Do extra curricular activities in schools improve

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Do extra-curricular activities in schools improveeducational outcomes? A critical reviewand meta-analysis of the literature

Boaz Shulruf

Published online: 2 February 2011

� Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2011

Abstract Secondary schools tend to sponsor a large number of extra-curricular

activities (ECA) yet little is known about their contribution to students’ educational

outcomes. This meta-analysis aims to determine what it is about ECA participation

that supports positive educational outcomes. Furthermore, this study challenges the

theoretical assumptions about the benefits of participation in ECA. 29 studies (all

except for one based on data collected in the United States) met the search criteria

for inclusion in the analysis. Most effect sizes on academic achievements yielded

from non-specific ECA, academic clubs and journalism were small, as were par-

ticipation in performing arts, sports and leadership activities on a range of educa-

tional outcomes. Although the results show associations between participation in

ECA and educational outcomes, causal effects could not be confirmed. It is con-

cluded that the lack of evidence supporting the causal effects, and thus the common

theoretical assumptions about the effects of ECA on educational outcomes, is due to

methodology limitations in these studies.

Keywords Extra-curricular activities � Systematic review � Secondary schools �Academic achievements

Resume Les activites periscolaires des ecoles ameliorent-elles les resultats des

eleves ? Analyse critique et meta-analyse de la documentation – Les etablissements

secondaires ont tendance a organiser un grand nombre d’activites periscolaires, mais

la contribution de ces dernieres aux resultats scolaires des eleves est faiblement

connue. Cette meta-analyse avait pour but de cerner dans quelle mesure la partic-

ipation a ces activites qui favorise des resultats positifs. D’autre part, cette etude

remet en question les hypotheses theoriques emises sur les benefices de cette

B. Shulruf (&)

Centre of Medical and Health Sciences Education, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences,

University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand



Int Rev Educ (2010) 56:591–612

DOI 10.1007/s11159-010-9180-x

participation. Vingt-neuf etudes (sauf une fondee sur des donnees collectees aux

Etats-Unis) repondaient au critere de recherche pour etre incluses dans l’analyse. La

plupart des tailles d’effets sur les resultats scolaires retires des activites periscolaires

non specifiques, par les clubs et le journalisme scolaires sont faibles, il en est de

meme pour les arts du spectacle, les activites sportives et celles favorisant l’esprit

d’initiative. Bien que les conclusions de l’analyse etablissent des liens entre par-

ticipation aux activites periscolaires et resultats scolaires, un lien de cause a effet

n’a pu etre demontre. Nous en deduisons que le manque de donnees probantes

etayant ce lien de cause a effet, et donc les hypotheses theoriques courantes sur

l’impact de ces activites sur les resultats scolaires, est du aux limites method-

ologiques de ces etudes.

Zusammenfassung Werden schulische Leistungen durch außercurriculare Akti-

vitaten verbessert? Eine kritische Uberprufung und Metaanalyse der Literatur – Les

activites periscolaires des ecoles ameliorent-elles les resultats des eleves ? Analyse

critique et meta-analyse de la documentation - Viele Sekundarschulen fordern eine

große Anzahl außercurricularer Aktivitaten, uber deren Nutzen fur die schulischen

Leistungen der Schulerinnen und Schuler allerdings wenig bekannt ist. Diese

Metaanalyse soll daruber Aufschluss geben, inwiefern sich die Teilnahme an au-

ßercurricularen Aktivitaten gunstig auf die schulischen Leistungen auswirkt. Zudem

stellt diese Studie die theoretischen Annahmen uber die Vorteile der Beteiligung an

außercurricularen Aktivitaten auf den Prufstand. Die Kriterien fur die Aufnahme in

die Analyse wurden von 29 Studien (alle außer einer auf der Grundlage von Da-

tenerhebungen in den Vereinigten Staaten) erfullt. Unspezifische außercurriculare

Aktivitaten, Wissenschafts-AGs und journalistische Tatigkeiten hatten meist nur

geringe Effekte auf den Schulerfolg. Auch die Beteiligung an Theater-AGs oder

sportlichen Aktivitaten sowie die Ubernahme von Fuhrungsaufgaben wirkten sich

wenig auf bestimmte schulische Leistungen aus. Aus den Ergebnissen lassen sich

zwar gewisse Korrelationen zwischen der Teilnahme an außercurricularen Akti-

vitaten und schulischen Leistungen ablesen, Kausalzusammenhange konnten jedoch

nicht nachgewiesen werden. Die Analyse kommt zu dem Schluss, dass die

mangelnde Nachweisbarkeit kausaler Zusammenhange und somit der gemeinsamen

theoretischen Annahmen uber die Effekte außercurricularer Aktivitaten auf die

schulischen Leistungen der eingeschrankten Methodik dieser Studien geschuldet ist.

Resumen >Mejoran las actividades extracurriculares en las escuelas los resultados

educativos? Revision crıtica y meta-analisis de la literatura – Las escuelas secun-

darias tienden a promover un gran numero de actividades extracurriculares (ECA,

por sus siglas en ingles). Sin embargo, es poco lo que se sabe sobre su aporte a los

resultados educativos de los estudiantes. Este meta-analisis apunta a determinar que

es lo que sostiene los resultados educativos positivos de una participacion en ECA.

Ademas, con este estudio se ponen en tela de juicio las suposiciones teoricas en

cuanto a los beneficios de una participacion en ECA. 29 estudios (todos ellos, con

excepcion de uno, basados en datos recogidos en los Estados Unidos) reunieron los

criterios de busqueda para ser incluidos en el analisis. La mayorıa de los tamanos

del efecto relacionados con logros academicos obtenidos a partir de ECA no

592 B. Shulruf


especıficos, clubes academicos y periodismo eran pequenos, igual que la partici-

pacion en artes dramaticas, deportes o actividades de liderazgo sobre una serie de

resultados educativos. Si bien los resultados muestran relaciones entre una partic-

ipacion en ECA y resultados educativos, no se han podido confirmar efectos cau-

sales. Se concluye que la falta de pruebas que sostienen los efectos causales, y con

ello las suposiciones teoricas generales sobre los efectos de ECA sobre resultados

educativos, se debe a las limitaciones metodologicas de estos estudios.

Student performance at secondary school is the main determinant for enrolment in

tertiary education. As part of their school day, many secondary school students take

part in a wide variety of activities, over and above the core curricular teaching and

learning classroom work, which are usually referred to as co-curricular or extra-

curricular activities (ECA). In addressing this demand, whether from students or

other stakeholders, secondary schools allocate considerable resources to the extra

curriculum. Nonetheless, despite a plethora of research studies on the subject, no

conclusive evidence can be drawn from the literature indicating the actual benefit

students gain by participating in ECA. This critical meta-analysis of the literature,

therefore, looks at the benefits and outcomes for students of their participation in

ECA, sponsored by secondary-level schools. It is noted, however, that most of the

literature in this area has been generated from data collected in the United States,

making this paper particularly relevant to the US context.

The aims of this paper are to examine the literature on ECA participation and the

outcomes of such participation, and to attempt to identify the extent to which

Do extra-curricular activities in schools improve educational outcomes? 593


participation in ECA affects educational outcomes. This paper not only investigates

the effect sizes of participation in ECA on a range of educational outcomes but also

looks at the validity of the measures used in previous studies, with particular

reference to evidence for causal effects.

Theoretical framework

Extra-curricular activities are an integral component of school life. While

participation rates are known to be very high in the United States (in 1995

approximately 60% of high school sophomores and 70% of seniors participated in at

least one activity; Cooper et al. 1999), there is very limited documentation on the

extent of participation elsewhere.

Investigations into the impact of ECA on students date back as early as the 1930s

with studies documenting the range of activities being offered in schools and

questioning whether participation in certain high school activities could be related

to higher achievement at college (Baxter 1936; Holland 1933). However, despite a

raft of studies on ECA participation being undertaken over nearly eight decades

(mainly in the United States), little is known or understood about the causal effect

between participation in such activities and educational outcomes.

In 1987, Holland and Andre carried out a review of literature relating to extra-

curricular participation and adolescent development with the aim of providing a

critique of methodological approaches and possible directions for future research

(Holland and Andre 1987). However, while this review was relatively comprehen-

sive, it was said to lack the evidence needed to support the conclusions drawn and,

according to Taylor and Chiogioji (1988), it had no theoretical framework or

definitions of its key terms. Notwithstanding, this study did raise the profile of extra-

curricular activity and exposed it as an area which needed more research.

A number of studies, particularly in the last decade, has examined ECA within a

school-sponsored context (e.g. Broh 2002; Davalos et al. 1999; McNeal 1995;

Silliker and Quirk 1997), and many others have taken broader views in terms of

‘‘extra-curricular’’ definition and have included non-school-sponsored activity, such

as community and church-based activities (Eccles and Barber 1999; Gerber 1996;

Lewis 2004); organised and non-organised activities for high school students

(Chambers and Schreiber 2004); as well as social behaviours and high-risk

activities, such as smoking, alcohol consumption and drug taking (Eccles and

Barber 1999; Eccles et al. 2003). For the purposes of this study, ECA have been

defined as those which are school-sponsored and external to the core curriculum. It

is acknowledged that this definition may not be the same as that used by other


A recent and comprehensive review of literature on ECA for high school students

in the USA (Feldman and Matjasko 2005) found that while ECA are viewed as

being highly important ‘‘developmental settings for adolescents’’, little is under-

stood about the ‘‘contextual influences’’ affecting that development, or the

relationship between participation and outcomes (pp. 160–161). Studies such as

Lewis’ (2004) meta-analysis of extra-curricular participation conclude that the best

594 B. Shulruf


academic and social outcomes for students are gained through well-designed,

developmentally appropriate activities but are unable to describe or pinpoint the

particular characteristics contributing to these outcomes. Furthermore, there is very

limited evidence to support the commonly held justification for carrying out ECA.

Extra-curricular studies and previous methodological approaches

Extra-curricular studies examine a multitude of activities. Some authors take a

broad-based approach and examine participation across a range of activities, both

school-sponsored and outside-of-school-time activities; while others nominate and

examine particular extra-curricular areas, such as participation in athletics or in

academically related activities.

Studies which only focus on school-sponsored activities tend to be the exception

rather than the rule. However, in the past decade there has been a move towards

examining ECA within school programmes and their impact on student learning

outcomes. McNeal (1995), for example, examined student involvement in ‘formal’

extra-curricular school activities and their impact on student retention, and Broh

(2002) studied the educational impact of participation in both sport-related and non-

sport-related school-sponsored activities.

Many studies have set out to examine how participation in such activities is

beneficial for students (for example Guest and Schneider 2003). Melnick et al.

(1992) examined the educational effects of interscholastic participation on African-

American and Hispanic boys and girls. They found that while high school athletic

participation was for many a means of being included in social youth groups, it was

not necessarily related to grades and standardised test scores. Another found a

strong link between participation in athletics and the likelihood of students dropping

out of school (Mahoney and Cairns 1997; McNeal 1995); and still more have found

that participation in sports is linked to improved school attendance, academic

outcomes, social relationships and self-esteem (Marsh and Kleitman 2003;

McCarthy 2000; Silliker and Quirk 1997).

The role which participation in ECA plays in educational attainment and cultural

capital gain is also highlighted by the literature (Buoye 2004; Power 1999; Thomas

and Moran 1991) as well as the role which cultural capital plays in attaining higher

academic ranking (Appelman et al. 2003). Group membership through participation

in activities is seen as providing access to the relationships and networks that

influence and support positive outcomes for students, as well as improving the

opportunities to access knowledge and skills which support higher social and/or

cultural status.

Other studies have examined areas such as the association between ECA and

improved chances for college attendance (Kaufman and Gabler 2004; Mahoney

et al. 2003); as well as mentoring and its impact on academic achievement and

dropout rates (Slicker and Palmer 1993). In the latter group, effective mentoring was

found to significantly support improved academic outcomes and retention, while

ineffective mentoring had no effect.

Many studies emphasise the impact of moderating factors such as gender,

ethnicity and socioeconomic status on the level and type of outcome achieved

Do extra-curricular activities in schools improve educational outcomes? 595


(Braddock II et al. 1991; Brown and Evans 2002; Diaz 2005; Gerber 1996; Jordan

1999; Lisella and Serwatka 1996). Davalos et al. (1999), for example, found that

both ethnicity and gender were important moderating factors on the impact of ECA

on school retention. On the other hand, in examining the association between ECA

and academic achievement, Valentine et al. (2002) stressed the importance of a

different range of moderating factors to account for why, how and for whom

achievement is supported. These factors included the characteristics of the materials

used in activities, group characteristics or distinctiveness, school size and cultural


This overview indicates that the research literature on the effects of participation

in ECA is broad. Aiming to identify the extent to which participation in ECA affects

educational outcomes such as attainment, grades, self-concept, aspirations for

higher education and enrolment in higher education institutions, this study focuses

mainly on the validity of the measures used in previous studies and on the strength

of the evidence suggesting causal effects of participation in ECA on these

educational outcomes.


The systematic approach used to carry out this literature review on extra-curricular

activity in the secondary school context is different from the approach taken in

traditional descriptive or narrative reviews. While the purposes of a narrative review

and a systematic review are ostensibly similar – namely to examine the material

pertaining to a particular area – a narrative review does not utilise methods which

allow for the control of potential methodological biases occurring in the literature

(Boaz et al. 2002).

Systematic reviews of literature are carried out to agreed research standards with

the aim of supporting as objective an approach as possible and therefore minimising

bias. The agreed research standards include: using a protocol to guide and plan the

processes to be followed; focusing on a specific question; identifying as much of the

relevant literature as possible through a comprehensive search; making decisions

about the inclusion and exclusion of studies based on methodological criteria;

synthesising research findings and being explicit and transparent (Barr et al. 1999;

Boaz et al. 2002). To help reduce bias further, a collaborative team approach was

used for all decision-making (Kitchenham 2004). The collaborative team included

the author and another two scholars who are familiar with the literature on

systematic reviews and educational intervention in compulsory education systems.

Although systematic reviews, realist reviews, meta-analyses and best evidence

syntheses follow ‘‘highly specified and intentionally inflexible methodology with

the aim of assuring high reliability’’ (Pawson et al. 2004, p. 5), the methods

employed by each approach have attracted significant critique (Davies 2000;

Feinstein 1995; Shapiro 1997; Suri and Clarke 1999; Torgerson 2006). In the

extreme, Feinstein (1995) described these approaches (predominantly meta-

analyses) as ‘‘statistical alchemy of the twenty-first century’’. Although acknowl-

edging the discontent surrounding such strict methodologies, this review adheres to

596 B. Shulruf


the standards appropriate to meta-analyses and systematic reviews in terms of its

search and selection strategies and analysis methods in order to minimise possible

biases relating to study selection (Lipsey and Wilson 2001). At the same time,

however, it specifically looks for evidence of causality relating to the effect sizes

identified in the reviewed studies. This is an important contribution to the literature,

particularly since causality is a relatively under-researched topic in meta-analyses of

educational studies.

In summary, this study systematically reviews quantitative studies examining the

causal effects of participation in extra-curricular activity at secondary school level

on students’ educational outcomes in the areas of academic achievement, school

engagement and retention, future aspirations and student self-concept.

Search strategy

This study followed the recommendations of the ESRC UK Centre for Evidence-

Based Policy and Practice for conducting a systematic review search (Boaz et al.

2002). These recommendations include: performing a literature search which

includes both peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed literature and encompasses a

wide range of sources including large-scale and small-scale electronic databases,

grey literature such as practitioner journals, books, government reports; taking a

team approach to define keywords and develop exclusion and inclusion criteria and

compiling a list of search tools and other means used to search data bases and other

search sources.

A wide range of academic databases was searched: PsycInfo, ERIC, JSTOR,

Proquest, Proquest Social Science Journals, Expanded Academic, Web of Science,

Sociological Abstracts and Sports Discus. A search of Google Scholar was also

attempted; however, the high number of hits and difficulties in reducing these, even

with keyword definition, led to this source (Google Scholar) being excluded. In

addition, what is known as a ‘‘grey search’’ was carried out which included

evaluation reports and reviews conducted by research institutes (such as the Harvard

Family Research Project), as well as studies previously sourced by team members.

A search of both Campbell Collaboration and Cochrane Collaboration databases

was also conducted and revealed that no reviews have been carried out on the area

of ECA.

Keyword definition

In order to facilitate a comprehensive search of the literature, the review team drew

up a list of possible keywords which described the activity, the research terms used

in examining effectiveness of outcomes, some outcome terms, and some

preliminary exclusion criteria. Thirty-eight keywords were used to describe the

activity and included: ECA, out-of-school activities, non-academic school activities,

learning support and leisure/recreation activities. Research terms included: evalu-

ation, impact, effect, relationship and causal. Outcomes were defined as academic,

engagement and retention. The full list of keywords is shown in Table 1.

Do extra-curricular activities in schools improve educational outcomes? 597


Some studies were excluded during the search for the following reasons: (i) if

they reported on data stated to have been collected before 1985; (ii) if the involved

students were less than 13 years of age or over 19 years of age and (iii) if the reports

were not written in English.

The resulting comprehensive search identified 136 studies meeting the

preliminary criteria, although some flexibility was accepted regarding the age-

related exclusion criteria (for example, studies were accepted if they were

longitudinal and tracked students from junior high school through to high school).

Further inclusion and exclusion criteria were set up to assess the quality of studies

and the soundness of their methodology (see Table 2). Studies were then screened

using these additional criteria.

Search results

Out of the 88 studies which met the criteria for population, type of activity and

educational outcomes, 58 included quantitative data and were therefore selected for

further analysis. A final examination of these studies was carried out during the

quantitative data entry process, revealing that only 29 studies described their

methodology and findings in sufficient depth to be accepted for further analysis for

this review (see Table 3).

Each included study is highlighted (*) in the final reference list of this review.

Only one study was undertaken in the United Kingdom; the rest originated in the

United States. Hence, this study is particularly relevant to the US context.

Twenty-three of the studies based their findings on data from secondary sources,

which included national longitudinal studies such as the National Education

Longitudinal Study in 1988 (NELS:88) (NCES 2006) and High School and Beyond

(HSB) (Adelman 1995; Konstantopoulos 2005); and regional longitudinal studies

Table 1 Keyword definitions

Keyword activity definition

Extracurricular activities/engagement; Out-of-school activities; Outside-of-school/outside school;

Out-of-school learning activities; Extra class activities School club membership; School sports

Non-academic student activities; After-school experiences; After-school clubs; School-sponsored

activities; Non-school-sponsored activities; After school; physical activities; Adolescent activities;

Leisure/recreation activities; Adult sponsored structured activities; Extramural activities; Activity

involvement; Art & physical activities

School-based extra-curricular; Non-curricular studies/activities; Youth activities; Homework club;

Student engagement; Careers-related activities; Academic enrichment; Extended learning; Non-class

experience; Extra classroom factors; Leisure-time physical activity; Out-of-school time use; Leisure

time; Structured out-of-school time; SEA/structured extracurricular activities; Learning support;

Academic support; Creative arts; Mentoring/student support

Research terms

Evaluation; Impact; Effect; Outcome; Relationship; Significance; Causal; Indicator; Longitudinal;

Benefits; Comparison; Study; Analysis

Outcome terms

Academic/learning outcome; Future aspirations; Engagement/retention/school holding power;

Retention; Self-worth/Self-concept/self-esteem; (incl. development of leadership & responsibility)

598 B. Shulruf


such as the Carolina Longitudinal Study (Robinson and Etheridge 1995) and the

Michigan Study of Adolescent Life Transitions (MSALT) (Barber et al. 2001).

All 29 studies focused, to some extent, on school-sponsored ECA. 19 looked only

at school-sponsored activities; the remaining studies involved both school-

sponsored and non-school-sponsored (but similar) activities. In only four instances

did studies look at the impact of total ECA participation in both school-sponsored

and non-school sponsored activities; the other 25 studies examined the effect of a

range of ECA on a variety of educational outcomes. The ECA included academic,

sporting, leadership, performing and creative arts, vocational and other community

activities. The outcomes considered included academic achievement and aspiration

towards future education or training. School retention or holding power was a

further key outcome measured.

Studies were only included in the meta-analysis if the methodology and data used

enabled fair assessment of their results. Furthermore, only studies providing

statistical data which could be modified to effect sizes were included. It is

acknowledged that adherence to these strict inclusion criteria limits the breadth of

the review, and that it is possible that the omission of studies not meeting any of the

criteria might bias the meta-analysis (Feinstein 1995; Suri and Clarke 1999).

Nonetheless, since the focus of the current study is on the causal effects of ECA, it

was essential to establish, and adhere to, these restrictive selection criteria. It is

Table 2 Inclusion/exclusion criteria

Criteria Description

Study design Quantitative methods included controlled observational studies, studies with

qualitative description supported by other systematic data collection and studies

with qualitative perceptions only (teacher reports only were excluded)

Research measures Data-collection tools were standardised, supporting reliability and validity of data

Sampling Representative sampling and adequacy of sample size were included as criteria

Rigor of


Studies needed to be sufficiently transparent to allow judgments about the merits

of assessment and the adequacy of data on moderating factors such as ethnicity,

gender, type of activity, peer pressure, number of activities, fit between

participants and activity, or external factors. Transparency also enabled

examination of whether findings were substantiated by data

Data collection and


Clear, explicit description of data collection and analysis including data on

sampling methods and response rate

Type of activity Structured, school-sponsored/school-based; extra to core curriculum activities;

not employment, work-related

Type of outcome Academic/learning outcome; future aspirations; engagement/retention/school

holding power; self worth/self concept/self esteem (including development of




Future aspirations; engagement/retention/school holding power; self worth/self

concept/self esteem (including development of leadership/responsibility)

Context Adequate description was essential with aims and objectives clearly described



Clear and transparent theory was important but not essential

Note: Studies were included if they met the majority of the following criteria for both quality of meth-

odology and focus of the study

Do extra-curricular activities in schools improve educational outcomes? 599


suggested, however, that other meta-analyses looking at associations rather than

causal effects could take a much broader approach to their selection criteria.


As previously noted, the majority of literature which discusses and investigates

ECA has been undertaken in the USA where such activities are largely externally

contracted rather than run by teachers working in the schools themselves.

Many of the studies are based on secondary data sources involving large national

data sets from longitudinal studies, such as the data from High School and Beyond

Study, and NELS (e.g. Broh 2002; Darling et al. 2005; Marsh 1992; McNeal 1995;

Melnick et al. 1992). The use of secondary data raises the issue of applicability,

since the original data sets were not developed with the purpose of testing the

impact of participation in ECA. As a result, these studies, while valuable, tend to

adopt a similar methodology, highlighting associations between participation and

outcomes with analysis around the pre-defined moderating variables measured in

the original study, such as peer relationships, race and gender. As these studies

rarely have the opportunity to deal with the original data, this presents a potentially

confounding factor in the accuracy of evidence. In addition, the large number of

studies using the same dataset (although utilising somewhat different measures and

sub-samples), has the potential to bias the outcomes of any pooled effect sizes.

A further limitation noted is associated with the common use of secondary data

sources where measures are defined for national or large-scale data collection

purposes. Many of the reviewed studies define educational outcomes in terms of

Table 3 Studies selection

Database Initial



in the first


Included in the

second stage

(met the criteria

for population,

type of activity

and outcomes)

Selected for

quantitative analysis

(included quantitative

data allowing

calculation of effect


PsychInfo 3729>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>=


136 88 29

ERIC 141



(grey literature)


Expanded academic 390

Proquest Social Science



Proquest 13

Web of Science 24

Sociological abstracts

advanced search


Sport Discus 32

600 B. Shulruf


academic achievement focusing on Grade Point Averages (GPAs) and scores

(Branch 2003; Chambers and Schreiber 2004; Keith et al. 2004; Lipscomb 2007;

Marsh 1992; Silliker and Quirk 1997); however, Ainley (1994) commented that one

of the issues in studies examining school effectiveness is the emphasis on limited

ranges of achievement measures (i.e. achievement test scores in core curriculum

areas) as indicators of school quality. Ainley (of the Australian Council for

Educational Research), suggested that attention to other indicators, such as student

engagement, might have been more appropriate and might provide a better

understanding of what shapes student outcomes.

Although worthwhile in terms of contributing to the pool of information on the

effect of ECA on student outcomes, few of the studies were positioned within a

coherent theoretical framework. In their recent review of the literature on ECA in

high school, Feldman and Matjasko (2005) commented that ‘‘new methods for

measuring activities and applying an overarching theoretical framework’’ would

help to provide a clearer picture as to the causal mechanisms particular to ECA and

positive outcomes for secondary school students.

Analysis strategy

Statistical data were extracted from the 29 studies. Due to the very wide and diverse

range of activities examined in these studies, clustering was necessary for analysis

purposes (Lipsey and Wilson 2001). In this case, the ECA were clustered into eight

groups, as shown in Table 4.


The outcomes for participation in ECA used in the analysis were: academic

achievement (GPA, Maths, English/Reading and Science); retention or school

attendance; attitudes towards school; tertiary participation and aspirations to tertiary

education; and self-concept.

Table 4 Description of activity clusters

Activity name Description

Sports Any type of individual/team sports activities

Academic Club/


Academic clubs that were subject oriented; journalism/yearbook

Performing Arts/


Any type of performing arts e.g. dance, music, theatre, cheerleading etc.

Student Council Any type of formal student leadership activities

Vocational Club Any types of activities focusing on vocational skills

Mentoring Tutoring, mentoring

Non Sports Activities Activities that did not include sports yet without any specific details on the

type of activity

ECA General ECA activities with no details on the types of activities

Do extra-curricular activities in schools improve educational outcomes? 601


Calculating the effect sizes

Effect sizes were calculated from each study using formulae suggested by Lipsey

and Wilson (2001). The total effect sizes (Cohen’s d) for each outcome were

weighted by sample sizes.

Where findings did not meet the significance level of p \ 0.05, an effect size of 0

was imputed as it was assumed that such effects were due to random effects rather

than participation in ECA. This conservative approach was taken (only a few non-

significant effect sizes were negative) for three reasons: (i) most effect sizes

reporting a significance level of p [ 0.05 were small; (ii) non-significant results

(with or without data on the effect size) were reported in studies with a large number

of participants (n [ 300), so the sample size was likely to have little effect on the

significance level; and (iii) some of the reports with non-significant results provided

no data on the effect size. Hence, although this conservative approach may converge

the effect sizes towards zero, it also limits the possible effects of artefacts on the

results, which is important in any study but particularly when there is an attempt to

measure causal effects.

By taking this very conservative approach it was not possible to estimate the

actual effect sizes of ECA, as results using this approach are likely to be biased

downward (given that most non-significant effects were positive) (Lipsey and

Wilson 2001). However, by minimising the chances of false positive or type 2 error

(Abramson 1995) and thus increasing the power of the study, it is believed that this

approach is adequate to address the question ‘‘Do extra-curricular activities affectstudent outcomes?’’ This is particularly important given that critiques of meta-

analyses, which use observational data, suggest that uncontrolled confounders may

bias the results, particularly if the effects are small (Feinstein 1995; Shapiro 1997).


The findings from studies on participation in extra-curricular activity and students’

outcomes suggest a positive relationship between participation in school-sponsored

activities and achievement (see Table 5). However, it is unclear exactly what it is

about these types of activity that causes the learning-related outcomes, or indeed

whether there is a causal relationship at all.

The analysis of the studies undertaken in this review reinforces this point by

demonstrating that while a significant relationship was seen between activities and

outcomes in some instances, no evidence of causality was found. Furthermore, in

many instances effect sizes were low, indicating that there was no meaningful

association at all. Table 5 outlines a summary of the effect sizes, in terms of

learning-related outcomes, and indicates that most effect sizes (Cohen’s d) were

moderate to low. Meaningful effect sizes were found in only two instances: the

effect of general ECA on aspiration to tertiary studies; and the effect of student

council participation on GPA.

Table 5 shows that effect sizes were exhibited mostly where the outcomes related

to grades in general, or specific subjects such as Maths, English/reading and

602 B. Shulruf


Science. Interestingly, while the effect size for aspiration to tertiary education

yielded a moderate effect size of 0.48, no significant effect size was found that

related any extra-curricular activity to actual participation in tertiary education.

One of the highest effect sizes found was related to participation in student

council or student leadership bodies. Participation in student leadership bodies

yielded an effect size of 0.47 across three studies on GPA, yet there was no

meaningful effect on other outcomes (see Table 5).

Participation in academic clubs yielded effect sizes of 0.34–0.37 in English/

Reading, Maths and Science (but negligible for GPA; ES = 0.02). This finding

suggests that, although the effect sizes are small, students who participate in

academic clubs have higher grade levels. The number of effect sizes measured for

each outcome related to academic clubs is relatively high (n = 10–16), which gives

higher confidence in the generalisation of this statement (see Table 5). At the same

time, however, the reasons for the relationship between academic clubs and higher

grades are unclear. It may be speculated that more academically-inclined students

choose to participate in academic clubs, but further research is needed to determine

causality in the first instance.

Table 5 Mean effect sizes by type of activity and outcome

Activity cluster Outcome ESa 95% CI N (ES) n (students)

ECA General GPA 0.17 -0.31 to 0.66 3 35,866

ECA General Math 0.38 0.16 to 0.60 4 21,644

ECA General English/Reading 0.30 0.11 to 0.49 4 21,644

ECA General Science 0.27 0.11 to 0.43 4 21,644

ECA General Attitudes toward school 0.20 0.11 to 0.29 5 2,904

ECA General Aspiration to Tertiary 0.48 0.16 to 0.79 3 27,596

Sports GPA 0.15 0.07 to 0.23 15 59,804

Sports Math 0.08 -0.04 to 0.20 14 61,032

Sports English/Reading -0.01 -0.07 to 0.05 13 44,727

Sports Retention 0.31 0.09 to 0.52 5 20,960

Sports Aspiration to Tertiary 0.16 -0.10 to 0.42 4 11,993

Sports Self concept 0.04 -0.04 to 0.13 7 37,034

Academic Club/Journalism GPA 0.02 -0.05 to 0.09 10 32,255

Academic Club/Journalism Math 0.36 0.10 to 0.62 16 35,799

Academic Club/Journalism English/Reading 0.37 0.18 to 0.56 16 35,799

Academic Club/Journalism Science 0.34 0.18 to 0.49 13 10,680

Performing Arts/Cheerleading GPA 0.17 0.01 to 0.34 8 16,925

Performing Arts/Cheerleading Math 0.05 -0.02 to 0.13 11 79,430

Performing Arts/Cheerleading English/Reading 0.05 -0.12 to 0.22 11 79,430

Performing Arts/Cheerleading Retention 0.02 -0.19 to 0.23 3 15,541

Students Council GPA 0.47 -0.02 to 0.95 3 7,283

Students Council Math 0.15 0.04 to 0.26 3 13,344

Students Council English/Reading 0.16 0.04 to 0.28 3 13,344

a Effect sizes are weighted for sample size

Do extra-curricular activities in schools improve educational outcomes? 603


Sport was the most commonly investigated extra-curricular activity across the 29

studies. However, the effect of sports activities across the range of learning

outcomes was minimal, and ranged between -0.01 and 0.31. While the results do

suggest that sports activities could be related to school retention, the effect size

(Cohen’s d) of 0.31 is low (Cohen 1977) (Table 5), somewhat limiting the

meaningfulness of this finding; although the results tell us that student participation

in sports is associated with retention, the correlational evidence does not explain

why this might be the case.

There were no meaningful associations found for performing arts/cheerleading

across the range of outcomes, nor for vocational clubs or mentoring. The effect sizes

for performing arts/cheerleading ranged between 0.02 and 0.17 and it is interesting

to note that, unlike sports, performing arts did not have any effect on retention.

Effect size by school grade level

The broader focus of this systematic review is on pathways to higher education; as

such it was clearly important to identify the effect size of ECA by the school grade

level. Results of the full analysis, effect sizes and their level of significance are

shown in Table 6.

The most important finding was the relationship between participation in

academic clubs and results in core curriculum assessments. Effect sizes for

participation in academic clubs at junior and senior high school levels on Maths and

English/Reading outcomes were relatively high (ES = 0.86 and 0.69 respectively);

for Science the effect size was low-moderate (ES = 0.38). None of the academic

clubs that took place in junior schools (J) yielded meaningful effect sizes. These

results clearly indicate that participation in academic clubs in ‘Junior and High’

schools is associated with higher grades in Maths, English and Science (ES = 0.86,

0.69, 0.38 respectively), whereas engagement in academic clubs in junior schools is

not related to students’ achievements. This conclusion is also supported by the

relatively large number of the effect sizes (10) included in this analysis (see

Table 6).

A different picture can be drawn when looking at the relationship between sports

activities and learning-related outcomes. In this case the results show that across

junior and high school levels, all effect sizes but one were very small and for some

the 95% CI indicated inconclusive results. The exception was sports activities

undertaken at a junior school level; this yielded a reasonable (low-moderate) effect

size in terms of retention (ES = 0.30, 95% CI 0.02–0.58).

Analysis of non-specific general ECA at junior through high school level yielded

low to moderate effect sizes for Maths, English and Science outcomes (ES = 0.38,

0.30, 0.27, respectively). At junior school level, non-specific general ECA yielded

high effect size for attitudes towards school (ES = 3.65; 95% CI 0.38–6.92) and

GPA (ES = 1.8; 95% CI -6.88 to 10.48). However, this finding came from two

studies only, so any generalisation should be taken with caution.

It is noteworthy that the data available for the meta-analysis did not allow the

placement of robust control measures for confounding the effects relating to specific

groups’ characteristic or activity types. While this commonly happens when too few

604 B. Shulruf


effect sizes are identified, some caution is suggested with regard to the interpretation

of the mean effect sizes reported above.

Effects of data sources

As previously mentioned, the studies included for analysis in this review were

predominantly based on secondary data sources, a methodology which, in terms of

data collection, can lend itself to vulnerability to bias due to limitations around

transparency. To examine the relationship between the results of the studies in this

review and the methods used by the researchers, the association between the data

collection method and the effect sizes was measured. It was found that studies

which used secondary data (data taken from existing databases) yielded effect size

of 0.15 (95% CI 0.14–0.15), whereas primary data (e.g. questionnaires) yielded

higher effect size (ES = 0.27 95% CI 0.26–0.28).

Since these differences are significant, it is suggested that any further systematic

review/meta-analysis in this area should consider the effects of the data sources. It is

particularly important in the use of secondary data as it may mean that the researchers

Table 6 Mean effect sizes by school grade level

Activity cluster Outcome School

levelaESb 95% CI N (ES)

Sports Self concept J & H 0.04 -0.04 to 0.13 7 37,034

Sports Retention J 0.30 0.02 to 0.58 4 20,568

Sports English/Reading J -0.01 -0.35 to 0.32 3 35,197

Sports GPA J 0.17 -0.08 to 0.42 6 22,004

Sports GPA J & H 0.14 0.10 to 0.19 7 37,034

Sports Math J 0.12 -0.66 to 0.90 3 35,197

Sports Math J & H 0.03 0.01 to 0.04 9 25,069

Performing Arts/


English/Reading J 0.11 -0.13 to 0.34 6 67,857

Performing Arts/


GPA J 0.18 -0.15 to 0.51 4 15,393

Performing Arts/


Math J 0.06 -0.07 to 0.19 6 67,857

ECA General Attitudes towards


J 3.65 0.38 to 6.92 6 2,904

ECA General Science J & H 0.27 0.11 to 0.43 4 21,644

ECA General English/Reading J & H 0.30 0.11 to 0.49 4 21,644

ECA General GPA J 1.80 -6.88 to 10.48 4 35,866

ECA General Math J & H 0.38 0.16 to 0.60 4 21,644

Academic Club/Journalism Science J & H 0.38 0.20 to 0.55 10 9,530

Academic Club/Journalism English/Reading J & H 0.69 0.38 to 1.00 10 9,530

Academic Club/Journalism GPA J 0.01 -0.07 to 0.09 4 27,839

Academic Club/Journalism Math J & H 0.86 0.41 to 1.31 10 9,530

a J & H Junior and High school; J Junior. b Effect sizes are weighted for sample size

Do extra-curricular activities in schools improve educational outcomes? 605


are working blind, rather than being privy to information that has the potential to

elucidate and inform the research. For example, knowing whether a respondent was a

participant or programme operator may change the value of the data.


The key issue raised by this critical review and meta-analysis of literature on

participation in ECA and the relationship of participation to school-related

outcomes is linked to the strength of the evidence supporting the effect of ECA

on educational outcomes, and the limitations around the determination of causality.

A further, related issue highlighted is the restriction placed on both the analysis and

the findings due to the lack of empirical data (e.g. attendance and ethnicity data),

and the popular use of data collected from secondary sources.


The studies investigated in this review set out to illustrate how participation in ECA

is linked to a range of school-related outcomes, including higher academic

achievement, engagement and retention in schooling, development of leadership

and self-responsibility and future tertiary aspirations. While relationships were

determined; there was no evidence of causal effects.

Causal effect

For a relationship to demonstrate causal effect, the following criteria should be

addressed (Abramson 1995, pp. 259–267):

a. Is the association between the suspected cause and the effect shown to be

statistically significant (at the level determined by the researcher)?

b. Is the strength of the association such as correlation between cause and effect

high enough and the actual value context-related?

c. Is there evidence that the greater the exposure to the cause, the greater the

effect? (‘Dose response’ relationship)

d. Has the cause occurred before the effect appears (time response)?

e. Is the effect related to only one cause (specificity)? (If so, the support for causal

effect increases.)

f. Does the association show consistency under different conditions? and;

g. Is there coherence with current knowledge? (Inconsistency with other evidence

weakens the case for causality.)

The evidence provided in some of the studies in this review met some of the

criteria, but no study met them all. Although some associations were statistically

significant (see criterion a), the strength of the association, namely the effect sizes,

were small (criterion b). No evidence could identify dose exposure (criterion c), or

any ‘Time response’ relationship (criterion d), as there was either no measure for

change over time or no indication in these studies that students’ achievement had

606 B. Shulruf


increased/decreased over the time. It was impossible to indicate level of specificity

(criterion e), as no study controlled the associations for other known effects on the

outcomes (such as family variables, school experiences etc.). The differences in the

effect sizes across different studies – including negative effect sizes – provide little

support that the evidence presented met the criterion of consistency (criterion f).

Finally, the current knowledge about the impact of ECA on academic achievements

is too scarce to suggest any concrete conclusion (criterion g).

Some caution should be taken, however, in this causality assessment. As Abramson

(1995, p. 261) suggested, ‘‘We can never really ‘prove’ a causal relationship. What we

want, however, is ‘reasonable proof’, strong enough to be used as basis for decision

and action.’’ In practice this means that the more criteria for causality are met, and the

more substantial these criteria are, the more likely it is for a causal effect to be evident.

Thus, ‘‘decisions and action’’ should be made on the best evidence available, and the

task of providing this evidence should be central to further research in this area.

Overall, although some associations could be identified between participation in

ECA and a number of students’ outcomes, there was no robust evidence for causal

effects relating to these associations. Until causality can be shown, how best to

enhance positive school-related outcomes through ECA will remain unclear.

Limitations of study data

The collection of data from the extra-curricular studies presented the review authors

with some difficulties due to the widely varied approaches taken, the multiplicity of

outcomes and the varying definitions of ‘‘outcomes’’. For example, studies used a

wide range of academic outcome measures, including: GPA, Scholastic Assessment

Test (SAT) scores, grades for single core curriculum subjects, course credits, and

self-reports/teacher ratings in the United States; and GCSE in the United Kingdom.

Studies also focused on a range of different core curriculum areas; some examined

English, some Science, some Maths, and others a mixture or all three. There was

also an issue with the range and clustering of ECA. There were no data available on

activity attendance, and limited data available on ethnicity, both of which restricted

the ability to look at trends and patterns.

Furthermore, although the data generally originated from longitudinal studies

with baseline data, there appeared to be no controls in place which might have

enabled a comparison of outcomes by baseline data to have taken place.

Use of secondary data

Most of the studies used secondary data for their analyses but, although these

datasets are large and quite comprehensive, the data stored in these databases were

not originally collected to address specific questions about ECA. For example,

question 82 from the first National Education Longitudinal Study in 1988

(NELS:88) asks: ‘‘Have you or will you have participated’’ in ECA (see Fig. 1).

This question was very likely designed to collect information to answer a specific

research question, and not necessarily the one presented in some of the studies

reviewed. This question asks about the future, and does not distinguish between

Do extra-curricular activities in schools improve educational outcomes? 607


reports on actual activities taken, or plans to take these in the future; nor does it ask

for relevant or adequate information related to the outcomes of ECA. In addition,

this question does not distinguish between the level or the type of participation in

ECA, and as such it is impossible to determine, for instance, whether the respondent

is a participant, a leader or an organiser.

Another issue relating to the use of secondary source data, and the NELS:88 in

particular, is the lack of depth to the information collected. General comprehensive

questionnaires, which ask many questions on a broad range of topics, are designed

to capture wide-ranging information rather than collecting in-depth information on

specific topics. As 13 studies included in this review used data from NELS:88, and

all of them used the items from the first wave as presented above, the validity of the

information on participation in ECA is doubtful.

Methodological bias

Further examination of the approaches used in studies based on secondary source

data revealed more methodological flaws. For example, Marsh and Kleitman (2003)

used NELS:88 for their study and sampled 12,084 students from the 1988 cohort.

However, on closer examination, their study included only 4,250 students (35%)

with valid data for all the variables considered in the analysis. Moreover, students

who transferred or dropped out of school were excluded from the main analyses.

Providing no analysis of missing data and excluding the students who left school

raises a critical question about whether or not the effects found in this analysis are

only artefacts. Alternatively, the results could be overturned if all the data were

included in the analysis. For example, one might assume that there were many

students, among the 65% who were excluded from the study, who participated in

ECA but left school for various reasons, including poor outcomes.

None of the other studies which used NELS:88 revealed any analyses of missing

data. In addition, it was found that the data used excluded students who changed

schools and those who did not complete questionnaires (or whose parents did not

complete the questionnaire). The vulnerability for bias is great as students with low

grades are more likely to drop out or change schools and their parents are less likely

to be engaged in school life. Excluding these students from the analysis, while it is

known that the majority of students are active in ECA (Cooper et al. 1999), is likely

to bias the reported results upwards.

These possible biases have a major effect on the analyses carried out in the current

review, since there were quite a few studies which included subsamples from the

NELS:88 project and therefore some participants might have been included in more

than one study. For this reason students’ weightings were not equal across studies and,

82. Have you or will you have participated in any of the following school

activities during the current school year, either as a member, or as an

officer (for example, vice-president, coordinator, team captain)?

Fig. 1 Question 82 from NELS of 1988

608 B. Shulruf


as individuals could not be identified, it was impossible to control this bias using

statistical measures. While the conceptual consequences are obvious, this situation

provides further support for the conservative analytical approach undertaken in this

systematic review.


The aim of this systematic review was to ascertain what it is about ECA participation

that supports positive outcomes and why, and to consider how the common

assumptions about the benefits of ECA participation can be validated. The results

show associations rather than causation and raise major concerns regarding the

validity of some of the data and analyses used in the literature. This leads to the

conclusion that the current knowledge on ECA participation does not suggest that

extracurricular activities affect student educational outcomes either positively or

negatively. It is therefore considered essential that further research be carried out to

unravel how participation in ECA contributes to students’ outcomes and why. Such

research should investigate aspects of participation including what motivates

participation, how and why students participate, and how such participation impacts

on their outcomes.

Recommendations for further research

Lack of evidence for causality strongly suggests that the fundamental question

which should be asked is: ‘‘Do extra-curricular activities have any effect on

students’ outcomes?’’ It is therefore recommended that further studies try to identify

the effects of ECA on students’ outcomes by including measures for causality in

their study design. The best measures for causal effects are established by

prospective randomised controlled trials (Abramson 1995) and studies incorporating

this methodology in this area should be promoted. It is noted however, that

undertaking prospective randomised controlled trials is very difficult in social

sciences, particularly due to ethical issues. Thus, the second-best option is to apply

methods of quasi-experiment with an emphasis on causal effects; that is, collecting

data which enable assessment of as many causality criteria as possible.

Implementing such measures in the ECA research is important. Schools in most

countries spend significant resources on ECA but, as this critical review has found,

there is no robust evidence supporting the effectiveness of that expenditure. Thus,

research in this area is crucial, particularly if one wishes to improve school

effectiveness and student outcomes.


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The author

Dr. Boaz Shulruf is the Deputy Head of the Centre of Medical and Health Sciences Education at the

Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, University of Auckland. His main research interest is in

methodology of research in education, cross-cultural psychology, social sciences and health. His recent

publications include articles on student pathways in the secondary and tertiary education; methodology of

longitudinal studies; and collectivism and individualism.

612 B. Shulruf


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