Doctor by message

Post on 29-Jun-2015

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Why doctor are so distant from people? Specially the one that need more care: poor people? How can we connect those 2 worlds building a healthy and happy community? Why not use a ubiquity tech like mobile phone? People need attention and care, even in the most simple way, like one question about the wellbeing, about their basic care like washing hands, drinking good water, etc.. that’s are the proposition of Doctor by Message. Caring, Driving, Helping through a close relationship possible by mobile. Doctor by Message, was design to solve a simple problem: increase the care and attention for one that more need of that. The technology make a lot of advances and the ubiquity, that was a dream in the past, become a reality, a hopeful and amazing reality. The numbers of mobile phones are greater than populations and the penetration of this technology on the market is almost 90% even on poor people in the development world and africa. Why not use this technology to delivery health? Cannot be based on Smartphones once the population that has this kind technology and know how to use is limited. But simple SMS one, why not? The idea is give full support to the health agent, like a doctor, to increase their ubiquity: THE UBIQUITY POWER! Providing to him: The newest disease and epidemic data that the community are facing on a period of time; Give to him government programs and policies to increase health and care; Education notes like: wash your hands, drink water, etc...; Medical records, once the patient answer the simple question like: How do you feel today? Control and drive his agenda to attend the poor ones; The feeling is that the doctor is at my side, once he appears to be a fellow of mine. Yeah doctor, the good fellow! More details at:

Transcript of Doctor by message

sábado, 31 de agosto de 13

The healthcare world are full of new discoveries, new treatment and advanced cares, but appears that this world is little different from another...

sábado, 31 de agosto de 13

...a world without the simple attention to understand why you have one disease or symptom. So simple that one kindly reminder could save you from another virus, for


sábado, 31 de agosto de 13

How can we start to build a bridge between these 2 worlds?

sábado, 31 de agosto de 13

Ubiquity and Simple technology...Short Message!sábado, 31 de agosto de 13

One side, a platform to provide the doctors of the power of ubiquity, once he has finite resources!

Data about epidemic, new discoveries of simple treatment, appointments and medical history on their hands

sábado, 31 de agosto de 13

Another side: simple questions, kindly reminder, basic care!sábado, 31 de agosto de 13

New world can be made by simple actions!sábado, 31 de agosto de 13

sábado, 31 de agosto de 13