Do not defame one another

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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Thsi presintation tells us that it is very bad to defame [spread gossip ] people. Is it haram?? do you go hell for it?

Transcript of Do not defame one another

Do not defame one another' surah alhujraat 11.

By Amal

Whole Ayah

What is defame?

Well defaming is like to attack the good reputation of someone. Like example: I know a girl and she is known as a nice sweet loving girl. Then I go up to everyone and say she backbites

about you and says you guys are mean and smelly. That’s where the word comes:

Fame + De= DefameIt is like another word for gossiping.

And Gossiping is a very bad thing to do.

Well if one of my friends has a habit of defaming (gossiping about) people and I had to tell her in a

way that it is bad, first I would go up to her and say that it is bad. If that does not work then I would get a group of friends and defame about her when she is coming, when she will hear she will get upset and

then I will go up to her and explain that, that’s how people feel when you defame about them.

How will Allah punish those who defame?

Well if you keep defaming one another and no that it is wrong then Allah will defame

you! Meaning Allah will tell his angles about you in a bad way and make people

look at you in a bad way and make everyone thing you have a bad reputation.

May Allah forgive us if we have defamed one another. Ameen