DNC for Fanuc 0M y 0T

Post on 28-Mar-2015

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Transcript of DNC for Fanuc 0M y 0T


DNC / file transfer settings for Fanuc 0M and OT

Set the following parameters on the machine:

To set the CNC up for drip feed (0M): Enable parameter G127.5 Select AUTO (DNC) mode Send the program from the computer, then press Cycle Start on the Fanuc. To pause dripfeed, turn the Feedrate override to 0%.

Set ConnectCNC as follows:

Parameter Value

0002 00000001

0552 9



I/O 0

Common Settings

Name Fanuc

Baudrate2400 (or to match CNC setting)

Data bits 7

Stop bits 2

Parity Even

Flow control


Xon Char. 17

Xoff char. 19

Port as available

Send Settings

Header String 37,13,10


Cable Pin Out

Trailer String 37,13,10

The above codes mean "%,CR,LF". If your program has the percent sign at the beginning and end, leave the Header and Trailer blank.

End of Line Sequence

Recognize customEOL


Check "%" character

checked if you have a "%" at the beginning and end of your programs.

Skip empty lines user's choice

Skip line numbers user's choice

Skip non printable bytes

user's choice

Skip comments check "(...)" if required

Default folderFolder in which you store this machine's programs

Start transfer delay

user's choice

Receive Settings

Header String

Trailer String

End of Line Sequence

Recognize custom EOL

Replace (checked)


Check "%" character

checked if you have a "%" at the beginning and end of your programs.

Skip empty lines user's choice

Skip line numbers

user's choice

Skip non printable bytes

user's choice

Skip comments check "(...)" if required

Default folderFolder in which you store this machine's programs

Start transfer delay

user's choice

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Once you have ConnectCNC and your CNC machines communicating, we strongly suggest you take the following precautions: - Download some programs, the longer the better, from your CNC to the pc. Savethem under a temporary filename so you don't overwrite the original files. Examine themfor errors such as dropped or changed text. Do this for the first few programs that you use.

These settings have been collected from users of our software and machine tool distributers. We have listed them to help users of ConnectCNC to communicate between their computers and CNC controls. Since we have no control over the many variables involved, including such things as cable conditions, modifications to machines, condition of computer hardware, etc., we take no responsibility for any damage

caused to programs or machines through the use of this software.

Site Map ©Copyright CNC Consulting Inc. 1996-2008

Minimum system requirements for our software: Any computer with Windows95 v950B or higher(32 bit), 98, ME, 2000 XP, NT, Vista.

Hardware requirements will depend on the size of CNC files processed with EditCNC and ConnectCNC. However, ConnectCNC requires at least one serial COM port, or USB/RS232c port converter.

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