District 9465 Western Australia Chartered: 22 April 1971 ... · President 2015 16 Max Bird...

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Transcript of District 9465 Western Australia Chartered: 22 April 1971 ... · President 2015 16 Max Bird...

District Governor



Melodie Kevan

Team 2015-16


Max Bird Secretary

Brian McCallum Treasurer

Bob Cooper

Attendance this week

Total Members 27


Apologies 3

Make-up 6

Attended 17

Honorary Member




85 %

Facts & Figures

Raffle John Kevan

Genevieve C

Heads & Tails

Ruth & Jake


Carol A 13th


Club Anniversary:

If you had any we hope

you had a good day

Meets Monday

6 for 6.30pm

At Rotary Hall

Brownell Crescent, Medina

Visitors always welcome

President Max

The Rotary Club of Kwinana District 9465 Western Australia Chartered: 22 April 1971

Coming Events July 2015

July 2015 Sat 18th Kwinana City Markets Mon 20th Club Meeting Mon 27th Club Meeting DG Visit Partners Night Aug 2015 Sat 1st Kwinana City Markets Mon 3rd Club Meeting Sun 9th Wellard Markets Mon 10

th Club Meeting

Sat 15th

Kwinana City Markets

Mon 17th

Restaurant Meeting John Iriks

Wed 19th

Board Meeting

Mon 24th

Club Meeting 4 Way Test Heats

Mon 31st Club Meeting

Attendance Officer: Greg Williams 9419 5834

Apologies by Saturday pm please

We held our Changeover Night 2015 at the Darius Wells Function Centre,

great venue, great food provided by Vineyard Catering, good fellowship together

with a very well organised evening. Congratulations to all concerned.

2014 15 President Mike Nella handed over the reins of our club to

President 2015 16 Max Bird, to Max and his team for 2015 16, our very best

wishes for a productive and enjoyable year.

Congratulations to PP James Sharkey awarded a PHF

by our club, well done James.

Community ‘Safe House’ stalwart John Cadman was also awarded

A PHF by our club, Congratulations John.

Many other members were awarded Certificates of Appreciation, well done to


Pictures from the night are available to view on ClubRunner, see ‘Photo Albums’

No 02 11th July 2015


Rotary International President

K.R. (Ravi) Ravindran

Rotary Club of Colombo

President 2014 15 Mike Nella President 2015 16 Max Bird

President’s Pen

Club Meeting 11

th July 2015

Changeover Night

President Mike welcomed special and official guests, Rotary members and Partners to our

Changeover Meeting for 2015.

Toast to Rotary International proposed by PDG Pushpa and the response by District

Governor 9465 Melodie Kevan.

President Mike presented his report then promptly handed over the ‘Chain of Office’ to

incoming President Max Bird.

Max and Mike then proceeded to hand out many club awards to club members, including a

PHF to PP James Sharkey. Our club also recognised the Community work done over many

years by John Cadman, who was also awarded a PHF by our club.

Rtn Michael Metcalf was awarded our Fellowship Award for 2014 15.

President Max introduced his team for 2015 16.

PP Brian McCallum proposed a Toast to Families to which Chris Iriks responded.

Birthday and Anniversaries, heads and Tails by PP Greg Williams then a very entertaining

Sergeant’s Session By Sergeant 2014 15 PP John Wallhead and Sergeant 2015 16 PP

Stephen Castelli.

President Max Bird thanked everyone for their attendance and wished all a safe trip home as

he closed the meeting.

Always get married early in the morning. That way, if it doesn't work out, you haven't

wasted a whole day.

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted

It's not hard to meet expenses, they're everywhere

Secretary: PP Brian McCallum

Inward Correspondence.

Bendigo Bank. Statement of A/C 133557108.

Department of Transport. Licence & Third Party. 1TBK 183.

Synergy. Price Changes Advise.

The Rotary Foundation. Polio Plus. Receipt 05230712.

Wellard & District Probus Club. Apology for Changeover Dinner.

Imprint Plastic. Invoice for Club Badges.

Outward Correspondence. Nil

Would members please note that any correspondence received or posted by yourself, please ensure a copy is forwarded to your Secretary.

Treasurer: PDG Bob Cooper

Bills paid, money in the bank

Members please note that the board has agreed that our ‘Members Dues’

will remain as before at $200 for the coming year.

Make sure when you provide me with your banking details for a

payment or whatever that the details are correct!!

Advertisements... contain the only truths to be relied on in our media

11th July 2015

Re Club service

15th July Board Meeting

18th July City Markets

20th July Club Meeting

27th July DG Official Visit (Partners Night)

1. I was extremely proud to be a member of the Rotary Club of Kwinana at the District Change Over on

Saturday 4th July, our table was littered with award certificates

Michel Nella Presidential Citation, Bob Cooper Distinguished Service & Eric Blogg District Bulletin

2. 27th July DG Melodie will make her first visit to our club as the District DG, the visit will be in the

traditional rotary Style with club business etc meeting prior or after the meeting

3. A draft succession plan for the rotary club of Kwinana management team up until the rotary year 2019,

has been submitted to the board for their consideration and hopefully implementation, this was bought out

at pets where there are a number of clubs with no officer bearers or with only two or three people

nominated (bet they didn’t think it would happen to them)

4. Club changeover is now set for the 11th July and invitations have been sent out 74 people have already

accepted and registered their intentions. Be aware that the event is a BYO Drinks or have a dry Night.

Budget for the event has been submitted and hopefully will be less than the $750.00 that was allowed for

in the 2014/15 club budget

5. Dome markets are going well Bettina Gall is doing a great job, the weather again was not good to us and

only 10 stall holders turned up 16 booked

Re: International

The international Committee has carried out the following

The Global Grant GG 15262296 that that submitted in January 2015 has been approved and we are now

waiting payment into our account

Have had a long talk to Ern Dawes from Doncaster and given him a list of materials that hopefully East

Timor roofing can supply for the Timor-Leste work program in September / October 2015 at no cost to our


13th June 2015 International Committee meeting was held at my place to ensure all members of the

committee are aware of the current position, and all is in place for the upcoming trip by Tom Hoyer & Max

Bird, Departing 19th July to 8

th August 2015

1st July 2015 we had a further International Committee meeting to discuss new information coming out of

Timor-Leste of increasing Civil Unrest within Timor-Leste, Taking advice from the people within Timor-

Leste, we cancelled the July trip to Baguia until 6th September 2015, Max will still go to Dili on the 19

th July

2015 to talk to the contractors

Opened new bank account for the Surplus School Computer program to isolated the funds as they come in,

also arranging a meeting with PDG Brain Eddy on his return from the wilds of Borneo, I did however give

the head hunters (Dyak’s) his address

Still waiting on Southern Districts to Confirm they are joining the project believe it has been approved at

their board level

The Rotary Clubs of Fremantle, Willetton & Cockburn have also shown a great interest and I will offer to

speak them as the Guest Speaker in the near future

Max Bird

President 2015/16

President 2015/16 Max Bird

Rotary Club of Kwinana; Club Service Director

Kwinana Rotary Club International Manager

Project Manager for RAWCS 21-2011-12 project

Club Projects Director

PP Ian Critchley

PP Bob Thompson

Foundation Dir.

PP Genevieve Carr


PDG John Iriks


Project Director’s Report.

District 9465 Changeover Night was Saturday 4th

July 2015

River Room, Tomkins Park. 6.30pm, great night for our club when

we picked up 5 awards.

PDG Brian Foley from the Mordialloc Rotary Club has some

members of their club offering to home host any members from

our club travelling to Melbourne in September for the Grand Final.

Our club changeover was on Saturday 11th

July 2015 at the Darius

Function Centre. 6 for 6.30pm. Great night had by all,

congratulations to all concerned.

The next Wellard Village Markets will be held on Sunday 9th



The WVM has moved back to its previous location while

discussions continue with the shopping centre owners. PDG John Iriks is now the Markets Manager for both the Wellard

and the City Markets.

City Square Markets

The next scheduled City Market day will be Saturday 18th


Safety Coordinator Ian C will ensure traffic signs and road closers

are in place by 7am.

PDG John Iriks gave the club an update on The Markets and The

Adventure Playground.

Both markets are progressing well, the roster for the Wellard

Markets has been fine-tuned, the City Market take very little


The Adventure Playground is in the final planning stages,

opportunity to incorporate other youth projects, land is signed off,

budget is waiting to be approved by Council. Completion expected

late 2016.

Visit your club webpage. http://www.clubrunner.ca/Portal/Home.aspx?accountid=8106

or type Kwinana Rotary Club into ‘Google’

PE Max Bird


Lorraine Lucas


PP John Brennan


PP James Sharkey

Public Relations Dir.

Fine Session Sergeant 2014 15 PP John Wallhead

Sergeant 2015 16 PP Stephen Castelli

Eric B: Left with ‘No Sole’ last meeting. Sole of his shoe fell off.

John Iriks: Couldn’t open the door to his keyless car? Only because he was too far


Chris O: How come a new road was built from your old house to your new one???

Ann S: Picking out the nuts from the nibbles.

Mike N: Forgetting to recognise the Inner Wheel President.

Carol Adams: Vote Kwinana Campaign.

Stephen C: New Sergeant.

John I: For his ‘Greece Proof Paper’ comment.

Ann S: Had to pay for her Glasses case to be returned.

Max B: Never remembers to wear his jacket until reminded.

Ian C: Jumping the queue.

Bevan P: Smartest dressed in the room.

Gail C: Copped a speeding fine.

John B: Bright tie.

Polio this week 8th July 2015

Three new cases of circulating vaccine-derived

poliovirus type 1 (cVDPV1) have been reported in

Madagascar, bringing the total number of cases to 8

in 2015.

This most recent case had onset of paralysis on 29

May in Boeni region.

These cases are genetically linked to a case reported

in September 2014, indicating prolonged and

widespread circulation of the virus.

The emergency outbreak response is now being


Ken Jackman Room at the Darius Wells Function Centre

Many other pictures are available to view on our club website, look for photo albums, Changeover 2015

Kwinana Club President 2015 16 Max Bird

with PP Mike Nella

Cathy Sharkey with PP James Sharkey PHF

PP James Sharkey receives his PHF recognition from President Max Bird

Kim Dawes Rotaract ‘Certificate of Appreciation’ Our hard working Ladies

District Governor 9465 Melodie Kevan and John

Makeup opportunities

Rockingham: Monday 6pm for 6.30 Ocean Clipper Inn

Palm beach: Wednesday 6pm for 6.30 Ocean Clipper Inn

Cockburn Thursday 7.15am for 7.30 Cockburn Seniors Centre

Fremantle Wednesday 6pm for 6.30 Villa Roma 12 High Street Fremantle

Byford & Districts Monday 6.15pm for 6.45 Byford Tavern, South W Hwy

Rotary Club of Kwinana Inc Contributions welcome: eblogg@bigpond.com

Mick and Pat' were walking in the woods when they came across a sign saying, "Tree Fellers wanted". One of them said, "Ye know, it's a shame paddy isn't here. We could have gotten that job".

"Everybody keeps saying that women are smarter than men, but did you ever see a man wearing a shirt that has buttons down the back?" An old Indian was asked what his wife's name was. "Wife Name - Three Horse." “That’s an unusual name for your wife – Three Horse – What does it mean?” “It’s old Indian name means.... Nag – Nag – Nag” A doctor is the only man who can tell a woman to take her clothes off and then bill

her for it

Why is it that anyone driving slower than you is an idiot

and anyone driving faster than you is a maniac?

A man walks into his bedroom and sees his wife packing her suitcase. He asks: "What

are you doing?"

She answers: I'm moving to Sydney. I heard that prostitutes there get paid $400 for doing

what I do for you for free."

Later that night, getting ready to leave, the wife walks into the bedroom and sees her

husband packing his suitcase. When she asks where he is going, he replies: "I'm coming

too. I want to see how you live on $800 a year..."