DM2 Radio School · same band being allocated for mobile telephone services. (However similar...

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Radio School

Core Unit Radio Systems and TechnologyR C U R


Channel coder

Speech coder

Channel decoder

Speech decoder

DM2 Digital Mobile Telephony



D-AMPS, channel codingD-AMPS, coupling to Analog AMPSD-AMPS, modemD-AMPS, modulationD-AMPS, radio specificationD-AMPS, TDMA-structureD-AMPS, TDMA or FDMADCC - Digital Control ChannelDCC - Digital Control Channel, hierarchical cell structureDCC - Digital Control Channel, hyper frameDCC - Digital Control Channel: sleeping modeDCC - Digital Control Channel, TDMA structureGSM/D-AMPS, comparationGSM/D-AMPS: comparation speech quality - protection ratioGSM/D-AMPS: comparation diversity gainGSM/D-AMPS: comparation frequency economyPDC, Personal Digital Network



Digital Mobile TelephonyDM2 American Digital NetworkD-AMPS (ADC)

Contents Page1. Background 42. Radio specification 63. Comparison of the GSM and D-AMPS system 12

Appendix 1: Personal Digital Network (PDN) 16Appendix 2: D-AMPS with Digital Control Channel 17



1. BackgroundThe development of digital mobile telephone systems has differed considerably inthe USA as compared to western Europe. This explains the many essential differ-ences between the Digital AMPS system (D-AMPS), previously called AmericanDigital Cellular - ADC and the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM).

The analog mobile telephone system, AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone System),covers almost the entire USA and serves the needs of the majority of its users. Theoverriding problem is that owing to the shortage of frequencies AMPS operatessince 1990 at full capacity in the major urban areas. There is short term onlylimited scope for increasing the traffic capacity of the system by reducing cellsizes, and there is no prospect in the near future of additional frequencies in thesame band being allocated for mobile telephone services. (However similar serv-ices will be provided in a band around 1900 MHz). The principal reason for intro-ducing a digital mobile telephone system alongside the Analog AMPS was toobtain a substantial improvement in spectrum efficiency.

Work on the specification of a digital mobile telephone system started in 1988,when the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) initiated a study phase withthe stipulation that a new digital system must offer the long-term potential toprovide spectrum efficiency ten times higher than that of the AMPS. The studywork was coordinated by the TR-45.3 working group set up by the Telecommuni-cations Industry Association (TIA). The work was based on a demand specificationdrawn up by the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA) andthe result was the IS-54 standard – the Digital-AMPS.

Two system solutions were presented to the working group: narrowband FDMA(N-FDMA) and narrowband TDMA (N-TDMA). The starting point for both wasthat a threefold improvement in spectrum efficiency should be obtained in the firstphase by accommodating three speech channels in a 30-kHz radio channel. Twovariants of N-FDMA were submitted: one by ATT/Bell and the other by Motorola.The N-TDMA system was submitted by Ericsson. Pilot systems were developedand demonstrated in field tests. From the results of these, the working group drewup a recommendation for N-TDMA, followed by a detailed standard specification:EIA/TIA-IS-54.

The D-AMPS system is complementary to the analogue AMPS, the two systemsforming an integrated system. The digital system is gradually being introduced inthe main urban areas. System capacity is being increased by replacing an analog30-kHz base-station unit for one speech channel by a digital unit for a 30-kHz radiochannel with TDMA for three speech channels. Each time a unit is exchanged in acell, the total number of speech channels in the system is increased by two.

The analog system alone will continue to serve the rural areas for a long time yet,which means that mobile terminals will have to switch between the the analog anddigital system to make full use of the integrated system both inside and outside themain urban areas. The D-AMPS system also depends on the analog system formost of the signalling, e.g. for setting-up calls and allocating traffic channels. Thesignalling complexity of the D-AMPS system is therefore much lower than in theGSM.

Initially, the D-AMPS network will constitute isolated islands within an otherwiseanalog system. It must be possible to exchange an analog base station in an indi-vidual cell for a digital one, without the need to change the overall frequencyplanning. This would hardly be possible if the system were based on FDMA,



whereby a 30-kHz analog channel would be replaced by three digital 10-kHzchannels. Because these would end up in the same cell, adjacent channel selectivityapproaching 70 dB would be required, which is incompatible with existing analogsystems having cell structures based on an interleaved channel plan. This is be-cause this arrangement permits adjacent channel selectivity of only 30-40 dB, sinceadjacent channels are not allocated to the same cell or adjacent cells. The problempresented by the high requirement for adjacent channel selectivity using 10-kHzchannels is avoided with the use of TDMA. This is one of the principal reasons thatN-TDMA was chosen instead of N-FDMA.

The TDMA arrangement accommodates three speech channels in a 30-kHz chan-nel. Continued advances in speech coding could eventually result in a furtherdoubling of the capacity (six speech channels in a 30-kHz frequency slot). As inthe GSM, the system solution for the D-AMPS system therefore enables eachcarrier to carry twice the number of half-rate traffic channels. Another way inwhich the spectrum efficiency can be enhanced in the long term is through tightergeographical packing (smaller cell clusters). Thus, the long-term potential of theD-AMPS system is to improve spectrum efficiency more than tenfold as comparedto that of the Analog AMPS. To start with, however, the digital system will have tobe adapted to the same cell structure as in the analog system.

Development work is continuing in two areas. First, the digital system is to beaugmented by a complete arrangement of signalling channels plus control andmonitoring equipment, which will enable it to be installed as an autonomous radiosystem, without support from the Analog AMPS, see appendix 2. Second, it isplanned to use a higher frequency band at around 1900 MHz. This will free thesystem from the cellular planning of the analogue mobile telephone system, allow-ing smaller cluster sizes, provided that the D-AMPS system can be augmented tocope with a lower protection ratio than that required by the analog AMPS.

Another consequence of the frequency planning being closely aligned with that ofthe analog system is that, unlike in the GSM, frequency hopping cannot be used.The narrow modulation width also implies that no appreciable gain can be obtainedfrom multi-path diversity based on suitable channel equalization. It is possible thatchannel equalization will only be necessary to overcome particularly difficultpropagation conditions (such as in mountainous terrain). The scope for introducinginterleaving is also limited because of the relatively long duration of a TDMAframe. This means that if reasonable diversity gain against fading due to multipathpropagation is to be achieved in quasistationary connections, antenna diversity willbe essential. (However, this does not give any improvement in spectrum efficiencyso long as the cluster size is determined by the analog system.)



2. Radio specificationTo accommodate three speech channels on a 30-kHz radio channel imposes heavydemands on the subsystems involved – speech coders, channel coders, radiomodem and TDMA formatting. Advances made since the GSM specification wasfinalized enabled the data rate from the speech coder to be reduced from 13 kb/s inthe GSM to around 8 kb/s in the D-AMPS system. The coding rate is also higher inthe D-AMPS system than in the GSM.

The bandwidth expansion on modulation is considerably less than in the GSM,thanks to the use of linear Nyquist-filtered modulation. The drawback is that thetransmitter output stage must have good linearity characteristics.

To reduce the relative overhead in TDMA formatting, longer time slots are usedthan in GSM. This means a smaller increase in the system data rate to accommo-date guard slots and synchronization sequences. The drawback with long time slotsis not only that channel equalization must follow the changes in the impulse re-sponse of the propagation channel during a data burst (rendering channel equaliza-tion more complex) but also that the possible interleaving depth will be insignifi-cant (otherwise the transmission delay would be too long).

A summary of the principal radio parameters is given in Fig. 2.1. Since linearmodulation is used and the requirement for adjacent channel selectivity is onlymoderate, a 48-kb/s system data rate can be used over a 30-kHz channel. The π/4arrangement reduces variations in the signal envelope which, in turn, reduces therequirement for linearity in the transmitter amplifier. Nonetheless, a fairly complextransmitter amplifier with special arrangements to improve linearity is required.

Fig. 2.1

Transmission specification for the USA Digital MTS (D-AMPS/IS-54)

Frequency band: 825–850 MHz(frequency duplex) 870–895 MHz

Channel spacing 30 kHz

Modulation π / 4-DQPSK (4QAM)

System data rate 48.6 kb/s

TDMA Frame 40 ms

Time slots 6 x 6.67 ms

Full-rate channel data rate 13 kb/s

Speech coder Code-excited LPC (CELP) also calledVector-sum excited LPC (VSELP)7.95 kb/s

Diversity (Antenna)Channel codingInterleaving

The TDMA structure is shown in Fig. 2.2. As in the GSM, the timing of theinward and outward structures differs to make time duplex possible (the receivedand transmitted time slots in the terminal occur at different times).

In addition, the base instructs the terminals of suitable delays between incomingand outgoing data bursts, in order to offset different delays in propagation timesbetween terminals close to and remote from the base station. The procedure isbasically the same as in the GSM.



In some situations, a terminal will need to transmit before it has received an instructionfrom the base station as to the delay setting it should use. To eliminate the risk of thetransmitted data burst covering two time slots at the base-station receiver, a reducedlength data burst is used. This is also similar to the procedure in the GSM.

To facilitate a subsequent transition to half-rate channels, a TDMA frame isdivided into six time slots. Initially, two of these are used for each full-rate chan-nel, which means that three traffic channels are available. The time slots arehandled somewhat differently in the two directions. In the inward direction, as inthe GSM, guard slots are interposed between data bursts in adjacent time slots, andshort intervals are used for ramp-up and ramp-down of the transmission pulse.These intervals are not required in the outward direction (TDM instead of TDMA),since the transmitter will not be pulsed and the data blocks will be packed closetogether without any intervening guard slots.

Each time slot carries an information sequence, system signalling (Slow AssociateControl Channel, SACCH) and an ID code for the base station/operator and carrier.A synchronization sequence is also needed, which is also used for setting the channelequalizer. Each time slot contains 260 traffic bits; since 25 frames per second aretransmitted and two time slots per frame are used for a full-rate channel, the gross datarate for a traffic channel will be 13 kb/s (260 x 25 x 2). A Fast Associate ControlChannel (FACCH), which is needed for fast signalling during handover, is obtained by”stealing” time frames from the speech signal (compare the GSM).

The channel equalization requirements differ greatly between the D-AMPSsystem and the GSM. A larger equalizer window is specified for theD-AMPS system (40µs), which corresponds to the length of only one symbolperiod. On the other hand, the channel equalizer has to be adapted to variations inthe impulse response of the radio channel during a data burst. If a Viterbi-typechannel equalizer is used, the number of states will be four, since the modulationtype employed is 4-QAM. For each state (node), there are four entry and exit pathsthrough the trellis. The level of complexity is roughly the same as in the GSM.



SACCH = Slow Associate Control ChannelP = Power ramp-up




TDMA frame40 ms

1 2 3 4 5 6


(324 bit periods)

Base &carrier ID





Reduced length data burst22







Base &carrier ID



Fig. 2.2

D-AMPS: TDMA structure

Terminal ⇒ base




Linear Nyquist-filtered modulation is used to minimize the modulation band-width, which complicates the transmitter output amplifier. To reduce the linearityrequirement for the amplifier, a phase shift of π/4 is introduced between eachsymbol (see Fig. 2.3).





Cosine curve

0.65 1 1.35

N f( )

f fN/

(1.0) (0.0)

(1.1) (0.1)

Transitionsbetween symboln and symboln + 1

N f f fN( ) / ( )= > +0 1 för αfT T


= =1




Thus, the chance of the signal envelope reaching the zero level in some symboltransitions is averted. This implies a less stringent requirement for linearity on thetransmitter amplifier, since class B or B/C output stages have strong nonlinearity atlow power level (see Fig. 2.4). For the Nyquist characteristic, N(f), a Rised Cosinehas been selected, with the value of the α parameter being 0.35. To ensure matchedreceiver conditions, the same selectivity of the transmitter filter and the receiverfilter has been introduced: N f T f R f( ) = ( ) ( ) , that is T f N f( ) = ( ) .

The modulation spectrum is thus of the Root Rised Cosine type, with α = 0.35. In thecase of 4-QAM with a bit data rate ≈ 48 kb/s, the Nyquist frequency, fn, ≈ 12 kHz, whichcorresponds to a 3-dB bandwidth of 2fn ≈ 24 kHz. In theory, there is infinite attenuationof the modulation spectrum outside a bandwidth of 2(1 + α)fn ≈ 32 kHz. The spectrumtherefore has steep flanks with little power outside the 30-kHz channel width.

Fig. 2.3

System data rate



Tkb s




/ eller

Rised-cosine type Nyquist characteristicD-AMPS: Modem



α = 0.35

π / 4-4 QAM or π / 4-QPSK

Symbol n Symbol n + 1 Symbol n + 2

Standard 4-QAM



Class B/C

Class A

Fig. 2.4

db / 2


D A/ S f( )

D A/ S f( )



db / 2


s b







e j tω0

π / 2

Channelequalizer e jk− π / 4

e jkπ / 4



M f( )

M f( )

π / 2

e j tω0

Nyquist characteristic: N f S f M f( ) ( ) ( )= ⋅(Differential coding omitted)

(Compare Fig. 3.10 in Module DM1)

s s e eQAMjk j t= ⋅ ⋅[ ]Re ˜ /

44 0π ω

s̃ QAM4

s̃ QAM4


Fig. 2.5


Amplifier stage. Modulation curves

Modulator for standard 4-QAM

D-AMPS: π / 4-DQPSK modulation







The phase shift of π/4 between each symbol is introduced in the output from the 4-QAM modulator. A compensating phase shift of -π/4 per symbol is introducedbefore the channel equalizer, so that the input signal to the channel equalizer is astandard 4-QAM signal (see Fig. 2.5).

Differential modulation has been specified so that the receiver in principle can berealized without the need for a phase-locked local oscillator. This means that the4-QAM modulator is equipped with a precoder in the I and Q channels, the outputsignals from which correspond to the difference between the current bit and thepreceding bit. For detection, a decoder has been introduced that gives the inversefunction to that of the precoders. However, because the D-4QAM signal format isunsuitable for the channel equalizer, transition to D-4QAM takes place after it.

The difference in the data rate from the speech coder (7.95 kb/s) and 13 kb/s isexploited for channel coding. The principle is the same as in the GSM (seeFig, 2.6). In the D-AMPS, the bits are also grouped into three classes according totheir sensitivity to transmission errors.

2 x 89 = 178 82 260 bits (13 kb/s)

(Each time slot in the TDMA frameaccommodates 2 x 130 bits)

Block fromspeech coder

Block coding forerror detection

RegroupingAdding of tail


Division into twosubblocks of130 bits


159 bits 50 times/s = 7.95 kb/s12 65 82

Ia Ib II


12 7 65 82


4 6 65 6 3 5 89 bits 82

Convolutionalcoding, R = 1/2

130 130

20ms TDMA frame

Channel coding and interleaving for a full-rate traffic channel

Fig. 2.6 (CRC: Cyclic Redundancy Check)



The output signal from the speech coder occurs in data bursts of 159 bits every20 ms. (Speech coding is discussed elsewhere.) When the signal is passed throughthe channel coder, the number of bits is increased to 260. The channel coder isadapted to the characteristics of the speech coder such that only certain sensitivebits (77) are protected by FEC channel coding (convolutional code with R = 1/2and constraint length 5). Twelve of these 77 bits are very critical and are thereforealso protected by error detection coding (seven parity bits). If this group of 12 bitsshould be subject to transmission errors, special steps will be taken on the receiverside, such as repeating the preceding speech frame. 5 tail bits are added so that theshift register in the encoder is reset to zero at the end of each burst. After channelcoding, interleaving takes place over two time slots 20-ms apart.

The diversity gain from channel coding is much lower than in the GSM, at a lowterminal speed, as the D-AMPS system has few support facilities for the channelcoding. Interleaving is insignificant and no frequency hopping is utilized to breakup stationary fading structures.

In the D-AMPS system, antenna diversity therefore would give a considerablereduction in the required fading margin for multipath propagation. The proposedantenna diversity arrangement at the terminals is based on the possibility offered byTDMA to listen to the received signal from both antennas during free time slotsoccurring before the receiving time slot. Thus the best antenna can be connectedwell before the receive time slot. Therefore the switching transients disappearbefore the start of the receive time slot.

It has been estimated that the required protection ratio is 16 dB without, and 11 to12 dB with, antenna diversity. Even without it, the protection ratio for the D-AMPSsystem is slightly better than that of the existing analogue system. There is there-fore no obvious gain from employing antenna diversity so long as the D-AMPSsystem is forced to use a cell structure that is entirely determined by that used inthe analogue system.



Fig. 3.1

a. GSMMaximum system data rate and length of time slots determined by need for reasonablecomplexity of channel equalizers.• No adaptation during a TDMA time slot, i.e. short data bursts required (0.58 ms)• Equalizer able to cope with time dispersion having a maximum length of four symbol periods (16 µs)

Comprehensive signal processing justified to reduce cluster size (channel coding, 4.6 msframe time giving interleaving depth of 8, frequency hopping)

b. D-AMPSMaximum system data rate determined by channel spacing (linear modulation and30-kHz channels give approx. 50 kb/s)

Necessary with small reduction in capacity due to guard slots and synchronizationsequence. Therefore need for long time slots (6.7 ms)

Cluster size determined by existing cell structure. Acceptable with protection ratio onlymoderately better than in the analogue system (reduced channel coding, small inter-leaving depth, no frequency hopping)

In future, reduction in cluster size is possible through antenna diversity also in theterminals

GSMNew frequency band allows wide freedom in selection of channel spacing

Total spectrum efficiency essential (combination of bandwidth requirementand geographical packing density)

D-AMPSChannel spacing same as in the analogue system

Need to minimize bandwidth requirement per speech channel(geographical packing density determined by the existing analogue system)

Basic specification finalized two years later then the GSM’s(more advanced technological solutions)

Comparison of the GSM and D-AMPS system, A

3. Comparison of the GSM and D-AMPS systemThe GSM and the D-AMPS system need to satisfy roughly the same communica-tion needs. They are both cellular mobile telephone systems having extensivecoverage, serving both rural areas and major population centres. Because of theneed to coexist with the established analogue mobile telephone system in the sameor adjacent bands, both systems must employ frequency duplex. Both the GSM andthe D-AMPS system also have to meet the same requirements in terms of transmis-sion delay in speech transmission. Speech is the dominating application, althoughthe need to interface with ISDN was more of a consideration at the design of theGSM.

However, the background conditions for the systems are otherwise quite different,as a result of which there are essential differences in numerous system parameters.The main differences are given in Fig. 3.1.

Fig. 3.2

The different requirements and design criteria have also resulted in essential differencesbetween the systems in the TDMA structure and signal processing (see Figs. 3.2-3.4).

Comparison of the GSM and D-AMPS system, B



A summary of the most important radio transmission parameters for the GSM andD-AMPS system is given in Fig. 3.5.

1 2 3 4 5 66.7 ms

40 ms

Long time-slot period owing to:• long time per radio symbol• low relative TDMA overhead requires

many bits per time-slot

2 x 3 = 6 time-slots to allow subsequenttransition to half-rate speech coders.

Time-slot are so long that channel equalizersmust be adapted during each time-slot,although equalizer window of only onesymbol period is needed.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

0.6 ms

4.6 ms

Frame time determined by terminals’needing to be tuned to three frequencies:transmit, receive and listening (≈ 5 ms).

The time-slot shall be short enough(≈ 0.5 ms) to permit fixed equalizersetting .

TDMA structure: GSM TDMA structure: D-AMPS

≈ 150 bits per time-slot ≈ 320 bits per time-slot









9 1618

10 20 30 40

Speech quality

(64 kb/s PCM)


Carrier to interference ratio (dB)

Fig. 3.4

Comparison of the GSM and D-AMPS system, C


Comparison of the GSM and D-AMPS system, D

Fig. 3.3



Fig. 3.5


Channel spacing 200 kHz 30 kHz

Channel width/half-duplex speech channel 25 kHz 10 kHz

Modulation GMSK QAM (π/4-DQPSK)

System data rate 271 kb/s 48.6 kb/s

TDMA frame 4.6 ms 40 ms

Time slots 8 x 0.57 ms 6 x 6.67 ms

Bit rate, full-rate speech channel, net 13 kb/s 7.95 kb/s (with channel coding), gross 22 kb/s 13 kb/s

Rate (channel coding) 0.57 0.68

Bandwidth expansion* 200/(8 x 13) = 1.92 30/(3 x 8) = 1.25

Interleaving depth (full-rate speech channel)8 2

Frequency hopping Possible No

* Channel spacing per speech channel divided by the data rate from the speech coder

A summary of the principal radio network parameters is given in Fig. 3.6. TheD-AMPS system requires a much smaller frequency slot per speech channel. Onthe other hand, the basic version without antenna diversity requires a considerablyhigher protection ratio than the GSM. This in itself is not significant, so long as thecluster size is determined by the requirement for integration with the AMPS. Thetotal spectrum efficiency (speech channels per cell per MHz) is much the same asfor the GSM. However, a stand-alone D-AMPS system with antenna diversity(cluster size of 3 x 4) has significantly better spectrum efficiency than the GSM.(For the corresponding Japanese system has been specified antenna diversity alsoat the terminals).

Analogue FM GSM D-AMPS(NMT 450) without with

antenna diversity

Number ofspeech channels/25 MHz 1000 1000 2500 2500

Protection ratio 18 dB 9 dB 16 dB 11dB

Cluster size 3 x 7 3 x 3 3 x7 3 x 4

Speech channels/cell 47 111 119 208

Capacity improvement factor 1 2,4 2,5 4,4Fig. 3.6

Comparison of the GSM and D-AMPS system, E

Comparison of the GSM and D-AMPS system, F



A general comparison of the background conditions for the GSM and the D-AMPSsystem is shown in Fig. 3.7.

GSM• New frequency band allocated (although

a part of the band is for a limited timeused by analogue MTS)

• No strict requirements on narrowbandwidth per speech or traffic channel

• Width of radio channel not critical(although inappropriate with very wideradio channels)

• Technical risk too high for introduction ofmodulation with varying signal envelope

D-AMPS• The D-AMPS system is introduced gradually in a frequency

band that is already in use and within the existing cellstructure for analogue MTS (AMPS). Channel widththerefore predetermined at 30 kHz (or submultiple).

• The analogue AMPS is to be retained for a long time inrural areas. Principal reason for the D-AMPS: improvedspectrum efficiency in urban areas

• TDMA not really justified with fewer than three speechchannels per radio channel (carrier)

• FDMA cannot meet requirement for adjacent channelselectivity

• Principal problem: How to accommodate TDMA withthree time slots in a 30-kHz radio channel.

The D-AMPS system achieves excellent spectrumefficiency in the frequency domain but poor geographicalspectrum efficiency (unless antenna diversity introduced).

Comparison of the GSM and D-AMPS system, summary

Fig. 3.7

The GSM achieves excellent geographicalspectrum efficiency (small cluster size)



Appendix 1: Personal Digital Cellularsystem (PDC)

The Personal Digital Cellular system (PDC) system (previously called Japan DigitalCellular or Pacific Digital Network) was specified by the Japanese telecommunicationsauthority (NTT) after extensive technological development work and studies. It issimilar to the D-AMPS system but in some respects more advanced and, consequently,provides higher spectrum efficiency.

The PDC system has much the same TDMA structure as D-AMPS, with a TDMAarrangement allowing three speech channels per carrier. As in the GSM, free timebetween transmit and receive time slots is used by the terminals to listen to carriersfrom adjacent cells (Mobile Assisted Handover). In principle, the same arrange-ments for FACCH and SACCH are used as in the D-AMPS system. The systemalso includes provision for changing to half-rate traffic channels later on.

An important difference between the PDC and the D-AMPS systems is that in the PDCsystem advanced antenna diversity (Post Detection Diversity) at base and terminalsconstitutes an integral part of the system solution. This has influenced the design of thesystem in two respects:

a) Antenna diversity gives moderate suppression of the time dispersion over theradio channel. This together with a suitable antenna arrangement on the base-station side has proved to be adequate to cope with the effect of time dispersionwithout the need to introduce channel equalization. It is also likely that thepropagation conditions with respect to time dispersion are less extreme in Japanthan in the USA.

b) Antenna diversity reduces the need for channel coding to bridge the fading dipscaused by multipath propagation. Channel coding in the PDC uses a lower ratethan the D-AMPS. This compensates for the need to employ a lower system datarate, owing to the narrower channel spacing (25 kHz in Japan as against 30 kHzin the USA). Otherwise, the speech coders, the speech coder data rate and themodulation type are largely equivalent to those in the D-AMPS. The postchannel coder data rate in the PDC is 11.2 kb/s as against 13 kb/s in theD-AMPS.

The spectrum efficiency of the PDC is better than in the D-AMPS (without antennadiversity) partly because of the narrower channel spacing and partly because of thelower protection ratio (≈ 13 dB). This allows a cluster size of 3 x 4. NTT has alsodeveloped an advanced base-station antenna, which allows the tilt of the antennalobe below the horizontal to be adjusted individually for each base-station site.This reduces the average co-channel interference and can also reduce strongreflections from remote objects, i.e. reduce the delay spread.

Another development by NTT is highly linear transmitter amplifiers with good effi-ciency based on adaptive feed-forward, which enables simultaneous amplification of alarge number of carriers with 70-dB intermodulation suppression. These amplifiershave also been introduced in the existing analogue system. The result is a reduction insize of the analogue base-station equipment sufficient to provide the space required bythe new digital system within existing buildings.

The type of modulation employed (π/4-DQPSK) also requires linear transmitteramplifiers in the terminals. For these to achieve adequate efficiency (40%), adynamically variable supply voltage for the amplifier output stage is used(Linearized Saturation Amplifier with Bidirectional Control). This means that thesupply voltage is adapted to variations in the level of the signal envelope. Hightransmitter efficiency reduces the need to conduct away dissipated power and thusfacilitates extreme miniaturization.

ReferenceR.W. Lorenz: Vergleich der digitalen Mobilfunksysteme in Europa (GSM) und inJapan (JDC) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Wirtschaftlichkeitaspekte.



Appendix 2: D-AMPS with Digital ControlChannel

1. IntroductionThe original specification for D-AMPS (IS-54B) was based on the concept ofsystem integration with the previous analog AMPS. Analog AMPS was used for allthe signalling before a call was set up on a digital traffic channel within the D-AMPS part of the system. To make a fully digital system possible which is com-pletely independent of the analog AMPS, a new specification IS-54C has beenestablished. This appendix gives a short summary of the most important character-istics. A more detailed description can be found in Ericsson Review No 2, 1994: ANew Standard for North American Digital Cellular.

The main new feature of IS-54C is the introduction of a digital control channel,DCC. On the same time additional requests from the operators (User PerformanceRequirements for a Digital control Channel issued by Cellular TelecommunicationIndustry Association) have been satisfied. The main new operational features are:

• Support for microcell operation, incl. incorporation of private networks(R-PABX)

• Sleep mode provision for idle mobiles to enhance battery life time• Increased control channel capacity and flexibility, incl. support of new data

services, i.e. asyncronuous data, group 3 fax and especially short messageservice, SMS.

The DCC is based on the same transmission structure as used by the traffic chan-nels within D-AMPS. The same modulation, system data rate and basic TDMAframe are used. One of the radio channels in each cell accomodates the DCC,which replaces one of the digital traffic channels (DTC). See Fig. 1a.

Figure 1

Incorporation of DCC in basic TDMA structure

a. One radio channel per cell contains DCC time slots

DCC channel uses time slots A

b. Outward direction

32 "A" time slots form a super frame (time multiplex)

C. Inward direction

No hierarchical TDMA structure AII "A" time slots used by RACH: Random Access Channel

F-BCCH: Fast BCCH (Broadcast control channel) E- BCCH: Extended BCCH SPACH: PCH + ARCH + SMSCH ARCH: Access Response Channel

S- BCCH: SMS broadcast channel PCH: Paging channel SMSCH: SMS point-to point channel




TDMA frame

40 ms

Super frame

32 x 20 = 640 ms



As in GSM, the DCC shall perform the following basic functions:

• Guide the mobiles to lock on to the radio channel comprising the DCC

• Syncronize to the DCC, incl. frame syncronization

• Broadcast messages about the network structure

• Registration of mobiles

• Location updating

• Paging mobiles to initiate the setting up of a traffic channel

• Handling requests from mobiles of channel allocation for system signalling or for traffic.

2. Description of the DCC

2.1 Burst structure

The structure of a DCC burst in a TDMA time slot is fairly similar to a trafficburst, see Fig. 2. Additional data fields in the outward direction are SCF andCSFP. The SCF is the return channel in ARQ arrangements which improves theperformance of the inward paging channel. The CSFP field makes it possible forthe mobiles to syncronize to the base station timing of the TDMA hierarchy (basicTDMA frame and superframe). In the inward direction a PREAM field is included.This field contains no information. Its purpose is to give the base receiver time toadjust the AGC to the level of the incoming burst.

Figure 2

Burst structure of DCC

Downlink (single access)

Uplink (multiple access)

G. Guard time R: Ramp time Pream: No information (AGC settling time)

SCF: Shared Channel Feed back CSFP: Coded Superframe Phase


R PREAMG Data DataSync+Sync

6 2/3 ms =


28 12 130 12 130 10 2

6 16 28 122 24 122


348,6=324 bits.



2.2 TDMA/TDM structure

In the inward direction, all the DCC slots are used as a universal paging channel(PCH), see Fig.1c. It can operate either as a contention channel (slotted Aloha) oron reservation basis. Immediate acknowledgement is given by the base on the SCFchannel, so that immediate repetition of of the page can be made, if the first pagewas not received successfully.

In the outward direction, many different types of logical channels must be set up.Therefore the DCC slots in 32 basic TDMA frames form a superframe, which canbe considered as a TDM arrangement with 32 channels, see Fig. 1b. In the first twoslots in each superframe is placed the F-BCCH channel, which contains the mostessential broadcast information, which must be repeated often. The channel alsoinforms the mobiles how the other slots in the TDM arrangement are utilized.Additional broadcast data is transmitted over the EBCCH, which is organized in away that permits several repetition rates. The number of slots allocated for E-BCCH can vary. Next follows a number of slots for the S-BCCH, which containsSMS messages of the broadcast type. The remaining slots in the TDM arrange-ments are used for a combined channel ”SPACH”, which is used for the outwardpaging channel (PCH), the access response channel, ARCH for point-to-pointoutward signalling and the SMSCH channel (point-to point SMS).

2.3 Hyperframe, paging classes, SMS frames

In order to increase the chance of success of an outward page over the fading radiochannel, each page is sent in two successive superframes, which form a hyperframe, see Fig. 3. After two paging attempts, there might be a delay of severalhyper frames before there is a new possibility (hyperframe) to page a certainmobile. There are 8 paging classes corresponding to different time intervals be-tween the hyper frames assigned for paging of a certain group of mobile. Class 1gives the possibility to send a page every hyperframe, class 2 allows pages to acertain group of mobiles every second hyperframe and class 8 allows for pagingevery 96 hyperframe. The mobiles knows in which hyperframes they might receivepages, so that they can go to sleep during the other hyperframes. If too many pagerequests arrive at a paging slot, the overflow is handled by a later paging slot.

Figure 3

PCH PCH PCH PCH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . .

Hyperframe 1,28 s

SMS frame = 12 hyperframes

Primary superframe


Secondary superframe


repetition of pages

4 subchannels for SMS: subchannel 1: timeslot every hyperframe subchannel 4: 1 timeslot per SMS frame



The SMS-frame applies to the S-BCCH (used for sending broadcast SMS mes-sages). Different repetition rates are suitable for different types of SMS messages.The repetition time can be chosen by allocating the messages to 4 subchannelswith different repetition rates. A SMS frame consists of 24 superframes.

3. New system features

3.1 SMS (Special Message Service) to mobiles

SMS of the broadcast type has been discussed above. SMS messages of the point-to-point type are sent either over the traffic channels or over the DCC on theSMSCH. The messages can be up to 239 characters long. The longer messagesrequire several time slots, and an ARQ arrangement might be used.

3.2 Hierarchical cell structures, MACA

Mobile-assisted channel allocation (MACA)

When a connection is set up on a digital traffic channel, the MAHO is based onmeasurements by the mobile terminal of the signal levels from surrounding cells.This has already been implemented in the original D-AM PS according to IS-54B.Similar arrangements are implemented for the DCC, i.e. when the mobiles are inthe idle mode. The base station sends a neigbor list on the BCCH, which informsthe mobiles where to look for potential cell reselection. At system access (callorigination) the mobile sends over the measured signal levels on the channelsindicated in the neigbor list.

Hierarchical cell structure

The hierarchical cell structure is based on dedicated frequency bands for differentcell types, e.g. macro cells, public micro cells and private micro cells. Due tofrequency economy considerations, it is generally desirable to allocate traffic to thesmallest cell, whenever there is a choice. IS-54C provides two mechanisms forforcing down the traffic to the micro cell layer. See Fig. 4. One mode selects apreferred microcell, whenever the signal level from the micro cell exceeds aspecified minimum level. The other mode selects a micro cell if the differencebetween the measured signal levels for the macrocell and the microcell is less thana specified off-set value (biased cell selection).



Figure 4

3.3 Virtual Mobile Location Area (VMLA)

Instead of fixed location areas used at GSM and the original AMPS, IS-54Cutilizes a more flexible concept VMLA. When a mobile registers, the networkcontrol sends over a list of cell numbers, which defines the current location area forthe mobile. When the mobile moves outside of the current location area and in-forms the network control about this, it is given a new list of cell numbers, defininga new location area. The advantages with this arrangement are:

• different classes of mobiles (i.e. with different speed characteristics) can beassigned location areas of different sizes

• the location area can be centered around the mobile.

Hierarchical cell structure

Signal strength from macrocell 1

Signal strength from microcell 2

Microcell 2 selected when signal strength from microcell exceeds SS-SUFF

Microcell 3 selected when the difference in signal level between macrocell and microcell is less than specified offset

Signal strength from microcell 3



Select 1

The parameters "SS-SUFF" and "offset" are transmitted in the neighbor list

Select 2 Select 1 Select 3 Select 1



EN/LZT 123 1246/2 R5

Author professor Sven-Olof Öhrvikin cooperation with Ericsson Radio Systems ABunit ERA/T, Core Unit Radio System and TechnologyPublisher Ericsson Radio Systems ABT/Z Ragnar Lodén

Ericsson Radio Systems ABTorshamnsgatan 23, KistaS-164 80 Stockholm, SwedenTelephone: +46 8 757 00 00Fax: +46 8 757 36 00 © Ericsson Radio Systems AB,1997