Do Coffee Beans Go Bad

Post on 22-Apr-2015

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Coffee has been prepared as a beverage since the fourteen hundreds, and it continues to be popular around the world today. The fact that you are reading this article shows that you probably enjoy drinking a good cup of coffee.

Transcript of Do Coffee Beans Go Bad


Coffee has been prepared as a beverage since the fourteen hundreds, and it continues to be popular around the world today. The fact that you are reading this article shows that you probably enjoy drinking a good cup of coffee.

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Many wonder if coffee can go bad. The answer is yes it can go bad, however, it will not make you sick if “goes bad”. The coffee will simply loose some of its quality and its pleasant taste.

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Most coffee that is purchased in a store will have a “best by” date. Ground coffee will usually continue to be good three to five months after the “best by” date when kept in the pantry. If you keep your ground coffee in the freezer it will usually still be good up to two years after the “best by” date.

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Unground whole bean coffee has a longer shelf life and will last three to five months past its “best by” date. They will usually last up to 5 years past the “best by” date when kept in the freezer.

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Instant coffee goes through a process that freezer dries it in order to preserve it longer. It will last for about 20 years. If you don’t think that is long enough it should last indefinitely in the freezer!

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If you don’t keep the original package and can’t remember how long it has been since you opened the coffee there is a simple test that you can do to understand if your coffee is still good. Simply open the container and smell the coffee. If the coffee is still good it will still have a good and strong smell to it.

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