Dissecting the factors shaping fish skin microbiomes in a ...RESEARCH Open Access Dissecting the...

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  • RESEARCH Open Access

    Dissecting the factors shaping fish skinmicrobiomes in a heterogeneous inlandwater systemYaron Krotman1*†, Timur M. Yergaliyev2*†, Rivka Alexander Shani2, Yosef Avrahami2 and Amir Szitenberg2*


    Background: Fish skin microbiomes are rarely studied in inland water systems, in spite of their importance for fishhealth and ecology. This is mainly because fish species distribution often covaries with other biotic and abioticfactors, complicating the study design. We tackled this issue in the northern part of the Jordan River system, inwhich a few fish species geographically overlap, across steep gradients of water temperature and salinity.

    Results: Using 16S rRNA metabarcoding, we studied the water properties that shape the skin bacterialcommunities, and their interaction with fish taxonomy. To better characterise the indigenous skin community, weexcluded bacteria that were equally abundant in the skin samples and in the water samples, from our analysis ofthe skin samples. With this in mind, we found alpha diversity of the skin communities to be stable across sites, buthigher in benthic loaches, compared to other fish. Beta diversity was found to be different among sites and toweakly covary with the dissolved oxygen, when treated skin communities were considered. In contrast, watertemperature and conductivity were strong factors explaining beta diversity in the untreated skin communities. Betadiversity differences between co-occurring fish species emerged only for the treated skin communities.Metagenomics predictions highlighted the microbiome functional implications of excluding the water communitycontamination from the fish skin communities. Finally, we found that human-induced eutrophication promotesdysbiosis of the fish skin community, with signatures relating to fish health.

    Conclusions: Consideration of the background water microbiome when studying fish skin microbiomes, acrossvarying fish species and water properties, exposes patterns otherwise undetected and highlight among-fish-speciesdifferences. We suggest that sporadic nutrient pollution events, otherwise undetected, drive fish skin communitiesto dysbiosis. This finding is in line with a recent study, showing that biofilms capture sporadic pollution events,undetectable by interspersed water monitoring.

    Keywords: Microbiome, 16S rRNA metabarcoding, Biodiversity, Inland water system, Fish, Cutaneous mucus

    IntroductionThe importance of the cutaneous mucus in fish is wellestablished. The teleost epidermal mucus provides me-chanical protection against physical and biological harm;thanks to its viscosity and high turnover [1, 2], and it con-tains agents taking part in ecological interactions [3]. Add-itionally, it is a primary immune response site, in whichthe innate immune system and antimicrobial peptides are

    highly active [4]. Other biochemical activities involvingdefensins, lysozymes and lectin-like agglutinins addition-ally respond to pathogens [5]. In contrast, many mutualis-tic and commensal microbes are well adapted to use themucus as adhesion site and can evade the defence mecha-nisms it provides [6]. This community also interferes withinfections [7–9], via competition or antagonistic interac-tions [10, 11]. Dysbiosis of the skin microbial communitycan drive it out of homoeostasis and promote infection[12], although not every perturbation in the microbiomemust lead to the loss of function [13].Although the skin microbiome in fish has not been the

    focus of microbiome research, some important progress has

    © The Author(s). 2020 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andreproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link tothe Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver(http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.

    * Correspondence: amir@adssc.org†Yaron Krotman and Timur M. Yergaliyev contributed equally to this work.1Independent Ichthyologist, Be’er Tuvia, Israel2Dead Sea and Arava Science Center, Dead Sea Branch, 8693500 Masada,Israel

    Krotman et al. Microbiome (2020) 8:9 https://doi.org/10.1186/s40168-020-0784-5


  • been made by a few research groups. The skin microbiomeis known to be affected by both environmental and fishspecies dependent factors [14, 15], with evidence for co-phylogeny in coral reef fish [15]. On the population level,however, the existence of microbiome covariation with hostgenetics is inconsistent among systems [16–18]. Inter-population variation appears to rely, in part, on variableresolution of antagonistic relationships among micro-bial species [17]. Capture stress has been shown to correlatewith microbiome contamination, in particular by Vibriospp. [19]. Conversely, perceived opportunistic pathogenssuch as Vibrio spp. appear to constitute small fractions ofnormal microbiomes and culture-dependent techniquesgrossly over-represent them [20]. Additional studies identi-fied stress indicators [21] and probiotics candidates [22],both with conceivable applications in aquaculture andnature conservation, as well as the finding that captivityreduces the skin microbiome biodiversity [18, 23, 24].Consistent salinity bioindicators were also recovered in anexperimental system utilizing euryhaline fish [25].While most of the current research is targeted at fish spe-

    cies with commercial relevance [2, 26–29] or food safety[30], a few studies have dissected wild fish communities orpopulations, utilizing deep-sequencing culture-independentmethods [15, 16, 31] and leaving the vast majority of wildhabitats unexamined [32]. In the wild, particularly in frag-mented and heterogenous inland water systems, it is diffi-cult to test the effect of geographically varying abioticconditions on a given species, since the fish communitycomposition often covaries with them [25].In this work, we have sampled the upper reaches of the

    Jordan River system and Springs Valley streams, northand south of the Sea of Galilee, respectively. This rangeincludes heterogeneous sites, differing in fish communitycomposition and water properties. We sampled mostly innature reserves, although three of the sites suffer human-induced eutrophication, one of which is a settling pooland two others receiving fish farm and fishpond outlets.The geographic range of a few fish species in this part ofthe system partially overlap, thus allowing us to study hostand site-dependent effects on fish skin microbiomes. Dueto the sensitivity of the sampled ecosystem, we employeda non-destructive sampling procedure, swabbing thecaptured fish on site and immediately releasing them. Ourresults reveal effects of both fish species and sampling siteon the skin microbiome, highlight the importance of con-sidering the background microbial contamination of theswab samples by the water and show that eutrophicationmay drive the skin microbiome to dysbiosis.

    ResultsSamplingTo study the microbial diversity in freshwater fish skinand the factors shaping it, we have sampled a cumulative

    number of 14 species from 17 locations representingthree streams north of the Sea of Galilee (three to sixsites in each stream) and two streams to its south (oneand two sites per stream). We will hereafter denote thetwo regions the “northern” and “southern” basins (Fig. 1;Additional file 4: Table S1). Additionally, we collected 2 lof water in each site. In total, we accumulated 176 fishskin swab samples and 17 water bottles. In the northernbasin, Capoeta damascina (Cyprinidae) were collectedfrom all sites in the Hermon (H) and Snir (S) streams,and from two sites in the Jordan River (J). The speciesmost co-occurring with C. damascina was Oxynoema-cheilus insignis (Nemacheilidae), which was found inthree H sites, one S site and one J site. Unlike C. damas-cina, O. insignis was also captured in Tel-SaharonimStream (T, southern basin). Another relatively widelydispersed group included the Tilapiine (Cichlidae) spe-cies Coptodon zillii (formerly Tilapia), Sarotherodongalilaeus and hybrids of Oreochromis aureus, which werefound in three J sites in the northern basin, co-occurringwith C. damascina in one site, and in the two southernbasin streams, co-occurring with O. insignis in one site.The remaining species, belonging to Cyprinidae, Haplo-chrominae (Cichlidae), Poeciliidae and Mugilidae, had anarrow geographic rage and a small geographic overlapwith other species (Additional file 4: Table S1).

    Sequence data: “raw swab” and “skin-corrected” bacterialcommunitiesTo minimize our impact on the sampling site, we rubbedfish along their lateral line on site, using sterile swabs,and immediately released them. This method resulted invariable DNA quantities retrieved from each swab, and asubset of samples was selected post hoc. According toalpha diversity rarefaction curves, the alpha diversity inboth swab and water samples was thoroughly repre-sented by 1000 sequences or more (Additional file 1:Figure S1). Consequently, after exclusion of organellereads that may amount to as much as half the sequencedata, we retained 120 fish skin samples and 10 watersamples, with a mean sequence read count of 2996sequence reads, ranging from 1022 to 6686 reads of indi-vidual samples. We considered this dataset to represent“raw swab communities”. We further filtered the biomtable to include only amplicon sequence variants (ASV)that were unique to swab samples, or that had significantlyhigher relative abundance in swab samples than in watersamples, based on Benjamini–Hochberg corrected [33]Mann–Whitney U test [34]. This data set was de-noted the “corrected skin communities”. Throughoutthe results, we address both the raw swab communi-ties and the corrected skin communities to study theeffect of this analytic procedure.

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  • Key bacterial amplicon sequence variants in the fish skinmicrobiomeThe bacterial classes recovered from raw swab communi-ties, having the highest median relative abundances (Fig. 2a,grey boxes), belonged to Alphaproteobacteria (12%), Acti-nobacteria (11%), Gammaproteobacteria (10%), Bacilli (3%)

    and Fusobacteriia (3%). The corrected skin community(Fig. 2a, orange boxes) had higher representation of Bacilli(7%) and Fusobacteriia (4%) and lower representation ofGammaproteobacteria (6%) and Alphaproteobacteria (8%),in comparison with the raw swab communities. It is note-worthy that although not very abundant in the raw or

    Fig. 1 Sampling area. Samples were collected north (green bullets) and south (red bullets) to the Sea of Galilee, across temperature andsalinity gradients

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  • corrected communities, class Bacteroidia (Bacteroidetes)had a much higher median relative abundance in the rawswab communities (3%) than in the corrected skin commu-nities (0%). Posterior distributions of μ differed significantlybetween the raw swab samples and the corrected skin sam-ples for all these classes (p value < 0.001), although the 95%CI overlapped for Bacilli and Fusobacteriia. Prominent gen-era (Fig. 2b), mostly belonging to these classes, includedCetobacterium sp. (Fusobacteriia, 3 and 4% in the raw andcorrected community respectively), Anaerobacillus sp.(Bacilli, 1 and 2%) and Skermanella sp. (Alphaproteobacteria,2 and 4.5%).

    Bacterial diversityThe following approach was taken to study the factorsshaping the fish skin microbiome. Alpha and beta diver-sity were quantified with Faith’s phylogenetic diversity(Faith PD) index [35] and an unweighted UNIFRAC [36]pairwise distance matrix, respectively. Significance differ-ences among location and fish taxonomy categories werethen tested with Benjamini–Hochberg corrected [33]Kruskal–Wallis [37] and PERMANOVA [38] tests, foralpha and beta diversity, respectively. Principal coordi-nates analyses (PCoA) [39, 40] were used to visualisebeta diversity clusters and the proportion of total va-riance they explain, coupled with biplot analyses [40], todetect the ASVs that change among the PCoA clusters.ANCOM tests [41] were used to identify ASVs that varybetween sites or fish taxa. We further used Pearson cor-relation [42] to study the correlation between the watertemperature, conductivity, pH or dissolved oxygen, andthe Faith PD values, or the first or second PCoA axis

    values. The entire procedure was carried out twice, forthe raw swab communities and the corrected skincommunities.

    Alpha diversityAlpha diversity results are summarised in Fig. 3. Similarmean Faith PD values were found in raw swab communities(8.6 ± 2.6 SD) and water sample communities (9.2 ± 2.2),compared to the lower values computed for corrected skincommunities (3.7 ± 0.8). When considering the raw swabcommunities, both the stream (p value = 1.8 × 10− 11) andfish family or tribe (p value = 0.002) were significant factors,with many significant pairwise differences among streams(10− 7 < q value < 0.01; Fig. 3a; Additional file 5: Table S2).Some additional significant differences were foundamong fish taxa, but only among largely non-overlappingfish families (Cyprinidae and Haplochrominae; q value =0.047, Cyprinidae and Tilapiinae; q value = 0.047; Fig. 3b;Additional file 6: Table S3). For these pairs of taxa, wecannot tease apart the location effect from that of fishtaxonomy due to the covariance of the two factors.Faith PD μ posterior distribution differences amongsites (Additional file 2: Figure S2 A) and fish families(Additional file 2: Figure S2 B) corresponded with theseresults. Temperature (Fig. 3c), conductivity (Fig. 3d) andpH (Fig. 3e), explained large proportions of the variance inraw swab community Faith PD values (R2 = 0.37, 0.29 and0.1, respectively).When considering the corrected skin communities, all

    pairwise differences between streams were non-significant,in contrast with the raw swab community results. The onlysignificant differences found were between Nemacheilidae

    Fig. 2 Relative abundance distributions of a bacterial classes (phyla) and b genera (classes) assignable to amplicon sequence variants (ASVs)recovered from water samples (blue boxes), skin samples (grey boxes) and corrected skin communities (orange boxes)

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  • and each of its co-occurring fish taxa Cyprinidae (q value =0.015 and Additional file 2: Figure S2B) and Tilapiinae (qvalue = 0.015 and Additional file 2: Figure S2B). Addition-ally, posterior distributions of the corrected skin samples’Faith PD μ values were lower than for the raw swabsamples for all sites (Additional file 2: Figure S2C) and fishfamilies (Additional file 2: Figure S2D). For the correctedskin communities, the water temperature, conductivity andsalinity no longer explained Faith PD values (R2 = 0.02, 0.06and 0.04, respectively). The Faith PD values of the watercommunities covaried with those of the raw swab

    communities, with the exception of sites with low watertemperatures (Fig. 3c).While the Qiime2 PCoA analysis has the advantage of

    incorporating the ASV phylogeny through the UniFracdistance matrix, it utilises linear functions to reduce thedimensionality of the data. Similarly, Pearson’s correl-ation assumes linear relationships between the PCoAaxes and the environmental measurements tested. Toevaluate the extent to which assumptions of linearitybias the results, we have repeated the analysis, replacingthe PCoA analysis with a kernel principal component

    Fig. 3 Bacterial alpha diversity. Faith PD distribution in swab bacterial communities (grey) and corrected skin communities (orange) in a streamsand b fish families/tribes, and their correlations with water c temperature, d conductivity, e pH and f percent dissolved oxygen. Water sampleFaith PD values are in blue

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  • analysis (PCA). Kernel PCA, while agnostic to the ASVphylogeny, allows to compare a linear kernel with a ra-dial basis function (RBF) kernel, which does not assumelinearity [43]. We then tested the correlation of principalcomponents with environmental measurements usingepsilon support vector regression (SVR) [44], with a lin-ear kernel or RBF kernel (non-linear). The results ofboth linear and non-linear non-phylogenetic approachessupported those described in Additional file 3: Figure S3.

    Beta diversityBoth stream-based (Additional file 7: Table S4) and fishfamily-based (Additional file 8: Table S5) groupings wereglobally significant for the raw and corrected communities(p value = 0.001), as well as pairwise stream comparisons(0.001 < q value < 0.004). However, significant differencesbetween pairs of fish taxa that co-occur geographicallywere found only for the corrected skin communities.These pairs included Nemacheilidae and its co-occurringfish taxa (Cyprinidae, Haplochrominae and Tilapiinae witha q value < 0.007 in the three comparisons). Differencesbetween co-occurring fish taxa were not recovered for rawswab communities.PCoA results for the raw swab communities, water

    sample communities and corrected skin communitiesare shown in Fig. 4a, b. For the raw and corrected com-munities, the first PCoA axis explained 14.7 and 14.8%of the total variance, respectively, and the second 7.2and 10%, respectively. Despite the similar percent of ex-plained variance between the raw and corrected commu-nities, north and south basin distinctiveness was lost inthe corrected dataset (Fig. 4b). Water sample communi-ties from the northern basin clustered separately fromraw swab samples from the northern basin, but weresimilar to water samples and raw swab samples from thesouthern basin (Fig. 4a).The explanatory ASVs changed between the raw and

    corrected communities, with Cetobacterium (ASV 58d0),a salinity bioindicator [25], having the strongest effect forthe raw swab communities (Fig. 4a), and the anaerobes[45] Phycisphaeraceae (ASV 9830) and Anaerobacillus(ASV e942) for the corrected communities (Fig. 4b). Ac-cordingly, in Fig. 4a, temperature, conductivity and pH(Fig. 4c–e) correlated strongly with the first PCoA axisvalues of the raw swab communities (R2 = 0.75, 0.66 and0.31, respectively), but this effect was mostly lost for thecorrected skin community values (R2 = 0.07, 0.01 and 0.06,respectively) and a weak correlation with the dissolvedoxygen was observed instead (Fig. 4f, R2 = 0.19). The sec-ond PCoA axis had weaker correlations with any of thewater measurements than the first axis. For the secondaxis, the raw swab community values correlated with pHand dissolved oxygen measurements (R2 = 0.17 and 0.26,respectively) and the corrected skin community values

    correlated with the temperature measurements (R2 =0.14).To summarise, beta diversity in the raw swab communi-

    ties is best explained by the water salinity or temperature.The corrected skin communities, however, are less af-fected by water characteristics, of which dissolved oxygenlevel is the strongest. Accordingly, in the raw swab com-munities, a salinity bioindicator bacterium varies the most,whereas for the corrected skin communities we detectlarge variations in anaerobic bacteria. It is important tonote that dissolved oxygen measurements were not takenin the H stream, and thus, the strength of this finding istentative.As for the alpha diversity, we evaluated how assump-

    tions of linearity may bias the results, by comparing thelinear and RBF kernels in a kernel PCA framework [43],followed by SVR [44] with linear or RBF kernel. ForPC1, we similarly observed a reduction in the proportionof explained variance between the raw swab and cor-rected skin datasets for temperature, conductivity andpH. For the dissolved oxygen, R2 depended on the kernelbut was similar between the raw swab and corrected skindatasets. For PC2, the dissolved oxygen was not domin-ant either, independently from assumptions of linearity(Additional file 3: Figure S3).

    Basin-specific PCoATo further investigate the relationship between the fish tax-onomy and the skin microbiome, we carried out anotherPCoA, separating the northern and southern basins to in-crease the geographic range overlap of the included fishtaxa in each analysis (Fig. 5). This analysis supported theimportance of the sampling site in explaining the betadiversity in the raw swab communities (Fig. 5a and b, ad-dressing the northern and southern basins, respectively,with marker shapes representing the different streams).However, stream separation was reduced when analysingthe corrected skin community in the northern basin(Fig. 5c). This analysis further exposes a clear separationbetween Nemacheilidae and Cichlidae (Haplochrominae +Tilapiinae), for the raw swab communities (Fig. 5a) andmore so for the corrected skin communities (Fig. 5c).According to ANCOM test, the bacterium explaining thedifference between Nemacheilidae and Cichlidae is Exiguo-bacterium (ASV 0cb4) for both the raw and correctedcommunities.

    Proteobacteria–Bacteroidetes ratios reveal dysbiosis ineutrophic sitesThe ratio between Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes isassociated with fish health, with compromised individ-uals having increased Bacteroidetes relative abundances[46]. We compared the relative abundances of thesephyla among the sampling sites to derive ecological

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  • Fig. 4 Beta diversity across the study area. Principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) of a swab bacterial communities and b corrected skin bacterialcommunities. The first and second PCoA axes correspond to the y and x axes of each plot, respectively. The percent variance explained by eachaxis is denoted as the axis label. The four most important ASVs and their effect sizes are indicated by biplot arrows. Subplots c to j demonstratethe correlation of the first (c, f) and second (g, j) PCoA axis values with the temperature (c, g), conductivity (d, h), pH (e, i) and dissolved oxygen(f, j). Circle and square markers denote the northern and southern basins respectively. Blue, grey and orange markers denote water, swab andcorrected skin communities, respectively

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  • insight (Fig. 6), checking both the raw swab communi-ties (Fig. 6a) and the corrected skin communities(Fig. 6b). A clear connection emerged for the correctedskin community, associating elevated Bacteroidetes rela-tive abundances and reduced Proteobacteria relative abun-dances with human-induced eutrophication, site H.0.6being a settling pool, site J.1 a fish pond outlet and sitesS.2 and S.3 situated just upstream and downstream of afish farm outlet. T.2, which was not initially categorised as

    eutrophic, also had a high relative abundance of Bacteroi-detes. This is a shallow site amidst agricultural land.

    Predicted metabolic differences between the raw swabcommunities and the corrected skin communitiesTo understand the effect of water background contamin-ation on the inference of fish skin microbiomes and thereconstruction of metabolic models that would be re-covered from their metagenomes, we employed PICRUSt

    Fig. 5 Beta diversity in the a, c northern and b southern basins. PCoA of a, b swab bacterial communities and c corrected skin bacterialcommunities. The first and second PCoA axes correspond to the x and y axes of each plot, respectively. The percent variance explained by eachaxis is denoted as the axis label. The 2–4 most important ASVs and their effect sizes are indicated by biplot arrows. Marker colors denote differentfish taxa, and marker shapes the different streams. Marker sizes denote specific sites within streams

    Fig. 6 Relative abundances of Bacteroidetes (orange) and Proteobacteria (green) in the a raw swab bacterial communities and b corrected skinmicrobial communities

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  • [47]. PICRUSt predicts a metagenome based on ASVsand bacterial genomes available in online databases.Figure 7 summarises the number of metabolic pathwayswith a significantly different relative abundance betweenthe raw and corrected predicted metagenomes, accord-ing to their KEGG category. The most frequent KEGGcategories with significantly different pathway represen-tations were “Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites”,“Microbial metabolism in diverse environments” and“Biosynthesis of antibiotics”. This indicates that the rawswab communities and the corrected skin communitieswould produce different metabolic models, with respectto the ecological function of their members.

    DiscussionFreshwater fish skin microbiomeFew studies have investigated skin microbiomes in fresh-water fish, and it is not clear if it is fundamentally differentthan those of marine fish. Larsen et al. [14] have sampledthe catadromous Mugil cephalus in marine environments

    and found it to have an uncharacteristically high relativeabundances of Alphaproteobacteria, compared to thestrictly marine fish they have sampled. A similar excess ofAlphaproteobacteria was found in wild Salmo salar [18]and Salvelinus fontinalis [17], anadromous salmonid spe-cies. Amazon River fish were also found to have highAlphaproteobacteria under certain physicochemical con-ditions [31]. In stark contrast, Gammaproteobacteriadominated the skin microbiome in wild S. salar fry [24],and also that of Silurus glanis, a catfish caught in the wild[16]. Of the five instances, the catfish is the only strictlyfreshwater inhabitant, but it lacks scales.In this study, we have investigated freshwater fish and

    identified Alphaproteobacteria as having the highestmedian relative abundance, highlighting their dominanceas a possible feature of some freshwater fish skin micro-biomes, compared to marine fish [15, 48]. Such a differ-ence is conceivable due to consistent abiotic differencesbetween marine and freshwater habitats, and the result-ing differences in fish biology between them. However,

    Fig. 7 Functional differences between the raw swab bacterial communities (orange) and corrected skin communities (green). Each bar denotesthe number of KEGG pathways with a significant relative abundance difference between the raw and corrected communities, in each of theKEGG pathway categories (x axis)

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  • with such few and methodologically different studies offreshwater fish, and the exceptions that exist amongthem, this hypothesis requires further study.

    Site-related factors shaping the fish skin microbiomeBased on alpha and beta diversity analyses, the raw swabcommunities of some of the sites are clearly different fromthe water communities in the same location, particularlywhen water temperature is low. This may form the impres-sion that the raw swab communities properly represent theskin microbiome in fish. However, our results show thatthis may be misleading and the water background contam-ination should be formally addressed. Water measure-ments, especially the temperature, may seem to governalpha and beta diversity of fish skin communities. Thetemperature and conductivity may be perceived as over-whelmingly strong effects on beta diversity in particular(R2 = 0.75 and 0.66 for the first PCoA axis). However, whenthe water background contamination is addressed, these ef-fects are lost completely for alpha diversity, and becomemuch weaker, in the case of beta diversity, where the per-cent dissolved oxygen and temperature emerge as twoweak factors (R2 = 0.18 for the first axis and R2 = 0.15 forthe second axis, for oxygen and temperature, respectively).Statistical tests of group effects on the alpha and beta

    diversity support this finding. Alpha diversity differencesamong streams are completely lost following the elimin-ation of background water contamination, revealing aconstant alpha diversity in fish skin among streams inthe system. Beta diversity significantly differs amongmost pairs of streams for the raw and corrected commu-nities, but the ASVs causing these differences changewith the elimination of background contamination. Ceto-bacterium, a skin microbiome salinity bioindicator [25],emerges as the main source of variation among sites, butthis effect is lost following the treatment of backgroundnoise, and Phycisphaeraceae and Anaerobacillus becomethe main varying component. Both Phycisphaeraceae[45] and Anaerobacillus are facultative or strict anaer-obes and accordingly they change with the dissolvedoxygen levels.To summarise, in the studied area, the alpha diversity

    of fish skin microbiomes is governed by limiting factorsset by the skin mucus and are independent from the abi-otic condition differences among sites. Beta diversityseems to be sensitive mainly to dissolved oxygen levelsin the water, bearing in mind that dissolved oxygen mea-surements are missing from the H stream. This findingis consistent with the results obtained by Sylvain et al.[31] who found dissolved oxygen to be a stronger waterproperty than the temperature, salinity and pH inshaping the skin microbiome composition in two AmazonRiver species. Sylvain et al. [31] identified even stronger

    chemical properties, which we have not accounted for inthis study.

    Fish taxonomy effects on fish skin microbiomesAlpha diversity differences between spatially overlappingfish taxa significantly emerge only when the water back-ground contamination is addressed, highlighting onceagain the importance of this analytic procedure. The O.insignis skin microbiome has a higher alpha diversity thanco-occurring species. Beta diversity differences between O.insignis and co-occurring species is also detected, and thestatistical significance of these comparisons persist withthe elimination of background contamination. We do nothave the scope to determine the source of this difference,with fish phylogeny or niche among the possible sources,O. insignis being strictly benthic and C. damascina, themost common cyprinid, strictly pelagic.

    Anthropogenic eutrophication promotes skin dysbiosisWe have a priori defined three sites as interrupted, inwhich human activity produces excess nutrients that arereleased into the water. These include a settling poolfeeding into the Hermon Stream (site H.0.6), a site inthe Snir Stream downstream a fish farm outlet (S.3) anda fishpond outlet on the Jordan River (J.1). The relativeabundances of the two phyla, Proteobacteria and Bacter-oidetes, strongly covary with these levels of interruptedand uninterrupted sites, where Bacteroidetes relativeabundances increase at the expense of Proteobacteria, atthe interrupted sites. The relationship between thesetwo phyla is a hallmark of dysbiosis and reduced fishhealth, in the skin microbiome [46], although differentfactors can have similar biodiversity signatures. An add-itional site, which we have not a priori identified asinterrupted, also presented elevated Bacteroidetes rela-tive abundances. This site is a very small water body,which is likely to be easily enriched by runoff. As Fig. 6bshows, the treatment of background noise is crucial todistinguish an increase of Bacteroidetes in the waterfrom real skin dysbiosis. This result supports the findingof Legrand et al. [46] as a useful ecological bioindicatorfor monitoring wild environments. Further, it is in linewith the notion that sporadic pollution events of aquaticenvironments cannot always be detected by bulk watermonitoring strategies, while biofilms do capture suchevents and bear testament to them [49].

    Predicted skin microbiome function changes with theconsideration of background noiseTo predict the implications of background noise treat-ment for functional inference, we compared the KEGGpathway composition between the raw and correctedpredicted metagenomes. We have found that the re-moval of variants that equally occur in the skin and

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  • water microbiomes fundamentally changes the variety ofpotential pathways in the metagenome. The largest changebetween the raw and corrected microbial skin communitieswas in KEGG pathways related to the biosynthesis ofsecondary metabolites, microbial metabolism in diverseenvironments and the biosynthesis of antibiotics. Thesecategories are fundamental to the way bacteria interact withtheir environment and a metagenomic analysis of this sortwould be more accurate, taking background noise effectson the microbiome composition into consideration.

    ConclusionIn this study, we highlight the importance of a formalconsideration of water background noise in fish skinmicrobiomes, when studying heterogenous inland sys-tems, in which fish species and environmental condi-tions covary. In the northern Jordan River system, northand south of the Sea of Galilee, we identify a consistentalpha diversity among sites, indicating that the limitingfactors of alpha diversity in the skin microbiome are setby the mucus itself, and not by water properties. Wefurther identify the dissolved oxygen to play a role ingoverning the community composition on the skin, inaccordance with a previous research. Finally, we find theratio of Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes in the skinmicrobiome, a useful and informative biomarker forfreshwater habitat monitoring.

    MethodsStudy area, sampling procedure and fish identificationSamples were collected between August and October2017 from 17 sites in the Northern Jordan River watersystem, nine of the sites representing the upper reachestributaries Hermon and Snir, five sites representing thenorthern Jordan River itself and three additional sitesfrom the Springs Valley Jordan River tributaries (Fig. 1,Additional file 4: Table S1). Fish collection was commis-sioned by the Israeli Nature and Park Authority (NPA),as a part of their monitoring program, under permit2017/41719. Fish were collected using either an electro-shocker or a seine and placed in multiple large con-tainers to avoid contact among individuals. The fishwere classified on site, swabbed along the lateral lineusing a sterile swab and released immediately. Fish spe-cies were identified according to the following criteria:Oxynoemacheilus insignis (Heckel, 1843) is the onlyloach in the system. Astatotilapia flaviijosephi (Lortet,1883) is the only haplochromine in the system, and it istherefore the only cichlid with egg-shaped marks on itsanal fin. Coptodon zillii (Gervais, 1848) is a cichlid witha dotted tail fin and 8–9 protrusions per gill raker. Sar-otherodon galilaeus (Linnaeus, 1758) is a cichlid with aclear convex tail fin and over 13 protrusions per gillraker and a black mark on the operculum. Oreochromis

    hybrids are cichlids with striped tail fins and over 17protrusions per gill raker. Gambusia affinis (Baird andGirard, 1853) is the only killifish in the study area andidentifiable by its size (< 5 cm) and superior mouth.Mugilidae individuals escaped from fish farms in the re-gions (The Jordan River system has no marine outlet.)and were identified by their general mugilid form.Within Cyprinidae, Carasobarbus canis (Valenciennes,1842) and Barbus longiceps (Valenciennes, 1842) eachhave two pairs of barbels. B. longiceps with an elongatedhead and over 50 scales along its lateral line. C. canis isdistinguishable by its short head and very large scales,less than 40 along the lateral line. Capoeta damascina(Valenciennes, 1842) has one pair of barbels and verysmall scales, over 70 along its lateral line. Garra nana(Heckel, 1843) and Garra jordanica Geiger and Freyhof,2014 have small, barely visible barbels. G. jordanica hasa suction cup and G. nana a fold, under the lower lip.Acanthobrama lissneri Tortonese, 1952, has elongatedand compressed body, with deeply forked tail and up to12 cm adult total length, and Pseudophoxinus kervillei(Pellegrin, 1911) is of similar size, has circular bodysection and a forked tail with a black stain at the base.In addition to swab samples, in each sampling site, 2 l

    of water were filtered using a sterile mixed celluloseesters 0.45-μm-pore-size filter. The swabs and filterswere kept in ice on site and transferred to a − 80 °C untilfurther processing. The water temperature, conductivity,pH and percent dissolved oxygen were measured at eachsite using a YSI ProPlus with a Quatro Cable multipa-rameter cable, with the exception of dissolved oxygen atHermon Stream (H) sites and pH at two Jordan River (J)sites.

    16S rRNA library preparationDNA was extracted from the swabs and filters using theDNeasy PowerSoil and PowerWater DNA extraction kits(Qiagen), respectively, following the manufacturer’s in-structions. Metabarcoding libraries were prepared usinga two-step PCR protocol, in which the first PCR reactionis designed to amplify the genetic marker along withartificial overhang sequences and the second PCR reac-tion is designed to attach sample specific barcodesequences and Illumina flow cell adapters. The forwardand reverse PCR primers in the first reaction were ′5-tcgtcggcagcgtcagatgtgtataagagacagCCTACGGGNGGCWGCAG-′3 and ′5-gtctcgtgggctcggagatgtgtataagagacag-GACTACHVGGGTATCTAATCC-′3, respectively, in-cluding the target-specific primers for the V3–V4 region[50] with overhangs in lowercase. For the second PCRreaction, the forward and reverse primers were ′ ′5-AATGATACGGCGACCACCGAGATCTACACtcgtcggcagcgtcagatgtgtataagagacag-′3 and ′5-CAAGCAGAAGACGGCATACGAGATXXXXXXgtctcgtgggctcgg-3′,

    Krotman et al. Microbiome (2020) 8:9 Page 11 of 15

  • with Illumina adapters (uppercase), overhang comple-mentary sequences (lowercase), and sample-specificDNA barcodes (‘X’ sequence). The PCR reactions werecarried out in triplicate, with the KAPA HiFi HotStartReadyMix PCR Kit (KAPA biosystems), in a volume of25 μl, including 1 μl of DNA template and following themanufacturer’s instructions. The first PCR reactionstarted with a denaturation step of 3 min at 95 °C,followed by 35 cycles of 20 s denaturation at 98 °C, 15 sof annealing at 55 °C and 7 s of polymerization at 72 °C.The reaction was finalized with another 1-min-longpolymerization step. The second PCR reaction was carriedout in a volume of 25 μl as well, but with 10 μl of thePCR1 product as DNA template. It started with a denatur-ation step of 3 min at 95 °C, followed by 8 cycles of 20 sdenaturation at 98 °C, 15 s of annealing at 55 °C and 7 s ofpolymerization at 72 °C. The second PCR reaction wasalso finalized with another 1-min-long polymerizationstep. The first and second PCR reaction products werepurified using AMPure XP PCR product cleanup and sizeselection kit (Beckman Coulter), following the manufac-turer’s instructions, and sequenced on an Illumina MiSeqto produce 250 base-pair paired-end sequence reads. Thesequencing was carried out by the genomics applicationslaboratory at the faculty of medicine, Hebrew University.The raw sequence data is archived in NCBI under BioPro-ject PRJNA560003 (Temporary reviewer’s link: https://bit.ly/2YWRTvC).

    Amplicon sequence variance, taxonomy assignment andbackground noise treatmentThe bioinformatics analysis is provided on GitHub, athttps://git.io/fjFZo (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3583001) as aJupyter Notebook (https://bit.ly/2z7teFm), coupled withraw data and intermediate and output files. Sequence datatrimming, amplicon sequence variant (ASV) predictionand taxonomic identification were carried out in Trimmo-matic 0.39 [51] (https://bit.ly/2Hcv6AZ) and DADA2 1.12[52]. The naive Bayesian classifier used to predict taxo-nomic identities was trained with data from the SILVASSU-rRNA database version 132 [53] (https://bit.ly/2OZXrkl). The resulting ASV biom table was filtered withQIIME2 2019.4 [54] to exclude ASVs assignable to eu-karyotes or eukaryotic organelles and include ones with atleast 100 copies in at least two samples (https://bit.ly/30euZwh). Following alpha rarefaction analysis (https://bit.ly/2NeetsA), the ASV biom table was further filtered toexclude samples with less than 1000 sequences. A subsetof the ASV biom table was created to represent the skinmicrobiome without ASVs that are likely to belong strictlyto the water (https://bit.ly/2Z4vXhp). In this subset, we in-cluded ASVs that were unique to the swab samples, orthat had a significantly higher relative abundance in theswab samples than in water samples, based on Benjamini–

    Hochberg corrected [33] Mann–Whitney U test [34](https://bit.ly/2HbEyEP). To carry out this test, we usedSciPy 1.2 [55] and StatsModels 0.10 [56]. The original andcorrected probability values are denoted as “p value” and“q value”, respectively. This process is regarded as “back-ground noise treatment”, and the subset as the “cor-rected skin community” throughout the text. To studythe taxonomic composition of the samples (https://bit.ly/2TMkEFl) and the relationship between Proteobac-teria and Bacteroidetes in the different sampling sites(https://bit.ly/33GUgkL), we collapsed the ASV biomtable to taxonomic tables (https://bit.ly/2z9Qlic) usingQIIME2 2019.4 [54].

    Biodiversity analysesTo study the factors shaping alpha diversity, we computedFaith phylogenetic diversity (Faith PD) indices [35] for eachsample, and tested the global and pairwise effect of streamand fish family levels, using the Kruskal–Wallis test [37] inQIIME2 2019.4 [54] (https://bit.ly/2OZPfR2). Faith PD de-pends on the number of ASVs in the sample, their pairwisephylogenetic distances and their relative abundances. Wefurther tested the correlation of Faith PD values with thewater measurements using SciPy 1.2 [55]. This was carriedout for both the raw swab communities and the correctedskin communities (https://bit.ly/2z6v217).To study the factors shaping beta diversity, we pro-

    duced unweighted UNIFRAC matrices [36] which wereused for principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) [39, 40],biplots [40] and PERMANOVA tests [38] in QIIME22019.4 [54] (https://bit.ly/2OZPfR2). The factors consid-ered were the stream of origin and the family or tribe ofthe host fish. For the latter, we carried the analyses perbasin to increase the geographic overlap of the fish spe-cies. This procedure was carried out for both the rawswab communities and corrected skin communities. Wefurther tested the correlation of the water measurementswith the values along the first and second PCoA axes, inorder to explain these axes, using SciPy 1.2 [55] (https://bit.ly/2KV9Vod). Finally, we executed ANCOM tests[41] to identify the bacterial ASVs explaining the groupseparation between significantly different fish families(https://bit.ly/2KH1M7O).

    Evaluating assumptions of linearity in the biodiversityanalysisThe UniFrac-based PCoA analysis and subsequent Pearson’scorrelation assume linear relationships in various steps. Togage the importance of such assumptions in biasing theresults, we utilised the kernel principal component analysis(PCA) and support vector regression (SVR), implemented inScikit-learn [57]. Kernel PCA is agnostic to the ASV phyl-ogeny and was therefore not preferred as our primary work-flow. However, a direct comparison between the non-linear

    Krotman et al. Microbiome (2020) 8:9 Page 12 of 15


  • radial basis function (RBF) kernel and a linear kernel [43] isavailable in both the Kernel PCA and SVR [44] steps,making this approach particularly suited to evaluate linearityassumptions (https://bit.ly/2rf396V).

    Posterior distributions for Faith PD and relativeabundance expected meansWe have taken a Bayesian approach to evaluate the poster-ior Faith PD mean (μ) of the different site and fish familylevels, as well as the μ relative abundance of bacterial taxain the raw swab and corrected skin samples. The analysiswas carried out in PyMC3 [58] (https://bit.ly/2M5P5nm),using normal priors with the sample mean. We additionallycomputed posterior distributions for the difference betweeneach pair of compared μ values, expressed as the subtrac-tion of μ1 and μ2, divided by the pooled standard deviationof both parameters. The pooled standard deviation wasexpressed as the sum of standard deviations, divided by 2.Posteriors were sampled at least 11,200 times per param-eter, in four chains, until convergence.

    Functional implications of background noise treatmentsin swab samplesTo predict the differences in relative abundances of meta-bolic pathways between the raw and treated swab commu-nities, we predicted their metagenomes and abundances ofKEGG ENZYME terms [59], using PICRUSt 2.1.4-b [47](https://bit.ly/2ZcYSf4). ENZYME term abundances wereconverted to relative abundances using pandas 0.42 [60]and the differences between the raw and corrected sam-ples were tested with Benjamini–Hochberg corrected [33]Wilcoxon tests [61] in SciPy 1.2 [55] and StatsModels 0.10[56]. The original and corrected probability values are de-noted as “p value” and “q value”, respectively. The KEGGPATHWAY categories of each significantly different entrywere retrieved with Biopython’s REST KEGG API [62].

    Supplementary informationSupplementary information accompanies this paper at https://doi.org/10.1186/s40168-020-0784-5.

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. Alpha rarefaction curves for each fishfamily or tribe, denoted by the color legend. The x axis is the size ofsequence reads subsample and the y axis is the Shannon diversity in thesubsample.

    Additional file 2: Figure S2. Posterior distributions of μ pairwisedifferences (A and B) and of μ (C and D) in streams and fish families. Eachconfidence interval represent one of four posterior sampling chains thatwere carried out for each comparison or for each level. Grey intervalsrepresent the raw swab samples and the orange interval represent theskin corrected samples.

    Additional file 3: Figure S3. A comparison of R2 values betweenapproaches with and without assumptions of linear relationships. Toevaluate the effect that assumptions of linear relationships have on theproportion of principal component values that is explained byenvironmental factors, we compared the R2 values that were obtainedwith a linear kernel with those obtained with an RBF kernel. This was

    carried out with kernel PCA followed by SVR between PC1 or PC2, andone of the water physicochemical measurements.

    Additional file 4: Table S1. The number of fish swabs collected fromeach fish species in each site. Sites are sorted according to stream andbasin. Fish species are sorted by family or tribe. Site codes correspondwith Fig. 1. N northern basin, north of the Sea of Galilee; S southernbasin, south of the Sea of Galilee; IH exotic haplochromine; OHOreochromis hybrid.

    Additional file 5: Table S2. Pairwise Kruskal–Wallis tests for alphadiversity differences among streams, for raw swab bacterial communitiesand corrected skin bacterial communities.

    Additional file 6: Table S3. Pairwise Kruskal–Wallis tests for alphadiversity differences among fish families or tribes, for raw swab bacterialcommunities and corrected skin bacterial communities.

    Additional file 7: Table S4. Pairwise PERMANOVA tests for betadiversity differences among streams, for raw swab bacterial communitiesand corrected skin bacterial communities.

    Additional file 8: Table S5. Pairwise PERMANOVA tests for betadiversity differences among fish families or tribes, for raw swab bacterialcommunities and corrected skin bacterial communities.

    AcknowledgementsWe are grateful to Dr. Dana Milshtein from Israel Nature and Parks Authorityfor her assistance and support.

    Authors’ contributionsAS and YK designed the study and collected the samples. YK identified thefish. RSA carried out the lab work. TY, AS and YA analysed the data. TY, ASand YK wrote the manuscript. All authors read and approved the finalmanuscript.

    FundingThis research was funded by ICA in Israel, grant 03-16-06a. The funding bodywas uninvolved in the design of the study and collection, analysis and inter-pretation of data and in the writing of the manuscript.

    Availability of data and materialsThe datasets generated and analysed during the current study are availablein the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) BioProjectrepository under the accession number PRJNA560003. Data and script arearchived as a GitHub release (https://git.io/fjFZo, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3583001).

    Ethics approval and consent to participateNot applicable.

    Consent for publicationNot applicable.

    Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

    Received: 31 August 2019 Accepted: 5 January 2020

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    IntroductionResultsSamplingSequence data: “raw swab” and “skin-corrected” bacterial communitiesKey bacterial amplicon sequence variants in the fish skin microbiomeBacterial diversityAlpha diversityBeta diversityBasin-specific PCoAProteobacteria–Bacteroidetes ratios reveal dysbiosis in eutrophic sitesPredicted metabolic differences between the raw swab communities and the corrected skin communities

    DiscussionFreshwater fish skin microbiomeSite-related factors shaping the fish skin microbiomeFish taxonomy effects on fish skin microbiomesAnthropogenic eutrophication promotes skin dysbiosisPredicted skin microbiome function changes with the consideration of background noise

    ConclusionMethodsStudy area, sampling procedure and fish identification16S rRNA library preparationAmplicon sequence variance, taxonomy assignment and background noise treatmentBiodiversity analysesEvaluating assumptions of linearity in the biodiversity analysisPosterior distributions for Faith PD and relative abundance expected meansFunctional implications of background noise treatments in swab samples

    Supplementary informationAcknowledgementsAuthors’ contributionsFundingAvailability of data and materialsEthics approval and consent to participateConsent for publicationCompeting interestsReferencesPublisher’s Note