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facts of mgmt

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Facts of Management

Definition of Management

Universal process Is the ability to plan ,direct ,control and evaluate others in situations where the

outcomes are known or pre-established ,where one of more ways of performing have been agreed upon based on evidence, where feedback and communication is shared to improve clinical process and outcomes, and where sustained relationships advance consistency of purpose.

Difference between Leadership and Management

1. Managers tend to rely on systems

2.Managers tend to think of everyday problems they faced with their planning.

3.Managers thus focus on getting things done and react to everyday pressures and events.

4.Role Interpretation:A.Differ from leaders in their implementing roleB.Manager usually sees him or herself as being served by his/her subordinates

5.Managers has an impersonal ,if not passive attitude. Goals arise out of necessity and are formulated in response to change ,in reaction to forces outside the organization.

6.Attitude of work:A. managers rely on planning .budgeting and other management tools and do not want to take too many risks because of their basic survival instincts.

7.Managers are more task –oriented than leaders and are more detached emotionally.

1.Leaders tend to rely on people.

2.Leaders are more concerned with long term or strategic planning.

3.Leaders are concerned with the future.Leaders typically develop a vision of the future and a strategy to get there.4.A.Occupies the guiding ,influencing role.B.Leader sees him/herself as serving others.

5.A leader has an active attitude towards goal.A leader formulates goals in an effort to influence the organization to bring about change and to create a different future.

6.Leaders are compared to be real risks takers because they have faith in other people they have faith in other people, faith in other people, faith in the judgment of their key executives, and they focus on making the work of their followers purposeful or meaningful in order to motivate them.

7.Leaders empathized with employees more easily and communicate more freely.

8.Power and motivation is concerned: They use threats and rewards to subordinates

8.Leaders create a sense of purpose and hope to develop people’s intrinsic motivation.

TRAITS NEEDED FOR EFFECTIVE MANAGERS1.Ability to identify reoccurring problems that exist where the design of evidence –based routines create structure and improved work efficiency .

2.Perstent and vigilant behavior in self and others.

3. Communication that maintains spirit de corps in the face of repetitive work tasks.

Both leadership and management are needed to deal with complexity ,relationship dynamics ,new information and new organizational systems and structures, Thus clinical stimulation and experiences provide opportunities for increasing their skills.


V-ision to plan for the future of the organization. I-ncreased decision making ability. S-ound communication I-ncreased trust O-rganizational skills(validate things,supervise and follow up) N-eutral


The Management Process

According to Henri Fayol (1916/1949) Management process consists of:




D.and Controlling Gulick and Urwick define the management process by acroymn POSDCORB:

Planning,Organizing ,Staffing ,Directing,Coordinating,Reporting and Budgeting

Management by Filipino Values

1.Manager by KAYOD

-Highly dedicated

2.Manager by LUSOT

-Looks for loopholes and will use them as an excuse for failure.

3.Manager by LIBRO

- Operates by the dictates of the books or manuals.

4.Manager by OIDO

-Learn his managerial skills by ear.

-Has vast field or practical experiences

5.Manager by UGNAYAN

-Integrate various styles of management depending on the need of the organization.


Focuses attention on individual achievement. Motivates individuals to accomplishment Measures performance in terms of results. Tool for effective planning and appraisal.


Step 1 he employee and supervisor agree on the duties and responsibilities of the employees

Step 2 employee set short term goals and target dates. Step 3 both parties agree on the criteria that will be used for evaluation. Step 4 regulary ,the employee and the supervisor meet to discuss progress. Step 5 the manager assists the employee to reach goals by coaching and counselling. Step 6 the manager determines whether the employee has met the goals.


Leading and Managing in Nursing

 By Patricia S. Yoder-WiseNursing Leadership & Management

By Patricia Kelly