Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/ 0645 r4 Submission September 2005 Ariel Sharon, MotorolaSlide 1 TIA Liaison...

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Transcript of Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/ 0645 r4 Submission September 2005 Ariel Sharon, MotorolaSlide 1 TIA Liaison...

September 2005

Ariel Sharon, MotorolaSlide 1

doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0645r4


TIA Liaison Report September 2005

Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE 802.11. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.

Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802.11.

Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures <http://>, including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair <> as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE 802.11 Working Group. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at <>.

Date: 2005-09-21

Name Company Address Phone email Ariel Sharon Motorola 1301 E. Algonquin Rd.

MD : 1232 Schaumburg, IL 60196, USA



September 2005

Ariel Sharon, MotorolaSlide 2

doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0645r4



This document is the first IEEE 802.11 – TIA TR (8.8) liaison report for September 2005.

– Concentrates on Wireless Broadband activities in TIA for Public Safety applications.

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doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0645r4


TelecommunicationsTelecommunications Industry Association Industry Association (TIA)(TIA)

• TIA is a U.S. trade association serving the communications and information technology industry and the end users they serve.

• TIA services include:– Standards development

– Domestic and International Advocacy

– Market Development and Trade Shows

– Enabling e-business

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doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0645r4


TIA as an SDOTIA as an SDO• Standards development dates back to 1920’s

– As an ANSI-accredited SDO, TIA develops consensus-based, voluntary industry standards for a wide variety of telecom products and systems

– Its predecessor on the standards side, EIA, started as the Radio Manufacturers Association (RMA) in 1924

• Over 70 subcommittees and working groups with global reach– Over 1,300 individuals from nearly 20 countries work in these

formulating groups– Representatives from academia, manufacturers, service providers,

and end-users, including the government and public safety organizations

• Nine product-oriented engineering committees

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doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0645r4


TIA Standards Formulating GroupsTIA Standards Formulating Groups

• TR-8 Mobile and Personal Private Radio Standards• TR-14 Point-to-Point Communications• TR-30 Data Transmission Systems and Equipment• TR-34 Satellite Equipment and Systems• TR-41 User Premises Telecommunications

Requirements• TR-42 User Premises Telecommunications Cabling

Infrastructure• TR-45 Mobile and Personal Communications Systems

Standards• TR-46 Mobile & Personal Communications 1800 Standards• TR-47 Terrestrial Mobile Multimedia Multicast (TM3) *

* Newly formed group with work items and chairs TBD

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• The oldest TIA engineering committee, providing standards for private radio systems since 1944

• Active role with Public Safety over the last 16 years

• TR-8 developed APCO 25, the standard used internationally for digital public safety radio communications

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doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0645r4


TR8 Activities Focus on Public Safety TR8 Activities Focus on Public Safety UsersUsers

• TR-8.1 Equipment Measurement Procedures• WG-8.3 Encryption• WG-8.4 Vocoder• TR-8.5 Signaling and Data Transmission• TR-8.6 Equipment Performance Recommendations• TR-8.8 Broadband Data Systems• TR-8.10 Trunking and Conventional Control• TR-8.11 Antenna Systems• TR-8.15 Common Air Interface• TR-8.17 Exposure• TR-8.18 Wireless System Coverage and Compatibility• TR-8.19 Wireline system Interfaces

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doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0645r4


History of TR8.8History of TR8.8• May 2003 FCC published rules for a 50 MHz of spectrum

allocated to Public Safety in the 4.940-4.990 GHz range for broadband data communication.

• Summer 2003 NPSTC1 asks TIA TR-8 to consider interoperability standards for the 4.9 GHz band

• January 2004 TR-8 moves to establish a broadband data committee. Motorola volunteers to act as convener at April


• March 2004 A chair is elected (Larry Nyberg, Motorola). Initial committee quorum established. Committee scope defined.

• June 2004 Project 34 User Needs Committee revitalized to own SoR2

development, with SAFECOM3 SoR as basis for work.

• August 2004 Proposals for shell and physical layer standards offered by Motorola.

• October 2004 Work starts on simulation and modeling work for proposed candidate protocol evaluations

1 NPSTC - National Public Safety Communication Council

2 SoR - Statement of Requirements

3 SAFECOM - Safer America Through Effective Public Safety Communications

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doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0645r4


TR-8.8 Broadband Data TR-8.8 Broadband Data Communications Scope StatementCommunications Scope Statement

“The scope of the formulating group is to produce standards for broadband public-safety communications. These standards will leverage existing broadband standards and related technologies. These standards are necessary to achieve interoperability, mobility, security, and meet public safety user expectations”.

Source: TIA Engineering Committee Scope Manual,

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doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0645r4


TR-8.8 Participants TR-8.8 Participants (partial list):

ManufacturersAeroflex Cisco CML Microcircuits EADS EF Johnson Daniels General Dynamics Interoperable Wireless LucentMotorola NokiaNortel NetworksPacketHop Proxim SmartlinkTyco (M/A COM)W-Networks VertexZetron

UsersCity of Mesa FBI State of CaliforniaState of FloridaState of Georgia State of New YorkState of Oregon US Forest Service

Government/OthersAPCO Canada APCO Int’l Booz Allen HamiltonDepartment of Homeland Security- FPIC - NISTIndustry Canada Intelligent Transportation Systems- NTIA NPSTC SAFCOMSAIC

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Networking HierarchyNetworking Hierarchy

*Source: SAFECOM SoR, March 2004

• PAN Personal Area Network*• IAN Incident Area Network*• JAN Jurisdiction Area Network*• EAN Extended Area Network*






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IP Network

User with Mobile Radio (MR)

(Fixed)Base Radio











Eb Eb




(Mobile)Base Radio





Command Center

(Mobile)Access Point







Example of a System DiagramExample of a System Diagram

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Proposed PHY and MAC StandardsProposed PHY and MAC Standards

• In the IAN, 802.11 based standards are proposed• Important issues include:

– Security– QoS– Mesh (Ad-Hoc)– Motion– Mobility– Network Management

• In the JAN 802.11 and 802.16 are considered