
Post on 07-Sep-2015

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  • Teachers notes

    This is a dream-interpretation activity. SS work in pairs. One of the SS gets a card with a

    picture, another with a corresponding dream interpretation. The task of the first student is

    to imagine that he had a night dream about what is depicted in the picture and think it

    through in all details. The second student meanwhile reads the interpretation and tries to

    memorize it. When both students in a pair are ready, the first student describes his dream

    and his/her partner interprets it in his/her own words, asking for more details if necessary.

    Depending on the size of your class SS may act as both a dream-teller and a dream-


  • Book

    To see books in your dream indicate calmness. You are moving toward your goals at a slow and steady

    pace. Books also symbolize knowledge, intellect, information and wisdom. In particular, to see an open

    book in your dream means that you are able to grasp new ideas with ease. If the book is closed, then it

    represents your allure and mysteriousness. Consider the type of book for additional clues. The dream

    may represent your calling into a specific field of work or an area that you need to devote more study

    to. Alternatively, the dream could be telling you not to judge a book by its cover.

    To see dusty books in your dream denotes forgotten knowledge or previous "chapters" of your life.

    To see children's books in your dream symbolize memories from your own childhood. It may also

    suggest your desire to escape from reality and retreat into some fantasy world.


    To see a key in your dream symbolizes opportunities, access, control, secrets, freedom, knowledge or

    responsibilities. You may be locking away your own inner feelings and emotions. Or you are unlocking

    the answer to some problem.

    To see a ring of keys represents status, authority, and power. If the key is gold, then it suggests that

    influence, power and wealth will give you access to almost anything you want. If the key is rusty, then it

    symbolizes a talent or skill that you have neglected.

    To dream that you lose your keys signify fears of losing control of yourself or losing your position or

    status in life. To dream that you find a key indicates that you have found a solution to a problem.

    To see broken keys in your dream represent a lost in status. You are denied access to a place where you

    were previously allowed.


    To see apples growing in a tree in your dream symbolize knowledge, wisdom and great prosperity.

    Rewards are on the horizon for you. Consider also the common phrase, "an apple a day keeps the

    doctor away" which may imply that you need to take better care of your health. Perhaps you need to

    go to the doctor. In particular, to see green apples represent developing love or love that has yet to


    To dream that you are eating an apple denotes harmony, pleasure, and fertility. To see apples scattered

    on the ground in your dream signifies that false friends are working to deceive and harm you.

    To see rotten or eaten apples in your dream indicates that whatever you are striving and aiming for

    may not be fulfilling, and even harmful to you.

  • Telephone

    To see or hear a telephone in your dream signifies that you may be forced to confront issues which you

    have been avoiding. Alternatively, the telephone represents your communication and relationship with

    others. If there is no dial tone or the phone is left off the hook, then the dream indicates that you are

    shutting yourself out. To hear a dial tone in your dream means that you are receptive to new ideas and

    open to other's opinions.

    To dream that you do not want to return a call or answer a ringing telephone indicates a lack of

    communication. To dream that you are having a telephone conversation with someone you know

    signifies an issue that you need to confront with that person. If you are put on hold, then the dream is a

    metaphor for being taken for granted or being unable to freely express yourself.

    To dream that you dial the wrong number means that you are experiencing difficulties in relating to

    others. You have trouble expressing yourself.


    To see a burning candle in your dream signifies that good luck and hope will be coming your way in small

    and steady amounts. Lit candles are also symbolic of intellect, enlightenment, awareness or the search for


    To see an unlit candle denotes feelings of rejection or disappointments. You are not utilizing your fullest

    potential. If you try to light the candle, but it won't light, then it represents grief. You are in denial about


    To see a candle blow out in your dream indicates that you are surrendering a significant aspect of

    yourself. You are letting go of something that used to be important to you.

    To watch the candle burn down to nothing in your dream signifies your fears of aging.

    To see a red colored candle in your dream symbolizes some romantic relationship. You may not be giving

    the relationship a fair chance and are dismissing it before you invested sufficient time to learn more about

    the other person.


    To see a castle in your dream signifies reward, honor, recognition, and praise for your

    achievements. You are destined to a position of power, wealth, and prestige. Alternatively,

    the dream indicates your desire to escape from life's daily problems.

    To dream that you live in a castle represents your extreme need for security and

    protection. To see a castle door in your dream indicates that you have missed a huge

    and/or profitable opportunity, especially if you are standing outside the castle door. If you

    are standing inside the castle door, then it means that you have let your success and ego

    distance you from others.

  • Piano

    To dream that you are playing a piano indicates a quest for harmony in your life. Consider where

    the piano is placed as a clue as to what aspect of your life needs accordance. If no sound is

    coming out of the piano, then it implies a lack of confidence. You are not sure about how to

    express yourself and how to voice your beliefs.

    To dream that you hear the sound of a piano suggests harmony in your life. You are pleased with

    the way your life is going.

    To dream that the piano needs to be tuned indicates some aspect of your life is in discord. You

    need to devote more time to a relationship, family duties, or other situation.


    To dream that you are at a party suggests that you need to get out more and enjoy yourself. If

    the party is a bad one, then it indicates that you are unsure of your social skills. If you dream that

    you are at your own birthday party, then it represents appreciation for the life you have.

    To dream that you are planning a party implies that you are being too methodical and need to be

    more spontaneous.

    If you are a man and dream that there are only men at a party suggests that you are questioning

    your abilities. You fear that you are being overlooked or not measuring up to others. Or perhaps

    you are also expressing desires of blending in and not standing out.


    To dream that you are in or walking through the forest signifies a transitional phase. Follow your

    instincts. Alternatively, it indicates that you want to escape to a simpler way of life. You are

    feeling weighed down by the demands of your life.

    To dream that you are lost in a forest indicates that you are searching through your subconscious

    for a better understanding of yourself.

    To dream of a forest fire suggests that your anger is out of control; it is affecting those around


  • Aliens

    To dream that you are an alien symbolizes the undiscovered part of yourself. Your manifestation as an

    alien may be your way of "escaping" from reality. Dreams of this nature also symbolize your outlandish

    ideas and your wild imagination.

    To dream that you are being invaded or abducted by aliens indicates your fear of your changing

    surroundings or your fear of losing your home and family. You feel that your space and/or privacy is

    being invaded.

    To see aliens in your dream signify that you are having difficulties adapting and adjusting to your new

    surroundings. You are feeling "alienated" and disconnected. You may also be having difficulties with

    how to handle or deal with a certain situation or person. On a psychological level, seeing aliens

    represent an encounter with an unfamiliar or neglected aspect of your own self.


    To dream that you are climbing up a ladder suggests that you have reached a new level of achievement. It is symbolic of prosperity, hard work and your efforts.

    To dream that you are climbing down a ladder suggests that you are escaping from your spiritual responsibilities. It is an indication of future disappointments.

    To dream that you are walking under a ladder signifies bad luck. Perhaps you are having regrets over a decision you made.

    To dream that someone is holding a ladder for you indicates that you will find success if you have the support of others. You will rise to a level of prominence.

    To dream that you fall from a ladder denotes the hardships, risks or failures you are faced with in your endeavors.

    To dream that you escape by means of a ladder signifies that you will be successful after much struggle and obstacles.


    To see a rabbit in your dream signifies luck, power, and success. You have a positive outlook on life.

    In particular, to see a white rabbit in your dream symbolizes faithfulness in love. The white rabbit also serves as a guide to steer you toward the right direction. To see a black rabbit in your dream

    refers to fear of intimacy.

    If the rabbit is hopping in your dream, then it indicates fertility. You will be surrounded by children. Alternatively, the dream may be analogous to your lack of commitment and how you

    jump from one thing or another. If you dream that the rabbit scratches or bites you, then it means that you need to pay more attention to your personal relationship or love life.