Docker + App Container = ocp

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Transcript of Docker + App Container = ocp

Docker + App Container -> OCP23 June 2015

Alex ToombsSoftware Engineer, Apcera

Who am I?

@ Apcera > 2 years

Platform Lead

Deployment, packaging, auditability

Not only microservice-based apps: legacy stacks, too

(...but not the focus today)

About Apcera

Develop a platform for enterprises to manage applications & services

Golang users! (>90% Go code in our main repo, since ~ August 2012)

Wrote our own container implementation (using common techs like cgroups,namespaces)

Digest Docker/ACI/whatever images to run (polyglot stacks welcome)

Hosted Slides

(on Continuum)

Docker vs CoreOS

Docker vs CoreOS

By Evrik and Mets501 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Docker vs CoreOS

Just kidding! We're all friends now

Original title: killed by shykes!

Awesome announcement yesterday: OCP!

Open Container Project (under the Linux Foundation)

First reference implementation: runC

Apcera's down with OCP!

Lots of big backers (Docker, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, CoreOS, etc.)


Docker: past

History: dotCloud's Docker project started in ~ early 2013

dotCloud has been around ~8 years; struck a chord with Docker

Docker: quickly became synonymous with containers

Docker: past

docker/docker repo, v0.1.0:

March 23, 2013

527 commits

dotCloud -> Docker

LXC (Linux Containers)

Docker: past

docker/docker repo, v0.9.0:

March 10, 2014

6739 commits

"Add the pure Go libcontainer library to make it possible to run containers..."

"Add native exec driver which uses libcontainer and make it the default execdriver."

LXC -> libcontainer

Docker: present

500,000,000 containers downloaded (according to Dockercon)

16,339 commits (post-lunch, today)

Many products: Engine, Compose, Swarm, Machine, Notary, etc.

Plugins are powerful

OCP! (more later)

Docker: future

Microkernels (just kidding)

Heavy focus on trust around containers (big criticism; tarsums, signatures, etc)

Support more platforms (e.g. Microsoft, for Windows Server)

libcontainer -> runC?


appc: origins

CoreOS started appc project to define a spec for containers

Trust at the core; use common tools like pgp/tar/shasum for imageverification/portability

Independent from CoreOS, maintained by 6 people (up until recently!)

rkt: reference implementation

appc: tenets



Decentralized (!)


appc: pieces

App Container Image: what image is run

App Container Image Discovery: how to find images

App Container Pod: what a deployable, executable unit is

App Container Executor: how pods are executed

appc + Apcera: Kurma

Apcera question: what to do with container runtimes?

libcontainer vs rkt vs our own tech vs something else...

Spec was attractive; well-defined interface

DNS discovery protocol: awesome!

Decentralized distribution vs centralized registry

Future: Open Container Project (OCP)




Reference implementation:

Heavily libcontainer flavored

No image spec yet (adopting from appc?)

Highly in flux! (just over a day old, publicly)

Spec: emphasis on "working code" for moving spec forward

OCP: open questions

Image spec: what will that look like? (ACI, we hope)

Registry v2: pertains to above

Future of rkt

Future of libcontainer

Security scanning of images (mentioned briefly yesterday)

OCP + Apcera: ?

Committed to improving the spec

Provide feedback/PRs

Very interested in image verification (notary is cool, but independent)

Policy for allowed sets of keys, maybe?

Doesn't replace Docker; Docker has the distribution down

Thank you

23 June 2015

Alex ToombsSoftware Engineer, (

@alextoombs (

See you at Gophercon!