Diy Feminism

Post on 17-May-2015

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Transcript of Diy Feminism

DIY FeminismJosh, Sarah, and Ashley

What is DIY Feminism?

Jayatilaka - Young women who live their feminism in their everyday lives, but have an ambivalence to the movement as a whole.

Karp - Your feminism is what you want it to be and what you make it.

Which one do you think is right?

Sticker Sisters“A project to empower girls around the world through stickers”

DivaCup Holster

EtsyMarketplace for handmade items, perfect for DIY


What is a Zine?

History of the Zine

1930’s – Science Fiction Fanzines

1960’s- from Fanzine to Zine

1990’s Riot Grrls and Zines

Riot Grrrls and Zine•Bikini Kill, Riot Grrl Mainfesto

•“Riot Grrl” zine

•Chapter Meetings and DIY

•End of an Era

Characteristics of Feminist Zines

Internet and Zines

Internet- the ultimate DIY?

Zines to Ezines

The need for paper zines

Aggregate, Broadsheet

Group BlogsTrans Group Blog

Traffic Rankings (lower is better)


Is DIY feminism always activism?

Can you do DIY feminism without being a feminist?

Can we still include blogs in DIY?

Has anyone done any DIY projects?

How serious should we take DIY projects?