Do you ignite the power of your internal communities?

Post on 22-May-2015

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Do you ignite of the power of your internal communities? Don’t worry – most other companies don’t realize their potential either. If you want to leverage your communities and harvest their full benefits –read on!

Transcript of Do you ignite the power of your internal communities?

Do you ignite the power of your internal communities?

don’t worry – most other companies don’t realize their potential either

Over time communities in companies rise and fall

and nobody seems to do anything about it, or derive real value from them

It is a shame! internal communities can really boost your business

Management tends to think they have defined communities of

practice…yet numerous studies have proven them wrong

In reality their communities are disconnected and unfocused

They look like they are on a wild goose chase

No wonder most don’t deliver

70% of the community members are unknown

Initiatives aim at the perceived 100%, touch 30% and only move 10%

If you just want the status quo or don’t want to know the status…

… then carry on with business as usual

If you want to leverage your communities……and harvest their full benefits –read on

To know your employee communities takes some effort!

But starting in the right way will take you a long way

Turn off your organizational autopilot and think organically!

Find out what you really want and need to know

Ask your colleagues who is really in their community!

This will snowball and reveal a community’s real shape and size

Map the interrelationships of each community

And you will find the central hubs that connect members and who is peripheral

Blend in demographic and performance knowledge

Your company knows a lot about its employees - use it!

Analyze!Understand the strength and training potential of your community muscle

When you know your communities, you can do so

much moreAnd you are off to a strong start!

A.Get your communities connected and

breakdown silosShare valuable knowledge and act as one company

B.Lead the communities to pull in

the same directionNow you can use the force of the entire population at once

C.Activate your real influencers to

transform the rest of the organizationLeverage the trusted influencers instead of the loudest voices

Does it sound hard to do?Well, it’s not hard, it just takes the right tools and knowledge to accomplish it

Don’t worryINNOVISOR can help you connect the dots.

We have the tools to map and analyze you community, and we are never on autopilot

w w w . i n n o v i s o r . c o m