Do you hunger for games? Gamification in Information Literacy Instruction

Post on 04-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Do you hunger for games? Gamification in Information Literacy Instruction

Do you Hunger for Games?

Gamification in Information Literacy

InstructionAmanda Mitchell

SUNY Delhi

What is gamification?

What makes a good game?


Some non-academic examples

Some academic examples

Passport– in beta, from Purdue University

Some library examples

SCVNGR in use for library orientation at UC San Diego

University of Huddersfield, UK

Concerns and Naysaying

Delhi examples… let’s play!

Research Feud Sporcle games:

Round 1: You are researching recreational drug use among college students. Name a term you would use to search for this (show marijuana image)

Round 2: Your speech is about young drivers texting & driving. Name a term you would use to search for people who are ages 13-19.

Round 3: You are researching all of director Steven Spielberg’s works. Name a general term for those works (“films” and its synonyms)

Now it’s your turn…