aasoc'a e wheiti- er they were ready t > submit 10 dom ination by such a combination. Any such sarrender. he warned them meant ijse fui ure of the Tafi po ien end Hie downfall of c inservaMve con

tio not only in congre s, but in the Republican party g m i l l

Tlie entire tone of lain coale rnr ■

was belligerent, a toward the .a n



Sa d t° Have Resigned Hendrix Prei idency on Acccunt of Breakdown. Fort Smith. \ t»'egram v.a re-

cmvi d here from Muskogee, ('kin er1 that Rev. O. if (iultf'r vh

v. 1 e< 'i'.tly ele'-'el prcld^ri o' 1 idt lv 1 d ( <re a* (Vnway. h*.- n

r< 1 h: resignation. hi? .- or L

a ,y to a li:etklo-wn frr. ■> ov-r

| w. ;t i‘ •' 'O' Dr. 0">«!1aj h; I pot yet a. sunn the duties o* .. “r

! ideat, bu> v.a: io havs fa!:.a

i placD abou: Judo 1-

The Real Facts About Mrs.Fincher

As Told By Herself, Inra Lette Lately Received, Giving Full

Particulars AboutHer Case.

Peavy, Ala.—"I bad been troubled a

little for about 7 years,” writes Mrs. Ludie Fincher, of this place, “but was

not taken down, until March, 1907, when 1 went to bed and had to have the doctor.

“He did all he could for me, but 1 got no better. 1 hurt all over, even to

niy arms, so badly 1 could not rest. I had pains in my sides, back, bowels, shoulders, and chest. 1 can't tell how I did suffer.

“At last I began to take Cardui, and I hadn't taken but half a bottle, until 1 began to improve.

"I continued to take it, until I had taken four bottles, and now 1 am in very good health and able to do all my housework”

You may wonder why this medicine is so successful In curing sick women, after other medicines have failed. The answer is not far to seek.

Garduri is successful, it Is composed of ingredients that act spe- cifically on the womanly constitution. It is not a cure-all. It is a medicine for women and only for women.

Its success is due to its merits. Try it. Ik- B•-W rite to: I.:k1I«-n* VtUtRury

I)<-pt., ( hnM.inoiiKil Modirlnr < <>., < Imt- tanooirn, Ti*nn., for special instruction*, uml U4-PMKP book* “llomt* Tmtnimt for \\ omrn,” sent in plain wrapper, on re-


Only Nine Left. Lee Wyman is an earnest advocate

of some plan under which the say- ings of children shall be pr* s'*rv( d for future gen -rations to read-

"The other day. for instance." says Wyman, "my little bov was called be- fore the tribunal over which his fond mother preside s.

‘You've broken one of the precious ten commandments.' sin* said.

'Did I?' asked our boy carelessly like

" ‘Yes, my boy. I've said to you over and over the ten command- ments,' said Mrs. Wyman, 'and now

you’ve broken one of them.' 'Dear, dear,' my boy said, 'there's

only nine left now.' "And Mrs. Wyman let it go at

| that."


; No Kidney Trouble in Three Years.

0 Mrs. Catharine Kautz, 222 Center 1 St., Kindlav, O., says: "Four years ago

I became afflicted with kidney trouble, and rapidly ran

down in health. I suffered from back-

ache and other kid- ney disorders and was languid and weak. 1 doctored and used different

remedies but became n® better. Doan's Kidney Dills cured me and for three years I have been free from kidney trouble.”

Ilemembc r the name—Doan's. For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a box

Flcster-Milburn Co, Buffalo, N. Y.

A “Crisis.” A mother of a seven year-old lad

was daily expecting a visit from the stork, and found the little fellow's con

duct so annoying that his father was

called upon to interfere

"Bobby, said papa, "mamma is quite ill. and we are afraid timt if you are not a better Ivy and mind your mother, it will bting on a crisis Now,

| my lev, pci haps you don't know what ; a crisis is.”

()h, yes. 1 do. papa,” said Bobby, I blithe ; “it's cither a boy or a girl.” ! Judge

The Doctor's Data. I A Howard girl who was uncertain as

io her x ict ; go. as her father and mother were not agreed on the year at her bir'h, decided to go to the phy sieian who "attended tie ease." 11"

said: "Why, certainly, my dear girl. I ll tyi and examine lay old books"

; When he came lack to report, he said "1 find your father charged with a girl b ib' born on the 'steenth day of April. 1':* and 1 also observe lie still owes me for you."—Howard

| (Kan.) Courier.

His Face Was Turning Yellow Someone t. Id him that sallowness was

mused Id an inaetivi liver. He began tai mg NATI'UK'S KK.MKDY, his natural ,•"!"!■ returned, his brain ei«-ared. His liver was again aettve Nit tablets never fail tn eorrei t tl.e liver, they remove the bile, a d digestion and tone the system, ltetter ;i an Kills for Diver Ills. Take one tonight

1 and van'll feel better In the morning, (let u y,i" It,.'. \11 Druggists. The A. H. Dcwle Med;, nil < 'o.. St. Douts. Mo.

Domestic Notes. Tvo noticed one thing."

"And what is that?" ■ When one gets loaded it's usually

his wife who explodes.”

Constipation cause* many serious diseases It Is t boroutfbl v cured by Ifcjctor Pierce*. Pleasant Pellets one u laxative. three for cathartic.

Always keep imagination under con



Thomas C. Shntwoll, one of the greatest market reporters in America, writes from New York, under date of I March 20th, and says:

"The Tariff tangle with Canada which President Taft has taken in hand is of importance chiefly because of the multitude of American farmers that are crossing into the Canadian northwest. Most conservative esti mates of their number place it at ! 15u,000 for 1010 Some say as many


as 250,000 will cross These are all expert farmers and their places in the I'nited States are being tilled by un- trained men from Kurope and from the cities. Canada is gaining rapidly in agricultural importance and with- in a few years the United States will have to call on the Dominion for

■ wheat. Production of wheat in the United States is not keeping pace with the population A tariff war

would complicate the problem of get- ting food. Kven now Canadian farm- ers are getting higher prices for their cattle on the hoof and Canadian house- wives are paying less for meat in the butcher shops than farmers and house- wives are receiving and paving in the ;

United States. The tariff on cattle and wheat must be removed as be- tween the two countries before lone.”

Gentlemen Two. Two street cleaning department

men were having an altercation as

they were driving their cars side by side along upper Itroadway tilt1 other afternoon. One was red-faced and bulbous-nosed, the typical “rummy.” The other was an adder-headed negro. Hot It looked utterly disreputable.

"(let out o’ my way!” yelled the red- faced man. "Don't cher know enough to get outer der way when you see a

gentleman?'' 'Tin more of a gent’rnan than you,

you big rum,” retorted the negro. "Youall drives a garbage cart, an’ I only picks up ashes."--New York Press?

Deafness Cannot Be Cured tv !> 1 a; 'plications. they rnnnot reach t tie tits* i.. « a j> »rti *•» of th** I lu re is only one way to ;

! ;ure ■'.* afit* sand that la by const itutcnal remedies. i». a'!ic<s is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Custachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed y->u have a rumbling sound or irn- perfect hearl and when it is entirely closed. lK*af- bcss m t:i*■ r- nit. and unless the Inflammation can be

land I to it tion, 1: iring wt.l be destruyud forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which Ls nothing but hi inflamed condition of tin* mucous surfaces.

W- will give One Hundred l>o,iars for an\ case of Deafness caused by catarrh) that cannot bo cured by llmls catarrh Cure. Send f-.r circulars, free.

1 .1. nil:m y A CO.. Toledo. O. Sold by Druggists. 7‘>c. lake Hall's Family Pills for constipation.

At or About This Time. "Why do they call them ocean

liners?” she asked. "They're getting new terms every

day," he said without looking up from the sporting page. "I never heard it before, but an ocean liner is probably a hot one that isn't fielded well and rolls into a puddle or something.’’

She made no answer, hut when he had gone to business she 'phoned the

| doctor about him.

All Tired Out. Do you feel dull, occasionally—out of

sorts? Headaches and Dizziness? The fault is either with your stomach or your liver. The safe, sure and easy way to get till nf either trouble is to take NATURE'S REMEDY. Take an NR Tablet to night— it will sweeten the stomach and regulate tile liver, kidneys and bowels. Easy-sure to net. Get a 2f.c Box. The A. 11. Lewis Medicine Co.. St. Louis, Mo.

A Statesman. The Chinese wall was finished.

1 do all my fence mending at one

lick, announced the emperor. Thus he proved himself a statesman

j instead of a politician. __

Red. Weak, Wenry, Wntcrj Even. H* i."Vf.l H> Murine Eye Remedy Try M ;n* I r Your lave Troubles. You Will ! 1 Murine it Soothes r.?»c at Your 1 iruggisis. Write l’or Eye Ib»oks 1’ree. Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago.

Wc are not in this world to do what we wish hut to be willing to do tht which it is our duty to do.—Charles

< Ruined

rrs:»f\ imyiv r\!Mni.i i k iw n c■ u. «• t |>r» cniiuii a*> w < a** fi

i' 1 1 I « f I-*H•• !-t«r l»owt l troub.•■**. skin Wv and other ills ami aOc mi /as.

Some of our first impressions were

made by mother’s slipper


Oto T^owettC

“Oh! you're not so many!” “1 guess I am; I'm oue of triplets."

Her Way. “If you would wear button shoes,"

suggested her father, "they would not come untied.

“I know it.” replied she, "and if they did not come untied I could not ask a

person whom I have in mind to tie them.”

'Nuff Said. “How did Jones get those two black

eyes?” "Hunting accident.” "Why—how?” “lie was hunting trouble and I hap-

pened to meet him."—Cleveland Lead- er.


------- --J


Under Friendly Cover Preacher Might Safely Proceed to Split Hi*


"I tried to get <1 chance to speak to

you at church Sunday," said Mrs 016-

eastle, "but the crush was so great that 1 couldn't push through to where you were." "Yes, wasn't it awful?" re-

plied her hostess, as she flecked a bit of dust from the (lobelln tapestry. "All

the common Tolks in town seem to

want to crowd into our church lately. It's too bad they ain't satisfied to stay where they belong. How did yon like the sermon?' "Well, as a sermon it was fairly good, but I do wish i>o»-t«r (luodman would quit splitting his in-

finitives. I try not to let it make m«

nervous, but ! can't keep from beln£. shocked every time he does it." *1 never let them kind of things bother me, but that's where the Kpiscopuh* have the advantage of us. If cut

preacher would wear a long robe lie

could split them and we would never

notice it."—Kansas City Star.

An Improvement. "Yes," nays the man with the shaggy

eyebrows, "we have a phonograpta. We've got several Italian grand open* records, and last week I discovered at

i way to make their reproduction abso- lutely perfect..”

"Indeed?” asks the man with tbo purple nose. "What Is it?"

| "1 rub a little garlic on the record before it is played.”

Skepticism. "Fa, what is a skeptic?” "A man who will not eat cbiekcfc

salad because he believes it is sinfn! to butcher calves.”


Delicately formed and gently reared, women will find, in all the seasons of their lives, as maidens, wives or mothers, that the one simple, wholesome remedy which acts gently and pleasantly and naturally, and which may be used with truly beneficial effects, under any conditions, when the system needs a laxative. is—Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna. It is well known to be a simple combination of the laxative and carminative principles of plants with pleasant aromatic liquids, which are agreeable and refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system when its gentle cleansing is desired.

Only those who buy the genuine Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna can hope to get its beneficial effects, and as a guarantee of the excellence of the remedy, the full name of the company—California Fig Syrup Co.—is printed on the front of every package, and without it

, any preparation offered as Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is fraudulent and should be declined. To those who know the quality of this excellent laxative, the offer of any substi- tute, when Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is called for, is always resented by a transfer of patronage to some first-class drug establish- ment, where they do not recommend, nor sell false brands, nor imitation remedies. Thegenu-

1 ine article may be bought of all reliable drug- j gists everywhere; one size only. Regular : price 50 cents per bottle. Get a bottle today j to have in the house when needed. ! ___c



Hay's Hair-Health Never Fall's to Restore <*rn> Hatr to Its Natural C'olor and Beauty. Stop?, its falling out, and positively removes Dandruff. Is not a Dyi*. Refuse all substitutes fi oo and snc. bottles by Mail or at Druggists. Send ioc for large sample Bottle Pii lo Hay Spec. Co., Newark. N. J U. S. A

WANT lo 'in in tiii: i»\i im; * P \ \ I r (l.l \ N| M, HI s| Mw

Praetually no «*«| Ii <!. exeell* nt pn-ittb \N 111«• tor book 1 •• I

HFN \ OM>i; ( O llept. t» < M 'UKiton, \ •*.

W. N. U., Little Reck, No. 19-1910.

Honored by Women vv hen a woman speaks of her siient secret sutlering she trusts you. Millions have be- stowed this mark of confi- dence on Dr. U. V. I’icrce, of Buffalo, N. V. Every- where there are women who bear witness to the wonder- working, curing-power of Dr. Bierce’s 1 uvorite Brescription —which saves the sufjrring sex

from pain, and successfully I grapples with womun's weak- I nesses and stubborn ills.


No woman’s appeal was ever misdirected or her con- fidence misplaced when she wrote for advice, to the World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. K. V. Pierce, President, Buffalo, N. Y.

Dr. Plenre’a Pleasant 1^1 lets Induce mild natural bowel movement once a day.

The signature on a check is a sign of prosperity.

Mrs. Winslow’s Anothlnf Sjrap. Vor children teething, noflens the gums, reduces In. tlauiuiatiou.allay!* pain.cure* wind colic. fee a uwiU.

Even a truthrur man is occasionally guilty of exaggeration.

HOW TO MAKE ORANGE CIDER Just the thiiif? for restaurants, picnics, fairs, etc. You can make ten ftulloiis for T.'» cents, Complete receipt, II 00. Send stamp for cata-

log of candy receipts. FINCOI.N CANDY KFCKIPT CO.

liox 600 Liuculu, Nebraska

WESTERN CANADA What Governor Deneon, of llllnofo,

Says About It: Denoen, of Illinois, owth a arvr-

of land In Huskutcbowan. ] Cuuada. U<> has stud in] an interview:

“An an A merlean \ mm J dolichte 1 to the m inurkahlo i»rot;rer» -el W»«tern <v r» la. Oar people aretlo< kingccnftv- the l«Mjn-l iry In Utoo Bands, h:i<1 l harp not >ei met one who adrmtl*il he ha l ma le r» mntakt. 'J h< v are all doing weli n it" m k, rc*-K n cwu munity in the Middle or Wenti• rU HlutM til«t I'are

^presentative in hew an ur Aitierut.’*

125 MiHion Bushels ot Wheal in 1£09

West rn CYna-in field mips f*»r ]

IT * I 70.000,000.00 In < mmIi j I r»'«* I Ionic t cuds of I CM) uiar*. j mnt pre emption* of I iiO m-rc** ui 5*.5.00 an acre. Railway mul IsHii'i < 'ompuale* have In ,.1 for wile i at r* N1 i.ri Mmy fanii ei U ivo p.ilil f< tl-dr l ine* ««»t J «f Mr proceed* cf our rro|i. j f'pletidlil climate. rood school**, c*ii'Ollnit railway Vacilitlea, low freight rate**, unod. water uuil lumber easily obtained.

Fur pamphli’t I, i-t Best Wurt.” particular* a* to suitable 1(x-aUuii t*ad 1' w nettlcr*’ rat", apply t«< Bup't of Immigration. Ounwn C’ua., t-r to Cunudiau Gov't Ayt*ui

J. S. CRAWFORD Ho. 125 W. fc;nth Street. Kansas Cifj, Ktx.

( I'm* add re*?- nearest you ) (J*


La»U All H«■ »•*».

M |« of III »' b l>» •

ajii l or up «•*• wiil !••'{ *<• 1*1 IlIJMir ft*. %

lli n< liMaiaainiWl m>-

ii. — it < pr i-p. id lu /**«_

111 KOI. I> so»» in I jO DrUadi A »«-*, WA

#| | I B Sill or Morphine Habit 1 re

jij ■ mm B B E UjBi ^ rcc !rui* *!'«■» *iinr »4Ur ■ B IfB sjfiwiijr ® de: red. (iive \ artirulara

Dr H 0 COWTEELL. BalU 696. 400 W i3d 3t IU«T«t

PARALYSIS Nerve Tablets does It. Write for Proof. Advk* fua Ur ( UAHK. 224 North 10th Bt.. I'hU^Hphla. fk