District 29 History

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District 29 History

Transcript of District 29 History

  • Comments from Past and Current

    Toastmaster Leaders

    Compiled by Paul E. White May 2011







  • This document is a tribute to the storied history of District 36 as it reformed into District 27, and to

    District 27 as it reformed into District 29.

    What do Toastmasters leaders say about the large Districts 27 as it completes its journey, and to the newly forming District 27 and District 29 as they

    prepare for a bright future?

    This special project, along with a photo history of District 27, were produced as part of a Legacy Project by Paul E. White, DTM - the last District Governor of the large District 27 and the first

    (interim from May - June) Governor of the new District 29.

    History is a rentless master. It has no present, only the past pushing into the future. To try to hold fast is to be swept aside.

    ~~ John F. Kennedy

  • The challenge of history is to recover the past and introduce it to the present.

    ~David Thelin Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never ever the same.

    ~Flavia Weedn The future is only the past again, entered through another gate.

    ~Arthur Wing Pinero


    This is the District 27 team and District 27 leader Jo Condrill who took our District to Presidents Distinguished in 1992 as the #1 District in the world.

    Congratulations to Jo and her team for that unprecedented success!

    For many, District 27 has always been, is and will continue to be the Number One

    Toastmaster District in the world. Soon it will be joined by a sister District 29

    ~Paul E. White * Transition Year District 27 and 29 Governor * 2010 - 2011

  • IT ALL STARTED WITH DISTRICT 36! 1983-84 PAUL H. TERRY, DTM - In January 1984, Governor Terry requested the Past District Governors' Committee to conduct a study and make recommendations to subdivide District 36.

    1984-85 MICHAEL L. WARDINSKI, DTM - The Past District Governors' Study Group for Realignment, chaired by Past International President ROBERT W. BLAKELEY, DTM, recommended that the study to subdivide District 36 be expanded. 1985-86 DORIS ANNE MARTIN, DTM continued to study the subdividing of District 36. 1986-87 RICHARD W. FATH, DTM - Governor Fath asked the Past District Governors' Advisory Committee to restudy the feasibility of splitting District 36. The District Council approved the split in May of 1987. 1987-88 EVELYN-JANE BURGAY, DTM - In July 1987, the District petitioned the Toastmasters International Board of Directors to re-form District 36 into two Districts. Immediate Past District Governor Fath, DTM, chaired the District's re-formation Committee. Past District Governor Doris Anne Martin, DTM, chaired a Past District Governors' Subcommittee that produced a District 36 Policy Manual which codified District 36 policies and governing documents into one manual and served as a guide for the re-formation process. Separate elections were held at the May 1988 District 36 Council meeting for officers of pre-District 36 and for the new pre-District 27. 1988-89 B. ROBERT MEGILL, DTM (District 36) was the last old District 36 Governor, with two LGMs and two LGETs.

    2010 2011 - District 36 Governor JACI PASLEY, DTM, "District 36 has always had strong ties with District 27. The friendship between the two districts and the members of both districts has helped everyone.

    Now District 36 will have strong ties with District 29 as well. Best of luck to both districts in the future. If you want to understand today, you have to understand the past. Pearl Buck

  • BY






    2004 - 2005

    AREF DAJANI 2006 - 2007





    By Choice




    2005 - 2006

    2005 - 2006




    2007 - 2008




    2007 - 2008

  • Our Greatest Fear Marianne Williamson

    Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

    It is our LIGHT not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?

    Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

    We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.

    It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.

    And as we LET OUR OWN LIGHT SHINE, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

    As we are liberated from our own fear, Our presence automatically liberates others. ~Marianne Williamson

  • Greetings to all friends and members of District 27, I am honored and thrilled to send greetings to you as you transition from District 27 to the new Districts 27 and 29. Over the past several years it has been a privilege to meet and visit so many of you at various events. And it is my distinct pleasure to send you best wishes for a very successful conference, as well as to wish you an outstanding year of achievements ahead. The District conference is a fabulous time to meet with new Toastmasters and share in their excitement for our program. It is an opportunity to renew connections with fellow members and discuss their progress and development within the Toastmasters learning program. There is much to discuss! A conference also provides time to share fellowship, as well as to share in the celebration of your Districts achievements. May your District continue to provide a rich learning environment where your members work toward Achieving Greatness Together. I know that countless hours of thought and preparation have gone into this conference by many of your District leaders. As a result, you are in for a great learning experience. Enjoy it to the fullest. Although I am not there in person with you this year, I am there in spirit. I congratulate District 27 and welcome new District 27 and District 29. I look forward to this new and exciting time! Yours in service,

    Pat Johnson, DTM International President (2010 - 2011) Toastmasters International Toastmasters: Achieving Greatness Together

  • To the members and guests of District 27 and 29:

    On behalf of the World Headquarters staff and Toastmasters throughout the world, I extend our congratulations in the upcoming split to District 27 and 29.

    Your continued success provides many people with the opportunity to participate in Toastmasters and improve themselves. The experiences that we have today help us and prepare us to help others in their quest for self-improvement.

    I wish to encourage each of you to continue sharing Toastmasters with your associates and friends; give them the opportunity to benefit from and enjoy the Toastmasters program that is so valuable to us.

    I wish you continued success during this year and in the future.


    Daniel Rex, DTM Executive Director Toastmasters International

  • Dear Friends, Congratulations to the Toastmasters members and leaders of District 27. Your growth and success has created a new District! Your legacy of service will now continue in District 29. To both districtscontinue to model the vision of Toastmasters International: empower people to achieve their full potential and realize their dreams. May you achieve greatness together!

    Gary Schmidt, DTM International President, 2009-2010 Toastmasters: Confidence, Leadership, Service

  • Message of Congratulations on the Historic Restructuring of District 27 Dear Friends and Fellow Toastmasters,

    As you well know, you are in the midst of a history-making process as a result of your success in growing your district, you are participating in the birth of two new districts, a new D27 and a new D29! Years from now you can say, I was there! I was part of it! I helped make it happen!

    As in most things that matter, your success did not happen overnight. Your amazing growth was the result of dedicated efforts by many outstanding leaders over many years at both the club and district level. You know who you are take a bow! To these leaders, we can sing the words of the Josh Groban lyric:

    You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas; I am strong when I am on your shoulders; You raise me up to more than I can be.

    The transition period in the restructuring of a district can be a very challenging and stressful one. It takes the best of communication and leadership skills to shepherd the emerging districts through uncharted territory. The fact that you have successfully navigated the district ships through what at times Im sure were stormy seas merits special mention. A hearty congratulations to this years district leaders: DG Paul White, LGET (West) Shu Bartholomew, LGET (East) Bessie Johnson, LGM (West) Mo Hamilton, and LGM (East) Bill Malthouse.

    Finally, my sincere congratulations go to the people who are at the top of the Toastmasters hierarchy: the members. Enjoy and savor this historic occasion and then move on to achieve higher levels of success for yourselves, your clubs, and your new districts. Tap into our organizations amazing array of tools to further develop your communication and leadership skills, introduce more people to the life-changing power of the Toastmasters programs, and inspire each other to become the persons we are meant to be.

    May you the new District 27 and new District 29 live up to the proud legacy of your former District and may you continue to be a beacon of light for every member shine on!

    Warm regards,

    Dilip Abayasekara, PIP International President 2005 - 2006 Find Your Voice, Serve Your World

  • A warm welcome to the new District 29! Congratulations to the changed District 27! Dr. Ralph Smedley said, "Our responsibilities are defined by our opportunities." With these changes come both opportunities and responsibilities. Changes like this positively effect more people than you imagined. They open the door for more leadership opportunities. Additional leaders then serve more members. In turn, more people will be exposed to the wonderful growth and life changing experiences Toastmasters provides. It is important to remember the roots are the same for both Districts. Both will benefit from looking to the future and learning from the past.

    Pauline Shirley, PIP International President 1994 1995 Make a Change for the Better

  • Tim Keck, PIP International President 1999 2000 Building a Better World

    Message of Congratulations to the Toastmasters of D-27

    Congratulations to the Toastmasters of D-27 and the soon to be D-29. In looking over the notes from current and past leaders of the district, I am reminded how many outstanding Toastmasters leaders from this district I have met over the years. Leaders from this district have contributed so much in so many areas to the benefit of Toastmasters around the world. Toastmasters of D-27 should be justifiably proud of all you have done for this wonderful organization in fostering communication and leadership skillsand in putting those skills to work in your personal and professional lives, and in making our communities better places to live.

    As a brand new Toastmaster and area governor of the recently formed Continental Council of European Toastmasters, it was my pleasure and honor to meet Past President Bob Blakeley when he visited Toastmasters in Germany in 1979. Much later I served with Joe Jarzombek on the Board when Bennie Bough held the reins as president. Your legacy book also brings back fond memories, as I read messages from a legion of outstanding International Directors and District Governors from D-27 that Ive been privileged to meet and work with during my time as an officer on the board and in the decade following.

    I wish you all every success in the years ahead.

  • Congratulations to the Leaders, Toastmasters and friends of District 27 and 29! The growth of Toastmasters in the Washington Metropolitan Area has been amazing. This could not have happened without the vision and dedication of our Toastmaster leaders to promote the Toastmaster program. You have captured our Founder's, Dr. Ralph Smedley, vision: "Ours is the only organization that is dedicated to the individual. We work together to bring out the best in each of us and we apply those skills in helping others." This vision and the support of our Toastmaster leaders have made the Toastmaster program a worldwide reality. District 27 has given hope and confidence to many individuals to communicate effectively in the workplace, in their community and their families. District 27 has been so effective that now, we embark on a new journey-a new district-District 29. Our new district will shine and grow touching even more individuals who aspire to become better communicators. No wonder, we keep growing. May success continue to be a hallmark of both Districts 27 and 29.

    Bennie Bough, DTM, PIP International President 1992 1993 Dynamic Clubs Deliver

  • HAIL AND FAREWELL REFLECTIONS The personal touch, in all levels of our work, is one of [Toastmasters] distinguishing features. We are working together. (pg. 6 Smedley- Personally Speaking) Growth and service have been, and are, the hallmarks of my 52 year Toastmaster experience. Recognizing that the size of a District dictates the effectiveness of service to the member and club has generated decisions of restructuring.

    In 1961, District 66 was created from southern Virginia; District 18 was created in 1966 from the northern Maryland and Delaware area; District 27 was created in 1989. This year, District 29 will hold forth in northern Virginia. All of this happened because of effective leadership that focused on service to the member. In a few years we will face additional restructuring. To all of the involved leaders, in both District 27 and District 29, I extend deep appreciation for your visionary leadership and for insuring that our program properly serves the member. I am proud we are Toastmasters.

    Robert W. Blakeley, DTM, PIP International President, 1976 1977 Be Proud Youre a Toastmaster

  • Jim Heeren, DTM, PDG Past District 45 Governor Region Advisor Marketing, Region 7 (2011-2013)

    When I was serving as a district leader in New Hampshire for District 45, I admired from afar the leaders of District 27; Bennie Bough, Pauline Shirley, Dick Fath, Fran Gedra, Jo Condrill, George Scott, Jr, Barbara Hunt, Ralph Compton, and Karen Booker. I often wondered how District 27 was so successful, especially in growth of new clubs.

    District 45 enjoyed success in most years but District 27 experienced marketing success unheard of in District 45. When I relocated to Virginia and transferred to District 27 I learned the secret of District 27 marketing success. It wasnt taught in District Officer training! The secret of District 27s marketing success was the power of its committed teamwork that results in more productive marketing results. It is my goal as Region Advisor to consult with leaders in Region 7 to share strategies, the Legacy of District 27, to help them achieve success as Toastmaster leaders!

  • Comments from the first International Director and first Region Advisor from District 27

    Having served as a district officer in several districts, I can attest to the fact that District 27 has had a rich talent base from which to draw upon for leadership roles. Having served on several D27 teams since 1991, I am proud of the fact that many past district leaders have continued to serve in supportive roles; lending their time and talent to assist in accomplishing club and district performance goals for many years.

    Even though I did not serve as a District Governor in District 27, I did serve as D27 Public Relations Officer the year (1991-92) our D27 team achieved #1 President's Distinguished District with Jo Condrill as District Governor. It was at the Aug 1992 Toastmasters International Convention when D27 was recognized as #1Presidents Distinguished District that I was elected to the Board of Directors; becoming the first Region 7 International Director from D27. Since that time District 27 has produced several Region 7 International Directors. District 27 also produced the first two Region Advisors Marketing for Region 7 with me in 2010-2011 and Jim Heeren in 2011-2012.

    Because of the continued involvement by past district leaders, District 27 has had the fastest, sustained growth of clubs in Region 7. Even though D27 is the youngest District in Region 7, it will reform into two districts - each as large as most other districts in the Region - attributable much to the continued involvement of a talented leadership base within District 27.

    Proud member of District 27,

    Joe Jarzombek, DTM, PID (1992-1994) Region Advisor Marketing, Region 7 (2010-2011) Region Advisor Marketing, Region 9 (2011-2012)

  • Long Live District 27 Old ! Long Live District 27 New! Long Live District 29!

    The strength of any District lies within the membership of its people. Having watched over the years as the

    present District 27 grew from its infancy to its present strength, I heartily welcome its rebirth as well as its

    giving birth to a new District 29.

    As a member of District 36 and active participant in the birthing of District 27 many years ago, it is my

    pleasure to salute all who have called District 27 its home and wish to celebrate its members success to cause it to outgrow its managerial boundaries and capabilities, so as to require the creation of a new sister district to be known as District 29.

    It is the member, not the number, that tell the story of successful district leaders. Thus, I honor all District

    Toastmasters who have contributed to the Districts success over the years and who will pledge their energies and resources to ensure the newly reformed District 27- as well as the newly borne District 29 will continue to

    be successful, build new leaders, and celebrate its successes and that of its members for years to come.

    I pay tribute to all those Toastmasters in the present District 27 who have contributed and -- will continue to

    contribute -- their skills, knowledge, wisdom, leadership, passion and desire to ensure both Districts successes.

    It was my pleasure that over the years, and especially as a member of Toastmasters International Board of

    Directors, I had the opportunity to work with members and current and past leaders of this District. I have

    personally witnessed the phenomenal spirit of District 27 Toastmasters who hold the torch to light anothers path and help its members to walk on the path to ToastMastery, as well as to continue to offer positive

    opportunities with exceptional results.

    Annelie Weber, DTM International Director 2008-2010 Region VII

  • It has been my great privilege to learn and grow with the members of District 27 as your Past International Director 2006-2008. I have met so many wonderful leaders and members that will be fulfilling leadership roles in the future, and have mentored quite a few as well. I give to each of you the very best wishes for success as you begin your new journey as two Districts - District 27 and District 29. It won't change anything - you will still be awesome people and incredible leaders!"

    Val Albert, DTM, PID International Director Region VII 2006 - 2008

  • I have learned so much from the leaders and role models of District 27. It was an honor to serve as Region VII's International Director 2000-2002. Every success as Districts 27 and 29 begin this new and exciting Toastmasters journey. Each District is destined to share this exciting road to success together!

    Pamela Judd, DTM PID Region VII 2000-2002

    Dear Friends in District 27,

    Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning. Benjamin Franklin

    You have been so very successful at bringing the benefits of Toastmasters to so many people that you are giving rise to a new District. Hats off to the members and leaders in District 27.

    I wish you continued success and continued growth and progress in District 27 and District 29.

    Jim Kokocki, DTM Past International Director Region VII 2002-2004

  • Thru the years, the old District 27 has been one of the better managed Districts in the old Region VII. It is no surprise to me that the District has created enough growth to warrant it being split into two Districts.

    I am sure the new leaders in District 27 and 29 will continue the tradition of excellence that I remember in District 27.

    Bob Bradshaw, DTM, PID International Director 2005-2007 Dear Friends, Congratulations on the amazing growth you've achieved in the last 22 years! It has been a personal joy to have had a small part in your history. All the best wishes for continued growth and success as you continue to help our members "Learn the arts of speaking, listening, and thinking!"

    Kathy Miles, DTM, PID International Director 2003-2005 "Go The Extra Mile!"

  • My congratulations go out to District 27 and to the newly formed District 29. District 27 has a proud history of achieving distinguished status over several years. Now District 29 has the opportunity to establish its own legacy of achieving distinguished status and inspiring exemplary leaders.

    My best wishes go out to Districts 27 and District 29 as they continue their excellent service for their toastmaster members and clubs.

    Frank P. Connelley, DTM, PID International Director 2001 - 2003 My theme was "It's the Member - Not the Number". With the focus on the Member and Clubs we were able to achieve success and start a string of 3 years in row of Distinguished District. May Districts 27 & 29 continue take care of your members and clubs and in doing so enjoy many future successes.

    Chris Rio, DTM Distinguished District 38 Governor 2007-2008 From the old District 29 DG (2000-2001) to The new District and DG wishing you the very best as you charter a new journey as a district.

    Neville Thompson, DTM Distinguished District 29 Governor 2000 2001 Spread the Word


    2009 - 2010

    ON THE



  • Join us on the Path to ToastMASTERY was the district theme for 2009-2010. During that year we continued to grow the district as we drafted plans for the re-formation of the district to become two. Along this path we were faced with a few speed bumps. By years end we met or exceeded all the districts educational performance goals in the production of Competent Communicator, Advanced Communicator, and Leadership awards. We met our new club goal and we collected 99.44% of needed member payments. A record number of clubs, areas, and divisions were distinguished or better.

    John Lesko, DTM District Governor 2009 2010 On the Path to ToastMastery

  • 2008 - 2009

  • My District 27 leadership began in 2005 thanks to Brent Stidley and Vince Caldwell.

    Moving down through the ranks, I was elected District Governor for the 2008-2009 year, and what a great year it was.

    The Division Governors, Area Governors, and District Staff formed a great team. The

    wonderful District Staff was comprised of all men which was terrific for a single woman--

    John Lesko (LGET), Paul White (LGM), David Vurdelja (Secretary), Greg Passes

    (Treasurer), and Garvey McIntosh (Sergeant-at-Arms). My two primary mentors were Joe

    and Sharyn Jarzombek.

    One of the greatest moments for me occurred because of the fabulous team I was

    fortunate enough to lead. We were the first District in Region VII to reach

    Distinguished Status due to the teams dedication and hard work. District 27 finished the year as #27 in the world (out of 81 Districts).

    I am deeply indebted to leaders from both Districts 40 and 27 who served as mentors. Im a better person, communicator and leader thanks to their coaching. Ive learned the member is the most important part of leadership in this organization, delegation is

    essential, and dont sweat the small stuff even though its important. When you take advantage of P.O.W.E.R., it all works out.

    Lillian O. Cooke, DTM Distinguished District 27 Governor 2008-2009

    P.O.W.E.RPowerful Opportunities with Exceptional Results




    2007 - 2008

  • Ideas, Enthusiasm.ACTION! 2007-2008 The 2007-2008 year was one in which we harnessed the successes of past years, and poised ourselves for future success. It is easy to point to a few statistics, or reflect on a particular accomplishment, but the truth is that it was the totality of the accomplishments that generated the statistics, and I was (and remain) honored to have been District Governor during this time. If there is any legacy that I would like remembered from this time, it is the concept that I opened with at our 2007 Hail and Farewell and closed with at our 2008 Hail and Farewell. It is not the job of the clubs to make the district distinguished, but rather the job of the district to make the clubs distinguished. It is a mindset that I think guides us in our programs and our actions.

    Heath Suddleson, DTM Distinguished District Governor 2007 2008 International Director Region VII 2009 - 2011 Ideas, Enthusiasm, Action




    2006 - 2007

  • "My theme was going to be "TESTIFY!" The logo? A thunderbolt. The fall conference? A good old-fashioned Revival. Popcorn for all! I settled on "Relax, it's only Toastmasters", complete with Mardi Gras logo and an official gesture embraced region-wide. I thought that a District Gesture would be fun for the District to try out. I cleared it through a professional sign language interpreter to ensure that it didn't communicate anything not intended!! In the end, the gesture took slightly different forms, depending on the dexterity of the member! Some people said "It's Just Toastmasters" instead of "It's Only Toastmasters". I was delighted. The members internalized the Theme and made it work for them. Along with Annual International Themes, Annual District Themes serve a great purpose: to establish a vision and bring people together. Then-Division Governor Otis Wilson abbreviated the theme to "Let's R.I.O.T!" Brilliant! Take ourselves seriously? Never! We RIOTed all the way to Distinguished status, three years running! The Hail & Farewell culminated with fireworks of the good kind at the Lansdowne Resort. A fitting end for a wonderful year."

    Aref Dajani, DTM Distinguished District Governor 2006 2007 Relax, Its Only Toastmasters






    2005 - 2006

  • 2005-2006 District 27 Governors Reflections It was one of the best years in the history of District 27 because of how the entire District worked together to make a very successful year. We set records for CCs ACs, CLs. It was because all the members were motivated, inspired and encouraged to Achieve Excellence by Choice.

    As a result of the member commitment to achieving their own goals, the District reached new heights of achievement as well. Our membership grew. Our leaders grew in their development. Our district grew. We grew 17 new clubs that year. We celebrated individual achievement with the introduction of the Triple Crown Award. We had one of the longest hug lines that helped welcome newly minted Distinguished Toastmasters.

    The stars of the District were aligned and shone brightly that year. In fact, the light emanating from our stars shone so brightly that the light could be seen all across the Toastmasters Universe. We were ranked 13th in the world that year. We dared to reach for stars and became one of them.

    Vince Caldwell, DTM Distinguished District Governor 2005 2006 Achieving Excellence By Choice

  • Submission pending.



    2003 - 2004

  • What can you Imagine will happen in a year? Can you Imagine how Toastmasters will help you reach your potential and dreams? The 2003-2004 dynamic team of leaders Imagined the possibilities and served the members with enthusiasm and dedication. Together we celebrated distinguished for 5 of 6 divisions, 70% of areas and many clubs. We experienced the loss of a bright star who gave generously to everyone he touched with the passing of Past International Director, Distinguished Toastmaster Dick Fath. We worked through the growing pains of a new World Headquarters computer system with no progress reports until late February. We managed to save clubs, charter clubs and end the year with a net growth of 10, all clubs paid. We grew in friendship, nurtured new leaders, developed new skills while improving old skills and had fun. We found that the possibilities were endless. We discovered that we could Imagine.

    Viki Kinsman, DTM District Governor 2003 2004 Imagine

  • MIKE



    2002 - 2003

  • membering his points, but he knew his difficulty and had set as his objective learning to speak without notes. He was proud of his achievement, and I was proud with him. That was probably the first time I appreciated the power of Toastmasters to help people realize their goals. I still believe, as I learned then and recounted whenever I could as District Governor, that

    I remember my year as District Governor as the best of times and the worst of times. Yes You Can was my theme, but no I couldnt proved to be the case. Then, as now, the challenge of reaching individual goals and testing personal limits seemed far more important and rewarding than meeting an organizational standard. The many tests I faced that year really only prepared me for personal challenges that still lay ahead of me, and I am grateful for that. In my first year as a Toastmaster, I heard a member deliver a speech without notes. He had a hard time staying on message and remembering his points, but he knew his difficulty and had set as his objective learning to speak without notes. He was proud of his achievement, and I was proud with him. That was probably the first time I appreciated the power of Toastmasters to help people realize their goals. I still believe, as I learned then and recounted whenever I could as District Governor, that Yes You Can achieve what you truly want to. I am glad that I can still work within Toastmasters to help others appreciate that too.

    Mike Schultz, ATM Gold (for life) District Governor 2007 2008 Yes You Can

  • Reflections Be the Magic 2001-2002

    Memories of Magic were most apparent during 9/11. The members pulled together to comfort each other and honor their commitment to goals they set.

    As I traveled the District seeing members make the commitment to the Area/Division Contests that led up to a most successful Fall Conference you could feel that they could do magic and be anything they desired.

    Throughout the rest of the year the Magic continued with team work. You are the best team ever (yes, I know who you are). You worked for each member and the for the good of the district

    My mantra was and is Dont Do It Yourself. Seeing members grow when they are given the opportunity to assist in areas they never thought they could achieve is Magic.

    My first experience outside of my club (Get The Edge) was when a former District Governor asked me to take on the role of Area Governor and that was all I was ever going to do. Enough said.

    As the District becomes 2 Districts my wishes are for each to find and Be the Magic that is Toastmasters.

    Kathy Fox, DTM District Governor 2001 2002 Be the Magic that is Toastmasters





    2000 - 2001

  • My 2000-2001 theme was "Focus on Fulfillment." It was a year of tremendous growth for me; one in which I came face-face with my strengths and shortfalls. In the Toastmaster International year of "Friends Helping Friends Succeed," it was a joy being the District Governor in one of the friendliest, most supportive districts in Toastmasters. This is not just my perception. At the Regional Conference Training, this was confirmed by the other seven districts who voted LGET Kathy Fox, LGM Mike Schultz, and I as the team within the Region that worked best together. When the District hosted Toastmaster International President JoAnna McWilliams just as our year began, President McWilliams also found it incredulous that we all seemed to really like one another and looked forward to working together. Our camaraderie and our Focus on Fulfillment helped us have a good year, even though we did not earn the Distinguished District honor from Toastmasters International. We worked hard for Toastmasters and had fun doing so.

    Karen Booker, DTM District Governor 2000 - 2001 Focus on Fulfillment

  • 1998-1999District 27 celebrated its 10th year anniversary. I believed we could be a Distinguished District for a fourth consecutive yearan accomplishment never before attained by our District. Spread Your Wings arose from my desire to see our district perennially distinguished and our members continually evolving into successful speakers and leaders. We succeeded through the efforts of a wonderful team who shared the vision and volunteered to spread their wings and help. If you helped, insert your name here: THANK YOU _________________! We were like earthbound caterpillars that spin their cocoons, enclose themselves withinand soon emerge as exquisite children of the airbutterflies. Members metamorphosed - beginning as hesitant, shy, or even terrified speakers, they became confident, poised speakersseizing the attention of the audience and holding it with their new skills. Others soared far above original horizons, breaking through barriers and emerging as leaders at all levels. We all have strengths and weaknesses. We can all improve. In 1998-1999, our members broke through their own challenging cocoons and soared far above their known limitations. It was an incredible year of achievements befitting the theme - Spread Your Wings.

    Marianne Meadows, DTM Distinguished District Governor 1998 - 1999 Spread Your Wings



    ROGER D.


    1997 - 1998

  • Power UP! With Toastmasters 1997 1998 My fellow District 27 Toastmasters. In my inaugural speech as District Governor I told you I felt humbled that our members would entrust the leadership of our great district to me, and I remain humbled to this day. So much of the success I have achieved since those years in Toastmasters Leadership; from serving as a Club President, as an Area Governor and as a District Leader and continuing through my time as an International Director to today came as a result of the lessons you, my fellow toastmasters so selflessly offered to me over the years. You who so patiently provided those lessons are too many to mention, but you know who you are. Know also, that I am forever grateful for the opportunity to know you, to grow with you, and perhaps in some small way to have helped you become the speaker, the leader, and the mentor that you are today. I believe that the only legacy a person leaves is the effect they have on those they touch; you have all touched me deeply. I thank you, and wish you all a wonderful future as our District becomes two.

    Rodger D. Baker, DTM, PID Distinguished District Governor 1997 1998 Past International Director Region VII Power Up with Toastmasters





    L. HUNT


    1995 1996

  • I became District Governor in 1995. Our theme was Aspire to Inspire. Jim Queen (then an ATM Silver and now a DTM) wrote a poem that we repeated many times during the year:

    When you aspire to inspire, you help to light a fire. It's a joy when you speak from the heart. Whether at work or at play, you have something to say. When you say it, you're doing your part. You're making a new contribution, or maybe a better solution. So before you retire, set your sights a little higher. Come with us and aspire to inspire.

    My goal was for the District to be distinguished that year and for 4 years following. We were distinguished that year and for 3 years following. That success was a testament to the concentrated effort of every member in District 27, of the leadership team, and of John Hunt, who was my District Gopher. I also had a lot of support from the President of Toastmasters International, Ian Edwards, who taught me a lot about promoting Toastmasters in the community.

    In February, 1996, we had a recognition breakfast for agency heads and for company leaders who supported Toastmasters programs by providing space for the meetings and/or by giving employees the time to participate. It was held at the Secretary's dining room, US Department of Agriculture. It was a successful event. Some club memberships grew as a direct result.

    Barbara Hunt, DTM Distinguished District Governor 1995 1996 Aspire to Inspire

  • DO IT! 1993 1994



  • DISTRICT 27 1993-1994 The District theme for 1993-1994 was "Do * It! - and the theme did not come from Nike!. The idea for the theme came way before Nike; it came from my Mother, who always told me, if you want to do anything, just "do it!" That became my theme for the year, for all Toastmasters in the District. Whatever you want to do, whatever you want to accomplish, "DO * IT! The star became part of the theme as I presented star pins to anyone who achieved an educational or leadership goal. The 1993-1994 year for District 27 was a GREAT one!!! A STELLAR year! District 27 achieved President's Distinguished District as #5 in the world! We did not strive to be a PDD - it just happened by everyone working -individually and collectively- as a team. THANKS to all the members who made that year one of the most exciting, most memorable and MOST distinguished in the history of District 27!

    Fran Gedra Green, DTM, PID Distinguished District Governor 1993 1994 International Director Region VII Do * It!

  • GIVE




    Jo E.




  • Reflections . . . How can one forget! The people, the excitement, the joy of growing together.

    My master mind group, the group at the Xerox Hilton overnight printing our district directory, the newsletter editor who licked stamps for the first newsletter with me as we rode the Atlanta metro from the airport to the international convention.

    The Leadership Breakfasts for club presidents, the conferences, and the leaders who gathered in my condo at the end of May when we were Distinguished to discuss whether we should let it go at that or give a final push for #1.

    Special efforts like those of Glenda Davis who missed the Hail and Farewell to get one more CTM registered. I could name a thousand people, but space limits dont allow.

    From the bottom of my heart, I love you, District 27 team 1991-1992 who ran with me, as Lou Falasco put it, during a sweet spot in time.

    Jo Condrill, DTM, PID Distinguished District Governor 1991 1992 International Director Region VII 1994 - 1996 Give It All Youve Got


  • This big district of mine, I'm gonna let it shine. Don't need to *make* it shine, Just gonna let it shine. We follow TIs line We wont fall behin Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine! All these divisions of mine, I'm gonna let 'em shine. All their areas and clubs, They too all will shine. All you members too, We're gonna really shine, And thats how the District shines!

    Newbies, CCs and CLs, All are doin just fine. AC and ALs, See their skills combine. And the DTMs, Have a long huggie line. We all shine, we all shine, we all shine! Everywhere we speak, We're gonna let it shine. Each day of the week, We're gonna let it shine. Distinguished status we seek, So we can let it shine, Let 27 shine, let it shine, let it shine!


    Composed by District 27s poet laureate ~Dave Aronson

  • This little light of mine

    The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be the beginning.

    ~Ivy Baker Priest

    SHINE 27!

    SHINE 29!

    Paul E. White District 27 Governor 'Let It Shine' "We cannot hold a torch to light another's path without brightening our own." ~Ben Sweetland

  • The MAGIC OF TOASTMASTERS is being yourself and having fun in good company.

    Toastmasters is a connection to life a tie to the past, a path to the future.

    Compiling this tribute to District 27s glorious past and its warm welcome messages and wishes for the success of new District 27 and new District 29 has been an honor.

    ~Paul E. White * Transition Year District 27 and 29 Governor * 2010 - 2011

    DG Lillian Cooke, LGET John Lesko and LGM Paul White making a light bulb magically SHINE in the hand of International Director Annelie Weber.