Divercity #74 Jun / Jul 14

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Discover secrets of the Bay and other ways that locals are caring for the planet.

Transcript of Divercity #74 Jun / Jul 14

the official newsletter of the city of port phillip | issn 1328 -0309 | issue 74 june / july 2014

D i V e rc i t y

caring for our planet

Secrets of the Bay

st Kilda lifesaving club gets new club rooms

2 the official newsletter of the city of port phillip

the city of port phillip respectfully acknowledges the yalukit wilam clan of the Boon wurrung. we pay our respect to their elders, both past and present. we acknowledge and uphold their continuing relationship to this land.

Port PhilliP’s grand designsa slick skate bowl and a bunch of cherry blossoms topped the list of building and urban art designs at the 2014 port phillip Design awards.

the awards recognise the architects who do the best work in our municipality. the overall winner was convic Design’s skate park at Marina reserve. the design creates an inviting and welcoming open space that caters primarily to teenagers, a group who are often overlooked when new open spaces are being planned. the park won the Mayor’s award for providing an aesthetic and community contribution that is welcoming to all.

‘cherry Blossom chandeliers’ was awarded for its contribution to the public realm by providing an interesting and colourful entrance to the building at 50 albert road. artist emma Davies of elenberg fraser created an artistic interpretation of the cherry blossom, a flower known for its short yet brilliant blooming season that ends with an inevitable fall to the ground.

the south Melbourne Market roof was awarded best sustainable design for demonstrating, with a sawtooth roof profile, what is achievable in industrial buildings. photovoltaic panels and harvested rainwater assist council’s attainment of its carbon neutral target for 2020.

see the other winners portphillip.vic.gov.au/design_awards.htm

Stokehouse takes shapethe stokehouse is one step closer to being rebuilt on the st Kilda foreshore. the preferred architect, selected by frank van haandel, is robert simeoni of robert simeoni architects.

More consultation for Gasworks Arts Parkcommunity consultation on the draft park plan for gasworks arts park has been extended until 21 july 2014. the draft plan includes closing the park for 12 months to tackle soil contamination and rehabilitation before it re-opens with many enhanced features, while keeping the ‘country bush feel’ that many locals love.

Drop in information sessions will be held at the park on wednesday 11 june (2 pm – 5 pm) and saturday 28 june (9 am – 1 pm)

for More info www.haveyoursayatportphillip.net.au/gasworks-arts-park open spaces team 9209 6777

robert simeoni’s impression of the

new stokehouse


Konnichiwa from Obuin celebration of the 20th anniversary of our sister city partnership, Mayor Kuno of obu, our sister city in japan, sends his regards to the people of port phillip.

having just spent five days in obu promoting tourism and investigating sustainability initiatives, we can proudly say that we have much in common and much to learn from obu in terms of sustainable transport and disaster preparedness.

council has released a draft budget for 2014-15 for community comment. it is a prudent budget that seeks to balance affordability with the need to invest in our most important assets and services. please visit our website for full details.

the latest climate change report predicts more extreme weather events. council is pursuing a range of initiatives to prepare for these challenges, including recruiting and training community weather mentors to help neighbours better cope with extreme weather.

the st Kilda lifesaving club has received the best ever 100th birthday present. its dilapidated club rooms on the st Kilda foreshore will be demolished and replaced with a $3 million facility. council will contribute $2 million with the state government adding a further $1 million. architect robert simeoni has been selected by council to create a design that will complement the adjacent stokehouse.

Highlights of draft Council budgeta draft council budget 2014-15 is available for public comment until thursday 5 june. you’re invited to visit the council website for a detailed summary of the budget and have your say about the direction.

• 4.75 per cent average rate increase, lower than most councils

• Over $2 million in permanent ongoing operational savings

• Over $32 million in capital works• Increased pensioner rate rebate to

eligible pensioners

haVe your say haveyoursayportphillip.net.au

Lifesaving birthday present

we’ve also recently launched the Municipal public health and wellbeing plan 2013–17, which helps us better plan and coordinate services that promote inclusion and participation in community as the core of good health and wellbeing.

Mayor cr aManDa steVens

Mayor cr amanda stevens and Mayor takayasu Kuno of obu with obu’s colourful mascot obuchan

architect robert simeoni, Deputy Mayor cr serge

thomann, jan Matthew-culka, simon lewis and

st Kilda lifesaving club president jeanette lambert.

4 the official newsletter of the city of port phillip

Information, requests, questions or feedback

telephone 03 9209 6777 fax 03 9536 2722 sMs 0432 005 405email assist@portphillip.vic.gov.au internet eservices.portphillip.vic.gov.au

if you are deaf, hearing or speech impaired please use the national relay service (www.relayservice.com.au).

tty users can call 133 677, then ask for assist – port phillip – 03 9209 6777

speak and listen users can call 1300 555 727, then ask for assist – port phillip – 03 9209 6777

or visit assist in person Monday – friday, 8.30 am – 5 pm

st Kilda town hall 99a carlisle street, st Kilda

south Melbourne town hall 208 – 220 Bank street, south Melbourne

port Melbourne town hall 333 Bay street, port Melbourne

Translationsfor a translation please call the council’s interpreter service:

Editor: greg Day gday@edunity.com.au

Next deadline: 20 june for aug/sept

Writers: reece Marks, Kathryn Mcgrath and greg Day. thanks to sandra goldbloom Zurbo.

Design and Production: Mediation communications

Feedback: divercity@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Divercity is printed on recycled paper

j u n e / j u l y 2 0 1 4

audio recordings of Divercity are available on the council’s website and on cD from a port phillip library. cDs are delivered to 80 vision-impaired residents every issue.Information included in this magazine is accurate at the time of publishing but may be subject to change.

D i V e r c i t y 7 4

Language assistance

9679 9810

Ελληνικά 9679 9811 Polska

Россию 9679 9813 Other languages 9679 9814

9679 9812

廣東話普通話 9679 9858

c o u n c i l c o n tac t s cArinG

council’s climate responsethe un intergovernmental panel on climate change report released in March clearly states the need for urgent action to reduce carbon emissions and work to mitigate the effects of increasingly unpredictable and severe weather conditions. council is taking steps to reduce overall emissions and to create a city that is resilient and adaptive to a changing climate.

A zero carbon citycouncil is committed to achieving zero carbon emissions in its operations by 2020 through key activities such as energy efficient street lights, low carbon and energy efficient buildings, and onsite renewable energy. the city also recognises that while this goal will be challenging to achieve and maintain, it is only the key first phase in its transition to being a zero carbon organisation.

A climate-adept cityport phillip has been assessed as one of the most coastally vulnerable and flood prone areas in Victoria. a range of planning considerations has already been finalised to ensure that development is more flood proof. council is also completing modelling and analysis of future flood and heatwave patterns for the city. a range of considerations and changes to its land use, infrastructure (drainage, coastal defences), open space and water management options are being developed to ensure a progressively climate resilient city.

read the full ipcc report at www.ipcc.ch

fOr Our

CouNCIl’s kEy ClImATE


• Mapping the effects of the urban

heat island (warmer built up streets

and other spaces) for

the municipality to

identify local hotspots.

• Working with the

csiro on a flood modelling project

aimed at developing simulation

technology that will enable council

to view a total and integrated

picture of future flooding.

• Reducing Council greenhouse gas

emissions through initiatives such as

the installation of a 34 kw solar

photovoltaic (pV) array at south

Melbourne Market.



what can you Do?take action now to make your home and lifestyle low carbon.

chloe and paul are volunteer weather mentors who help their neighbours to be prepared for extreme weather events such as floods, storms and heatwaves. the weather ready program helps volunteers such as chloe and paul to organise events at which people can meet their neighbours, share ideas and build a plan to respond to climate challenges. an earth hour candlelight procession and a dog walkers’ barbecue are two recent events organised by mentors.

BecoMe a weather Mentor www.enviroehub.com.au/weather-ready

Five steps to make you Weather ready1. Be aware: understand the risks.

2. Be prepared: Move cars out of basement carparks before heavy rain hits. clean out the gutters to avoid a leaking roof. pack an emergency kit and have an escape plan. find simple house fittings that reduce flood or heatwave impacts – such as vent covers to minimise flood risk or external blinds to reduce summer heat.

3. Be neighbourly: stay in touch with your neighbours during storms and heatwaves.

4. Be safe: Don’t walk, ride or drive through floodwater. stay indoors during storms and very hot weather.

5. refresh: review your plans twice a year.

a networK for any weather

oFFsET the carbon you


uNDErsTAND your energy use

with an audit

rEDuCE energy-saving and

efficiency actions can reduce energy used between 25 and 50%

sWITCH to renewable

energy sources


weather mentor paul Bongiorno is planning a

weather walk around low-lying elwood streets. ‘it’s a gathering of people,

place and poems, giving us a chance to talk about weather and flooding issues but also to honour the memory of the famous

poets and writers that our streets are named after.’ contribute your favourite

weather-related poem or story and join the walk.

contact sustainable programs on 9209 6548 to

get involved.

6 the official newsletter of the city of port phillip

fitness friends @ St Vincent Gardensfriends Ken, amanda and toby head to st Vincent gardens on Monday, wednesday and friday mornings for a quick workout from 7.30 am – 7.50 am. the group meets at the playground near the corner of Merton and st Vincent streets. everyone is welcome to join in. just turn up and say hello.

spring into action this winterwinter is an ideal time for general maintenance and preparing your garden for spring planting, says joy Durstan of fosKg. tasks can include pruning existing plants. winter is also a good time to start planting bulbs such as tulips and daffodils.

Winter Walks in St Kilda Botanical Gardensexplore the world of plants, fungi, indigenous flora and wildlife, as well as the st Kilda Botanical gardens’ history, with botanist peter Kelly. finish with a cuppa at the ecocentre. tours run selected tuesdays and sunday afternoons june – august. $20 full / $12 ecocentre green members. call 9534 0670 to book.

A growing passionwhen nurturing plants during winter, access to a greenhouse is a handy thing. friends of st Kilda Botanical gardens (fosKBg) uses its greenhouse year long and makes the plants it grows available for sale. funds from plant sales go towards supporting fosKBg projects, including maintenance, education and advocacy for the heritage gardens.

plants can be purchased at the glasshouse, just off Blessington street near the ecocentre, on saturdays from 3 pm – 5 pm.

this year marks 153 years since the st Kilda Botanic gardens were opened. fosKBg will celebrate with a picnic on sunday 16 november. Details will be available on the website closer to the date.

join the garDen gurus www.foskbg.org

christine turner, geoff parr-smith, claude forell (back row), and jane Brownfield and joy Durstan (foreground) enjoy getting together for a chat and some propagation on the weekend.

young elwood naturalist gio fitzpatrick heads to point ormond each month with his snorkeling gear or kayak. armed with a gopro camera, gio films the sixspine leatherjackets, pink snapper, smooth stingrays and other fascinating sea creatures that live just off our shoreline.

just last year gio discovered an unnamed marine spider not seen in Victoria since 1902.

these expeditions help gio compile a list of local species and monitor the health of the bay throughout the year. explore with him through his videos at www.youtube.com/user/gioecoenviro

there are plenty of ways to discover our bay secrets. the ecocentre runs regular sea shell surveys that help to gather data on the health of the beaches. these expeditions are a great opportunity to learn how shells are formed and classified.

Director neil Blake also enlists support from schools, community groups and individuals to measure the volume and effects of nurdles, which is the microplastic pollution found in the bay. neil also conducts live mollusc surveys along our shorelines.

Be a Beach aDVocate 9534 0670 www.ecocentre.com info@ecocentre.com


Join a winter clean upyou are invited to join the 3207 Beachpatrol in port Melbourne as they celebrate world oceans Day on sunday 8 june. Meet at princes pier from 9 am.

3207 and other Beachpatrol volunteer groups will be out in force over winter, collecting litter from our beaches and enjoying a post-clean up social coffee. finD a clean up in your postcoDe www.beachpatrol.com.au

canal clean upMeet the team at the grassy banks

of the elwood canal beside the

glenhuntly road bridge at 10 am

on sundays 22 june and 20 july.

Bring working gloves and a couple

of bags (one for recyclables).

Bay watch: (l–r) ecocentre’s neil Blake, Dean Bird, gio fitzpatrick, fam chako and jill robinson, showcasing a treasure trove of shoreline wonders.


uncoVering the secrets of our Bay

will you Be My neighBour?port philip’s network of neighbourhood houses invites everyone to get involved with activities that range from cinema nights and bowling, to art classes, footy matches and language groups. Most activities are low cost or free, and are available just down your street.

port Melbourne neighbourhood centre holds the local community carnival, takes families with children on get out of town excursions, hosts art classes and tai chi as well as starting the Dig in community garden.

sisterworks will be holding an indoor craft market and demonstration every thursday, 11 am – 3 pm at the centre during june and july.

Drop in or hop online cnr liardet and nott streets, port Melbourne 9645 1476 pmnc.org.au admin@pmnc.org.au

open housesthe annual Melbourne open house lets you get a free, behind the scenes look at some of our most significant buildings.

saturday 26 july and sunday 27 july, 10 am – 4 pm.

Map out your weeKenD openhousemelbourne.org.au

Doors open in port phillipAustralian Tapestry Workshop 262–266 park street, south Melbourne

Esplanade Hotel the esplanade, st Kilda

luna Park the esplanade, st Kilda

Portable Iron Houses 399 coventry street, south Melbourne

st kilda library 150 carlisle street, st Kilda

south melbourne Town Hall 208–220 Bank street, south Melbourne

Group reopens with new look spacethe highlights of the newly renovated port phillip community group building are the crisp white walls and the sturdy plywood walls and desks. ‘the design has created a fresh and welcoming environment for clients and staff. the biggest transformation has been in the reception area, with a large, bright waiting room and funky front desk. it’s got a great vibe,’ says the group’s jane garrow.

port phillip community group and st Kilda legal service share the building and provide information, support, and referrals and advocacy to help people in crisis. there is also financial counselling, rag theatre and streetlife, where you can get help to have a neighbourhood party in your street.

port phillip community group and st Kilda legal service 161 carlisle street, st Kilda 8598 6600 ppcg.org.au info@ppcg.org.au

Monday, wednesday and friday 9.30 am – 4.00 pm. tuesday 9.30 am – 1 pm, thursday 1 pm – 4 pm.

the official newsletter of the city of port phillip8

performers from city of Voices at Middle park tram stop. the port Melbourne neighbourhood centre runs the theatre company that welcomes people of all ages and abilities.

Also in your neighbourhoodalma road community house 200 alma road, st Kilda east ppcg.org.au/contact-us/alma-rd-community-house arch@ppcg.org.au

elwood–st Kilda neighbourhood learning centre 87 tennyson street, elwood 9531 1954 esnlc.com.au manager@esnlc.com.au


rodney enjoys a bite to eat at sacred heart


sacred heart Mission has a history of welcoming the most disadvantaged members of our community and assisting them to rebuild their lives. since opening its doors in 1982, the Mission has evolved into an innovative organisation that is sustained by a deep pool of generosity and support from st Kilda and the wider community.

as well as those who access services, the Mission is a community organisation that is also supported by people who care about social justice issues and come together to do something about homelessness. the mission serves over 400 meals each day in their meals program. ‘we need up to 25 volunteers a day, 365 days a year to help and to serve the meals. about 90 per cent of the ingredients are donated or rescued food,’ says sacred heart Mission’s Marika fengler.

BooK a Volunteer info session http://shmvolunteering.gofundraise.com.au

annette Bando with Maggie from the Mission’s aged care hostel. when she retired, annette began volunteering as a bus jockey.

Welcome to helpVolunteers at the Mission come

from all walks of life: families who volunteer together, retirees,

high school and university students, professionals, corporate, community

and religious groups, and groups of friends. Book a volunteering info session at http://shmvolunteering.


warM welcoMe at sacreD heart

lighting the town redas part of a Melbourne-wide cultural program, paint the town red, lighting significant buildings across the city – the st Kilda town hall and luna park’s Mr Moonface – will be lit red from 20 – 25 july to welcome delegates the world aids conference 2014, the largest conference ever to be held in Melbourne.

Five minutes of Fame at st Kilda Bowls club wednesday 4 june at 5.30 pm Homeless memorial at peanut farm, st Kilda wednesday 18 june at 4.30 pm

winter Diary Dates

10 the official newsletter of the city of port phillip

Cr Amanda stevens, mayoralBert parKBh: 9209 6431M: 0481 034 029e: mayor@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Cr serge Thomann, Deputy mayorcataniBh: 9209 6705M: 0432 299 372e: sthomann@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Cr Vanessa HuxleycarlisleBh: 9209 6705M: 0406 890 739 e: vhuxley@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Cr Anita HorvatheMeralD hillBh: 9209 6705M: 0438 906 161e: ahorvath@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Cr Andrew BondjunctionBh: 9209 6705M: 0481 034 028e: abond@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Cr jane Touzeaupoint orMonDBh: 9209 6705M: 0432 287 634e: jtouzeau@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Cr Bernadene Voss sanDriDgeBh: 9209 6705M: 0413 246 704e: bvoss@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Direct all enquiries for councillors during office hours to the Mayor and councillors’ officeMayor: tel: 9209 6431

Barbara wilson, Mayoral exec. assistant fax: 9536 2711councillors: tel: 9209 6705

Mary Baensch, councillors’ support officer fax: 9536 2708all councillors, email: councillors@portphillip.vic.gov.aupostal address: city of port phillip, private Bag no. 3, po st Kilda Vic 3182

for all general enquires, contact assist 9209 6777

c o u n c i l l o r s n e i g h B o u r h o o D n e w s

new lease of life for olD school BuilDingsouth MelBourne: council is to refurbish the vacant school building at 400 clarendon street. its new life will be as a children’s and family centre; it will also have maternal and child health services, a toy library, space for parent groups and playgroups, and office space for compatible services. the centre is expected to be ready by early 2015.

Butts out as Patrol moves inport MelBourne: a cigarette butt survey along rouse street saw 3241 butts picked up in an hour. the survey, conducted by port Melbourne Beachpatrol, coincides with the collection of 7000 butts by the st Kilda Beachpatrol in april. to get involved in the clean up, check out the dates at www.beachpatrol.com.au

Viennese maestras come to townalBert parK: the Koehne Quartet from Vienna is to present a recital on sunday 15 june at 2.30 pm at st silas anglican church, 99 Bridport street. the recital will be followed by afternoon tea. tickets are $30 full / $20 concession and students. Visit www.trybooking.com/enoK to book.

reserVe open for pooch playtiMesouth MelBourne: Dogs are now allowed off leash between 7.00 am and 7.30 pm in the eastern north reserve after a council amendment to order no. 3 of the Domestic animals act 1994. this follows a positive response to a trial that ended in December. new turf has been laid to ensure that the surface copes with the additional activity.

Paws for a blessingport MelBourne: holy trinity anglican church will be holding its Blessing of Dogs on sunday 29 june 2 pm, 162 Bay street.

library gets makeover front and backsouth MelBourne: construction of the library and heritage centre forecourt and emerald hill reserve has begun. the library

forecourt redesign will see the installation of new seating and artwork, and mature trees. the reserve work will include a variety of seating, new garden beds and retention of the ping pong table. Visit www.portphillip.vic.gov.au for updates.


n e i g h B o u r h o o D n e w s

History on display at libraryport MelBourne: reverend noel whale and the port Melbourne historical and preservation society (pMhps) will open an exhibition at port Melbourne town hall’s library gallery on thursday 12 june at 5.30 pm. the exhibition tells the story of how the sandridge english church of holy trinity was launched in a tent 160 years ago. pMhps is also hosting a talk by author ralph stavely, with historic photos and cartoons from his forthcoming book on the 1928 police strike. the talk will be held on Monday 23 june from 7.30 pm at the port Melbourne town hall. call 9646 9360 to book. Both events are free.

neighBourhooD walKs with an eye for DesignelwooD/south MelBourne: explore art deco design in houses and apartment blocks across elwood on sunday 20 july, 10 am – 12 noon. on sunday 17 august, 10 am – 12 noon, the walks program will head to south Melbourne to explore the changes that occurred after the 1980s state government revitalisation. to book, call 9209 6522 or email walking@portphillip.vic.gov.au

earthly poetry coMpetitionelwooD: the theme of the elwood poetry prize this year is earth – from geology to worms, what’s under our feet and our fragile place in the galaxy. call 9209 6705 for an application form. closing date is thursday 14 august.

Plant a tree in lagoon reserveport MelBourne: community members are invited to join council park staff at the 8th annual neighbourhood planting in lagoon reserve. the day is a chance to support council’s 2013 lagoon reserve park plan. saturday 14 june, 10 am – 12 noon. Bring gardening gloves.

Street made safer with new crossing

Brollied up: cr andrew Bond and students from st Michael’s grammar join local Mp clem newton Brown in cutting the ribbon for the project.

st KilDa: council has installed a new school crossing on wellington street, near Marlton crescent. the new crossing improves safety and connectivity for students, residents, employees and visitors in this busy street.

12 the official newsletter of the city of port phillip

n e i g h B o u r h o o D n e w s

DaMes anD Knights of st KilDast KilDa: friends of st Kilda cemetery (fosKc) june tour will visit the graves of two 19th century baronets, a dame of the British empire and distinguished knights buried within the cemetery. sunday 15 june at 2 pm. free for fosKc members / $10 for non-members. Bookings required. call 9531 6832 or visit www.foskc.org

New book chronicles evolution of a suburbMiDDle parK: the Middle park history group has published its second local history, Middle Park: From Swamp to Suburb. a compilation of research by local authors, the book explores the history of people and places that have made up Middle park. pick up a copy for $15 at hot honey, Victor’s Dry cleaning or the avenue Bookshop.

st KilDa: the exuberant folk of st Kilda have come together in a joyful rendition of Happy, written by american singer-songwriter pharrell williams. inspired by cr serge thomann and directed by aaron wilson, the clip showcases some of the funkiest moves by people in our happy community. check out the video at www.tiny.cc/yw2cfx

Because we’re Happy!

project Draws to a close

st KilDa: installation artist Mary peacock is to launch the Mapping project at a community art workshop on saturday 22 june, 12.30 pm – 4.00 pm at Veg out community garden. the book is a record of Mary’s experience at Veg out, where she had a studio for three years. Bring a drawing pad and preferred materials for the post-launch drawing workshop. the project has been supported by council’s cultural Development fund.

Babies go green celebrate world environment Day 2014 with Baby greens, a free daytime event for port phillip dads, mums, child caregivers and parents to be.

learn about how to green your baby and connect children to the environment. at Baby greens you can browse stalls and see demonstrations of green cleaning, environmentally friendly nappies, cargo bikes and more. learn how to create a healthier environment for your child.

Baby greens world environment Day event thursday 5 june, 3 pm – 5 pm Bubup nairm family and children’s centre 99B carlisle street, st Kilda rsVp rsvpenviro@portphillip.vic.gov.au 9209 6548

walK through our city’s iMMigrant historycitywiDe: pick up a free copy of Walks in Port Phillip: Immigrants’ Trail, a walking guide to the cultural landscapes of our city. the foldout pamphlet features walking routes and numbers that highlight significant historical landmarks. available free at port phillip libraries.


i n B r i e f

Men’s Shed events in Health WeekDiscuss diabetes and your diet with a qualified dietician and receive a free first aid course with st john ambulance through the port phillip Men’s shed association. participants will be awarded a certificate. to register, call Don laird, secretary, ppMsa on 9699 4203 or email donlaird@bigpond.com by friday 6 june.

saturday 14 june 10 am – 1 pm hall next to st luke’s church 210 Dorcas street, south Melbourne

Do you have a favourite business?

have you nominated your favourite business yet? as part of the 2014 citipower port phillip Business excellence awards you can nominate your favourite business who has provided great customer service. nominations close on 4th july so if you want your butcher, baker, post office, dentist, hairdresser, café, or any other business to win complete the online form today http://haveyoursayatportphillip.net.au/peoples-choice-award

More smoke free areasfrom 31 May all council owned and operated buildings, doorways and grounds became smoke free. local cafes and restaurants that volunteer to become smoke free will receive free signage; they will also receive free promotion on the port phillip business website. find participating businesses at portphillipbusiness.com.au

Giselle at the national Balletthe national theatre Ballet proudly presents Beverly jane fry’s 2014 production of Giselle / The Impressionists.

saturday 28 june, 12.30 pm and 5.30 pm sunday 29 june, 2.30 pm tickets $30 / $25 / $15 call 9525 4611 to book.

feel the beat at Burundi independence Day celebrations. Burundian hip hop duo flyBZ will perform live and there will be a free feast of traditional Burundian foods. part of the emerge festival 2014, this is a free event.

saturday 5 july 12 noon – 5 pm south Melbourne town hall, 208–220 Bank street, south Melbourne

BeAtS frOM BurunDi

linking neighbours welcomes youlinking neighbours has been active this year with trips to narbethong and Marysville, and boat trips to williamstown, the Maribyrnong river and up the yarra to herring island (pictured). Meet us at one of our weekly coffee groups. call assist on 9209 6777 for more information.

Coffee groupsTuesdays 10 am at De cuba cafe, cnr glenhuntly road and Broadway, elwood

11 am at neighbours cafe, cnr inkerman and chapel streets, st Kilda

Wednesdays 10 am at pM’s cafe, cnr Bay and liardet streets, port Melbourne

11 am at hot honey, 40–42 armstrong street, Middle park

Thursdays 10 am at albert park Deli, 129 Dundas place, albert park

14 the official newsletter of the city of port phillip

s u s ta i n a B i l i t y i n B r i e f

Sharing bike suggestionsover 200 nominations have been received for new bike share stations in port phillip. thank you to everyone who suggested new sites. your suggestions will inform the expansion of Melbourne’s bike share scheme.

Organic and container gardeninglearn skills to cultivate a thriving pesticide-free garden, even on your balcony. garden guru will pullin will guide you through crop selection to seed saving over two workshops. saturdays 14 and

21 june, 2.30 pm – 4.30 pm. full fee $90 / $50 ecocentre green members.

Winter cycling safetyas the nights get dark earlier, use your bike safety lights, wear a light coloured jacket or top and fluorescent strips to ensure that you are visible to motorists. for extra visibility, consider an leD helmet light as well. join the port phillip Bicycle user group; see facebook.com/portphillipBug

Cycle through our local wondersfree social cycling tours will explore landmarks from station pier to the elwood canal. saturdays 21 june and 19 july, 9 am. Meet at the ecocentre, Blessington street, st Kilda. Byo bike. email portphillipbug@gmail.com to book.

Winter walkexplore Kerferd road, albert park’s premier boulevard, through the guided walks program on sunday 15 june, 10 am – 12 noon. call 9209 6522 to book.

Mixing sport and sci-fiThe Motion of Light in Water, a queer sci-fi love story, celebrates the complicated, exhilarating journey of the human heart.

thursday 17 july – sunday 27 july tuesday – saturday 8 pm, sundays 5 pm preview thursday 17 july 8 pm

I Heart John McEnroe. there will be short shorts, sweatbands and racquets thrown – hard.

30 july – 10 august tuesday – saturday 8 pm, sunday, 5 pm

(no show sunday 3 august) preview wednesday 30 july, 8 pm

tickets to either show $25 / $20 conc, under 30 and groups of 8+. preview $20 / $15.

theatre works, 14 acland street, st Kilda. Bookings: phone 9534 3388 www.theatreworks.org.au

24 hours at lindenjoin artist Kay abude in her live 24 hour performances of Piecework. taking the factory as a model for the many repetitive tasks involved in artistic production, this series of performances replicates the 24 hour cycle of shiftwork in chinese manufacturing cities.

opening night performance 26 june one shift, 6 pm – 10 pm

24 hr cycle performance: saturday 5 and sunday 6 july - three 8 hour shifts - 6 am – 2 pm, 2 pm – 10 pm and 10 pm – 6 am.

26 june – 3 august linden centre for contemporary art, 26 acland street, st Kilda

elvis creates a SPArcsparc theatre company is inclusive of people who live in supported accommodation in port phillip. it is currently working on a homage to elvis presley and is running a crowd funding campaign to raise money so the group can go to the parkes elvis festival next january. support the campaign at indiegogo.com/projects/help-get-sparc-to-the-2015-parkes-elvis-festival

Kay abude: Piecework

Abundance partytheatre works will be

transformed into a quirky cabaret space for a set of eclectic

performances for its annual fundraiser. Buy tickets, make a donation, drink

wine or enter the chook raffle.

saturday 12 july, 7.30 pm – 12 midnight.

tickets $40 / $30 + bf

Go Suai Saints

f y i f ro M a s s i s t

rATEs CoNCEssIoNsrebates to ease the rate burden for pensioners are available in port phillip. eligible pensioners are offered the state government pension rebate, as well as a council rebate.

to apply for a rebate, complete an application form and present it with your pension card and rates notice at any of the port phillip town halls.

HomE AND CommuNITy suPPorTneed support to live independently at home? like to be more socially active? are you eating for good health?

council provides older people, people with a disability and their carers, access to a variety of supports to maximise independence at home and in the community.

for information on the various supports available the first step is to contact the community support intake officer on 9209 6592 between 9 am and 5 pm Monday to friday.

www.portphillip.vic.gov.au 15

lEAF PICk uPsBag up fallen autumn leaves, and then book a free green waste collection.

call assist on 9209 6777

Jewish Museum of Australia Open House as part of the Melbourne open house weekend, take a tour of the museum’s curatorial area, see inside the st Kilda synagogue, browse the museum library and have free access to all the exhibition spaces. sunday 27 july

last chance to catch the In Season exhibition before is closes on 3 july. free entry on the last day.

jewish Museum of australia. 26 alma road, st Kilda

looking good in st Kilda city junior colours in suai, east timor.

Mentoring for not-for-profitsthe toyota community foundation/city of port phillip strategic skills Mentoring program offers four local not-for-profits or community organisations one-on-one professional mentoring. to apply for the 2014–15 program go to: www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/council_funding_opps.htm applications close friday 13 june.

graduates, 2013–14 (l–r): Katarina persic (toyota sponsor), Don robertson (st Kilda junior football club), neil Blake (port phillip ecocentre), Kate Dempsey (Mentor), David sparks (st Kilda indigenous nursery cooperative) and Maya wright (fishermens Bend gymnastics club).

free community training for the community

sector and volunteers

social media for not-for-profits

wednesday 18 june

for more information and to register go to


st Kilda city junior football club uniforms are being worn by footy fans of all ages in suai, east timor. in 2013 the st Kilda club donated its surplus uniforms to our friendship city. ‘the players were delighted with the arrival of the uniforms and proud to wear the st Kilda colours,’ says eugenio da souza, chair of the covalima community centre. friends of suai are now seeking opposition colours to fit out the other teams. if you know of any clubs with spare uniforms to donate, contact pat jessen coordinator, friends of suai covalima on 9209 6777 or email pjessen@portphillip.vic.gov.au